332 research outputs found

    Да ли мали град са туристичком функцијом има демографски потенцијал?

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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators — tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia


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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators – tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia.

    Investigation of predictors of hepatitis b vaccination status in persons employed in healthcare institutions

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    Uvod: Osobe zaposlene u zdravstvenim ustanovama predstavljaju kohortu visokog rizika za nastanak infekcije izazvane virusom hepatitisa B (HBV). Procenjuje se da se, na globalnom nivou, svake godine 600.000-800.000 osoba zaposlenih u zdravstvenim ustanovama poseče ili ubode iglom na radnom mestu. Takođe, prema ovim procenama, oko 5,9% zdravstvenih radnika biva izloženo HBV što rezulira sa oko 66.000 novoinficiranih. U zemljama u razvoju za 40-60% svih HBV infekcija u grupi zdravstvenih radnika odgovorna je profesionalna ekspozicija. U razvijenim zemljama je nešto manje od 10% slučajeva hepatitisa B u grupi zdravstvenih radanika povezano sa kontaktom sa krvlju i krvnim derivatima na radnom mestu, što se dovodi u vezu sa značajno većim vakcinalnim obuhvatom. Iako je bezbedna i efektivna vakcina dostupna od 1982. godine, veliki broj zdravstvenih radnika na globalnom nivou se ne vakciniše protiv ove bolesti. Istraživanja na nivou svetske populacije su pokazala da je oko 90% zdravstvenih radnika svesno činjenice da je potrebno da se vakcinišu, ali da samo nešto više od 50% to i uradi. Stoga, danas se smatra da se u pozadini prijemčivosti vakcine protiv hepatitisa B u grupi zdravstvenih radnika nalazi čitav niz psiholoških, profesionalnih i bihejvioralnih faktora koji potencijalno utiču na ovu komplesnu sliku. Ciljevi: (I) Procena prevalencije vakcinacije protiv hepatitisa B u grupi osoba zaposlenih u ustanovama tercijarnog nivoa zdravstvene zaštite u Beogradu; (II) Ispitivanje znanja, stavova i ponašanja osoba zaposlenih u zdravstvenim ustanovama u vezi sa vakcinacijom protiv hepatitisa B; (III) Ispitivanje prediktora vakcinalnog statusa povezanog sa imunizacijom protiv hepatitisa B kod osoba zaposlenih u zdravstvenim ustanovama. Materijal i metod: Istraživanje je dizajnirano po tipu studije preseka. Target grupu činili su svi zaposleni u Kliničkom centru Srbije (KCS) u Beogradu, koji su metodom slučajnog izbora, po principu formiranja višefaznog uzorka, selektovani za uključivanje u studiju tokom decembra 2015. godine. Uzorak je činio 7,1% svih zaposlenih u KCS. Osnovni instrument za prikupljanje podataka bio je strukturirani upitnik, koji je sastavljen na bazi literaturnih podataka. Prvi deo upitnika obuhvatio je socijalno-demografske i profesionalne karakteristike ispitanika: pol, uzrast, bračni status, obrazovanje, zanimanje, tip radnog mesta i ukupan broj godina radnog staža. Drugi deo sadržao je upitnik o znanju o hepatitisu B...Introduction: Hepatitis B infection is a major cause of occupational disease among health-care workers (HCWs) worldwide. It has been estimated that every year approximately 600-800,000 cut and puncture injures occur in this professional group. Furthermore, the global annual proportion of the HCWs exposed to hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been estimated at 5.9%, corresponding to about 66,000 HBV infections. In developing countries, 40-60% of HBV infections in HCWs was attributed to professional hazard, while in developed countries the attributed fraction was less than 10% due to greater vaccination coverage. In spite of availability of the safe and effective vaccine since 1982, the overall prevalence of hepatitis B vaccination, in this susceptible cohort, has not reached satisfactory level. While approximately 90% of the HCWs are aware of the necessity of the hepatitis B vaccination at workplace, only half of them completed their vaccination program against HBV. Apparently, there are numerous psychological, occupational and behavioral factors that should be taken into consideration when predicting the hepatitis B vaccine acceptance in this susceptible cohort. Aims: (I) to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B vaccination among HCWs of a national health care centre in Serbia; (II) to analyze the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding hepatitis B vaccination among HCWs; (III) to assess the independent predictors of hepatitis B vaccination status in this susceptible cohort. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study design was applied in order to explore predictors of hepatitis B vaccine status among HCWs in the largest clinical centre in Serbia. A random sample of HCWs stratified by occupation was selected from the list of employees during December 2015, with the sample structure reflecting the occupational distribution in the Clinical Centre of Serbia. The sample comprised 7.1% of the employees at the Clinical Centre of Serbia. The relevant data in this study were collected by means of questionnaire, derived and adapted from others surveys. The questionnaire consisted of four parts. First part comprised demographic and professional data comprising gender, age, marital status, occupation, work site and duration of work experience..

    Life Stories in the Students' Journalistic TExts

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    Tema se ovoga diplomskog rada odnosi na utvrđivanje prisutnosti učeničkih novinarskih radova u kojima se očituju elementi životne priče, odnosno koji se bave ljudskim sudbinama, osjećajima, razmišljanjima. U skladu s tim provedeno je istraživanje na zamjetnom uzorku novinarskih radova objavljenima u školskim listovima hrvatskih osnovnih i srednjih škola. Prvi, teorijski dio rada bavi se zastupljenošću novinarstva u redovitoj nastavi i izvannastavnim aktivnostima. Tako se predstavljaju osnovne činjenice o novinarskim družinama te izdavanju učeničkog školskog lista kao najčešćeg načina objave učeničkih novinarskih radova. Također se progovara o učeničkome novinarskom stilu i dijelu procesa njihova rada na novinarskome tekstu. U drugome dijelu diplomskoga rada prikazano je istraţivanje i analiza rezultata na skupnoj i pojedinačnoj razini

    Demographic determinants of human capital development in Serbia

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    Људски капитал представља један од битних фактора за одређивање друштвеног и економског развоја. Неједнакост у образовању доводи до неједнакости на тржишту рада што има за последицу дугорочно не искоришћеност људског капитала, а самим тим и смањену продуктивност. У другој половини двадесетог века дошло је до повећања потреба за квалитетнијом тј. образованијом радном снагом, што је условило повећање броја лица која се школују. Лица са већим степеном школске спреме, имају бољи приступ тржишту рада и већу могућност запослења. Ипак, и поред многобројних студија на тему нивоа и квалитета образовања, ова тема се и даље сматра недовољно истраженом. Као разлог за то, најчешће се наводи недостатак адекватних података или проблем њихове упоредивости, као и различитост образовних система од земље до земље. Циљ дисертације је утврђивање стања људског капитала у Србији, његових демографских одредница и сагледавање детерминанти људског капитала кроз ширу перспективу увођењем и других димензија од значаја за свеукупни друштвени и економски развој. Истраживање је спроведено на простору Републике Србије и обухватило је 168 општина. Стање људског капитала посматрано је кроз достигнути ниво образовања сагледавањем трендова у нивоу школске спреме на основу пописних резултата у периоду од 1981. до 2011. године. Демографске одреднице људског капитала анализиране су избором најважнијих демографских карактеристика попут старости, пола, економске активности, а одређивање просторних диспаритета у нивоу људског капитала сагледано је кроз анализу нивоа школске спреме према популационој величини општина. Детерминанте развоја људског капитала анализиране су методом композитних индекса које поред образованости укључују и демографску и социо- економску перспективу. Према добијеним вредностима индекса издвојени су типови општина за сваку од анализираних области (демографија, образовање, социо-економски услови). На основу компонентиних индекса креиран је композитни Индекс развијености људског капитала, и на основу његових вредности издвојено је шест типова општина (три типа са релативно повољним вредностима и три са неповољним вредностима људског капитала). Евалуација стања развијености људског капитала може послужити као смерница у даљем преузимању акција са циљем адекватне популационе политике на локалном нивоу, усклађивања понуде образовања и потреба тржишта рада и успоравања процеса емиграције младог, високообразованог становништва.Human capital is one of the important factors in determining social and economic development. Inequality in education leads to inequality in the labor market, which results in longterm underutilization of human capital, and thus reduced productivity. In the second half of the twentieth century, there was an increase in the need for more quality and educated labor, which led to an increase in the number of people attending school. People with a higher level of education have better access to the labor market and a greater possibility of employment. However, despite numerous studies on the level and quality of education, this topic is still considered insufficiently researched. The reason for that is most often the lack of adequate data or the problem of their comparability, as well as the diversity of education systems between countries. The aim of the dissertation is to determine the state of human capital in Serbia, its demographic determinants and to consider the determinants of human capital through a broader perspective by introducing other dimensions, important for the overall social and economic development. The research was conducted on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and included 168 municipalities. The state of human capital was observed through the achieved level of education by looking at trends in the level of education, based on the Census results in the period from 1981 to 2011. Demographic determinants of human capital were analyzed by selecting the most important demographic characteristics, such as: age, gender and economic activity. Determining of spatial disparities in the achieved level of human capital was seen through the education analysis, according to the municipality’s population size. The determinants of human capital development were analyzed using the method of composite indices, which, in addition to education, also include a demographic and socio-economic perspective. According to the obtained values of the index, the types of municipalities were separated for each of the analyzed areas (demography, education, socio-economic conditions). Based on the component indices, a composite Human Capital Development Index was created, and based on its values, six types of municipalities were highlighted (three types with relatively favorable values and three with unfavorable values of human capital). Evaluation of the human capital development can serve as a guideline in further action with the aim of adequate population policy at the local level, harmonizing the supply of education and the needs of the labor market, which will decelerate the emigration of young, highly educated population in future

    Local population analysis in the function of the protected area sustainable development

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    The research focus of the paper is set on the socio-economic potential of a protected area, as a key factor and a prerequisite for its development. The spatial framework of the research includes five settlements in the vicinity of Special Nature Reserve “Carska Bara” (Northern Serbia). For the purpose of this research, they are classified into two groups, based on their distance from the fundamental phenomenon. The demographic characteristics analyses of the study area include basic demographic determinants such as population structures and migration characteristics. Population data related to the change in the number of inhabitants and the types of the total population movement were collected and analyzed, and a comparative analysis of the aging index was performed as well. In order to better understand the condition of the economic structure, the economic activity, and the structure of the active population performing occupation were analyzed by activity sections. The current state of the social infrastructure (schools, primary health care facilities, pharmacies, post offices, sports, and recreation facilities) was also considered, as one of the qualities of life indicators of the local population. The obtained results indicate an unfavorable demographic picture of the analyzed areas. These are smaller population areas, predominantly inhabited by population of the old age groups. Although they are in protected areas which, in the context of tourism, are abounding in natural potentials, but without implementing significant steps and certain measures, no progress and improvement of the demographic condition can be expected

    The aging brain - molecular and metabolic changes

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    Aging is a complex set of events that involves the whole body. However, disruption of the central nervous system (CNS) function is the aspect of aging that elderly people worry about most. Aging has different effects on different aspects of neurological function. Our knowledge of the basic molecular mechanism of brain aging has significantly improved over the past few decades. The rate of aging is not fixed, but is plastic and subject to modifications. The environmental factor proven to be very potent in modulating aging is reduced dietary intake. Dietary restriction (DR) is a vigorous nongenetic and nonpharmacological intervention that is known to delay ageing and increase an active and healthy lifespan in diverse species, from yeast to mammals. Additionally, DR can improve various brain functions, including learning and memory, synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis.Biologia Serbica (2017), 39(1): 26-3

    Demographic determinants of human capital development in Serbia

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    Људски капитал представља један од битних фактора за одређивање друштвеног иекономског развоја. Неједнакост у образовању доводи до неједнакости на тржишту рада штоима за последицу дугорочно не искоришћеност људског капитала, а самим тим и смањенупродуктивност. У другој половини двадесетог века дошло је до повећања потреба заквалитетнијом тј. образованијом радном снагом, што је условило повећање броја лица која сешколују. Лица са већим степеном школске спреме, имају бољи приступ тржишту рада и већумогућност запослења. Ипак, и поред многобројних студија на тему нивоа и квалитетаобразовања, ова тема се и даље сматра недовољно истраженом. Као разлог за то, најчешће сенаводи недостатак адекватних података или проблем њихове упоредивости, као и различитостобразовних система од земље до земље.Циљ дисертације је утврђивање стања људског капитала у Србији, његових демографскиходредница и сагледавање детерминанти људског капитала кроз ширу перспективу увођењем идругих димензија од значаја за свеукупни друштвени и економски развој. Истраживање јеспроведено на простору Републике Србије и обухватило је 168 општина. Стање људскогкапитала посматрано је кроз достигнути ниво образовања сагледавањем трендова у нивоушколске спреме на основу пописних резултата у периоду од 1981. до 2011. године.Демографске одреднице људског капитала анализиране су избором најважнијих демографскихкарактеристика попут старости, пола, економске активности, а одређивање просторнихдиспаритета у нивоу људског капитала сагледано је кроз анализу нивоа школске спреме премапопулационој величини општина. Детерминанте развоја људског капитала анализиране суметодом композитних индекса које поред образованости укључују и демографску и социо-економску перспективу. Према добијеним вредностима индекса издвојени су типови општиназа сваку од анализираних области (демографија, образовање, социо-економски услови). Наоснову компонентиних индекса креиран је композитни Индекс развијености људскогкапитала, и на основу његових вредности издвојено је шест типова општина (три типа сарелативно повољним вредностима и три са неповољним вредностима људског капитала).Евалуација стања развијености људског капитала може послужити као смерница у даљемпреузимању акција са циљем адекватне популационе политике на локалном нивоу,усклађивања понуде образовања и потреба тржишта рада и успоравања процеса емиграцијемладог, високообразованог становништва.Human capital is one of the important factors in determining social and economicdevelopment. Inequality in education leads to inequality in the labor market, which results in longtermunderutilization of human capital, and thus reduced productivity. In the second half of thetwentieth century, there was an increase in the need for more quality and educated labor, which ledto an increase in the number of people attending school. People with a higher level of education havebetter access to the labor market and a greater possibility of employment. However, despite numerousstudies on the level and quality of education, this topic is still considered insufficiently researched.The reason for that is most often the lack of adequate data or the problem of their comparability, aswell as the diversity of education systems between countries. The aim of the dissertation is todetermine the state of human capital in Serbia, its demographic determinants and to consider thedeterminants of human capital through a broader perspective by introducing other dimensions,important for the overall social and economic development. The research was conducted on theterritory of the Republic of Serbia and included 168 municipalities. The state of human capital wasobserved through the achieved level of education by looking at trends in the level of education, basedon the Census results in the period from 1981 to 2011. Demographic determinants of human capitalwere analyzed by selecting the most important demographic characteristics, such as: age, gender andeconomic activity. Determining of spatial disparities in the achieved level of human capital was seenthrough the education analysis, according to the municipality’s population size. The determinants ofhuman capital development were analyzed using the method of composite indices, which, in additionto education, also include a demographic and socio-economic perspective. According to the obtainedvalues of the index, the types of municipalities were separated for each of the analyzed areas(demography, education, socio-economic conditions). Based on the component indices, a compositeHuman Capital Development Index was created, and based on its values, six types of municipalitieswere highlighted (three types with relatively favorable values and three with unfavorable values ofhuman capital). Evaluation of the human capital development can serve as a guideline in further actionwith the aim of adequate population policy at the local level, harmonizing the supply of educationand the needs of the labor market, which will decelerate the emigration of young, highly educatedpopulation in future