147 research outputs found

    In vitro assessment of the recurrent doses of topical gaseous ozone in the removal of Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in root canals

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    Aim: To evaluate the potential antibacterial effect of recurrent doses of topical gaseous ozone on the Enterococcus faecalis biofilms growth in human root canals in vitro.Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty four human single.rooted mandibular premolars were enlarged to a size 35 K.File. Each root canal were inoculated with an overnight culture of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 in tryptic soy broth for 24 hours and incubated for 7 days at 37‹C. At 7.day interval, 4 specimens were prepared for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis to confirm the presence and purity of biofilms whilst the other contaminated root canals were irrigated and disinfected. One hundred root canals of total 134 specimens were selected to create the  experimental groups and divided into 5 subgroups. In each experimental group (n = 20) root canals), recurrent ozone doses were applied with different irrigation and disinfection protocols in 5 different time intervals. Bacterial growth was analyzed by counting viable E. faecalis on tryptic soy agar plates.Results: According to intergroup comparison results observed in the final sample collection analysis, the amount of remaining bacteria in the positive control group were found to be significantly higher compared to Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the material control group (P < 0.01). The remaining amount of bacteria in the last count of Group 1 were found to be significantly higher compared to Group 2 (P < 0.05), Group 4 (P < 0.01), Group 5 (P < 0.05) and the material control group (P < 0.01).Conclusion: The application of topical gaseous ozone in recurrent doses provides a positive effect in the removal of E. faecalis biofilm from root canals. However, during disinfection procedure, the combined use of recurrent doses of topical gaseous ozone with 2% NaOCl enhanced its antibacterial effect against E. faecalis biofilm.Key words: Antibacterial effect, disinfection, Enterococcus faecalis biofilm, irrigation, recurrent doses, root canals, topical gaseous ozon

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Research Article An Investigation of Current Endodontic Practice in Turkey

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to gather information about the quality and quantity of root canal treatments carried out by general dental practitioners in Turkey. Methods. Questionnaires were given to 1400 dentists who attended the 16th National Congress organized by the Turkish Dental Association. The participants were asked to answer 34 multiple-choice questions. The questions were subdivided into 3 main topics; general information; general approach to endodontic treatment; and cleaning, shaping, and obturation of root canals. The statistical analysis was carried out by an χ 2 -test to compare the means at a significance level of P < 0.05. Results. The response rate for this study was 43%. There was a wide variation in the number of root canal treatments completed per month. Nearly 92% of practitioners stated that they never used rubber dam. The most commonly used working length determination technique was radiographic evaluation (P < 0.05). Sodium hypochlorite was the irrigant of choice with varying concentrations and AH Plus was the sealer of choice (P < 0.05). Resin composite was the most frequently used material for final restorations. Conclusions. Endodontic procedures in general practice in Turkey have differences from widely acknowledged quality guidelines. Despite the introduction of new instruments and techniques, most of the general practitioners chose conventional methods

    Reliability of resting-state functional connectivity in the human spinal cord: Assessing the impact of distinct noise sources

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    The investigation of spontaneous fluctuations of the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal has recently been extended from the brain to the spinal cord, where it has also generated initial interest from a clinical perspective. A number of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated robust functional connectivity between the time-series of BOLD fluctuations in bilateral dorsal horns and between those in bilateral ventral horns, in line with the functional neuroanatomy of the spinal cord. A necessary step prior to extension to clinical studies is assessing the reliability of such resting-state signals, which we aimed to do here in a group of 45 healthy young adults at the clinically prevalent field-strength of 3T. When investigating connectivity in the entire cervical spinal cord, we observed fair to good reliability for dorsal-dorsal and ventral-ventral connectivity, whereas reliability was poor for within- and between-hemicord dorsal-ventral connectivity. Considering how prone spinal cord fMRI is to noise, we extensively investigated the impact of distinct noise sources and made two crucial observations: removal of physiological noise led to a reduction in functional connectivity strength and reliability – due to the removal of stable and participant-specific noise patterns – whereas removal of thermal noise considerably increased the detectability of functional connectivity without a clear influence on reliability. Finally, we also assessed connectivity within spinal cord segments and observed that while the pattern of connectivity was similar to that of whole cervical cord, reliability at the level of single segments was consistently poor. Taken together, our results demonstrate the presence of reliable resting-state functional connectivity in the human spinal cord even after thoroughly accounting for physiological and thermal noise, but at the same time urge caution if focal changes in connectivity (e.g. due to segmental lesions) are to be studied, especially in a longitudinal manner

    Non-invasive multi-channel electrophysiology of the human spinal cord: Assessing somatosensory processing from periphery to cortex

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    The spinal cord is of fundamental importance for somatosensory processing and plays a significant role in various pathologies, such as chronic pain. However, knowledge on spinal cord processing in humans is limited due to the vast technical challenges involved in its investigation via non-invasive recording approaches. Here, we aim to address these challenges by developing an electrophysiological approach – based on a high-density electrode-montage – that allows for characterizing spinal cord somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and combining this with concurrent recordings of the spinal cord’s input (peripheral nerve action potentials) and output (SEPs in brainstem and cortex). In two separate experiments, we first methodologically validate the approach (including replication and robustness analyses) and then assess its application in the context of a neuroscientific question (integrative processes along the neural hierarchy). Critically, we demonstrate the benefits of multi-channel recordings in terms of enhancing sensitivity via spatial filtering, which also allows for obtaining spinal cord SEPs at the single-trial level. We make use of this approach to demonstrate the feasibility of recording spinal cord SEPs in low-signal scenarios (single-digit stimulation) and – most importantly – to provide evidence for bottom-up signal integration already at the level of the spinal cord. Taken together, our approach of concurrent multi-channel recordings of evoked responses along the neural hierarchy allows for a comprehensive assessment of the functional architecture of somatosensory processing at a millisecond timescale

    Looking for timing variations in the transits of 16 exoplanets

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    We update the ephemerides of 16 transiting exoplanets using our ground-based observations, new Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data, and previously published observations including those of amateur astronomers. All these light curves were modelled by making use of a set of quantitative criteria with the exofast code to obtain mid-transit times. We searched for statistically significant secular and/or periodic trends in the mid-transit times. We found that the timing data are well modelled by a linear ephemeris for all systems except for XO-2 b, for which we detect an orbital decay with the rate of -12.95 +/- 1.85 ms yr(-1) that can be confirmed with future observations. We also detect a hint of potential periodic variations in the transit timing variation data of HAT-P-13 b, which also requires confirmation with further precise observations

    Risk perception of arsenic exposure from rice intake in a UK population

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    In the UK, consumption of rice and rice-based products is on the rise but, notwithstanding public expressed concerns about such products as an exposure route for arsenic (e.g. BBC News report, 2017“Should I worry about arsenic in my rice?”) there are few, if any published data on public perceptions of risks associated with exposure to arsenic in rice. We therefore aimed to determine the risk perception of arsenic exposure from rice intake and factors that are associated with arsenic knowledge and whether or not this knowledge had an influence on rice consumption and cooking practices. A questionnaire, targeting participation of rice-eating ethnic minorities in Greater Manchester, UK, was administered to 184 participants. A multivariate generalized linear model was used to determine the factors associated with rice consumption behaviour, cooking practices, and risk perception. We show for the first time that the general population did not associate arsenic, which they perceive as toxic to health, with rice consumption. More than half of the participants knew about arsenic as a hazardous substance but less than ten percent knew that rice consumption could be an important route of arsenic exposure. Knowledge of arsenic was significantly lower in Asian/Asian British:Pakistanis (Pakistani) (OR: 0.006; 95% CI:0.00-0.03) and Asian/Asian British:Bangladeshis (Bangladeshi) (OR: 0.064; 95% CI:0.01-0.25) compared to White:English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British (White British). Moreover, Bangladeshis consumed three times more rice (OR: 2.92; 95% CI:1.73-4.93) compared to White British. Overall higher rice consumption was not associated with higher knowledge of the nutritional value of rice. Rinsing rice before cooking, an effective arsenic removal technique, was practised by 93% of the participants, however the most popular cooking method was the use of adequate water (rice to water ratio of 1:2) but not excess water (rice to water ratio of > 1:4), the latter being more effective in removing arsenic. Better education, higher weekly expenditure on food and prior knowledge of arsenic hazard were all significant factors positively influencing a change in behaviour to reduce arsenic exposure from rice intake

    Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication

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    Sheep were among the first domesticated animals, but their demographic history is little understood. Here we analyzed nuclear polymorphism and mitochondrial data (mtDNA) from ancient central and west Anatolian sheep dating from Epipaleolithic to late Neolithic, comparatively with modern-day breeds and central Asian Neolithic/Bronze Age sheep (OBI). Analyzing ancient nuclear data, we found that Anatolian Neolithic sheep (ANS) are genetically closest to present-day European breeds relative to Asian breeds, a conclusion supported by mtDNA haplogroup frequencies. In contrast, OBI showed higher genetic affinity to present-day Asian breeds. These results suggest that the east-west genetic structure observed in present-day breeds had already emerged by 6000 BCE, hinting at multiple sheep domestication episodes or early wild introgression in southwest Asia. Furthermore, we found that ANS are genetically distinct from all modern breeds. Our results suggest that European and Anatolian domestic sheep gene pools have been strongly remolded since the Neolithic