545 research outputs found

    Effects of Traffic Incidents on Adjacent Facilities and Alternative Re-Routing Strategies

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    This study presents an analysis of detour operations as a concept of congestion management. Since a large portion of traffic delay emanates from traffic incidents, the goal of the study was to alleviate incident-induced impacts on freeways by diverting congested traffic on to adjacent roadway facilities. To balance the demand between freeway and arterial systems, optimization was required through Integrated Corridor Management (ICM). This thesis examines the justification and optimization of dynamic traffic routing strategies. Previous studies have justified detour operations based solely on traffic simulation results. This study quantifies the impacts from freeway incidents on a parallel arterial roadway using a data-driven signal processing technique, with operating speeds adopted as a performance measure. Results show that rerouting traffic to an adjacent arterial road, due to a freeway incident, can mitigate the mobility of the corridor with a probability of up to 88% depending on the type of incident and occurrence time. Results also indicate that diverting traffic during off-peak hours, especially for minor incidents, provides minimal mobility benefits. A secondary focus of this study explored the optimum dynamic traffic diversion, to an adjacent arterial roadway, from incident-induced freeway congestion to better utilize the freeway’s available corridor capacity. VISSIM, a microsimulation tool, was employed to simulate a freeway incident and measure the performance of detour operations. A 23 full factorial central composite design was used to establish a relationship between the performance of the detour operation and three control factors: incident duration, diversion rate, and demand level. The resulting regression equation predicts the corridor delay with over 83% accuracy. The findings of this study can potentially serve as a building block in the understanding and development of future ICM systems and incident management plans

    Alien Registration- Karaer, Helen R. (Litchfield, Kennebec County)

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    The agri - environment - economic relationships in the developing countries

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    Çevre sorunları, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde toplum gündeminde önemli ve öncelikli konular durumundadır. Gelişmiş ülkelerdeki yoğun girdi kullanımına dayalı tarım; toprak bozulması, pestisid kirliliği v.b. pek çok problem yaratmaktadır. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin çoğunun ekonomileri, gelişmiş olanlara kıyasla temel endüstrilerine dayanmakta, nüfusun büyük bir bölümü de tarımla uğraşmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, çevresel kaynakların bozulma potansiyeli, üretim yapısının tahrip ediciliği nedeniyle yüksektir. Endüstrileşmiş ülkelerde ise, çevre kalitesi ile ilgili konular daha çok insan sağlığı ve çevrenin estetik kalitesi açısından değerlendirilmektedir. Diğer taraftan, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde sorun, hem insan sağlığı ve üretkenlikle ilgili hem de doğal kaynakların gelecekteki üretkenliğinin tahribi ile ilgilidir. Bu nedenle, tarım, çevre ve ekonomi birbirini bütünleyen konular olarak ele alınmalıdır.Environmental issues has been rather important topics and given priority in the public agenda of both developed and developing countries. It is a fact that in developed countries highly industrialized agriculture based on intensive input use creates a lot of problems on environment such as soil degradation, pesticide pollution etc. The economies of the most developing countries depend proportionately more on primary industries than do developed ones. They usually have a greater proportion of their population involved in agriculture. Thus, degradation of environmental resources has the potential for being more highly destructive of productive assets in developing countries. In industrial countries, environmental quality issues hinge primarily on matters of human health and the aesthetic quality of the environment. In developing countries, on the other hand, environmental issues are related to human health and productivity and also to the degradation of the future productivity of the natural resource base on which many people are directly dependent. As a result, agriculture, environment and economy has to be evaluated as comlementary issues

    Geri döngü akışlı ultrasonik reaktörde Ag+ ile escherichia coli dezenfeksiyonu

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    After the recent pandemic process, disinfection/sterilization methods used for the control of infectious diseases have gained even more importance. The alternative disinfection studies like ultrasound (US) have been developing due to the various shortcomings of microbial inactivation processes such as chlorine application, ozone and ultraviolet radiation, which are widely applied for the prevention of epidemic diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Within the scope of this study, disinfection treatments were carried out in recycled flow ultrasonic reactors operated at 22kHz, 36kHz and 833kHz ultrasonic frequencies using Escherichia coli bacteria indicated fecal contamination in the water sources. In this article, the combined usage of silver ions (0.1mM, 0.01 mM and 0.005 mM Ag+) and US (22 kHz, 36 kHz and 833 kHz ultrasonic frequencies) were mainly investigated using initial Escherichia coli bacteria concentration of 1x104 CFU/mL. As a result of the study, Escherichia coli was inactivated obtaining 4-log reduction with 22 kHz ultrasonic frequency with the minimum Ag+ concentrations. To conclude, the disinfection was effectively achieved with US and Ag+ methods, and higher Escherichia coli inactivation rate were obtained in US-Ag+ dual processes with faster decontamination time and lower Ag+ concentration due to their synergistic effects.Son zamanlarda yaşanan pandemi sürecinin ardından bulaşıcı hastalıkların kontrolü için kullanılan dezenfeksiyon/sterilizasyon yöntemleri daha da önem kazanmıştır. Patojenik mikroorganizmaların neden olduğu salgın hastalıkların önlenmesinde sıklıkla kullanılan klor uygulamaları, ozon ve ultraviyole gibi mikrobiyal inaktivasyon süreçlerinin sahip olduğu olumsuz etkiler nedeniyle ultrases (US) gibi yeni dezenfeksiyon yöntemleri geliştirilmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında 22kHz, 36kHz ve 833kHz ultrasonik frekanslarda çalıştırılan geri döngülü akışlı ultrasonik reaktörlerde su kaynaklarında fekal kontaminasyon varlığını işaret eden Escherichia coli bakterisi kullanılarak dezenfeksiyon işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada esas olarak, gümüş iyonlarının (Ag+) (0.1 mM, 0.01 mM ve 0.005 mM Ag+) US ile (22 kHz, 36 kHz ve 833 kHz ultrasonik frekanslar) hibrit kullanımı 1x104 CFU/mL başlangıç Escherichia coli bakteri konsantrasyonu kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Escherichia coli minimum Ag+ konsantrasyonunda ve 22 kHz ultrasonik frekansta 4-log giderim verimi elde edilerek inaktive edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, US ve Ag+ yöntemleriyle dezenfeksiyon etkili bir şekilde sağlanmış ve US-Ag+ ikili proseslerinde, sinerjik etkileri nedeniyle daha hızlı dekontaminasyon süresi ve daha düşük Ag+ konsantrasyonu ile daha fazla Escherichia coli inaktivasyon oranı elde edilmiştir

    Evaluation of Water Quality in Eutrophic Shallow Lakes: Case Study on Lake Uluabat, Turkey

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    Lake Uluabat is one of the most important shallow lakes in Turkey. The lake is located 15 km south of the Marmara Sea and 30 km west of the city of Bursa. The lake is very important in terms of biodiversity, but knowledge of its water quality is somewhat limited. The objective of this study was to assess water quality in Lake Uluabat and provide information for future management decisions. The temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen species, phosphorus species, and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations were monitored monthly at ten sampling points in the lake between August 2013 and July 2014. As a result, it was determined that the lake water has the characteristics of class 4 waters according to the Turkish Surface Water Quality Management Regulations (SWQMR). Also it was determined that Mustafakemalpaşa Brook carries significant amount of pollution loads into the lake. According to qualitative and quantitative observations, the effects of human impact and current status of the lake were determined. The physical and chemical characteristics of the lake water have changed according to human activities and nutrient loadings. According to the trophic level values and concentration values, the Lake exceeded the regulation limits


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    The aim of this study is to reveal the level of time management thoughts of pre-service teachers preparing for KPSS. For this purpose, the thoughts of the pre-service teachers about time management were analysed in terms of different variables. In the study, survey method from quantitative research was used to determine the situation. In 2019, pre-service teachers in Isparta and Burdur constituted the study group of the research. Voluntary 408 pre-service teachers participated and expressed their opinions. In the scales applied, 60 scales were not included in the evaluation due to the fact that not all of the sections in the personal information section were not filled in, there were items that were not marked in the second section, and there were double markings in the items. As a result, the study group consisted of 348 pre-service teachers. In this study, Personal Information Form and Time Management Scale were used as data collection tools. In the form, questions about the pre-service teachers' gender, age, department, employment status, marital status, and the duration of preparation for the exam were included. The Time Management Scale used in the study was taken from İşcan's (2008) study and adapted to pre-service teachers preparing for KPSS. İşcan translated and adapted the scale developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) into Turkish. In the analysis of the data, frequency and percentage values were found from descriptive statistics. Since the data were normally distributed, Independent Sample t-test was used to analyse the variables consisting of two categories from parametric tests, and One-Way Analysis of Variance was used when there were more than two groups. The significance level was taken as .05. The following results were obtained in the research: pre-service teachers' thoughts about time management were found to be at "medium" level. While there was a significant difference in the pre-service teachers' thoughts about time management according to gender, marital status, duration of preparation for the exam; there was no significant difference according to age, the department they studied, and employment status.  Article visualizations

    Optimum bit-by-bit power allocation for minimum distortion transmission

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    In this thesis, bit-by-bit power allocation in order to minimize mean-squared error (MSE) distortion of a basic communication system is studied. This communication system consists of a quantizer. There may or may not be a channel encoder and a Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulator. In the quantizer, natural binary mapping is made. First, the case where there is no channel coding is considered. In the uncoded case, hard decision decoding is done at the receiver. It is seen that errors that occur in the more significant information bits contribute more to the distortion than less significant bits. For the uncoded case, the optimum power profile for each bit is determined analytically and through computer-based optimization methods like differential evolution. For low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the less significant bits are allocated negligible power compared to the more significant bits. For high SNRs, it is seen that the optimum bit-by-bit power allocation gives constant MSE gain in dB over the uniform power allocation. Second, the coded case is considered. Linear block codes like (3,2), (4,3) and (5,4) single parity check codes and (7,4) Hamming codes are used and soft-decision decoding is done at the receiver. Approximate expressions for the MSE are considered in order to find a near-optimum power profile for the coded case. The optimization is done through a computer-based optimization method (differential evolution). For a simple code like (7,4) Hamming code simulations show that up to 3 dB MSE gain can be obtained by changing the power allocation on the information and parity bits. A systematic method to find the power profile for linear block codes is also introduced given the knowledge of input-output weight enumerating function of the code. The information bits have the same power, and parity bits have the same power, and the two power levels can be different

    Öğretmenlik Alan Bilgisi Testlerindeki Organik Kimya Soruların Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine Göre Analizi

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    DergiPark: 608336tredBu araştırma, Öğretmenlik Alan BilgisiTestlerindeki Organik Kimya ile ilgili soruları Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisinegöre analiz etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla 2013-2019’daki Kimya ve FenBilimleri/Fen ve Teknoloji testlerdeki organik kimya ile ilgili 66 soru dokümaninceleme tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre sorularınbilişsel süreç düzeyleri azdan çoğa doğru sıralandığında, “Uygulama” (%4,5),“Değerlendirme” (%7,6), “Yaratma” (%13,6), “Hatırlama” (%19,7) ve “Anlama” (%54,6)düzeylerinde bulunurken “Çözümleme” düzeyinde bulunmamaktadır. Soruların bilgidüzeyleri sırasıyla “Üstbilişsel”, (%19,7), “Olgusal” (%34,8), “Kavramsal” (%45,5),şeklinde değişirken “İşlemsel” bilgi düzeyinde soru bulunmamaktadır. Sorularınyıllara göre dağılımı incelendiğinde alt bilişsel düzeyde %80,3 olurken “Üstbilişsel”düzeyde %19,7 olduğu söylenebilir. KPSS/ÖABT’lerde adayların uzmanlıklarınıortaya çıkartacak şekilde soruların hazırlanması, Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisidikkate alınması ve bilişsel süreç ve bilgi düzeylerine homojen dağıtılmasıönerilmektedir.