138 research outputs found

    Le nombre de dimensions de privation (K-DIM) des enfants au Mali

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    Comme toutes les familles d’enfant malien n’ont pas les moyens de se loger correctement, l’enfant subit une privation dans cette dimension. Par exemple, Anna, qui a neuf ans, est moyennement sous-alimentĂ©e, n'a pas reçu de dose de vaccination contre la rougeole, vit dans une maison dotĂ©e d'installations sanitaires appropriĂ©es et ne va pas Ă  l'Ă©cole. Si nos critĂšres de pauvretĂ© sont d'ĂȘtre « nourri, d'avoir reçu au moins une dose de vaccination contre la rougeole, d'avoir une hygiĂšne appropriĂ©e, et d'aller Ă  l'Ă©cole » - alors Anna est privĂ©e de trois dimensions sur quatre. Si nous choisissions un critĂšre diffĂ©rent - par exemple souffrir de malnutrition grave – Anna serait privĂ©e de seulement deux dimensions sur quatre. Plusieurs Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© faites sur les inĂ©galitĂ©s faites aux enfants au Mali, mais ces Ă©tudes n’ont pas pris en compte le calcul du nombre dimensions de privation. C’est pourquoi nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  ce calcul dans cet article. L’objectif principal de l’étude est celle de l’estimation du nombre de dimensions de privation des enfants au Mali. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons utilisĂ© la fusion des enquĂȘtes sur les mĂ©nages : EnquĂȘte nationale nutritionnelle AnthropomĂ©trique et de MortalitĂ© RĂ©trospective Mali (SMART) et EnquĂȘte Modulaire et Permanente auprĂšs des MĂ©nages (EMOP) rĂ©alisĂ©e en 2017 par l’INSTAT du Mali. Et comme mĂ©thodologie, un programme de codage avec le logiciel SPSS pour aboutir Ă  un des rĂ©sultats suivants : Sur les 7324345 enfants de 0-17 ans concernĂ©s par les privations multiples, 48,7% sont des garçons et 47,4% des filles qui sont privĂ©s d’au moins trois (3) dimensions. Soit au total 48,1% des enfants maliens sont privĂ©s de leurs droits fondamentaux

    Estimation logistique de la pauvreté (risque relative au phénomÚne de pauvreté) des enfants au Mali

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    Les enfants maliens font face Ă  d'innombrables conditions de vie et de sociĂ©tĂ© difficiles - y compris la pauvretĂ© chronique, la pĂ©nurie alimentaire, la violence et la privation- qui portent atteinte Ă  leur bien-ĂȘtre et au dĂ©veloppement positif de la jeunesse. Afin d'adresser ces besoins critiques, UNICEF a inclus en 2015 la rĂ©silience comme pilier stratĂ©gique clĂ© dans son programme pour le Mali (2015-2019) afin d'aider Ă  sa planification, programmation et politique. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est savoir les facteurs dĂ©terminant la pauvretĂ© infantile au Mali et de mettre en Ă©vidence les paramĂštres qui doivent ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©s afin de ne plus ĂȘtre classĂ© pauvre. Pour atteindre cet objectif nous avons utilisĂ© la fusion des enquĂȘtes sur les mĂ©nages : EnquĂȘte nationale nutritionnelle AnthropomĂ©trique et de MortalitĂ© RĂ©trospective Mali (SMART) et EnquĂȘte Modulaire et Permanente auprĂšs des MĂ©nages (EMOP) rĂ©alisĂ©e en 2017 par l’INSTAT du Mali. Et comme mĂ©thodologie, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la mĂ©thode de la rĂ©gression logistique avec le logiciel STATA afin aboutir Ă  quelques rĂ©sultats suivants: La probabilitĂ© d’ĂȘtre pauvre pour les RĂ©gions est de moins de 2,81%, pour celui du niveau d’instruction est de moins de 1,07%, pour le sexe est de moins 2,77% et enfin pour le milieu est de moins de 3,72. L’ODDS ratio pour un enfant vivant dans les capitales rĂ©gionales est de 3,58 (Koulikoro), 6,11 (Sikasso), 2,31 (SĂ©gou), 4,01 (Mopti), 0,85 (Tombouctou), 2,59 (Gao) et 0,14 (Bamako). L’ODDS ratio d’un cadre ayant un niveau d’étude supĂ©rieure par rapport Ă  celle qui n’a qu’un niveau primaire est de 0,75. L’estimation du ODDS ratio des personnes mariĂ©es monogames est de 1,95, pour celle des polygames est de 3, celles des veuves/veufs est de 3,92, et celle des divorcĂ©s est de 1,49. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient orienter vers des stratĂ©gies plus efficaces de lutte contre la malnutrition

    Neglected zoonotic diseases and cross-border livestock movements in northern CĂŽte d'Ivoire : towards local and regional integrated control

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    Background: Neglected zoonotic diseases (NZDs) are less prioritized in Africa, which is in contrast to their impacts on human and animal health and livestock production. Brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever (RVF) are among the most common NZDs that occur in Western Africa. Cross-border livestock movements are frequent in Africa given the centuries-old practice of mobile pastoralism. They are described to be associated with the spread of “highly contagious epidemic animal diseases with significant economic and food security concerns, known as Transboundary Animal Diseases -TADs”, which include NZDs of interest in this PhD thesis. Although movements are central to livestock production in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), they are mostly uncontrolled. Additionally, veterinary services of the neighboring countries have hardly collaborated with respect to cross-border control of diseases. Currently the epidemiology as well as the public health and economic importance of TADs in general and NZDs in particular remain unknown in the region. The aim of this research was to generate epidemiological data on NZDs and TADs in order to assess their economic impact as well as to design appropriate regional control strategies. Methods: Multi-stage cross-sectional cluster surveys in livestock and humans between 2012 and 2014 in a random selection of 63 villages and a sample of 633 cattle, 622 small ruminants and about 100 people were conducted. Sera were tested with the Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT); indirect ELISAs for Brucella spp., B. ovis and C. burnetii; and a competitive ELISA for B. melitensis and RVF. Then questionnaires were administered regarding NZD risk factors. The economic impact of brucellosis on milk, meat and hide productions were calculated for Cîte d’Ivoire using a stochastic projection matrix model which simulated the demographic growth and compared cattle productions with and without brucellosis. Regarding cross-border control of livestock movements and diseases, thirteen focus group discussions with mobile pastoralists, agropastoralists and farmers as well as eleven key-informant interviews with animal health professionals and livestock movement supporting agencies were conducted. Additionally, cross-sectional serological surveys on brucellosis and Q fever in humans (n = 76), cattle, sheep and goats (n = 537) in slaughterhouses along pastoral corridors in northern Cîte d’Ivoire and Abidjan were also performed. Main results: The seroprevalence of Brucella spp. adjusted for clustering was 4.6% in cattle, 0% in sheep and goats and 5.3% in humans. In cattle, age, mixed-herding with other livestock species and having joint hygromas were significant predictors. The seroprevalence of Q fever was 13.9%, 9.4% and 12.4% in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. The seroprevalence of RVF was 3.9% in cattle, 2.4% in sheep and 0% in goats. Abortion was a significant predictor of seropositivity in ewes. About 4% of the cattle had antibodies against both Q fever and RVF. The Ivorian cattle population was simulated and estimated to be about 1,885,123 and 1,906,961 with and without the disease in 2015, respectively. An overall intrinsic growth rate of 1.8% and 17.4% meat offtake rate were derived. The cumulated net present cost attributable to brucellosis infection was estimated at FCFA 14,455 x 106 (95% CI: 6,278–22,906). The incremental live cattle asset value was projected to FCFA 3,826 x 106 (95% CI: 1–7,6) in 2015. Regarding cross-border livestock mobility, key-informant interviews and group discussions identified almost 30,000 cattle from 200 mobile pastoralists involved each year in uncontrolled cross-border movements between Mali, Cîte d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso. TADs such as Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), tuberculosis, lumpy skin disease, pasteurellosis, brucellosis and Blackleg were ranked to be the most important diseases in cattle whereas “peste des petits ruminants” (PPR) was the only disease reported in sheep and goats. Lack of veterinary staff and transportation means in veterinary services, poor cross-border veterinary collaboration and harmonization of disease control activities were the main constraints to controlling their spread. The study identified over-arching themes regarding the challenges and needs for cross-border control of TADs and movements and established a program for the harmonization of disease control activities in the three countries. Conclusions: Our results provide updated epidemiological and economic descriptions of NZDs in Cîte d’Ivoire. The research identified key diseases, areas of increased livestock movements, corridors/routes, and needs for cross-border control of movements and diseases in the Sudano-Guinean savanna. Cross-border collaboration should be promoted for the implementation of an effective and durable control. There is an urgent need for cost-effectiveness studies to complement our economic impact estimations as well as studies to better explore and understand the added value of cross-border cross-sectoral collaboration and coordination regarding feasible movement and disease control

    Mapping of Vegetable Seed Companies Willing to Adapt the Solar Irrigation System to Produce in Mali

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    The seed producer companies are important for achieving the technology to adapt mainly through promoting their equipment for access and transportation the water resources and services. The aims of this study were to develop a better understanding the irrigation system used by the vegetable seed companies' producers, and to identify the main constraints of access to irrigation for vegetable seed production in Mali. The focus discussion was used to collect data from 9 vegetables seeds compagnies producers and descriptive statistics were performed to capture the trend values of the respondents. The results from the preliminary analysis showed that 57% of companies have never heard about gravity irrigation and 64% use this material for irrigation. About 44% have found it too expensive for their use of another method of irrigation for moving water. However, 89% of companies already know drip irrigation and 11% of them have not used it as they find because it will be too expensive for his. The lack of equipment and financial resources to move water from the source to the plant are the main constraints facing 78% of seed companies in Mali. However, 88.9% of companies have a lack of information and training for a good plant watering

    Contamination Des Laits Importes Au Mali Par La Melamine

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    Au Mali l’insuffisance de donnĂ©es scientifiques sur la contamination des aliments en gĂ©nĂ©ral et du lait en particulier par la MĂ©lamine a motivĂ© la conduite de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude.Dans ce travail, nous avions recherchĂ©s la MĂ©lamine dans les laits importĂ©s au Mali.Un total de 150 Ă©chantillons de laits importĂ©s, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ© dans le District de Bamako.La dĂ©termination de la MĂ©lamine a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e par Immuno-affinitĂ©/MĂ©thode ELISA. Les rĂ©sultats des analyses ont montrĂ© que 38 Ă©chantillons sur les 150 de laits importĂ©s Ă©taient contaminĂ©s par la MĂ©lamine. Chez les importateurs, 8 Ă©chantillons sur 18 des laits importĂ©s Ă©taient contaminĂ©s, les taux de contamination variaient de 0,03mg/kg Ă  0,91 mg/kg. Chez les demi-grossistes 19 Ă©chantillons sur 66 des laits importĂ©s, Ă©taient contaminĂ©s par la MĂ©lamine. Les taux de contamination variaient de 0,01 Ă  1,14mg/kg. Chez les dĂ©taillants, 11 Ă©chantillons sur 66 des laits importĂ©s Ă©taient contaminĂ©s avec des taux de contamination qui variaient de 0,01 Ă  1,00mg/kg. Les taux moyens de contamination des laits pour les importateurs, les demi-grossistes et les dĂ©taillants sont respectivement de (0,20 ; 0,26 ; 0,26) mg/kg. Il est a notĂ© que les taux obtenus sont infĂ©rieurs Ă  la norme du Codex Alimentarius qui fixe la limite maximale pour le lait et les aliments contenant le lait Ă  2,5mg/kg

    Influence of y' precipitate-size and distribution on LCF behavior of a PM disk superalloy

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    International audienceThe influence of γ' precipitate distribution on tensile and low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviors of a powder metallurgy (PM) disk superalloy was investigated at 450°C. Four γ' particle distributions were obtained through various cooling paths and/or aging treatments in coarse grain size superalloy N18. The mechanical tests show that the main influence of the intragranular microstructure concerns the 0.2% yield stress (0.2%YS) and the ultimate tensile stress. Wide variations of the 0.2%YS affect the mean stress under non symmetrical loading but have only little effect on fatigue life, the lower the 0.2%YS, the longer the fatigue life. The fatigue life of N18 at 450°C is independent of the intragranular microstructure as long as the mean stress effect is correctly taken into account. As expected with the coarse grain size N18, no crack initiation at pores or inclusions was observed. A precipitation model was coupled with a critical resolved shear stress calculation providing 0.2%YS value for a given heat treatment sequence. Finally, this computation procedure was implemented in a numerical modeling of the LCF life of a disk taking into account the heat treatment applied to its wrought preform

    Ein Modell fĂŒr verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation

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    In der Betriebswirtschaft ist verantwortungsvolles Handeln, reprĂ€sentiert durch Konzepte wie Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Citizenship (CC) oder Nachhaltigkeit/Sustainability, eine in Forschung und Praxis breit diskutierte Thematik. Eine umfassende Übertragung der Problematik auf das IT-Management hat jenseits von isolierten Einzelthemen wie „Green IT“ etc. jedoch noch nicht stattgefunden. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb ein Modell vorgestellt, welches auf der einen Seite einen ganzheitlichen Rahmen fĂŒr verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation eröffnet, und auf der anderen Seite Stellschrauben fĂŒr die aktive, verantwortungsvolle Beeinflussung des Wettbewerbsumfelds aufzeigt. Konkretisiert wird das aufgezeigte Modell anhand verschiedener Maßnahmenfelder zur Umsetzung verantwortungsvollen Handelns

    Modes de vie et santé bucco-dentaire chez les pĂȘcheurs sĂ©nĂ©galais.

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    Oral health is determined by several factors that are individual and socially dependent. The objective of this study was to describe the lifestyles, eating habits and oral hygiene habits of Senegalese fishermen at sea. The study was cross-sectional and focused on fishermen in the Dakar, ThiĂšs and Saint Louis regions. The study took place in some of the main fishing quays of ThiĂšs (Kayar, Mboro and Mbour), Dakar (Yoff and Hann) and Saint Louis (Guet Ndar).  A 3-stage cluster sampling was carried out. The sample size was 604 individuals. Epidemiological data collected were dietary habits: dairy, meat, fish, etc., lifestyles: smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc., oral hygiene habits: means, products, methods and dental status ( DMFT). Seventy-nine percent of the fishermen surveyed consumed dairy products at sea, 31.5% consumed tobacco. More than one fifth of the fishermen who smoked smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. Nearly 75% of the sample reported using sea water to relieve their pain. More than 37.3% of the fishermen reported brushing their teeth twice a day. The consumption of fish products was significantly associated with DMFT (p=0.04). The average DMFTof tea drinkers (7.75) was lower than that of non-drinkers (8.48) without a significant difference (p value = 0.073). This work, carried out among fishermen in Senegal, has shown us that the lifestyle, hygiene and dietary habits used are negative for oral health.  La santĂ© bucco-dentaire est dĂ©terminĂ©e par plusieurs facteurs qui sont d’ordre individuel et d’ordre dĂ©pendante de la sociĂ©tĂ©. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les modes de vie, les habitudes alimentaires et les habitudes d’hygiĂšne orale en mer des pĂȘcheurs sĂ©nĂ©galais. L’étude Ă©tait de type transversal et portait sur les pĂȘcheurs de la rĂ©gion de Dakar, de ThiĂšs et de Saint Louis. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e dans certains principaux quais de pĂȘche de ThiĂšs (Kayar, Mboro et Mbour), de Dakar (Yoff et Hann) et de Saint-Louis (Guet Ndar).  Un Ă©chantillonnage en grappes Ă  3 degrĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. La taille de l’échantillon Ă©tait de 604 individus. Les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques recueillies Ă©taient les habitudes alimentaires : laitage, viande, poisson, etc., les modes de vie : tabagisme, alcool, cafĂ©, thĂ©, etc., les habitudes d’hygiĂšne orale : moyens, produits, mĂ©thodes et Ă©tat dentaire (CAO).Soixante-dix-neuf pour cent des pĂȘcheurs enquĂȘtĂ©s consommaient des produits laitiers en mer, 31,5% consommaient le tabac. Plus du cinquiĂšme des pĂȘcheurs tabagiques fumaient plus de10 cigarettes par jour. PrĂšs de 75% de l’échantillon dĂ©claraient utiliser l’eau de la mer pour soulager leur douleur. Plus de 37,3% des pĂȘcheurs dĂ©claraient se brosser les dents avec une frĂ©quence de deux fois par jour.La consommation de  produits halieutiques Ă©taient associĂ©s significativement au CAO (p=0,04). La moyenne CAO des buveurs de thĂ© (7,75) Ă©tait infĂ©rieure Ă  celle des non-buveurs (8,48) sans une diffĂ©rence significative (p value = 0,073). Ce travail, menĂ© chez les pĂȘcheurs au SĂ©nĂ©gal, nous a montrĂ© que les modes de vie, habitudes d’hygiĂšne mais aussi alimentaire utilisĂ©s sont nĂ©gatifs Ă  la santĂ© bucco-dentaire.

    Modes de vie et santé bucco-dentaire chez les pĂȘcheurs sĂ©nĂ©galais.

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    Oral health is determined by several factors that are individual and socially dependent. The objective of this study was to describe the lifestyles, eating habits and oral hygiene habits of Senegalese fishermen at sea. The study was cross-sectional and focused on fishermen in the Dakar, ThiĂšs and Saint Louis regions. The study took place in some of the main fishing quays of ThiĂšs (Kayar, Mboro and Mbour), Dakar (Yoff and Hann) and Saint Louis (Guet Ndar).  A 3-stage cluster sampling was carried out. The sample size was 604 individuals. Epidemiological data collected were dietary habits: dairy, meat, fish, etc., lifestyles: smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc., oral hygiene habits: means, products, methods and dental status ( DMFT). Seventy-nine percent of the fishermen surveyed consumed dairy products at sea, 31.5% consumed tobacco. More than one fifth of the fishermen who smoked smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day. Nearly 75% of the sample reported using sea water to relieve their pain. More than 37.3% of the fishermen reported brushing their teeth twice a day. The consumption of fish products was significantly associated with DMFT (p=0.04). The average DMFTof tea drinkers (7.75) was lower than that of non-drinkers (8.48) without a significant difference (p value = 0.073). This work, carried out among fishermen in Senegal, has shown us that the lifestyle, hygiene and dietary habits used are negative for oral health.  La santĂ© bucco-dentaire est dĂ©terminĂ©e par plusieurs facteurs qui sont d’ordre individuel et d’ordre dĂ©pendante de la sociĂ©tĂ©. L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les modes de vie, les habitudes alimentaires et les habitudes d’hygiĂšne orale en mer des pĂȘcheurs sĂ©nĂ©galais. L’étude Ă©tait de type transversal et portait sur les pĂȘcheurs de la rĂ©gion de Dakar, de ThiĂšs et de Saint Louis. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e dans certains principaux quais de pĂȘche de ThiĂšs (Kayar, Mboro et Mbour), de Dakar (Yoff et Hann) et de Saint-Louis (Guet Ndar).  Un Ă©chantillonnage en grappes Ă  3 degrĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. La taille de l’échantillon Ă©tait de 604 individus. Les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques recueillies Ă©taient les habitudes alimentaires : laitage, viande, poisson, etc., les modes de vie : tabagisme, alcool, cafĂ©, thĂ©, etc., les habitudes d’hygiĂšne orale : moyens, produits, mĂ©thodes et Ă©tat dentaire (CAO).Soixante-dix-neuf pour cent des pĂȘcheurs enquĂȘtĂ©s consommaient des produits laitiers en mer, 31,5% consommaient le tabac. Plus du cinquiĂšme des pĂȘcheurs tabagiques fumaient plus de10 cigarettes par jour. PrĂšs de 75% de l’échantillon dĂ©claraient utiliser l’eau de la mer pour soulager leur douleur. Plus de 37,3% des pĂȘcheurs dĂ©claraient se brosser les dents avec une frĂ©quence de deux fois par jour.La consommation de  produits halieutiques Ă©taient associĂ©s significativement au CAO (p=0,04). La moyenne CAO des buveurs de thĂ© (7,75) Ă©tait infĂ©rieure Ă  celle des non-buveurs (8,48) sans une diffĂ©rence significative (p value = 0,073). Ce travail, menĂ© chez les pĂȘcheurs au SĂ©nĂ©gal, nous a montrĂ© que les modes de vie, habitudes d’hygiĂšne mais aussi alimentaire utilisĂ©s sont nĂ©gatifs Ă  la santĂ© bucco-dentaire.

    PrĂ©valence de la brucellose, chlamydiose et toxoplasmose chez les petits ruminants au Mali : rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte sĂ©ro-Ă©pidemiologique

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    Au Mali, l’élevage des espĂšces Ă  cycle court en gĂ©nĂ©ral et celui des petits ruminants en particulier constitue une source prĂ©cieuse de revenus et de protĂ©ines pour les populations. Cependant, au nombre des contraintes Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© de cet Ă©levage, figurent les pertes en reproduction, dont les causes demeurent mal connues. Les donnĂ©es relatives au rĂŽle de certaines infections microbiennes comme la brucellose Ă  Brucella ovis, chlamydiose et la toxoplasmose sont quasi inexistantes. L’objet de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© d’évaluer la prĂ©valence sĂ©rologique de ces pathologies, susceptibles de causer des pertes en reproduction chez ces espĂšces animales. Elle a couvert quatre sites dont KĂ©niĂ©bougou (Cercle de SĂ©gou), Nioro (Cercle de Nioro), Bougouni (Cercle de Bougouni) et Briga (Cercle de Koro), choisis en collaboration Ă©troite avec les services techniques d’encadrement et Ă©leveurs de petits ruminants desdites localitĂ©s. Au total 872 sĂ©rums (368 ovins et 504 caprins) issus des sujets prĂ©sentant des signes de perte en reproduction ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s par la mĂ©thode Elisa indirecte. Parmi ceux-ci, 81 (9,28 %) se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s positifs (1,26 % en brucellose Ă  Brucella ovis, 3,55 % en chlamydiose Ă  Chlamydia abortus et 4,47 % en toxoplasmose Ă  Toxoplasma gondii). Les anticorps mis en Ă©vidence sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme d’origine infectieuse, les animaux n’ayant jamais Ă©tĂ© vaccinĂ©s contre les maladies investiguĂ©es, ce qui confirme la circulation des agents Ă©tiologiques des trois infections abortives parmi les populations de petits ruminants au Mali
