130 research outputs found

    Small-scale variability in phenological, leaf morphological properties and isoenzyme pattern of sessile oak complex (Lepidobalanus sub-genus) in a sessile oak-Turkey oak forest stand

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    In this work small-scale variation of leaf morphological, phenological and isoenzyme pattern was investigated win trees belonging to the Lepidobalanus sub-genus in a sessile oak-Turkey oak stand in order to make an exact taxonomic identification for further studies on physiological tolerance to climatic fluctuations. Classification functions based on leaf morphological traits suggest that most of the trees belongs to Q. petraea, but the introgression effects of Q. dalechampii and Q. polycarpa is also significant in the forest stand which might favour the drought tolerance in these groups of trees. Two representatives (Q. pubescens, Q. virgiliana) of Lanuginosae series are also present in the forest stand. The maximum difference in budburst time was two weeks among the trees. Representatives of Lanuginosae series can be described by late budburst. The isoenzyme analysis did not reveal taxon-specific allels, but some loci exhibited considerable differences in the frequency of allels among the different series and budburst groups

    Emlékek, szokások Szőregen

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    Environmental Changes in Kecskemét Between 2009-2018

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    Kecskemét is the city most exposed to climate change, facing a number of environmental challenges in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve. The most important changes are the deterioration of air quality, the impact of urban heat islands, the problems of green infrastructure and the issue of water management. In this paper, we briefly present the evolution of environmental factors over the past decade, from 2009 to 2018. Attention is drawn to the increase in traffic load, the deterioration of air quality and the resulting problems. We analyze the evolution, quantity and quality characteristics of the citys green spaces, which are very closely related to water management and underline the need for urban rainwater management

    Az információs technikák fejlődésének és az információs társadalom kialakulásának területi hatásai (különös tekintettel egy relatíve elmaradott régióra, az Alföldre) = Regional factors of the evolution and development of the information technologies and society (with special regard to a relatively underdeveloped region - Hungarian Great Plain)

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    A kutatás folyamán sikerült kialakítanunk egy olyan módszertani apparátust, amely alkalmas az információs társadalom (IT) jelenségeinek elemző értékelésére. Ezek az új módszerek beépültek nemcsak a hazai területi kutatásokba, de néhány megközelítésük nemzetközi konferenciákon is publicitást kapott. A munka során elemeztük a magyarországi IKT infrastruktúra és ellátottság jellemzőinek tér-idő változásait. Vizsgáltuk az IKT eszközök területi megjelenésének, terjedésének, és használatának jellemzőit. Sikerült megmérni a térségeink IT felkészültségének szintjét, s képet adtunk az IKT szektor ágazati és területi megjelenéséről. Az ágazat hazai fejlődése (az Alföldön is) az innovációs központokból kiindulva, térben koncentrikusan, és a csomópontok közötti kommunikációs csatornák mentén terjedt. Az IKT és az IT kiépülése, fejlődése tudatos regionális politika mellett nagytérségi szinten hozzájárulhat a területi különbségek mérsékléséhez. Alsóbb szinteken azonban az "általános" fejlettségbeli színvonal különbségek mérséklésében játszott szerepe még alig mutatható ki. Az Alföld relatíve elmaradott helyzetéből reális kitörési lehetőség, s a további fejlődésnek jó alapja lehet e szektor erősítése, kiépítése, valamint e technikák széleskörű használata. Az IT programok sikerességének kritériuma lesz azok társadalmi elfogadottsága és a helyi szereplők aktivitása, akik képesek a lokális jellemzőket, tartalmakat "hozzáilleszteni" az IT globális folyamataihoz és Internet tartalmaihoz | In the course of our research, a methodological system has been built up, that is suitable for the analysing evaluation of the phenomena of the information society. The new methods became parts of the national spatial researches, and moreover, some aspects of them were also presented at international conferences. We analysed the spatial and temporal evolution of ICTs in Hungary. We examined the parameters of the spatial appearance, dispersion and use of ICTs. The awareness level of IS at various regions was evaluated, and the sectoral and territorial appearance of ICTs was presented. Both the national and regional (e. g. that of the Great Plain) ICT sector is diffusing from the innovation centres in a simultaneous way, along the communication channels. The development of ICTs and IS can contribute to the abatement of regional diversities, but only in case of a conscious regional policy. However, at lower territorial levels, their role in the abatement of diversities can scarcely be demonstrated. Establishment and extension of ICT sector and the use of these technologies in a wide range can be a good ground for a future development, and additionally it promises a genuine breakout from the relatively backward conditions of the Great Plain. An important criterion of the usefulness of IS projects will be their public acceptance - whether some local actors can fit their local conditions to the tendencies and online contents of global IS

    Springtime leaf development of mature sessile oak trees as based on multi-seasonal monitoring data.

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    Based on a four year leaf growth data-set we modelled the thermal time-dependent leafontogeny in upper and lower canopy layers of mature sessile oak trees, in a Quercetum petraeae-cerrisforest stand (NE Hungary). Our regression models revealed no considerable differences between thetiming of leaf unfolding and leaf expansion of different canopy layers. On the other hand seasonalcourse in leaf mass-to-area ratio (LMA) indicated that sun leaves needed considerably longer thermaltime to fully develop their anatomical structures compared to shade leaves. LMA of sun leaves washigher during the whole leaf maturation process suggesting that ‘sun’ and ‘shade’ characteristicsdevelop in very early stage of leaf ontogeny. Functioning of photosynthetic apparatus (Fv/Fo) in shadeleaves have built up faster and performed better in all developmental stages which could be attributedto two main factors: 1) very early determination of leaf traits as a function of light environment and 2)evolving shading effect of upper canopy layer eliminates photoinhibition in lower leaves

    Diurnal and seasonal changes in stem radius increment and sap flow density indicate different responses of two co-existing oak species to environmental stress

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    Using continuous monitoring of stem radius combined with sap flow measurements we assessed the effects of environmental conditions on tree radial growth and water status of two co- existing oak species ( Quercus petraea and Quercus cerris ) at high resolution time in growing seasons of 2008 and 2009. The forest (95–100 yr) is situated in a xeric site in the transition zone between forested and forest-steppe regions in north -eastern Hungary, Bükk mountains (47 o 90’N, 20 o 46’E, elevation 320–340 m a.s.l.). Weather conditio ns in the growing season of 2008 (total rainfall 354 mm, mean daily temperature 17.0 o C) was less extreme than in 2009 (total rainfall 299 mm, temperature 17.9 o C). Rainfall strongly determined the course of radi al growth increment in trees. Radial growth of trees was limited in 200 9 due to the drought in spring. The maximum radial increment of both species was achieved three weeks earlier (4 th week of June) than in 2008 (4 th week of July). We used dendrometer monitoring data for estimation of stem (tree) water deficit ( ∆ W) by measuring water-related changes in stem radiu s (Zweifel et al. 2005). The magnitude of tree water deficit variation ( ∆ W) was always smaller in Q. cerris than in Q. petraea. In contrast, Quercus cerris always exhibited larger daytime averages and maxima of sap flow density. In August of 2009 when drought became seve re there were larger increases in tree water deficit ( ∆ W) (50–55 %) in both species compared to July as it could be expected from the extent of decreases in sap flow density (24–28%). Our data suggested that due to the low SWC the transpiration was supported mainly from the inner w ater storage of trees during prolonged drought which resulted in high stem water deficit ( ∆ W)