9 research outputs found

    Essence and criteria of identification of an economic object

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    The article is devoted to the problem of marking out economic objects among other objects of reality. The methodological grounds of the study is formed on the basis of close interlacing of two directions of development of the modern economic methodology: logical and cognitive (synthesis of psycho-physiology, philosophy and economy) and socio-constructivistic (synthesis of economy and other spheres of public life). Using the cause-effect method the article analyses the essence of the economic category “economic object” and interconnection of this category with such categories as “economic subject” and “economic unit”. The article identifies key features of economic activity. It forms necessary criteria of identification of a fragment of reality as economic object and specifies two levels of economic objects in the modern world economy. The offered approach to consideration of an economic object plays the role of a prerequisite of creation of a paradigm of the universal synthesis when economy is considered as an organic part of reality

    Activities of modern enterprice in a strategic economy: «organization as theater»

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    Запропоновано універсальну структуру опису поведінки об’єкта через характеристику способів його функціонування, організації, взаємодії та адаптації. Виокремлено риси сучасної «стратегічної економіки». Сформовано фрейм «організація як театр» у якості ідентифікатора дій сучасного підприємства.The universal structure describing the behavior of an object with four parameters was proposed: operating mode, way of organizing, way to adapt and form of the interaction. Features of the modern «strategic economy » have been singled out. Frame «organization as theater» was formed as an identifier of a modern enterprise

    Головні ознаки підприємств машинобудівної галузі як складних проектно-об’єктних систем

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    Розглянуті концептуальні основи визначення різновидів просторово-часових господарських систем. Визначені теоретичні аспекти системи управління підприємством як проектно-об’єктної системи з урахуванням інноваційних процесів.Conceptual bases of determination of varieties of the spatio-temporal economic systems are considered in the paper. The article deals with the theoretical aspects of business management as design-object system based on innovative processes

    Reconstruction of surface ocean conditions in the western Norwegian Sea during MIS 5e using intra-interglacial variability of planktic foraminifera

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    This thesis focuses on the identification and description of the last interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) which began about 130,000 years ago and ended about 115,000 years ago. The detailed study of this period is of great importance, since the climatic conditions of the last interglacial period were very similar to modern conditions. Definition of major climate changes during this stage and explanation of their reasons make it possible to draw out reliable predictions and identify the future trend of the modern climate development. The main purpose of this work includes the identification of climatic variations during previous warmest period, the definition of its borders on the glacial-interglacial scale using a range of paleoceanographic proxy records, such as IRD (ice-rafted debris), carbonate content, planktic foraminifera variability, stable oxygen isotopes. The detailed investigation of sediment core MD 992276 from the western part of the Norwegian Sea was implemented to achieve the goal of the study. A particular quantitative analysis of the content of planktic foraminifera was carried out for all samples, on the basis of which sea surface temperatures were estimated. These estimations allowed an independent assessment of climatic changes, based on the main climate forming factor – temperature. Variations of planktic foraminifera content were correlated with the data of ice-rafted debris content which were taken from the previous investigation of this core (data from Bachelor Thesis of Kolling H., 2010) as well as data of ash content in the samples. For the stratigraphic purposes the carbonate content (XRF – measurements) in samples from the previous investigation was used (data from Bachelor Thesis of Kolling H., 2010). The main result was the fact that all analysis and interpretations clearly reflect the climate warming over the Marine Isotope Stage 5e and precisely identify the stratigraphic boundaries of this period. The tendency to instability and slight variations in climate during this time was also clearly seen

    Eurasian Arctic ice sheets in transitions:consequences for climate, environment and ocean circulation

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    Abstract In this Ph.D. thesis sediment cores from the central Arctic Ocean, southwestern Barents Sea and sediment exposures from the Kola Peninsula were investigated in order to reveal interactions between the late middle Pleistocene and late Pleistocene Arctic ice sheets, between Marine Isotope Stages 6 and 1 (MIS 6 and MIS 1). One of the main objectives of this work is to establish provenance areas for the sediments studied in the central Arctic, the southwestern (SW) Barents Sea and the Kola Peninsula, their transport mechanisms and through that their relationship to glaciations in the Arctic and to development in the Kola Peninsula during the late middle and late Pleistocene. Mineralogical and geochemical data from the core 96/12-1pc on the Lomonosov Ridge, central Arctic Ocean was studied to evaluate ice transport from circum-Arctic ice sheets and variability in sediment drainage systems associated with their decay. SW Barents Sea sediments contain important information on Late Glacial and Holocene sediment provenance characteristics in relation to ice flow patterns and ice rafting from different regional sectors. The studied SW Barents Sea sediment cores show that sediments were most likely derived from a combination of far-field Fennoscandian sources, local subcropping Mesozoic strata below the seafloor and sea ice transport. The investigation carried out on the Kola Peninsula indicates that the Eemian (MIS 5e) marine environment in the White Sea Basin and onshore coastal areas gradually changed into a glaciolacustrine environment during MIS 5d to MIS 5a. Subsequently, the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) covered the Kola Peninsula, most probably during MIS 4. The final deglaciation of the SIS on the Kola Peninsula took place, however, during the late Weichselian (MIS 2) between 16–12 ka.Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkittiin sedimenttikairanäytteitä keskeiseltä Jäämereltä ja Lounais-Barentsinmereltä sekä tarkasteltiin sedimenttiseurantoja Kuolan niemimaalla tarkoituksena selvittää myöhäisen keskipleistoseeni- ja myöhäispleistoseeniajan Arktisten jääkenttien keskinäiset vuorovaikutukset erityisesti merellisten isotooppivaiheiden 6 ja 1 (MIS 6 ja MIS 1) välillä. Tämän työn yhtenä päätavoitteena on määritellä sedimenttien lähdealueet keskeisellä Arktiksella, lounaisella Barentsinmerellä ja Kuolan niemimaalla, sedimenttien kuljetusmekanismit ja näiden perusteella riippuvuudet Arktisiin jäätiköihin ja Kuolan niemimaalla tapahtuneeseen myöhäiskeski- ja myöhäispleistoseenin kehitykseen. Mineraloginen ja geokemiallinen tieto Lomonosovin harjanteen kairauksesta 96/12-1pc, keskeisellä Jäämerellä on perusta arvioitaessa jääkuljetusmekanismeja ympäröiviltä sirkum-Arktisilta jäätiköiltä ja arvioitaessa valuma-alueiden osuutta suhteessa näiden jäätiköiden häviämiseen. Lounaisen Barentsinmeren sedimentit sisältävät tärkeätä tietoja viimeisen jäätiköitymisen loppuvaiheen ja holoseeni-ajan sedimenttien lähdealueista ja suhteista jäävirtauksiin ja jääkuljetukseen eri aluesektoreilta. Tutkitut Lounais-Barentsinmeren sedimentit osoittavat, että sedimentit olivat todennäköisimmin peräisin suhteellisen kaukaisilta Fennoscandian lähdealueilta, paikallisista mesotsoosista merenpohjan kerrostumista ja merijään kuljettamasta materiaalista. Kuolan niemimaalla tehty tutkimus osoittaa, että Eem-kauden (MIS 5e) meriympäristö Vienanmeren altaassa ja rannikkoalueilla vähitellen muuttui glaciolakustriseksi ympäristöksi MIS 5d:n ja MIS 5a:n välisenä aikana. Sen jälkeen Skandinavian jääkenttä (SIS) peitti Kuolan niemimaan, todennäköisimmin koko MIS:n 4 ajanjakson. SIS:n lopullinen deglasiaatio alkoi Kuolan niemimaalla kuitenkin myöhäisen Veiksel-jääkauden (MIS 2) aikana noin 16–12 ka sitten


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    The article considers the interdependence lyceum students’ research qualities’ formation and their readiness to research activity. It is noticed that the leading kind of the readiness for research activi-ties is motivational readiness, which is characterized by the attitude to the research activity.В статье рассматривается взаимная зависимость формирования исследовательских качеств учащихся лицея и их готовность к исследовательской деятельности. Отмечено, что ведущим видом готовности к исследовательской деятельности выступает мотивационная готовность, которая характеризуется отношением к исследовательской деятельности

    Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts in the Arctic Ocean: Potential and limitations for stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstructions

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    Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts in the Arctic Ocean: Potential and limitations for stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstructions

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