333 research outputs found

    Boswellia and Commiphora Species as a Resource Base for Rural Livelihood Security in the Horn of Africa: A Systematic Review

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    The dryland vegetation and particularly the Acacia-Commiphora woodlands support the livelihoods of approximately 52 million rural households in the Horn of Africa. Aromatic resins are valuable non-wood forest products (NWFPs) derived from Boswellia and Commiphora species in the drylands of this region. The study seeks to answer the following main questions: “What are the ecological and livelihood roles of resin producing species, and the role that people have in either degrading or restoring these ecosystems?” “Who are the participants in frankincense and myrrh production, processing, and trade, and how do these people interact?” “What is the current and potential future economic impact of frankincense and myrrh production and trade at the household level?” “What are the barriers to enhanced economic outcomes?” The study involves the use of PRISMA method—a systematic methodology to identify, select and analyze the recent literature on aromatic resins in relation to such factors as socio-economic situation, livelihood security, value chain, climate change adaptation, ecology and sustainable development in the Horn of Africa. Systematic identification of publications was conducted using several sources, including but not limited to electronic databases for literature search. Web of Science, Social Science Citation Index and Google Scholar and various scientific journals were investigated using search terms and restrictions. A total of 991 references were retrieved, but literature only published between 2003 to 2017 was selected, which led to the use of 51 works for full-text assessment. The results indicate that of the 51 selected studies, 45% focused on ecology and sustainable management, 31% on economic contribution and livelihood security, 20% on production and value chain development, and 4% on climate change adaptation and mitigation. It could be concluded that farmers’ adoption of Boswellia and Commiphora species as economic tree crops in the Horn of Africa has a distinct role in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation by contributing to the sustainability of ecosystem functioning as well as improving household incomes and the rural livelihood security in general, and thereby facilitating poverty alleviation

    Boswellia and Commiphora Species as a Resource Base for Rural Livelihood Security in the Horn of Africa: A Systematic Review

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    The dryland vegetation and particularly the Acacia-Commiphora woodlands support the livelihoods of approximately 52 million rural households in the Horn of Africa. Aromatic resins are valuable non-wood forest products (NWFPs) derived from Boswellia and Commiphora species in the drylands of this region. The study seeks to answer the following main questions: “What are the ecological and livelihood roles of resin producing species, and the role that people have in either degrading or restoring these ecosystems?” “Who are the participants in frankincense and myrrh production, processing, and trade, and how do these people interact?” “What is the current and potential future economic impact of frankincense and myrrh production and trade at the household level?” “What are the barriers to enhanced economic outcomes?” The study involves the use of PRISMA method—a systematic methodology to identify, select and analyze the recent literature on aromatic resins in relation to such factors as socio-economic situation, livelihood security, value chain, climate change adaptation, ecology and sustainable development in the Horn of Africa. Systematic identification of publications was conducted using several sources, including but not limited to electronic databases for literature search. Web of Science, Social Science Citation Index and Google Scholar and various scientific journals were investigated using search terms and restrictions. A total of 991 references were retrieved, but literature only published between 2003 to 2017 was selected, which led to the use of 51 works for full-text assessment. The results indicate that of the 51 selected studies, 45% focused on ecology and sustainable management, 31% on economic contribution and livelihood security, 20% on production and value chain development, and 4% on climate change adaptation and mitigation. It could be concluded that farmers’ adoption of Boswellia and Commiphora species as economic tree crops in the Horn of Africa has a distinct role in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation by contributing to the sustainability of ecosystem functioning as well as improving household incomes and the rural livelihood security in general, and thereby facilitating poverty alleviation

    Strategisen maankäytön suunnittelun paradoksi

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    Viime aikoina tarve strategiselle otteelle maankäytön suunnittelussa on korostunut, ja se on herättänyt lisääntyvää mielenkiintoa alan tutkijoiden keskuudessa. Raportissa osallistutaan tähän liittyvään teoreettiseen keskusteluun ottaen tarkastelun lähtökohdaksi Albrechtsin ja Balduccin ehdottamat luonnehdinnat strategiselle maankäytön suunnittelulle. Heidän määrittelemänsä strategisen suunnittelen ominaisuudet, kuten visioiva valikoivuus, toimintaorientaatio, epävarmuuden hallinta ja relationaalisuus, näyttäytyvät vastakkaisina lakisääteiselle sääntelysuunnittelulle, jota puolestaan luonnehtii kaikenkattavuus, suunnitelmaorientaatio, varmuuden illuusiossa pitäytyminen ja essentialismi. Eri tutkijat ovat kuitenkin tuoneet esiin, että perinteisestä lakisääteisestä suunnittelusta ei voida yksioikoisesti siirtyä strategiseen suunnittelun, vaan myös ensiksi mainitun keinovalikoimaa on välttämättä käytettävä. Kaavoitukseen väistämättä kiinnittyy myös maanomistussuhteiden juridis-hallinnollinen järjestely, kiinteistöinvestointien taloudellisten riskien sääntely ja julkisen vallankäytön legitiimi toteuttaminen. Myös strategisessa maankäytön suunnittelussa on huomioitava nämä ulottuvuudet, vaikka ne merkitsevät toimintaa, joka ei näytä sopivan yhteen Albrechtsin ja Balduccin edustaman strategisen ajattelun kanssa. Tässä raportissa ehdotetaan, että strategisen maankäytön suunnittelun ydinolemusta ei etsittäisi niistä ominaisuuksista, jotka näyttäytyvät vastakkaisina perinteiselle lakisääteiselle sääntelysuunnittelulle ja siihen kytkeytyville kaavoituksen ulottuvuuksille - vaan näiden välisen dialektiikan hallinnasta. Tämä merkitsee, että strateginen maankäytön suunnittelu on paradoksaalisesti olemukseltaan myös ”ei-strategisten” suunnitteluinstrumenttien käyttöä. Tällaisen paradoksaalisuuden hallinta edellyttää erityistä strategisen suunnittelun taitoa. Tähän näkemykseen kytketään Healeyn ajatus kriittisestä harkinnan taidosta. Strateginen maankäytön suunnittelija tarvitsee tätä taitoa nähdäkseen, missä määrin ja miten strategisille aloitteille on löydettävissä resonanssipohjaa ja niiden taakse muutosvoimaa alueen toimijoiden keskuudessa. Näiden taitojen ymmärtämiseksi tarvitaan dialogia teoreettisen tarkastelun ja käytäntökokemusten välillä. Raportissa käydään keskustelua muutaman kokeneen strategisen maankäytön suunnittelun ammattilaisten kanssa. Tarkastelu kohdistuu erityisesti haastateltujen kokemuksiin epämuodollisten rakennemallien käytöstä kaupunkiseuduilla strategisina suunnitteluinstrumentteina. Tämän taustoittamiseksi käydään läpi eri kaupunkiseuduilla laadittuja rakennemalleja sekä rakennemallityön kehityshistoriaa Suomessa. Tutkimus päätyy näkemykseen, että strateginen maankäytön suunnittelu ei varsinaisesti kuulu millekään tietylle kaavahierarkian tasolle vaan että siinä on kyse itse kaavahierarkian strategisesta käytöstä. Myös epämuodolliset rakennemallit tulisi kytkeä eritasoisten kaavojen laadintaan rikastuttamaan näiden käsittelyprosesseja strategisin näkökulmin ja perspektiivein. Johtopäätöksenä korostuu strategisen luovuuden ja harkinnan taidon merkitys kaikessa maankäytön suunnittelussa ja siihen liittyvässä vuorovaikutuksessa. Tämän kyvyn kautta osataan myös käyttää suunnitteluinstrumentteja strategisesti, olivatpa ne olemukseltaan paremmin tai huonommin strategisuuden ”tunnuspiirteitä” ilmaisevia

    Differences in definitive endoderm induction approaches using growth factors and small molecules

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    Definitive endoderm (DE) is the first stage of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells. Developing human liver cell models for pharmaceutical applications is highly demanding. Due to the vast number of existing protocols to generate DE cells from hPSCs, we aimed to compare the specificity and efficiency of selected published differentiation conditions. We differentiated two hPSC lines (induced PSC and embryonic stem cell) to DE cells on Matrigel matrix using growth factors (Activin A and Wnt-3a) and small molecules (sodium butyrate and IDE 1) in different combinations. By studying dynamic changes during 6 days in cell morphology and the expression of markers for pluripotency, DE, and other germ layer lineages, we found that Activin A is essential for DE differentiation, while Wnt-3a and sodium butyrate are dispensable. Although sodium butyrate exerted rapid DE differentiation kinetics, it caused massive cell death and could not generate sufficient cells for further differentiation and applications. We further discover that IDE 1 could not induce DE as reported previously. Hereby, we compared different conditions for DE induction and found an effective six day-protocol to obtain DE cells for the further differentiation and applications.Peer reviewe

    Environmental Characteristics and Anthropogenic Impact Jointly Modify Aquatic Macrophyte Species Diversity

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    Species richness and spatial variation in community composition (i.e., beta diversity) are key measures of biodiversity. They are largely determined by natural factors, but also increasingly affected by anthropogenic factors. Thus, there is a need for a clear understanding of the human impact on species richness and beta diversity, the underlying mechanisms, and whether human-induced changes can override natural patterns. Here, we dissect the patterns of species richness, community composition and beta diversity in relation to different environmental factors as well as human impact in one framework: aquatic macrophytes in 66 boreal lakes in Eastern Finland. The lakes had been classified as having high, good or moderate status (according to ecological classification of surface waters in Finland) reflecting multifaceted human impact. We used generalized least square models to study the association between different environmental variables (Secchi depth, irregularity of the shoreline, total phosphorus, pH, alkalinity, conductivity) and species richness. We tested the null hypothesis that the observed community composition can be explained by random distribution of species. We used multivariate distance matrix regression to test the effect of each environmental variable on community composition, and distance-based test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersion to test whether lakes classified as high, good or moderate status have different beta diversity. We showed that environmental drivers of species richness and community composition were largely similar, although dependent on the particular life-form group studied. The most important ones were characteristics of water quality (pH, alkalinity, conductivity) and irregularity of the shoreline. Differences in community composition were related to environmental variables independently of species richness. Species richness was higher in lakes with higher levels of human impact. Lakes with different levels of human impact had different community composition. Between-lake beta diversity did not differ in high, good or moderate status groups. However, the variation in environmental variables shaping community composition was larger in lakes with moderate status compared to other lakes. Hence, beta diversity in lakes with moderate status was smaller than what could be expected on the basis of these environmental characteristics. This could be interpreted as homogenization

    Regular Physical Exercise Modulates Iron Homeostasis in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Dysregulation of brain iron metabolism is one of the pathological features of aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive impairment. While physical inactivity is one of the risk factors for AD and regular exercise improves cognitive function and reduces pathology associated with AD, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of regular physical exercise on modulation of iron homeostasis in the brain and periphery of the 5xFAD mouse model of AD. By using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and a variety of biochemical techniques, we measured total iron content and level of proteins essential in iron homeostasis in the brain and skeletal muscles of sedentary and exercised mice. Long-term voluntary running induced redistribution of iron resulted in altered iron metabolism and trafficking in the brain and increased iron content in skeletal muscle. Exercise reduced levels of cortical hepcidin, a key regulator of iron homeostasis, coupled with interleukin-6 (IL-6) decrease in cortex and plasma. We propose that regular exercise induces a reduction of hepcidin in the brain, possibly via the IL-6/STAT3/JAK1 pathway. These findings indicate that regular exercise modulates iron homeostasis in both wild-type and AD mice

    Multicellular dosimetric chain for molecular radiotherapy exemplified with dose simulations on 3D cell spheroids

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    Purpose: Absorbed radiation dose-response relationships are not clear in molecular radiotherapy (MRT). Here, we propose a voxel-based dose calculation system for multicellular dosimetry in MRT. We applied confocal microscope images of a spherical cell aggregate i.e. a spheroid, to examine the computation of dose distribution within a tissue from the distribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Methods: A confocal microscope Z-stack of a human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 spheroid was segmented using a support-vector machine algorithm and a watershed function. Heterogeneity in activity uptake was simulated by selecting a varying amount of the cell nuclei to contain In-111, I-125, or Lu-177. Absorbed dose simulations were carried out using vxlPen, a software application based on the Monte Carlo code PENELOPE. Results: We developed a schema for radiopharmaceutical dosimetry. The schema utilizes a partially supervised segmentation method for cell-level image data together with a novel main program for voxel-based radiation dose simulations. We observed that for 177Lu, radiation cross-fire enabled full dose coverage even if the radiopharmaceutical had accumulated to only 60% of the spheroid cells. This effect was not found with 111In and 125I. Using these Auger/internal conversion electron emitters seemed to guarantee that only the cells with a high enough activity uptake will accumulate a lethal amount of dose, while neighboring cells are spared. Conclusions: We computed absorbed radiation dose distributions in a 3D-cultured cell spheroid with a novel multicellular dosimetric chain. Combined with pharmacological studies in different tissue models, our cell-level dosimetric calculation method can clarify dose-response relationships for radiopharmaceuticals used in MRT. (C) 2017 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Hepatic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells on human liver progenitor HepaRG-derived acellular matrix

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    Human hepatocytes are extensively needed in drug discovery and development. Stem cell-derived hepatocytes are expected to be an improved and continuous model of human liver to study drug candidates. Generation of endoderm-derived hepatocytes from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), including human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells, is a complex, challenging process requiring specific signals from soluble factors and insoluble matrices at each developmental stage. In this study, we used human liver progenitor HepaRG-derived acellular matrix (ACM) as a hepatic progenitor-specific matrix to induce hepatic commitment of hPSC-derived definitive endoderm (DE) cells. The DE cells showed much better attachment to the HepaRG ACM than other matrices tested and then differentiated towards hepatic cells, which expressed hepatocyte-specific makers. We demonstrate that Matrigel overlay induced hepatocyte phenotype and inhibited biliary epithelial differentiation in two hPSC lines studied. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the HepaRG ACM, a hepatic progenitor-specific matrix, plays an important role in the hepatic differentiation of hPSCs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Laminin-511 and laminin-521-based matrices for efficient hepatic specification of human pluripotent stem cells

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have gained a solid foothold in basic research and drug industry as they can be used in vitro to study human development and have potential to offer limitless supply of various somatic cell types needed in drug development. Although the hepatic differentiation of hPSCs has been extensively studied, only a little attention has been paid to the role of the extracellular matrix. In this study we used laminin-511, laminin-521, and fibronectin, found in human liver progenitor cells, as culture matrices for hPSC-derived definitive endoderm cells. We observed that laminin-511 and laminin-521 either alone or in combination support the hepatic specification and that fibronectin is not a vital matrix protein for the hPSC-derived definitive endoderm cells. The expression of the laminin-511/521-specific integrins increased during the definitive endoderm induction and hepatic specification. The hepatic cells differentiated on laminin matrices showed the upregulation of liver-specific markers both at mRNA and protein levels, secreted human albumin, stored glycogen, and exhibited cytochrome P450 enzyme activity and inducibility. Altogether, we found that laminin-511 and laminin-521 can be used as stage-specific matrices to guide the hepatic specification of hPSC-derived definitive endoderm cells. 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licensePeer reviewe
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