91 research outputs found

    Extraordinary presentation of elastofibroma dorsi after a thoracotomy procedure

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    Elastofibroma dorsi is a reactive pseudotumor of connective tissue, typically located in the infrascapular region. Awareness of this benign entity is crucial for radiologists, as well as clinicians, to avoid misdiagnosis and potential patient harm. In this report, we present clinical and imaging findings of an elastofibroma dorsi after a thoracotomy procedure

    Nocturnal pain in adhesive capsulitis and subacromial ımpingement syndrome

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    Background: Subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) and adhesive capsulitis (AC) are the most common causes of shoulder pain. It is known that patients with both disorders have impaired sleep quality and increased levels of anxiety and depression. This study aimed to compare the sleep, disability, and affective states of patients with untreated AC and SIS. Method: Patients with shoulder pain for more than three months and diagnoses of AC and SIS were included in the study. Pain was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS), disability by shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), sleep quality by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), and anxiety and depression by hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). Results: The study included 65 patients (n=24 AC, n=41 SIS. Sleep was affected in both of the groups. The patients with AC had worse scores than patients with SIS including SPADI pain, SPADI-total, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, using sleep mediation (p<0.05).  Sleep problems were correlated to anxiety and depression. Conclusions: Despite the patients with SIS had higher SPADI-pain levels, the patients with AC had higher scores of SPADI-disabilities. Both of the groups had nocturnal pain and sleep problems but patients with AC had higher amount of sleep problems and depression mood compared to patients with SIS

    The Trail, 1988-09-08

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    Cardiometabolic risk factors in pediatric kidney transplant recipients

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    Objective: There is an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome among kidney transplant recipients, which adversely affects cardiovascular and renal outcomes in these patients. The present study aims to investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in pediatric kidney transplant recipients and the associations of metabolic syndrome with cardiovascular disease and graft function. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional, single-center study included 52 kidney transplant recipients (27 males) transplanted before 18 years of age. All subjects underwent a comprehensive assessment that included anthropometric and blood pressure measurements and laboratory tests. Metabolic syndrome was defined based on the recent recommendations of the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce. Left ventricular hypertrophy was assessed as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and estimated glomerular filtration rate was assessed to determine graft function. Results: The median age of patients was 15.9 (13.8;18.4) years, and the median follow-up time was 35.5 (20.0;62;0) months after transplantation. Nineteen patients (36.5%) were obese or overweight, 43 (83%) had hypertension or controlled hypertension, 23 (44%) had dyslipidemia, and 9 (17%) had hyperglycemia. Ten patients (19.2%) were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Twenty-eight patients (54%) had left ventricular hypertrophy. The prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy was higher in patients with metabolic syndrome than in those without metabolic syndrome (90% vs. 45%, P =.014), whereas estimated glomerular filtration rate did not differ between the 2 groups. Conclusion: Cardiometabolic risk factors are common in pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Approximately one-fifth of patients have metabolic syndrome, and left ventricular hypertrophy is much more common among patients with metabolic syndrome. However, there is no relationship between metabolic syndrome and graft dysfunction

    Nephrotic syndrome in a patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type IXb.

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    Introduction: Glycogen storage disorder (GSD) IXb is characterized by liver and muscle involvement. We present a GSD IXb patient with an incidental union of nephrotic syndrome. Case Report: A 4 year-old-patient was diagnosed with GSD IXb at 13 months of age with mildly elevated transaminases and hepatomegaly. During the follow-up period, there was no hypoglycemia. Development and growth were normal. In the last month, the onset of generalized edema was reported. Urinalysis showed a high protein level. He had low serum albumin, high serum triglycerides cholesterol. Complement levels were normal. The patient was diagnosed as minimal change disease with a renal biopsy. He was treated with oral prednisone. Discussion: Minimal Change Disease is the most common cause of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome cases in children and the first step for therapy is the usage of corticosteroids. This is the first report of nephrotic syndrome associated with GSD IXb disease

    Introduction to the special issue : management science in the fight against Covid-19

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    At the time of writing of this Editorial in April 2021, Covid-19 continues to ravage our planet, with an official global death toll now exceeding three million, and a horrendous legacy of economic and human damage. The roll-out of vaccination has given hope that we will soon reach the end of this chapter of history. However, it will take years for the world to overcome this calamity and many individuals whose health or livelihoods have been destroyed will never fully recover. This failure of the world to effectively respond to the challenge of Covid-19 is all the more bitter because the outbreak of a novel pathogen was entirely predictable; the spread, preventable; and the suffering, avoidable. The experience of different countries around the world shows that the ability to plan, and to execute plans in a disciplined fashion, can make all the difference between relative security and catastrophe. The challenge for Management Scientists is to show that our discipline can have a role – a critical role – as a part of this planning. Epidemiological models of disease dynamics have been prominent through this crisis but do not fully capture the constraints in the health system and cannot directly support many of the management decisions which have to be made as part of the response. As Management Scientists, our perspective and our modelling tools have the potential to address those shortcomings; but if our profession cannot demonstrate our ability to add value, others will do so in our place

    Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromunda subakromiyal-subdeltoid bursa içi enjeksiyon sonrası hastanede gözetim altında yapılan egzersiz ile ev egzersiz programının etkinliğinin kıyaslanması

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı SAIS hastalarında subakromiyal-subdeltoid bursa içikortikosteroid enjeksiyonu sonrasında hastanede fizyoterapist gözetiminde uygulananegzersiz programı ile ev egzersiz programının etkinliğini karşılaştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamıza SAIS tanısı alan 46 hasta dahil edildi ve randomize olarakiki gruba ayrıldı. Birinci gruptaki 23 hasta, hastanede fizyoterapist gözetiminde 3 haftasüresince hazırlamış olduğumuz egzersiz programına alındı. İkinci gruptaki 23 hastaya iseegzersiz programı broşür formatında verilerek 3 hafta süresince ev egzersiz programıuygulandı. Çalışmaya katılan tüm hastalara egzersiz programına başlamadan bir gün önce,ultrason eşliğinde subakromiyal-subdeltoid bursa içi enjeksiyonu yapıldı. Hastalar VizüelAnalog Skala (VAS), aktif ve pasif omuz fleksiyon, ekstansiyon, abduksiyon, internalrotasyon ve eksternal rotasyon eklem hareket açıklıkları, Omuz Ağrı ve Dizabilite İndeksi(SPADI) , Kısa Form 36 (SF-36) ile değerlendirildiler.Bulgular: Grupların enjeksiyon öncesi ve enjeksiyon sonrası 1. saatte VAS skorları arasındaistatistiksel anlamlı fark yok iken (p>0,05), enjeksiyon sonrası 3. hafta ve 3. ayda daha düşükolduğu saptandı. Grupların enjeksiyon öncesi ve enjeksiyon sonrası 1. saatte omuz fleksiyon,ekstansiyon, abdüksiyon, dış rotasyon açıklıkları benzer bulundu. Hastane içi gözetim altındaegzersiz grubunda pasif fleksiyon açıklığı hariç tüm eklem hareket açıklıklarının enjeksiyonsonrası 3. hafta ve 3. ayda belirgin daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi. SPADI ölçeğindeskorların hastane içi gözetimli egzersiz grubunda enjeksiyon sonrası 3. hafta ve 3. ayda dahadüşük olduğu bulundu. SF-36 anketinde tüm skorlarda her iki grupta da belirgin bir artışolduğu gösterildi. Ancak 3. ay sonunda hastane içi egzersiz grubu çoğu parametrede evegzersiz grubuna göre üstün bulundu.Sonuç: SAIS’li hastalarda yaptığımız enjeksiyonlar başarılı olmaktadır. Hastanede gözetimaltında uygulanan egzersiz programı ev egzersiz programına göre daha uzun süreli iyileşmesağlamaktadır.--------------------Introduction: The aim of our study is to compare the effectiveness of the home exerciseprogram and the exercise program administered under the supervision of a physiotherapist inthe hospital after subacromial-subdeltoid bursa corticosteroid injection in SAIS patients.Materials and Methods: 46 patients diagnosed with SAIS were included in our study andrandomly divided into two groups. 23 patients in the first group were taken to the exerciseprogram we prepared for 3 weeks under the supervision of a physiotherapist in the hospital.In the second group, the exercise program was given in the form of a brochure and a homeexercise program was applied for 3 weeks. An ultrasound-guided intra-subacromialsubdeltoidbursa injection was administered to all patients participating in the study one daybefore starting the exercise program. Patients were evaluated with the Visual Analogue Scale(VAS), active and passive shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, internal rotation andexternal rotation range of motion, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), Short Form36 (SF-36).Results: While there was no statistically significant difference between the VAS scores ofthe groups before and at the 1st hour after injection (p> 0.05), it was found to be lower at the3rd week and 3rd month after injection. Shoulder flexion, extension, abduction, and externalrotation of the groups were similar before injection and at the 1st hour after injection. In thesupervised exercise group, all joint range of motion, except passive flexion range, was foundto be significantly higher at the 3rd week and 3rd month after injection. It was found that thescores on the SPADI scale were lower in the supervised exercise group at the 3rd week and3rd month after injection. In the SF-36 questionnaire, a significant increase in all scores wasshown in both groups. However, at the end of the 3rd month, supervised exercise group wassuperior to the home exercise group in most parameters.Conclusion: The injections we make in patients with SAIS are successful. The exerciseprogram applied under supervision in the hospital provides longer-term improvementcompared to the home exercise program

    Öğrencileri kararlı:Hesap soracağız

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 161/A-Ahmet Taner KışlalıUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    The effects of the work engagement and perceived overqualification on organizational citizenship behaviour

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, çalışmaya tutkunluk ve algılanan aşırı nitelikliliğin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisini analiz etmektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi Nevşehir Belediyesinde 700 çalışan oluşturmaktadır. Regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre; çalışmaya tutkunluğun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerinde pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmaya tutkunluğun alt boyutları olan dinçlik, adanmışlık ve yoğunlaşmanın övd üzerinde pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Algılanan aşırı niteliklilik ve algılanan aşırı nitelikliliğin alt boyutu olan kendini üstün görme örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerinde pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diğer yandan algılanan aşırı nitelikliliğin alt boyutu olan kendini küçük görmenin övd üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of passion for the study and perceived overqualification on organizational citizenship behavior. The research's sample accounts for 700 employees in Nevşehir Municipality. According to the regression analysis results; passion for the study has been found to have positive and meaningful impact on organizational citizenship behavior. It was revealed that vigorousness, dedication and concentration, which are sub-dimensions of passion in the study, have positive faceted and meaningful impact on organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived overqualification and superior self-vision, the lower dimension of perceived overqualification, have been found to have positive and meaningful impact on organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, selfdeprecation, the lower dimension of perceived overqualification, has been found to have no meaningful impact on organizational citizenship behavior

    Consumer tendecy and customer satisfaction analysıs for vegeable oil in Tekirdağ

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziGünümüzün artan rekabet ortamında firmaların müşteri memnuniyetini sağlaması ve arttırması büyük küçük her firma için zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Bugün firmaların başarısı ve büyümesi ancak müşteri memnuniyeti sağlaması ile mümkündür. Çünkü sadece memnun müşteriler firmaya sadık kalır. Daha fazla alım yapar ve memnuniyetini diğer diğerleriyle paylaşarak firmaya yeni müşteriler kazandırır. Bu da firma için daha büyük bir pazar payı, daha yüksek karlılık ve istikrarlı bir büyüme ortamı yaratır.Tekirdağ ilinde Bitkisel Yağ Ürünlerinde Tüketici eğilimleri ve Müşteri Memnuniyetinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Tekirdağ İl merkezinde değişik sosyo–kültürel yapıya sahip 200 tüketici ile anket yapılmıştır. Ankette, tüketicilere bitkisel sıvı yağ –margarinde ürün özellikleri, ürün kalitesi ,fiyatı, marka tercihi, ambalaj tipi vb. konulardaki beklentilerini tespit etmeye yönelik sorular yöneltilmiş, elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamında analiz edilmiştir. Analiz Sonuçlarına göre ; • Tüketiciler kullanım önceliği olarak sıvı yağda en çok % 63,3 gibi yüksek bir oranda ayçiçek yağı tercih etmektedir. Bunu zeytin ve mısır yağı izlemektedir. • Ayçiçek yağıolarak şu anda en çok tercih edilen yağ %62,8 oranla Biryağ 2.sırada %15,2 oranla Yudum, 3.sırada % 6,0 oranla Bizim ve Olin markalarıdır. • Tüketicilerin %91,5’i margarin kullanmaktadır. • Tüketicilerin % 56,3 ‘ü paket margarin’i, % 43,2 ‘si kahvaltılık kase margarin’i tercih etmektedir. • Paket Margarin olarak şu anda en çok tercih edilen yağ %40 oranla Sana markası olup, bu markayı %29 oranla Birma markası, üçüncü sırada ise %11 oranla Bizim markası izlemektedir. • Kase margarinde şu anda en çok tercih edilen % 42 oranla Becel, % 21 oranla Sana, % 10 oranla Terem marka margarinlerdir. Anahtar kelimeler : Bitkisel Sıvı yağ , Margarin,Tüketici, Kalite, Müşteri MemnuniyetiAbstractIt is an obligation that the firms have to give satisfaction and increase it in increasing rivalry circumstance . The only way to develop for the firms is to give consumer satisfaction because, onyl the satisfied consumers stand by and buy more and they make the firms gain new customers by sharring it. And this means that a firm will have a bigger marketing share, a high profitability and stabilized developing. A questionaire has been done with the 200 consumer who have different social–cultural struction Tekirdağ to determine consumer tendecy and customer satisfaction for vegetable oil in Tekirdağ. In questionaire there were some questions to determine expectations a bout subjects such as the type of packing, brand prefrence, product characters in vegetable liquid oil, then the datas which were a btarned have been analised in computers . According to the result of analysis; • Consumers prefer sunflower oil to the high rate of 63,3%.Olive and maize oil follow it. • The oil that is the most preferred is Biryağ %62,8 the second one is Yudum 15,2% and the third one is Bizim and Olin at the rate of %6,0 • 91,5% of consumers use margarine • 56,3% of consumers perefer packing margarin and 43,2% of them prefer bowl margarine for breakfast. • The most preferred one as a packing margarine is Sana at the rate of % 40, the second one is Birma %29 and the third one is Bizim 11%. • The most prefered one as a bowl margarine is Becel 42%, the second one is Sana 21% and the other one is Terem %10 The Key words : liquid vegetable oil, margarin, consumere, quality, customer satisfactio