51 research outputs found

    Mice With Decreased Number of Interneurons Exhibit Aberrant Spontaneous and Oscillatory Activity in the Cortex

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    GABAergic (γ-aminobutyric acid) neurons are inhibitory neurons and protect neural tissue from excessive excitation. Cortical GABAergic neurons play a pivotal role for the generation of synchronized cortical network oscillations. Imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms underlies many neuropsychiatric disorders and is correlated with abnormalities in oscillatory activity, especially in the gamma frequency range (30–80 Hz). We investigated the functional changes in cortical network activity in response to developmentally reduced inhibition in the adult mouse barrel cortex (BC). We used a mouse model that displays ∼50% fewer cortical interneurons due to the loss of Rac1 protein from Nkx2.1/Cre-expressing cells [Rac1 conditional knockout (cKO) mice], to examine how this developmental loss of cortical interneurons may affect basal synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, spontaneous activity, and neuronal oscillations in the adult BC. The decrease in the number of interneurons increased basal synaptic transmission, as examined by recording field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) from layer II networks in the Rac1 cKO mouse cortex, decreased long-term potentiation (LTP) in response to tetanic stimulation but did not alter the pair-pulse ratio (PPR). Furthermore, under spontaneous recording conditions, Rac1 cKO brain slices exhibit enhanced sensitivity and susceptibility to emergent spontaneous activity. We also find that this developmental decrease in the number of cortical interneurons results in local neuronal networks with alterations in neuronal oscillations, exhibiting decreased power in low frequencies (delta, theta, alpha) and gamma frequency range (30–80 Hz) with an extra aberrant peak in high gamma frequency range (80–150 Hz). Therefore, our data show that disruption in GABAergic inhibition alters synaptic properties and plasticity, while it additionally disrupts the cortical neuronal synchronization in the adult BC

    Nicotinamide enhances myelin production after demyelination through reduction of astrogliosis and microgliosis

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    Caloric restriction is the chronic reduction of total caloric intake without malnutrition and has attracted a lot of attention as, among multiple other effects, it attenuates demyelination and stimulates remyelination. In this study we have evaluated the effect of nicotinamide (NAM), a well-known caloric restriction mimetic, on myelin production upon demyelinating conditions. NAM is the derivative of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) and a precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a ubiquitous metabolic cofactor. Here, we use cortical slices ex vivo subjected to demyelination or cultured upon normal conditions, a lysolecithin (LPC)-induced focal demyelination mouse model as well as primary glial cultures. Our data show that NAM enhances both myelination and remyelination ex vivo, while it also induces myelin production after LPC-induced focal demyelination ex vivo and in vivo. The increased myelin production is accompanied by reduction in both astrogliosis and microgliosis in vivo. There is no direct effect of NAM on the oligodendrocyte lineage, as no differences are observed in oligodendrocyte precursor cell proliferation or differentiation or in the number of mature oligodendrocytes. On the other hand, NAM affects both microglia and astrocytes as it decreases the population of M1-activated microglia, while reducing the pro-inflammatory phenotype of astrocytes as assayed by the reduction of TNF-α. Overall, we show that the increased myelin production that follows NAM treatment in vivo is accompanied by a decrease in both astrocyte and microglia accumulation at the lesion site. Our data indicate that NAM influences astrocytes and microglia directly, in favor of the remyelination process by promoting a less inflammatory environment

    The adhesion molecule TAG-1 is required for proper migration of the superficial migratory stream in the medulla but not of cortical interneurons

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    AbstractThe neural cell adhesion molecule TAG-1 has been implicated in the tangential migration of neurons of the caudal medulla and of cortical interneurons. In the former case, protein is expressed by the neurons as they migrate, and blocking its function results in altered and reduced migration in vitro. In the latter case, protein is expressed, in part, by the pathway the interneurons use to reach the cortex, and in vitro experiments propose a role for TAG-1 in this system, as well. However, the in vivo requirement of TAG-1 in these migrations has not been investigated. In this report, we analyze the developmental phenotype of TAG-1-deficient animals in these two migratory systems. We show that mutant mice have smaller lateral reticular nuclei as a result of increased cell death in the superficial migratory stream of the caudal medulla. On the other hand, the absence of TAG-1 does not affect the number, morphology, timing and routes of GABAergic interneurons that migrate from the ganglionic eminences to the cortex. Therefore, TAG-1 function is required for the survival of the neurons of some precerebellar nuclei, while it is not required for cortical interneuron migration in vivo

    Selective Axonal Expression of the Kv1 Channel Complex in Pre-myelinated GABAergic Hippocampal Neurons.

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    In myelinated fibers, the voltage-gated sodium channels Nav1 are concentrated at the nodal gap to ensure the saltatory propagation of action potentials. The voltage-gated potassium channels Kv1 are segregated at the juxtaparanodes under the compact myelin sheath and may stabilize axonal conduction. It has been recently reported that hippocampal GABAergic neurons display high density of Nav1 channels remarkably in clusters along the axon before myelination (Freeman et al., 2015). In inhibitory neurons, the Nav1 channels are trapped by the ankyrinG scaffold at the axon initial segment (AIS) as observed in pyramidal and granule neurons, but are also forming "pre-nodes," which may accelerate conduction velocity in pre-myelinated axons. However, the distribution of the Kv1 channels along the pre-myelinated inhibitory axons is still unknown. In the present study, we show that two subtypes of hippocampal GABAergic neurons, namely the somatostatin and parvalbumin positive cells, display a selective high expression of Kv1 channels at the AIS and all along the unmyelinated axons. These inhibitory axons are also highly enriched in molecules belonging to the juxtaparanodal Kv1 complex, including the cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) TAG-1, Caspr2, and ADAM22 and the scaffolding protein 4.1B. Here, taking advantage of hippocampal cultures from 4.1B and TAG-1 knock-out mice, we observed that 4.1B is required for the proper positioning of Caspr2 and TAG-1 along the distal axon, and that TAG-1 deficiency induces alterations in the axonal distribution of Caspr2. However, the axonal expression of Kv1 channels and clustering of ankyrinG were not modified. In conclusion, this study allowed the analysis of the hierarchy between channels, CAMs and scaffolding proteins for their expression along hippocampal inhibitory axons before myelination. The early steps of channel compartmentalization preceding myelination may be crucial for stabilizing nerve impulses switching from a continuous to saltatory conduction during network development

    Inhibitory axons are targeted in hippocampal cell culture by anti-Caspr2 autoantibodies associated with limbic encephalitis

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    International audienceContactin-associated protein-like 2 (Caspr2), also known as CNTNAP2, is a cell adhesion molecule that clusters voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv1.1/1.2) at the juxtaparanodes of myelinated axons and may regulate axonal excitability. As a component of the Kv1 complex, Caspr2 has been identified as a target in neuromyotonia and Morvan syndrome, but also in some cases of autoimmune limbic encephalitis (LE). How anti-Caspr2 autoimmunity is linked with the central neurological symptoms is still elusive. In the present study, using anti-Caspr2 antibodies from seven patients affected by pure LE, we determined that IgGs in the cerebrospinal fluid of four out seven patients were selectively directed against the N-terminal Discoïdin and LamininG1 modules of Caspr2. Using live immunolabeling of cultured hippocampal neurons, we determined that serum IgGs in all patients strongly targeted inhibitory interneurons. Caspr2 was highly detected on GAD65-positive axons that are surrounding the cell bodies and at the VGAT-positive inhibitory presynaptic contacts. Functional assays indicated that LE autoantibodies may induce alteration of Gephyrin clusters at inhibitory synaptic contacts. Next, we generated a Caspr2-Fc chimera to reveal Caspr2 receptors on hippocampal neurons localized at the somato-dendritic compartment and post-synapse. Caspr2-Fc binding was strongly increased on TAG-1-transfected neurons and conversely, Caspr2-Fc did not bind hippocampal neurons from TAG-1-deficient mice. Our data indicate that Caspr2 may participate as a cell recognition molecule in the dynamics of inhibitory networks. This study provides new insight into the potential pathogenic effect of anti-Caspr2 autoantibodies in central hyperexcitability that may be related with perturbation of inhibitory interneuron activity

    Association of TAG-1 with Caspr2 is essential for the molecular organization of juxtaparanodal regions of myelinated fibers

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    Myelination results in a highly segregated distribution of axonal membrane proteins at nodes of Ranvier. Here, we show the role in this process of TAG-1, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol–anchored cell adhesion molecule. In the absence of TAG-1, axonal Caspr2 did not accumulate at juxtaparanodes, and the normal enrichment of shaker-type K+ channels in these regions was severely disrupted, in the central and peripheral nervous systems. In contrast, the localization of protein 4.1B, an axoplasmic partner of Caspr2, was only moderately altered. TAG-1, which is expressed in both neurons and glia, was able to associate in cis with Caspr2 and in trans with itself. Thus, a tripartite intercellular protein complex, comprised of these two proteins, appears critical for axo–glial contacts at juxtaparanodes. This complex is analogous to that described previously at paranodes, suggesting that similar molecules are crucial for different types of axo–glial interactions

    Subdomain-mediated axon-axon signaling and chemoattraction cooperate to regulate afferent innervation of the lateral habenula

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    A dominant feature of neural circuitry is the organization of neuronal projections and synapses into specific brain nuclei or laminae. Lamina-specific connectivity is controlled by the selective expression of extracellular guidance and adhesion molecules in the target field. However, how (sub)nucleus-specific connections are established and whether axon-derived cues contribute to subdomain targeting are largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the lateral subnucleus of the habenula (lHb) determines its own afferent innervation by sending out efferent projections that express the cell adhesion molecule LAMP to reciprocally collect and guide dopaminergic afferents to the lHb-a phenomenon we term subdomain-mediated axon-axon signaling. This process of reciprocal axon-axon interactions cooperates with lHb-specific chemoattraction mediated by Netrin-1, which controls axon target entry, to ensure specific innervation of the lHb. We propose that cooperation between pretarget reciprocal axon-axon signaling and subdomain-restricted instructive cues provides a highly precise and general mechanism to establish subdomain-specific neural circuitry

    Editorial: Recent Advances in Myelin Plasticity

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