1,156 research outputs found

    Accessibility Evaluation of Dubai e-Government Websites: Findings and Implications

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    Most governments today are promoting the transition of their countries towards an information society where e-Government websites are becoming the primary gateways to citizens and businesses for government information and eservice delivery. E-Government can be broadly defined as the unification of information and communication technologies, and administrative practices to provide government e-services to citizens, businesses and other e-Governments (Deakins and Dillon, 2002). The benefits of online government e-services include better efficiency, user convenience and more citizen political involvement (Freeman and Loo, 2009). To enable all citizens to benefit from the full potential of eGovernment services, it is important to secure universal accessibility. This accessibility enables persons with disabilities to take full advantage of the information and services offered by eGovernments; the same way a person with no disability would

    Plant health emergencies demand open science:Tackling a cereal killer on the run

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    Outbreaks of emerging plant diseases and insect pests are increasing at an alarming rate threatening the food security needs of a booming world population. The role of plant pathologists in addressing these threats to plant health is critical. Here, we share our personal experience with the appearance in Bangladesh of a destructive new fungal disease called wheat blast and stress the importance of open-science platforms and crowdsourced community responses in tackling emerging plant diseases. Benefits of the open-science approach include recruitment of multidisciplinary experts, application of cutting-edge methods, and timely replication of data analyses to increase the robustness of the findings. Based on our experiences, we provide some general recommendations and practical guidance for responding to emerging plant diseases

    E-Government Web Accessibility: WCAG 1.0 versus WCAG 2.0 Compliance

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    Most e-governments have traditionally used version 1.0 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as a basis to ensure that their websites are accessible by people with disabilities. This was reflected in their design guidelines, accessibility evaluations, policy-making and legislations. Recently, WCAG 2.0 emerged as an ISO/IEC International accessibility standard that has been recommended for adoption by the W3C WAI. This paper seeks to examine if there is a need for e-governments to reassess their web accessibility conformance, in light of the latest WCAG 2.0 standard. A case study related to the 21 Dubai e-government websites is presented whereby accessibility is evaluated based on the WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 guidelines and using automated accessibility testing tools. We found that WCAG 2.0 conformance testing identified some notable accessibility issues that were not revealed by WCAG 1.0 conformance testing. Hence we recommend that egovernments should develop and update their web content and accessibility policies to conform to the latest WCAG 2.0 guidelines and success criteria. Additional implications for practice and academic research are also provided

    Histamine production during the anti-allograft response. Demonstration of a new lymphokine enhancing histamine synthesis

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    Histamine production is greatly increased during culture of allograft recipient spleen cells in the presence of immunizing cells (secondary mixed leukocyte cultures [MLC]) as compared to that found in primary MLC (i.e., without previous allograft). This phenomenon appears after 24 h of culture and reaches its maximum at 48 h. Optimal increased histamine production is observed when MLC is performed with spleen cells removed from mice during rejection. This increased production of histamine during secondary MLC results from the action of a lymphokine: the histamine-producing cell stimulating factor (HCSF). This factor is released by T lymphocytes. Its production requires specific stimulation of the recipient lymphocytes because increase in histamine production during secondary MLC can be only observed when recipient cells are cultured with stimulating cells bearing at least one homology at K or D loci with immunizing cells. HCSF acts on a cell which is present in bone marrow, spleen, blood, and peritoneal cells but absent in thymus or lymph node cells. This target cell is found in the less-dense layer of a discontinuous Ficoll-gradient of bone marrow cells. HCSF is heat stable, destroyed by trypsin treatment, and has a molecular weight between 50,000 and 100,000. It acts on its target cells by increasing histidine decarboxylase activity

    Finite Dimension Wyner-Ziv Lattice Coding for Two-Way Relay Channel

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    International audienceTwo-way relay channel (TWRC) models a cooperative communication situation performing duplex transmission via a relay station. For this channel, we have shown previously that a lattice-based physical layer network coding strategy achieves, at the limit of arbitrarily large dimension, the same rate as that offered by the random coding-based regular compress-and-forward. In this paper, we investigate a practical coding scheme using finite dimension lattices and offering a reasonable performance-complexity trade-off. The algorithm relies on lattice based quantization for Wyner-Ziv coding. We characterize the rate region allowed by our coding scheme, discuss the design criteria, and illustrate our results with some numerical examples

    Role assigning and taking in cloud computing

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    The widespread use of cloud computing (CC) has brought to the forefront information technology (IT) governance issues, rendering the lack of expertise in handling CC-based IT controls a major challenge for business enterprises and other societal organizations. In the cloud-computing context, this study identifies and ranks the determinants of role assigning and taking by IT people. The study’s integrative research links CC and IT governance to humane arrangements, as it validates and ranks role assigning and taking components through in-depth interviews with twelve IT decision-makers and forty-four Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) members, engaged as panelists in a Delphi technique implementation. The empirical results recognize skills and competencies as prioritized determinants of IT controls, while IT security, risk and compliance emerge as capabilities crucial to evaluate and manage CC service providers. Despite the study’s generalizability limitations, its findings highlight future research paths and provide practical guidelines toward the high technology of open-market IT self-governance. The latter entails the humane flows of collegial control and responsibility, as opposed to the inhumane flows of authority and power, under the sequestered technique of the bureaucratically-hierarchized IT hetero-governanc

    Réduction de la luxation de la tête radiale dans le cadre de la maladie exostosante: à propos d’un cas

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    La luxation de la tête radiale dans le cadre de la maladie exostosante  constitue une complication de déséquilibre de croissance des deux os del'avant bras secondaire à une exostose distale de l'ulna. Le traitement est difficile et controversé par les auteurs. Nous présentons une technique originale pour le traitement de cette entité. Après la correction de l'index radio-cubital inférieur par un allongement progressif de l'ulna, une fixation radio-cubitale inférieure par les fiches distales de l'Orthofix® et un deuxième allongement de l'ulna permet l'abaissement de la tête radiale et sa réduction. La réduction progressive par allongement de l'ulna par la méthode de callotasis constitue une technique séduisante et réalise l'inverse du ce qui passé lors de ralentissement de croissance de l'ulna sous l'effet de l'exostose ulnaire

    Un essai de production et de transformation de lait de dromadaire en Tunisie

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    Dans le Nord tunisien, cinq dromadaires femelles disposant chacune de 4 kg de son de blé par jour et de paille d'avoine à volonté ont produit en 305 jours de lactation une moyenne de 1 860 l (entre 915 et 3 355 l). Différents fromages ont été fabriqués à partir de ce lait composé de 108 g de matière sèche et de 28 g de matière grasse par litre. Des rendements frais et secs de 11,7 p. 100 et 4,9 p. 100 ont été respectivement obtenus avec un taux de récupération de la matière grasse de 64 p. 100. Ces résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus avec du lait de vache