84 research outputs found

    Protein Kinase C β Controls Nuclear Factor κB Activation in B Cells Through Selective Regulation of the IκB Kinase α

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    Activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription complex by signals derived from the surface expressed B cell antigen receptor controls B cell development, survival, and antigenic responses. Activation of NF-κB is critically dependent on serine phosphorylation of the IκB protein by the multi-component IκB kinase (IKK) containing two catalytic subunits (IKKα and IKKβ) and one regulatory subunit (IKKγ). Using mice deficient for protein kinase C β (PKCβ) we show an essential role of PKCβ in the phosphorylation of IKKα and the subsequent activation of NF-κB in B cells. Defective IKKα phosphorylation correlates with impaired B cell antigen receptor–mediated induction of the pro-survival protein Bcl-xL. Lack of IKKα phosphorylation and defective NF-κB induction in the absence of PKCβ explains the similarity in immunodeficiencies caused by PKCβ or IKKα ablation in B cells. Furthermore, the well established functional cooperation between the protein tyrosine kinase Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk), which regulates the activity of NF-κB and PKCβ, suggests PKCβ as a likely serine/threonine kinase component of the Btk-dependent NF-κB activating signal transduction chain downstream of the BCR

    UV-Induced Ubiquitylation of XPC Protein Mediated by UV-DDB-Ubiquitin Ligase Complex

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    SummaryThe xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC) protein complex plays a key role in recognizing DNA damage throughout the genome for mammalian nucleotide excision repair (NER). Ultraviolet light (UV)-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB) is another complex that appears to be involved in the recognition of NER-inducing damage, although the precise role it plays and its relationship to XPC remain to be elucidated. Here we show that XPC undergoes reversible ubiquitylation upon UV irradiation of cells and that this depends on the presence of functional UV-DDB activity. XPC and UV-DDB were demonstrated to interact physically, and both are polyubiquitylated by the recombinant UV-DDB-ubiquitin ligase complex. The polyubiquitylation altered the DNA binding properties of XPC and UV-DDB and appeared to be required for cell-free NER of UV-induced (6-4) photoproducts specifically when UV-DDB was bound to the lesion. Our results strongly suggest that ubiquitylation plays a critical role in the transfer of the UV-induced lesion from UV-DDB to XPC

    Gluteal-fold adipofascial perforator flap transposition for rectourethral fistula reconstruction

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    If a rectourinary fistula does not close spontaneously, it requires surgical closure. We present our experience of rectourethral fistula reconstruction using a gluteal-fold perforator flap, resulting in a successful outcome. The patient was a 64-year-old man with prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy. However, he developed rectourinary fistula, which required surgical closure. A dissection was undertaken to divide the fistula tract, and the rectal and urethral defect were closed. A 12.0×3.0 cm gluteal-fold adipofascial perforator flap was harvested and placed in the space between the rectum and urethra. The viability of lap was favourable, without infection or necrosis. The patient could walk the next day, and was discharged 2 weeks later without fecaluria or liquid stool. We conclude that the gluteal-fold adipofascial perforator flap offers excellent functional advantages in rectourethral fistula reconstruction with minimal morbidity at the donor site

    Corticosteroid-induced spinal epidural lipomatosis in the pediatric age group: report of a new case and updated analysis of the literature

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    Spinal epidural lipomatosis is a rare complication of chronic corticosteroid treatment. We report a new pediatric case and an analysis of this and 19 pediatric cases identified in the international literature. The youngest of these combined 20 patients was 5 years old when lipomatosis was diagnosed. Lipomatosis manifested after a mean of 1.3 (+/- 1.5) years (SD) (median, 0.8 years; range, 3 weeks - 6.5 years) of corticosteroid treatment. The corticosteroid dose at the time of presentation of the lipomatosis ranged widely, between 5 and 80 mg of prednisone/day. Back pain was the most common presenting symptom. Imaging revealed that lipomatosis almost always involved the thoracic spine, extending into the lumbosacral region in a subset of patients. Predominantly lumbosacral involvement was documented in only two cases. Although a neurological deficit at presentation was documented in about half of the cases, surgical decompression was not performed in the cases reported after 1996. Instead, reducing the corticosteroid dose (sometimes combined with dietary restriction to mobilize fat) sufficed to induce remission. In summary, pediatric spinal epidural lipomatosis remains a potentially serious untoward effect of corticosteroid treatment, which, if recognized in a timely manner, can have a good outcome with conservative treatment

    Expression analysis of G Protein-coupled receptors in mouse macrophages

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    Background. Monocytes and macrophages express an extensive repertoire of G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) that regulate inflammation and immunity. In this study we performed a systematic micro-array analysis of GPCR expression in primary mouse macrophages to identify family members that are either enriched in macrophages compared to a panel of other cell types, or are regulated by an inflammatory stimulus, the bacterial product lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Results. Several members of the P2RY family had striking expression patterns in macrophages; P2ry6 mRNA was essentially expressed in a macrophage-specific fashion, whilst P2ry1 and P2ry5 mRNA levels were strongly down-regulated by LPS. Expression of several other GPCRs was either restricted to macrophages (e.g. Gpr84) or to both macrophages and neural tissues (e.g. P2ry12, Gpr85). The GPCR repertoire expressed by bone marrow-derived macrophages and thioglycollate- elicited peritoneal macrophages had some commonality, but there were also several GPCRs preferentially expressed by either cell population. Conclusion. The constitutive or regulated expression in macrophages of several GPCRs identified in this study has not previously been described. Future studies on such GPCRs and their agonists are likely to provide important insights into macrophage biology, as well as novel inflammatory pathways that could be future targets for drug discovery

    Identifying the target genes of SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1, a master transcription factor controlling DNA damage response in Arabidopsis

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    In mammalian cells, the transcription factor p53 plays a crucial role in transmitting DNA damage signals to maintain genome integrity. However, in plants, orthologous genes for p53 and checkpoint proteins are absent. Instead, the plant-specific transcription factor SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RADIATION 1 (SOG1) controls most of the genes induced by gamma irradiation and promotes DNA repair, cell cycle arrest, and stem cell death. Thus far, the genes directly controlled by SOG1 remain largely unknown, limiting the understanding of DNA damage signaling in plants. Here, we conducted a microarray analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-sequencing, and identified 146 Arabidopsis genes as direct targets of SOG1. By using the ChIP-sequencing data, we extracted the palindromic motif [CTT(N)7AAG] as a consensus SOG1-binding sequence, which mediates target gene induction in response to DNA damage. Furthermore, DNA damage-triggered phosphorylation of SOG1 is required for efficient binding to SOG1-binding sequence. Comparison between SOG1 and p53 target genes showed that both transcription factors control genes responsible for cell cycle regulation, such as CDK inhibitors, and DNA repair proteins, whereas SOG1 preferentially targets genes involved in homologous recombination. We also found that defense-related genes were enriched in the SOG1 target genes. Consistent with this, SOG1 is required for resistance against the hemi-biotrophic fungus Colletotrichum higginsianum, suggesting that SOG1 has a unique function in controlling immune response. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The Sonoda–Tajima Cell Collection: A Human Genetics Research Resource with Emphasis on South American Indigenous Populations

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    The Sonoda–Tajima Cell Collection includes cell samples obtained from a range of ethnic minority groups across the world but in particular from South America. The collection is made all the more valuable by the fact that some of these ethnic populations have since died out, and thus it will be impossible to prepare a similar cell collection again. The collection was donated to our institute, a public cell bank in Japan, by Drs Sonoda and Tajima to make it available to researchers throughout the world. The original cell collection was composed of cryopreserved peripheral blood samples that would obviously have been rapidly exhausted if used directly. We, therefore, immortalized some samples with the Epstein–Barr virus and established B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCLs). As there is continuing controversy over whether the B-LCL genome is stably maintained, we performed an array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis to confirm the genomic stability of the cell lines. The array CGH analysis of the B-LCL lines and their parental B cells demonstrated that genomic stability was maintained in the long-term cell cultures. The B-LCLs of the Sonoda–Tajima Collection will therefore be made available to interested scientists around the world. At present, 512 B-LCLs have been developed, and we are willing to increase the number if there is sufficient demand

    CLO: The cell line ontology

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    Abstract Background Cell lines have been widely used in biomedical research. The community-based Cell Line Ontology (CLO) is a member of the OBO Foundry library that covers the domain of cell lines. Since its publication two years ago, significant updates have been made, including new groups joining the CLO consortium, new cell line cells, upper level alignment with the Cell Ontology (CL) and the Ontology for Biomedical Investigation, and logical extensions. Construction and content Collaboration among the CLO, CL, and OBI has established consensus definitions of cell line-specific terms such as ‘cell line’, ‘cell line cell’, ‘cell line culturing’, and ‘mortal’ vs. ‘immortal cell line cell’. A cell line is a genetically stable cultured cell population that contains individual cell line cells. The hierarchical structure of the CLO is built based on the hierarchy of the in vivo cell types defined in CL and tissue types (from which cell line cells are derived) defined in the UBERON cross-species anatomy ontology. The new hierarchical structure makes it easier to browse, query, and perform automated classification. We have recently added classes representing more than 2,000 cell line cells from the RIKEN BRC Cell Bank to CLO. Overall, the CLO now contains ~38,000 classes of specific cell line cells derived from over 200 in vivo cell types from various organisms. Utility and discussion The CLO has been applied to different biomedical research studies. Example case studies include annotation and analysis of EBI ArrayExpress data, bioassays, and host-vaccine/pathogen interaction. CLO’s utility goes beyond a catalogue of cell line types. The alignment of the CLO with related ontologies combined with the use of ontological reasoners will support sophisticated inferencing to advance translational informatics development.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109554/1/13326_2013_Article_185.pd

    The nuclear receptor PPARγ selectively inhibits Th17 differentiation in a T cell–intrinsic fashion and suppresses CNS autoimmunity

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    T helper cells secreting interleukin (IL)-17 (Th17 cells) play a crucial role in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS). Th17 differentiation, which is induced by a combination of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β/IL-6 or IL-21, requires expression of the transcription factor retinoic acid receptor–related orphan receptor γt (RORγt). We identify the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor γ (PPARγ) as a key negative regulator of human and mouse Th17 differentiation. PPARγ activation in CD4+ T cells selectively suppressed Th17 differentiation, but not differentiation into Th1, Th2, or regulatory T cells. Control of Th17 differentiation by PPARγ involved inhibition of TGF-β/IL-6–induced expression of RORγt in T cells. Pharmacologic activation of PPARγ prevented removal of the silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors corepressor from the RORγt promoter in T cells, thus interfering with RORγt transcription. Both T cell–specific PPARγ knockout and endogenous ligand activation revealed the physiological role of PPARγ for continuous T cell–intrinsic control of Th17 differentiation and development of autoimmunity. Importantly, human CD4+ T cells from healthy controls and MS patients were strongly susceptible to PPARγ-mediated suppression of Th17 differentiation. In summary, we report a PPARγ-mediated T cell–intrinsic molecular mechanism that selectively controls Th17 differentiation in mice and in humans and that is amenable to pharmacologic modulation. We therefore propose that PPARγ represents a promising molecular target for specific immunointervention in Th17-mediated autoimmune diseases such as MS