143 research outputs found

    Effect of resin and ionomer sealer materials on demineralization inhibition of occlusal pit and fissures, evaluation of enamel mineral loss and marginal adaptation

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    Orientadores: Regina Maria Puppin-Rontani, Marines Nobre dos Santos UchoaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: As superfícies oclusais são locais suscetíveis ao acúmulo de biofilme bacteriano favorecendo o desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie. Os selantes de fóssulas e fissuras oclusais vêm sendo proposto na prevenção desta doença multifatorial, principalmente em pacientes de alto risco. Desta forma, os objetivos deste estudo in vitro foram avaliar: 1 - a formação de fendas na interface esmalte/selante (gaps) de diferentes tipos de materiais usados como selantes (Selante resinoso, Cimento de ionômero de vidro, Cimento de ionômero de vidro modificado por resina e Sistemas adesivos) quando submetidos ao severo estresse físico e químico e 2 - o efeito de inibição da perda mineral do esmalte produzida pelos selantes oclusais que contém ou não fluoretos e verificar a capacidade de liberação de flúor destes materiais. Um total de 108 terceiros molares humanos inclusos foi aleatoriamente dividido em grupos de acordo com o material, e selados: Concise (C), FluroShield (F), Helioseal Clear Chroma (H), Vitremer (V), Fuji II-LC (FII), Ketac Molar (KM), Fuji IX (FIX), Single Bond (SB), e Clearfil Protect Bond (CF). Todos os grupos foram submetidos à ciclagem térmica (500 ciclos) e de pH (14 dias). Para a avaliação da formação de fendas e do efeito de inibição à cárie, os espécimes foram constituídos de fragmentos de fissuras oclusais, obtidos a partir de secções longitudinais, no sentido vestíbulo-lingual da fossa central para os molares inferiores, e da fossa mesial para os superiores. Por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, da análise de microdureza (% de volume mineral) e da análise da liberação de flúor destes materiais nas soluções dês-remineralizadoras foram avaliados os efeitos dos materiais quanto à formação de ¿gaps¿ e inibição da perda mineral do esmalte dentário. Os resultados demonstraram que Single Bond e Vitremer foram efetivos na preservação da interface material selador/superfície oclusal do esmalte, suportando as condições de severo estresse físico e químico oferecidos pelo modelo in vitro proposto. Os selantes resinosos não foram capazes de prevenir a perda mineral do esmalte oclusal de dentes permanentes exposto ao desafio cariogênico. Já selantes ionoméricos revelaram os menores valores de perda mineral de esmalte na mesma situação experimental. Deve-se considerar que o flúor liberado pelos selantes ionoméricos foi capaz de prevenir a perda mineral do esmalte. Entretanto, apenas a presença de flúor na composição do material não foi capaz de interferir na inibição da perda mineral do esmalteAbstract: The occlusal surfaces are considered susceptible sites for the biofilm accumulation, which increases caries development. Pit and fissure dental sealants are recognized as an important adjunct approach for caries prevention in high caries risk patients. However, in the search for a material that has a good clinical performance, it should be considered the integration of retention and fluoride-releasing properties in sealant materials. The aims of this in vitro study were to quantitatively evaluate: 1 - the effect of different materials when used as sealants (Resin sealant, Glass-ionomer cements, Resin-modified glass-ionomer cements, and Adhesive systems) on the gap formation in the fissure submitted to physical and chemical stress, and 2 - the effect of enamel mineral loss of fluoride- and non-fluoride-containing occlusal sealants on permanent teeth at different distances from the sealant margin and verify the fluoride releasing capability of these materials. One hundred and eight impacted human third molars were sealed and randomly assigned into: Concise (C), FluroShield (F), Helioseal Clear Chroma (H), Vitremer (V), Fuji II-LC (FII), Ketac Molar (KM), Fuji IX (FIX), Single Bond (SB), and Clearfil Protect Bond (CF) groups. All groups were subjected to thermo cycling (500 cycles) and 14 days of pH cycling. Each tooth was longitudinally sectioned in order to obtain oclusal specimens. It was consist in a perpendicular slice to the fissure orientation in the central fossa of mandibular and mesial fossa of maxillary molars. Scanning Electron Microscopy and cross-section microhardness evaluations assessed marginal adaptation and enamel mineral loss, respectively. The results demonstrated that Single Bond and Vitremer sealants were effective in preserve the marginal adaptation in the enamel occlusal fissure. They were able to support the stress conditions offered by this in vitro model. On the other hand, resin sealant did not prevent the enamel mineral loss in permanent teeth in a situation that simulated a high cariogenic challenge. Considering glass ionomer cements, the fluoride release level of these materials were able to decrease the enamel mineral loss. Moreover, only the presence of fluoride on the material¿s composition cannot predict the material¿s behavior with regard to their capability to interfere with the enamel mineral loss on permanent teethMestradoOdontopediatriaMestre em Odontologi

    O Livro didático de história da Rede Salesiana de Escolas em SC: desafios na formação do pensamento histórico

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Florianópolis, 2011Esta pesquisa versa sobre os usos da coleção de livros didáticos de História, no ensino médio, em cinco escolas da Rede Salesiana de Escolas (RSE), em Santa Catarina (SC). As instituições de ensino integrantes dessa Rede no Estado catarinense são: o Colégio Dom Bosco e o Instituto Maria Auxiliadora, em Rio do Sul; o Colégio São Paulo, em Ascurra; o colégio Salesiano Itajaí, em Itajaí; e o Colégio Auxiliadora, em Campos Novos. Os livros didáticos utilizados nessas instituições são produzidos por equipes da própria RSE e também são impressos pela editora salesiana. Especificamente foram investigados os sentidos atribuídos pelos 173 alunos das terceiras séries e pelos professores de História dos colégios mencionados; e, também pelos próprios autores, aos referidos livros e à disciplina de História. Em termos teórico-metodológicos, o ponto de partida, no trabalho de campo, foi a utilização da etnografia. Além disso, os 173 estudantes, os professores e os autores responderam a questionários específicos. O desenvolvimento da consciência histórica e os sentidos atribuídos à História com o uso dos livros da RSE foram analisados com base nos conceitos de representação e de consciência histórica, de acordo com Roger Chartier (1990) e Jörn Rüsen (2001), respectivamente. Enfim, a proposta pedagógica da RSE referenda a utilização do livro didático como principal instrumento de trabalho do professor, buscando a formação de determinada cultura escolar. Todavia, a pesquisa evidencia que os colégios da RSE, apesar de orientados a seguir os mesmos princípios, criam dinâmicas próprias. Assim, muito embora o livro didático seja importante aliado no desenvolvimento do pensamento histórico, é a mediação do professor que direcionará o processo escolar na compreensão da História e na formação da consciência histórica.This research is about the use of the history books in high school and in five Salesian Schools, in Santa Catarina (SC). The institutions participating in the Catarinense state are: Dom Bosco School and Maria Auxiliadora Institute in Rio do Sul; São Paulo School in Ascurra ; the Salesian School of Itajaí in Itajaí; and the Auxiliadora School in Campos Novos. The textbooks used in these Institutions are produced by a group of people hired by the Salesian Schools and are also printed by the salesian editing company. Specifically, the meanings attributed were investigated by the 12th graders students and by the history teachers from the schools mentioned; and also by the own authors to the referred books and to the history subject. In theoretical and methodological terms, the starting point in the fieldwork , was the use of ethnography. Besides, the 173 students, teachers and authors answered the especific questionnairies. The development of the historical consciousness and the meanings attributed to the history with the use of RSE books, were analized based on the concepts of representation and historical awareness, according to Roger Chartier (1990) and Jörn Rüsen (2001) respectively. Finally, the Salesian pedagogical proposal evaluates the use of the textbooks as the teacher's main working instrument , searching for a determined school culture. However, the reasearch shows that the Salesian Schools , in spite of being guided to follow the same principles, create their own dynamiques. Even though the textbook is an important ally in the development of historical thought, it is the mediation of the teacher who will direct the process of understanding school history and the formation of historical consciousness

    Irmãs catequistas franciscanas: memórias sobre a prática docente no ensino primário de Santa Catarina (1935-1965)

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Florianópolis, 2017.Esta pesquisa versa sobre as memórias de dez religiosas da atual Congregação das Irmãs Catequistas Franciscanas (CICAF), com o objetivo de compreender, por meio de suas memórias, como as Irmãs Catequistas Franciscanas foram produzindo uma ordem social e constituindo-se como professoras na medida em que construíam uma identidade professoral/religiosa de si, para si e para os outros, materializada em suas práticas docentes, no cenário da escola primária em Santa Catarina, no período entre 1935 e 1965. As Irmãs Catequistas Franciscanas iniciaram sua docência nas escolas paroquiais do interior do estado de Santa Catarina em 1915 e foram inseridas na educação pública a partir da década de 1930, período em que as escolas paroquiais passaram para a esfera pública municipal e/ou estadual. Desse modo, atuaram majoritariamente no processo de escolarização do ensino primário até 1965, década na qual ampliaram sua ação para serviços pastorais em geral, incluindo a abertura de casas em outros estados do país e além fronteiras. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, sob as lentes de Berger e Luckmann (1985), procurei compreender como, em relações sociais cotidianas e em tipificações habituais da prática docente, essas religiosas foram constituindo-se como professoras e, ao mesmo tempo, construindo uma identidade socialmente objetivada e subjetivamente apropriada. Maurice Halbwachs (2003) e Michel Pollak (1989; 1992) foram tomados como matrizes referenciais para a análise relativamente às memórias dessas professoras aposentadas, com idade entre 77 e 94 anos. Assim, as memórias das entrevistadas foram trabalhadas na esteira do conceito de memória coletiva, cunhado por Halbwachs, o qual enfatiza a necessidade de se estudar os quadros sociais (lugares de convívio e de experiência) como condição para se estudar os indivíduos. Todavia, além das questões relacionadas à coesão social, ao sentimento de pertencimento vinculado à comunidade afetiva, neste específico a CICAF, na esteira de Pollak, também busquei dialogar com a identidade e sua construção, ou seja, com o enquadramento da memória e seus processos de coerção. Além das entrevistas, outros documentos, tais como relatórios anuais, crônicas, atas, planos de aula, fichas funcionais, Livros Tombos, imagens e manuais didáticos foram utilizados como fontes. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que as Irmãs Catequistas Franciscanas constituíram uma identidade professoral/religiosa no ensino primário articulada ao ser e aos saberes religiosos católicos. Ou seja, embora professoras em escolas públicas, suas práticas cotidianas, amparadas tanto pelo catecismo quanto pelos manuais didáticos, sempre estiveram entrelaçadas com a identidade religiosa construída e mantida no interior da CICAF. Assim, as Irmãs Catequistas construíram uma cultura escolar (JULIA, 2001) singular no processo de escolarização primária e constituíram um jeito próprio e específico de aprender e de ensinar. Atrelado a esse processo, procuraram manter a identidade da Congregação tanto do ponto de vista religioso quanto docente, construindo-a e reconstruindo-a continuamente na sua prática dentro e fora das escolas.Abstract : This research centers on the memories of ten of the current Congregation of Sisters Catechists Franciscans (CICAF), the goal is to understand, through their memoirs, how the Sisters Catechists Franciscans were producing a social order and constituting themselves as a teachers, by the time they built a Professorial/religious identity for themselves and for others, materialized in their teaching practices, in the scenario of primary school in Santa Catarina, between 1935 and 1965. The Sisters Catechists Franciscans began their teaching practices in parochial schools, in the interior of the State of Santa Catarina in 1915 and were introduced in public education from the 1930's, a period in which parochial schools passed to the municipal and/or State sphere. Thus, they acted mainly in the process of schooling of the elementary school until 1965, a decade in which they extended their action to pastoral services in general, including the opening of houses in other States of the country and beyond. In theoretical and methodological terms, under the lens of Berger and Luckmann (1985), the goal was to try to understand how, in everyday social relations and in usual typifications of the teaching practice, these Sisters were constituting themselves as teachers and, at the same time, building a socially objectified and subjectively appropriate identity. Maurice Halbwachs (2003) and Michel Pollak (1989; 1992) were taken as reference matrices for the analysis regarding the memories of these retired teachers, aged 77 and 94 years. So, the memories of the interviewed were worked in the wake of the concept of collective memory, coined by Halbwachs, which emphasizes the need to study social frames (places of conviviality and experience) as a condition for studying individuals. However, in addition to the issues related to social cohesion, to the feeling of belonging linked to the affective community, specifically to CICAF, in the wake of Pollak, the author also sought to dialogue with the identity and its construction, that is, with the framework of the memory and its coercion processes. In addition to the interviews, other documents, such as annual reports, chronicles, minutes, lesson plans, handouts, Tomb Books, images and textbooks were used as sources. The survey results indicated that the Sisters Catechists Franciscans constituted a professorial/religious identity in primary education articulated to the being and to the Catholic religious knowledge. That is, although teachers in public schools, their daily practices, supported by both the catechism and didactic manuals, were always intertwined with the religious identity built and maintained within the CICAF. Thus, the Sisters Catechists built a school culture (JULIA,2001) unique in primary schooling process and constituted a proper and specific way of learning and teaching. Coupled to this process, they sought to keep the identity of the Congregation, as religious and from a teaching point of view, by building and rebuilding it, continuously, on its practice, inside and outside of schools

    Narrativas sobre a formação docente para a escola primária de Santa Catarina (1935-1965)

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    O artigo apresenta a narrativa de professoras integrantes de uma congregação religiosa católica feminina, em sua gênese denominada Companhia das Catequistas, instituída em Rodeio (SC). Por meio de suas memórias, abordo o processo de formação docente desse grupo de professoras que estiveram presentes no cenário educacional catarinense na segunda metade do século XX. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, sob as lentes de Berger e Luckmann (1985), procuro compreender como essa instituição construiu uma historicidade e adquiriu uma identidade religiosa e escolar por meio da formação docente de suas integrantes. Maurice Halbwachs (2003) foi tomado como matriz referencial para a análise relativa à memória coletiva, e Michel Pollak (1989; 1992), na análise referente à relação entre memória e identidade. Além das entrevistas, outros documentos, como, por exemplo, relatórios anuais, crônicas, atas, planos de aula, fichas funcionais, Livros Tombos, imagens e manuais didáticos, foram utilizados como fontes. Nas narrativas, ficou evidente que a formação docente contribuiu para a efetivação dessas professoras na carreira pública no Estado pois elas atendiam à carência de professores em escolas mais distantes, principalmente em áreas rurais. No geral, a formação docente era articulada à identidade religiosa, isto é, a formação docente era compreendida como secundária, o mais importante, para essas religiosas, era a formação católica, quer dizer, ser professora catequista era acima de tudo ser religiosa.Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Memória. Identidade. Professores Cristãos. Companhia das Catequistas - Rodeio (SC)

    O livro didático de História como objeto material da cultura escolar: uma experiência a partir da Rede Salesiana de Escolas

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    Na busca por novas perspectivas envolvendo o material didático de História, este artigo apresenta parte do resultado da pesquisa de mestrado, o qual aborda a relação entre o livro didático de História do ensino médio e a sua organização curricular com a produção de uma cultura escolar específica da Rede Salesiana de Escolas (RSE). Em sua proposta pedagógica, a RSE compreende o livro didático como o principal produto da cultura escolar. Nesse sentido, procura-se direcionar a discussão concebendo a formação da RSE e suas normativas como integrantes do processo de formação e espaço de apropriação de conhecimentos e valores. Compreende-se o processo educacional sob o prisma da cultura sob a acepção de Julia (2001) e Forquin (1993). Aborda-se o livro didático e o currículo como produtos da cultura escolar considerando que as escolas são portadoras de individualidades e de culturas particulares, no entanto estão submetidas à padronização do ensino e da aprendizagem por meio da utilização do material didático como intercessor para a constituição de uma cultura escolar uniforme.Palavras-chave: História; Estudo e ensino; Livros didáticos; Currículos; Rede Salesiana de Escolas

    Morphological And Chemical Changes In Dentin After Using Endodontic Agents: Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy, Energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, And Scanning Electron Microscopy Study.

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    We examine the morphological and chemical changes in the pulp chamber dentin after using endodontic agents by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman), and micro energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (μEDXRF). Thirty teeth were sectioned exposing the pulp chamber and divided by six groups (n=5): NT-no treatment; CHX-2% chlorhexidine; CHXE-2% chlorhexidine+17% EDTA; E-17% EDTA; SH5-5.25% NaOCl; SH5E-5.25% NaOCl+17% EDTA. The inorganic and organic content was analyzed by FT-Raman. μEDXRF examined calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) content as well as Ca/P ratio. Impressions of specimens were evaluated by SEM. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (pNT=SH5E>CHX>E>CHXE). CHXE and E presented the highest Ca/P ratio values compared to the other groups (p<0.05). The SEM images in the EDTA-treated groups had the highest number of open tubules. Erosion in the tubules was observed in CHX and SH5E groups. Endodontic agents change the inorganic and organic content of pulp chamber dentin. NaOCl used alone, or in association with EDTA, was the most effective agent considering chemical and morphological approaches.1707500

    Indirect evaluation of pit and fissure sealants : a 3D-based method validation

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    The aim of the present study was to compare indirect methods to assess the clinical performance of pit and fissure sealants and validate the use of 3D scanners. Sample consisted of 58 plaster models of upper and lower first permanent molars, sealed with resin sealants, as well as photographs obtained during the 18-month follow-up. Pre-established criteria were applied to categorize the sealant presence/absence and marginal integrity. Two calibrated examiners performed the evaluations, independently, using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM; gold-standard), Photography, 3D (CEREC In Lab) and Stereomicroscope analysis. The intra-examiner Spearman correlation was 94% e 97%, respectively, and the inter-examiner was 96%. Data was submitted to Kappa test, Spearman correlation and Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC). 3D and SEM presented good concordance; Stereomicroscope showed regular concordance with SEM and 3D (p0.05). SEM had a significant positive correlation with 3D and Stereomicroscope (r=0.76 and 0.71, respectively; p<0.01). There was significant positive correlation (r=0.65) between 3D and Stereomicroscope (p<0.01). The ROC estimated curve areas for Stereomicroscope and 3D were 0.90 (IC:0.81-0.99) and 1.0 (IC:1.0-1.0), respectively (p<0.001). Photography presented lower sensitivity and specificity (area=0.59). 3D method showed the best performance when compared to gold standard, exhibiting high sensitivity and specificity, therefore, it was validated as a reliable method to evaluate pit and fissure sealants

    Influence of environmental conditions on properties of ionomeric and resin sealant materials

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of environmental conditions on the degradation of ionomeric and resin sealant materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: FluroShield, Vitremer, and Ketac Molar disc-shaped specimens (n=18/material) were prepared, polished, subjected to initial hardness and roughness readings. Six discs of each material were randomly assigned to one of three different storage solutions: 0.3% citric acid (CA), demineralization solution (DE), and remineralization solution (RE). The specimens were individually immersed in 3 mL of the test solutions, which were daily changed. After 15 days of storage, new surface roughness and hardness readings were done. Fluoride release in the solutions was measured within 15 days. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's and Contrast tests (&#945;=0.05). RESULTS: The storage in CA increased the roughness of Vitremer and Ketac Molar. A significant reduction in hardness was observed for all materials after storage in all solutions. For all materials, the greatest amounts of fluoride release occurred during the 1st day. FluroShield presented the same patterns of fluoride release in all solutions. Ketac Molar and Vitremer released the highest amounts of fluoride in the CA solution. CONCLUSIONS: Ionomeric materials are more susceptible to degradation than resin-based materials under acidic conditions. Acidic conditions lead to a higher fluoride release from ionomeric materials

    Influence of Different Enamel Substrates on Microtensile Bond Strength of Sealants After Cariogenic Challenge

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Purpose: To evaluate the microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) of resin sealer on enamel substrates after cariogenic challenge. Materials and Methods: Enamel blocks were obtained from human third molars and randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 10) according to enamel substrates (S: sound, CL: caries-like lesion, or CLTF: caries-like lesion + topical fluoride application) and sealant material (F: FluroShield, or H: Helioseal Clear Chroma). Sealants were placed on enamel surfaces, stored in 100% humidity (24 h, 37 degrees C), and longitudinally sectioned into hourglass shapes. According to the groups, pH cycling was applied and the mu TBS test was performed. The fracture patterns were assessed by SEM. Results: Regarding substrates, the highest mu TBS values in MPa were observed for CLTF enamel (26.0 +/- 7.6), followed by S (22.0 +/- 7.4) and CL (15,5 +/- 4.9). A significant interaction was found between material and pH cycling (p = 0.0395). F (23.9 +/- 7.6) showed higher mu TBS values than H (18.3 +/- 7.5) when submitted to pH cycling. The majority of samples presented mixed failure. Conclusions: Enamel substrate significantly affected mu TBS, with the highest values for remineralized caries-like enamel lesions. Furthermore, mu TBS values were dependent on both materials and pH cycling.132131137Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP [05/60595-1

    Titanium dioxide nanotubes incorporated into bleaching agents: physicochemical characterization and enamel color change

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    Titanium dioxide nanotubes are nanostructures that can accelerate the oxidation reaction of bleaching procedures and promote a more effective whitening effect. Objective: This study evaluated physicochemical properties of bleaching agents incorporated with titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes, and the effects on tooth color change at different periods. Methodology: 40 premolars were treated according to the following groups (n=10): CP - 10% carbamide peroxide (1 hour daily/21 days); CPN - CP incorporated into TiO2; HP - 40% hydrogen peroxide (three 40-minute sessions/7 days apart); HPN - HP incorporated into TiO2. Color shade was evaluated at five different periods (baseline, after 7, 14 and 21 days of bleaching, and 7 days after end of treatment) according to Vita Classical, CIELab and CIEDE2000 scales. Mean particle size (P), polydispersity (PO) and zeta potential (ZP) were evaluated using dynamic light scattering. Data on the different variables were analyzed by mixed model tests for measures repeated in time (ZP e L*), generalized linear models for measures repeated in time (P, PO, Vita Classical and b*), and Friedman and Mann-Whitney tests (a* and color change/ΔE and ΔE00). Results: CP and CPN presented higher P, higher PO and lower ZP than HP and HPN (p≤0.05). All groups showed a significant decrease in Vita Classical color scores after 7 days of bleaching (p&lt;0.05), and HPN presented a greater significant reduction than the other groups. L* increased in TiO2 presence, in all groups, without any differences (p&gt;0.05) in bleaching time. A significant reduction occurred in the a* and b* values for all the groups, and HPN presented lower a* and b* values (p&lt;0.05) than CPN. ΔE was clinically noticeable after 7 days, in all groups, and all groups resulted in a perceptible color change according to ΔE00. Conclusion:TiO2 did not influence physicochemical properties of the bleaching agents. HPN presented more effective tooth bleaching than CP