35 research outputs found

    Oligonukleotiidide hübridisatsioonimudeli rakendamine PCR-i ja mikrokiipide optimeerimiseks

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Nukleiinhapped on orgaaniliste makromolekulide hulgas unikaalsed tänu oma võimele kodeerida, dekodeerida ja kanda üle digitaalset informatsiooni. See omadus on aluseks nende kasutamisele arenevates tehnoloogiavaldkondades, alates kliinilisest diagnostikast kuni nanotehnoloogia ja informatsiooni talletamiseni. On aga oluline mõista, et digitaalse informatsiooni töötlemise ja säilitamise aluseks nukleiinhapetes on nende keemilised omadused. Tähtsaim nendest on hübridiseerumine - nukleiinhapete võime moodustada spontaanselt kaheahelaline heeliks kahe komplementaarse või osaliselt komplementaarse üheahelalise molekuli liitumisel. Nukleiinhapete hübridisatsiooni termodünaamika arvestamine võimaldab selle protsessi käitumist suure täpsusega modelleerida ja täiustada paljusid biotehnoloogilisi protsesse. Käesolevas väitekirjas on hübridisatsioonimudelit kasutatud multipleks-PCR-i ja detektsiooni mikrokiipide optimeerimiseks. Me töötasime välja ökonoomse algoritmi jaotamaks PCR praimeripaarid multipleksigruppidesse vastavalt nende omavahelisele sobivusele. Algoritm on realiseeritud nii iseseisva programmi kui veebirakendusena. Me uurisime multipleks PCR ebaõnnestumise põhjuseid ja näitasime, et suur arv mittespetsiifilisi seondumiskohti lähte DNA-l vähendab praimerite töötamise edukust. Need praimeripaarid, millel oli liiga suur arv mittespetsiifilisi seondumisi mitte ainult ei töötanud ise halvasti, vaid vähendasid ka teiste nendega koos amplifiseeritud praimeripaaride õnnestumise tõenäosust. Me töötasime välja arvutiprogrammi genereerimaks täieliku nimekirja kõigist võimalikest bakteriaalse tmRNA hübridiseerimisproovidest mis eristaksid omavahel kahte gruppi organisme. Proovide valideerimise käigus me näitasime, et valides hübridisatsioonienergia läviväärtuse suurema kui 4 kcl/mol on võimalik täielikult vältida valepositiivseid signaale. Me uurisime võimalust suurendada bakteriaalse RNA hübridiseerumiskiirust lisades lühikesi spetsiifilisi oligonukleotiide, mis hübridiseerudes lähtemolekulile ei lase selle sekundaarstruktuuril moodustuda. Seda meetodit kasutades tõusis hübridiseerumiskiirus temperatuuril 37C neli korda.Nucleic acids are unique among all organic macromolecules by the ability to encode, decode and transmit digital information. This property is used in emergent technologies as diverse as medical diagnosis, nanoscale engineering and information storage. Still it is important to understand that the basis of this digital information processing are the chemical properties of nucleic acids, the most important being the spontaneous formation of double-stranded helix between complementary or semi-complementary single-stranded molecules, called hybridization. Taking into account the thermodynamic properties of nucleic acid hybridization allows researchers to model the process with great accuracy and thus improve many associated technologies. In current thesis the hybridization model is used to optimize multiplex PCR and microarray hybridization. We developed an efficient algorithm to distribute PCR primer pairs into multiplex groups based on their compatibility with each other. The algorithm is also implemented as both standalone and web-based computer program. We analyzed the probable causes of failure of multiplex PCR and demonstrated that the large number of nonspecific hybridization sites in template DNA is detrimental to PCR quality. Primer pairs with too many nonspecific hybridization sites not only worked poorly but caused the failure of other primer pairs as well. We developed a computer program to generate exhaustive list of all possible hybridization probes for the detection of bacterial tmRNA, capable of distinguishing between two groups of source RNA. The probes were evaluated on microarray and shown that by keeping the hybridization energy cutoff between target and non-target groups over 4 kcal/mol all false-positive signals were eliminated. We analyzed the possibility of increasing the hybridization speed of bacterial tmRNA on low temperatures by applying short specific oligonucleotides that selectively hybridize with template molecules and break their secondary structure. Using this method the hybridization speed was increased fourfold at 37C

    GENOMEMASKER package for designing unique genomic PCR primers

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    BACKGROUND: The design of oligonucleotides and PCR primers for studying large genomes is complicated by the redundancy of sequences. The eukaryotic genomes are particularly difficult to study due to abundant repeats. The speed of most existing primer evaluation programs is not sufficient for large-scale experiments. RESULTS: In order to improve the efficiency and success rate of automatic primer/oligo design, we created a novel method which allows rapid masking of repeats in large sequence files, for example in eukaryotic genomes. It also allows the detection of all alternative binding sites of PCR primers and the prediction of PCR products. The new method was implemented in a collection of efficient programs, the GENOMEMASKER package. The performance of the programs was compared to other similar programs. We also modified the PRIMER3 program, to be able to design primers from lowercase-masked sequences. CONCLUSION: The GENOMEMASKER package is able to mask the entire human genome for non-unique primers within 6 hours and find locations of all binding sites for 10 000 designed primer pairs within 10 minutes. Additionally, it predicts all alternative PCR products from large genomes for given primer pairs

    A novel hypothesis for histone-to-protamine transition in Bos taurus spermatozoa

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    DNA compaction with protamines in sperm is essential for successful fertilization. However, a portion of sperm chromatin remains less tightly packed with histones, which genomic location and function remain unclear. We extracted and sequenced histone-associated DNA from sperm of nine ejaculates from three bulls. We found that the fraction of retained histones varied between samples, but the variance was similar between samples from the same and different individuals. The most conserved regions showed similar abundance across all samples, whereas in other regions, their presence correlated with the size of histone fraction. This may refer to gradual histone-protamine transition, where easily accessible genomic regions, followed by the less accessible regions are first substituted by protamines. Our results confirm those from previous studies that histones remain in repetitive genome elements, such as centromeres, and added new findings of histones in rRNA and SRP RNA gene clusters and indicated histone enrichment in some spermatogenesis-associated genes, but not in genes of early embryonic development. Our functional analysis revealed significant overrepresentation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase G (cGMP-PKG) pathway genes among histone-enriched genes. This pathway is known for its importance in pre-fertilization sperm events. In summary, a novel hypothesis for gradual histone-toprotamine transition in sperm maturation was proposed. We believe that histones may contribute structural information into early embryo by epigenetically modifying centromeric chromatin and other types of repetitive DNA. We also suggest that sperm histones are retained in genes needed for sperm development, maturation and fertilization, as these genes are transcriptionally active shortly prior to histone-to-protamine transition.Peer reviewe

    Detection of tmRNA molecules on microarrays at low temperatures using helper oligonucleotides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The hybridization of synthetic <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>tmRNA on a detection microarray is slow at 34°C resulting in low signal intensities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that adding specific DNA helper oligonucleotides (chaperones) to the hybridization buffer increases the signal strength at a given temperature and thus makes the specific detection of <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>tmRNA more sensitive. No loss of specificity was observed at low temperatures compared to hybridization at 46°C. The effect of the chaperones can be explained by disruption of the strong secondary and tertiary structure of the target RNA by the selective hybridization of helper molecules. The amplification of the hybridization signal strength by chaperones is not necessarily local; we observed increased signal intensities in both local and distant regions of the target molecule.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The sensitivity of the detection of tmRNA at low temperature can be increased by chaperone oligonucleotides. Due to the complexity of RNA secondary and tertiary structures the effect of any individual chaperone is currently not predictable.</p

    Haplotype Phasing and Inheritance of Copy Number Variants in Nuclear Families

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    DNA copy number variants (CNVs) that alter the copy number of a particular DNA segment in the genome play an important role in human phenotypic variability and disease susceptibility. A number of CNVs overlapping with genes have been shown to confer risk to a variety of human diseases thus highlighting the relevance of addressing the variability of CNVs at a higher resolution. So far, it has not been possible to deterministically infer the allelic composition of different haplotypes present within the CNV regions. We have developed a novel computational method, called PiCNV, which enables to resolve the haplotype sequence composition within CNV regions in nuclear families based on SNP genotyping microarray data. The algorithm allows to i) phase normal and CNV-carrying haplotypes in the copy number variable regions, ii) resolve the allelic copies of rearranged DNA sequence within the haplotypes and iii) infer the heritability of identified haplotypes in trios or larger nuclear families. To our knowledge this is the first program available that can deterministically phase null, mono-, di-, tri- and tetraploid genotypes in CNV loci. We applied our method to study the composition and inheritance of haplotypes in CNV regions of 30 HapMap Yoruban trios and 34 Estonian families. For 93.6% of the CNV loci, PiCNV enabled to unambiguously phase normal and CNV-carrying haplotypes and follow their transmission in the corresponding families. Furthermore, allelic composition analysis identified the co-occurrence of alternative allelic copies within 66.7% of haplotypes carrying copy number gains. We also observed less frequent transmission of CNV-carrying haplotypes from parents to children compared to normal haplotypes and identified an emergence of several de novo deletions and duplications in the offspring.Peer reviewe

    NIPTmer : rapid k-mer-based software package for detection of fetal aneuploidies

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    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a recent and rapidly evolving method for detecting genetic lesions, such as aneuploidies, of a fetus. However, there is a need for faster and cheaper laboratory and analysis methods to make NIPT more widely accessible. We have developed a novel software package for detection of fetal aneuploidies from next-generation low-coverage whole genome sequencing data. Our tool - NIPTmer - is based on counting pre-defined per-chromosome sets of unique k-mers from raw sequencing data, and applying linear regression model on the counts. Additionally, the filtering process used for k-mer list creation allows one to take into account the genetic variance in a specific sample, thus reducing the source of uncertainty. The processing time of one sample is less than 10 CPU-minutes on a high-end workstation. NIPTmer was validated on a cohort of 583 NIPT samples and it correctly predicted 37 non-mosaic fetal aneuploidies. NIPTmer has the potential to reduce significantly the time and complexity of NIPT post-sequencing analysis compared to mapping-based methods. For non-commercial users the software package is freely available at http://bioinfo.ut.ee/NIPTMer/.Peer reviewe

    Creating basis for introducing non‐invasive prenatal testing in the Estonian public health setting

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    Objective The study aimed to validate a whole‐genome sequencing‐based NIPT laboratory method and our recently developed NIPTmer aneuploidy detection software with the potential to integrate the pipeline into prenatal clinical care in Estonia. Method In total, 424 maternal blood samples were included. Analysis pipeline involved cell‐free DNA extraction, library preparation and massively parallel sequencing on Illumina platform. Aneuploidies were determined with NIPTmer software, which is based on counting pre‐defined per‐chromosome sets of unique k‐mers from sequencing raw data. SeqFF was implemented to estimate cell‐free fetal DNA (cffDNA) fraction. Results NIPTmer identified correctly all samples of non‐mosaic trisomy 21 (T21, 15/15), T18 (9/9), T13 (4/4) and monosomy X (4/4) cases, with the 100% sensitivity. However, one mosaic T18 remained undetected. Six false‐positive (FP) results were observed (FP rate of 1.5%, 6/398), including three for T18 (specificity 99.3%) and three for T13 (specificity 99.3%). The level of cffDNA of <4% was estimated in eight samples, including one sample with T13 and T18. Despite low cffDNA level, these two samples were determined as aneuploid. Conclusion We believe that the developed NIPT method can successfully be used as a universal primary screening test in combination with ultrasound scan for the first trimester fetal examination


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