313 research outputs found

    Vorsicht, Schönheit!

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    Article on critical bio-political dimensions of beauty. It discusses somatic informed performance making and teaching practices with a focus on applications of the the work of movement educational pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais( 1904 -1984)

    Entangled histories, part 2: releasing the de-generate body

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    This second part of writing on the research project Releasing the Archive, undertaken by Carol Brown and Thomas Kampe in collaboration with dancers of New Zealand Dance Company (NZDC), aims to discuss notions of contemporary somaticinformed re-transmission of the work of Gertrud Bodenwieser (Vienna 1890 – Sydney 1959) as acts of cultural repair. The article unpacks, through historical texts and dancers’ notebooks, how the diasporic work of Gertrud Bodenwieser, influenced by Modernist body-culture pioneer Bess Mensendieck (c. 1866–1957 ), aimed to construct a practice of somatic realism concerned with emancipatory perspectives on twentieth century western personhood. The author discusses proto-somatic and proto-feminist roots of Bodenwieser’s corporeal practices as critical processes, and reveals how Bodenwieser’s discovery-based pedagogies invite and foster dancers’ psycho-physical agency within collaborative modes of creation. The article critiques the application of The Feldenkrais Method as a contemporary somatic modality to support the revitalizing of a re-emerging ecstatic and eccentric highly dynamic bodycoding. It contextualizes Releasing the Archive as a trans-cultural and intergenerational articulation of coming to terms with the complexities of a nearly forgotten European exiled dance legacy

    Bodily undoing: somatics as practices of critique

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    This co-authored volume of The Journal for Dance and Somatic Practices (JDSP) focuses on construction and articulating the field of Somatics as critical practices. Glenna Batson (2017) argues towards the need for a new critique to fully address Somatics in the face of neoliberal globalization and an increasing planetary poly-crisis. How do we locate our embodied practices beyond commodification as critical and empowering practices? How do we question relevance, access, inclusion, and modes of knowledge production within our work? How do we articulate a critical stance toward elitism, Euro-centrism and under-theorisation historically associated with the field? Somatic practices can be understood as reflective processes of undoing existing patterns so that new ones can emerge. How can this transformative undoing be extended beyond the body of the individual to the body politic or the social body? How might we construct Somatics and affiliated transdisciplinary arts practices as practices of critique that might contribute to an alternative social imaginary or way of world-making? Can somatic processes and performance practices foster a capacity for self-reflection and criticality as feature of the ‘democratic citizen’ as ‘a member of the body politic’ (Morin 1999) within growing totalitarian socio-cultural contexts

    Development of mathematical techniques for the analysis of remote sensing data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Etablierung eines neuen Hybridsystems zur Züchtung von Möhren mit spezifischer Anbaueignung unter Trocken- und Salzstressbedingungen in Zentralasien

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    Establishment of a new hybrid system for carrot breeding with enhanced drought and salt stress tolerance in Central Asia ZusammenfassungDie Züchtung neuer Möhrenhybriden mit verbesserter Trocken- und Salzstresstoleranz kann einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Steigerung der Anbaufläche, höhere Ertragsstabilität und eine wesentliche Qualitätsverbesserung des Erntegutes leisten. Ziel des Projektes ist es ein neues Hybridsystem zu etablieren und geeignete Hybridpartner auf der Basis wissenschaftlicher Evaluierungsdaten zu selektieren. Zur Evaluation und Selektion von trocken- und salzstresstoleranten Möhren-Genotypen wurde ein Prüfverfahren in Topfkultur unter Klimakammerbedingungen entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Versuche sollen vorgestellt werden.Stichwörter: Möhren, Hybridsystem, Trocken- und SalzstresstoleranzAbstractPlant breeding of a new carrot hybrid with an enhanced drought and salt stress tolerance may lead to a sustained increase the global carrot production, stabilization of yield and quality. It is the goal to establish a new hybrid system and to select suitable hybrid partners based on scientific evaluation. A laboratory test (climate chamber) was developed to evaluate and select carrot cultivars with salt stress tolerance. The results of the first experiments will be presented. Keywords: carrot, hybrid, drought tolerance, salt stress toleranc

    Sindbis virus outbreak and evidence for geographical expansion in Finland, 2021

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    Sindbis virus (SINV) caused a large outbreak in Finland in 2021 with 566 laboratory-confirmed human cases and a notable geographical expansion. Compared with the last large outbreak in 2002, incidence was higher in several hospital districts but lower in traditionally endemic locations in eastern parts of the country. A high incidence is also expected in 2022. Awareness of SINV should be raised in Finland to increase recognition of the disease and prevent transmission through the promotion of control measures.Peer reviewe

    Neuroanatomical correlates of perceived usability

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    Usability has a distinct subjective component, yet surprisingly little is known about its neural basis and relation to the neuroanatomy of aesthetics. To begin closing this gap, we conducted two functional magnetic resonance imaging studies in which participants were shown static webpages (in the first study) and videos of interaction with webpages (in the second study). The webpages were controlled so as to exhibit high and low levels of perceived usability and perceived aesthetics. Our results show unique links between perceived usability and brain areas involved in functions such as emotional processing (left fusiform gyrus, superior frontal gyrus), anticipation of physical interaction (precentral gyrus), task intention (anterior cingulate cortex), and linguistic processing (medial and bilateral superior frontal gyri). We use these findings to discuss the brain correlates of perceived usability and the use of fMRI for usability evaluation and for generating new user experiences

    Sindbis virus outbreak and evidence for geographical expansion in Finland, 2021

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    Sindbis virus (SINV) caused a large outbreak in Finland in 2021 with 566 laboratory-confirmed human cases and a notable geographical expansion. Compared with the last large outbreak in 2002, incidence was higher in several hospital districts but lower in traditionally endemic locations in eastern parts of the country. A high incidence is also expected in 2022. Awareness of SINV should be raised in Finland to increase recognition of the disease and prevent transmission through the promotion of control measures