5 research outputs found

    The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission

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    This 1:30,000 scale geological map describes Oxia Planum, Mars, the landing site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission. The map represents our current understanding of bedrock units and their relationships prior to Rosalind Franklin’s exploration of this location. The map details 15 bedrock units organised into 6 groups and 7 textural and surficial units. The bedrock units were identified using visible and near-infrared remote sensing datasets. The objectives of this map are (i) to identify where the most astrobiologically relevant rocks are likely to be found, (ii) to show where hypotheses about their geological context (within Oxia Planum and in the wider geological history of Mars) can be tested, (iii) to inform both the long-term (hundreds of metres to ∼1 km) and the short-term (tens of metres) activity planning for rover exploration, and (iv) to allow the samples analysed by the rover to be interpreted within their regional geological context.The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Mission is a partnership between ESA and NASA. The Rosalind Franklin Rover has eight instruments in its ‘Pasteur’ Payload, with Principal Investigators from seven countries all of whom we would like to thank for there support of this project. We would like to acknowledge the following funding bodies, people and institutions supporting the lead authors of this work. We thank the UK Space Agency (UK SA) for funding P. Fawdon, on grants; ST/W002736/1, ST/L00643X/1 and ST/R001413/1, MRB on grants; ST/T002913/1, ST/V001965/1, ST/R001383/1, ST/R001413/1, P. Grindrod on grants; ST/L006456/1, ST/R002355/1, ST/V002678/1 and J. Davis on grants ST/K502388/1, ST/R002355/1, ST/V002678/1 through the ongoing Aurora space exploration programme. C. Orgel was supported by the ESA Research Fellowship Program. Alessandro Frigeri: was funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) grant ASI-INAF number 2017-412-H.0 (ExoMars/Ma_MISS) and D. Loizeau was funded by the H2020-COMPET-2015 programme (grant 687302), C. Quantin-Nataf was supported by the French space agency CNES, I. Torres was supported by an ESA Young Graduate Traineeship, A. Nass was supported by Helmholtz Metadata Projects (#ZT-I-PF-3-008). We thank NASA and the HiRISE camera team for data collection support throughout the ExoMars landing site selection and charectorisation process. The USGS for the HiRISE DTM data and maintaining the ISIS and SOCET SET DEM workflows. The authors wish to thank the CaSSIS spacecraft and instrument engineering teams. CaSSIS is a project of the University of Bern and funded through the Swiss Space Office via ESA's PRODEX programme. The instrument hardware development was also supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) (ASI-INAF agreement no. I/2020-17-HH.0), INAF/Astronomical Observatory of Padova, and the Space Research Center (CBK) in Warsaw. Support from SGF (Budapest), the University of Arizona (Lunar and Planetary Lab.) and NASA are also gratefully acknowledged. Operations support from the UK Space Agency under grant ST/R003025/1 is also acknowledged. This research has made use of the USGS Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) Technical support for setup of the Multi-Mission Geographic Information System for concurrent team mapping was provided by F. Calef (III) and T. Soliman at NASA JPL and S. de Witte at ESA-ESTEC.This work was supported by Agencia Estatal de Investigación [grant number ID2019-107442RB-C32, MDM-2017-0737]; Agenzia Spaziale Italiana [grant number 2017-412-H.0]; Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie [grant number 50 QX 2002]; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales; Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [grant number PES21/88]; Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica [grant number I/ 060/10/0]; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [grant number PID2019-104205GB-C21]; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [grant number AAAA-A18-118012290370-6]; National Aeronautics and Space Administration [grant number NNX15AH46G]; Norges Forskningsråd [grant number 223272]; European Union's Horizon 2020 (H2020-COMPET-2015) [grant number 687302 (PTAL)]; Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; MINECO [grant number PID2019-107442RB-C32]; The Open University [grant number Space Strategic Research Area]; European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [grant number 776276]; H2020-COMPET-2015 [grant number 687302]; The Research Council of Norway, Centres of Excellence funding scheme [grant number 223272]; Helmholtz Metadata Projects [grant number ZT-I-PF-3-008]; The Research Council of Norway [grant number 223272]; Swiss Space Office via ESA's PRODEX programme; Ines Torres was supported by an ESA Young Graduate Traineeship; Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung [grant number 200021_197293]; Science and Technology Facilities Council [grant number 1967420]; UK Space Agency [grant number ST/K502388/1, ST/R002355/1, ST/V002678/1]. The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Mission is a partnership between ESA and NASA. The Rosalind Franklin Rover has eight instruments in its ‘Pasteur’ Payload, with Principal Investigators from seven countries all of whom we would like to thank for there support of this project. We would like to acknowledge the following funding bodies, people and institutions supporting the lead authors of this work. We thank the UK Space Agency (UK SA) for funding P. Fawdon, on grants; ST/W002736/1, ST/L00643X/1 and ST/R001413/1, MRB on grants; ST/T002913/1, ST/V001965/1, ST/R001383/1, ST/R001413/1, P. Grindrod on grants; ST/L006456/1, ST/R002355/1, ST/V002678/1 and J. Davis on grants ST/K502388/1, ST/R002355/1, ST/V002678/1 through the ongoing Aurora space exploration programme. C. Orgel was supported by the ESA Research Fellowship Program. Alessandro Frigeri: was funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) grant ASI-INAF number 2017-412-H.0 (ExoMars/Ma_MISS) and D. Loizeau was funded by the H2020-COMPET-2015 programme (grant 687302), C. Quantin-Nataf was supported by the French space agency CNES, I. Torres was supported by an ESA Young Graduate Traineeship, A. Nass was supported by Helmholtz Metadata Projects (#ZT-I-PF-3-008). We thank NASA and the HiRISE camera team for data collection support throughout the ExoMars landing site selection and charectorisation process. The USGS for the HiRISE DTM data and maintaining the ISIS and SOCET SET DEM workflows. The authors wish to thank the CaSSIS spacecraft and instrument engineering teams. CaSSIS is a project of the University of Bern and funded through the Swiss Space Office via ESA's PRODEX programme. The instrument hardware development was also supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) (ASI-INAF agreement no. I/2020-17-HH.0), INAF/Astronomical Observatory of Padova, and the Space Research Center (CBK) in Warsaw. Support from SGF (Budapest), the University of Arizona (Lunar and Planetary Lab.) and NASA are also gratefully acknowledged. Operations support from the UK Space Agency under grant ST/R003025/1 is also acknowledged. This research has made use of the USGS Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) Technical support for setup of the Multi-Mission Geographic Information System for concurrent team mapping was provided by F. Calef (III) and T. Soliman at NASA JPL and S. de Witte at ESA-ESTEC.Peer reviewe

    The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission

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    This 1:30,000 scale geological map describes Oxia Planum, Mars, the landing site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission. The map represents our current understanding of bedrock units and their relationships prior to Rosalind Franklin’s exploration of this location. The map details 15 bedrock units organised into 6 groups and 7 textural and surficial units. The bedrock units were identified using visible and near-infrared remote sensing datasets. The objectives of this map are (i) to identify where the most astrobiologically relevant rocks are likely to be found, (ii) to show where hypotheses about their geological context (within Oxia Planum and in the wider geological history of Mars) can be tested, (iii) to inform both the long-term (hundreds of metres to ∼1 km) and the short-term (tens of metres) activity planning for rover exploration, and (iv) to allow the samples analysed by the rover to be interpreted within their regional geological context

    What kind of calcite? Disclosing the origin of sparry calcite temper in ancient ceramics

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    The addition of temper in the pottery manufacturing process is attested since Prehistoric Times and is still a production choice adopted in the ceramic industry. When the temper is composed of minerals and rocks which outcrop in regions distant from each other, new questions about the production technology arise. Such situations can be explained by considering the recycling of imported rocks, including those used for architectonic elements or sculptures, mainly coming from contemporary or earlier buildings, a practice that was widely diffused during the Roman and successive periods. This study presents evidence of the deliberate addition of recycled white marbles and sparry calcite (probably from calcareous sinters/calcite alabasters) within the long-lived production (between the 4th and 14th century CE) of coarse and cooking ware in north-eastern Italy. The petrographic analysis of about 200 potsherds attested the use of marble as unusual kind of temper, in addition to fragments of sparry calcite, in about half of the repertoire. The occurrence of different types of marbles, associated with rocks and minerals typical of the alluvial deposits of the eastern Po plain as well as locally available rocks (Euganean Hills trachyte), clearly pointed to the intentional addition of recycled marble fragments from ancient spolia, excluding the hypothesis that the pottery was imported from other regions. Detailed petrographic and microstructural analysis, including maximum grain size (MGS), accessory minerals (when observed) and grain boundary shapes allowed us to limit the provenance of these marbles to the most important Mediterranean classical source regions. These conclusions have been confirmed by the oxygen and carbon stable isotope data derived from marbles and calcite fragments mechanically separated from the ceramic paste. Some fragments of sparry calcite were characterised by very negative \u3b413C values, significantly different from known marble varieties, and typical of calcite crystallised in superficial geological environments, consistent with calcareous sinters, such as calcite alabasters. Moreover, a series of firing experiments were carried out in the temperature interval between 450 \ub0C and 800 \ub0C, both reproducing oxidising and reducing conditions, on clay pastes tempered with Carrara marble, and fired, to evaluate whether these anomalous \u3b413C values observed in the ancient ceramic inclusions could also be related to the firing process

    The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission

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    International audienceThis 1:30,000 scale geological map describes Oxia Planum, Mars, the landing site for theExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission. The map represents our current understanding ofbedrock units and their relationships prior to Rosalind Franklin’s exploration of this location.The map details 15 bedrock units organised into 6 groups and 7 textural and surficial units.The bedrock units were identified using visible and near-infrared remote sensing datasets.The objectives of this map are (i) to identify where the most astrobiologically relevant rocksare likely to be found, (ii) to show where hypotheses about their geological context (withinOxia Planum and in the wider geological history of Mars) can be tested, (iii) to inform boththe long-term (hundreds of metres to ∼1 km) and the short-term (tens of metres) activityplanning for rover exploration, and (iv) to allow the samples analysed by the rover to beinterpreted within their regional geological context