347 research outputs found

    Bringing pedagogy to doctoral publishing

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    This article explores the role of publication in taking forward the work of the doctorate. Low publication rates from doctoral degrees have been noted as a problem in the quality of doctoral education for preparing students to participate in research cultures. At the same time there is ambivalence and some resistance among doctoral supervisors and candidates about the place of publication in doctoral work. This article argues that issues of writing and publication need to be systematically addressed within doctoral pedagogy. In a climate of increasing pressure to publish during and after candidature, pedagogies need to take up a more explicitly outward-looking stance, developing a stronger orientation to induction and participation in the world of peer-reviewed publication. These arguments are developed through two case studies that illustrate ways of supporting doctoral researchers to effectively recontextualise their dissertation writing for wider audiences. <br /

    White Color Phase of the Swift Fox, Vulpes velox

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    While live-trapping Swift Foxes (Vulpes velox) in northwestern Texas, we captured and radio-collared a Swift Fox that exhibited a white pelage and light blue eyes. Although white color phases and light blue eyes have been reported for other canid species, this is the first documentation for Swift Foxes

    Dispersal characteristics of swift foxes

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    From 1997 to 2001, we monitored movements of 109 adult and 114 juvenile swift foxes, Vulpes velox (Say, 1823), at study sites in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas to determine patterns of dispersal. Significantly more male (93%) than female (58%) juveniles dispersed, and both sexes had similar bimodal dispersal patterns with peaks in September–October and January–February. Adult dispersal occurred more evenly throughout the year, and significantly more male (32%) than female (5%) adults dispersed. Adult males tended to disperse after the death of their mate. Of dispersing foxes with known fates, settlement percentages in new territories were similar between juvenile males and females (40% overall), but they were significantly lower than for adults (89%). All other dispersing foxes with known fates died. Among juvenile females with known fates, similar percentages of philopatric and dispersing foxes reproduced as yearlings (50% overall), so the benefits of dispersal versus philopatry were not clear. Although rarely reported for other species, adult males were an important dispersal cohort in swift foxes (43% of male dispersals and 25% of all dispersals). Because of the female-biased philopatry among swift foxes, dispersal of adult males likely decreased the chances for inbreeding (e.g., father–daughter breeding)

    Do black‐backed jackals exhibit spatial partitioning with African wild dogs and lions?

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    Publisher's version (Ăștgefin grein)We thank Global Vision International, J. Power, W. Collinson and K. Potgieter-Forssman for help with tracking the radio-collared animals. This project was an initiative of the Carnivore Conservation Programme of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa, and the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Oxford University, U.K. Funding for J.F.K. was provided by a Research Fellowship from the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, and a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. Sponsorship was provided by Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and De Beers Consolidated Mines.Peer Reviewe

    Adult male emigration and a female-based social organization in swift foxes, \u3ci\u3eVulpes velox\u3c/i\u3e

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    Members of the family Canidae are distinguished from other carnivore families by pair bonding and male care of the young. Because of the importance of food provisioning and territorial defiance by males, social structure among canids is shared or even dominated by males. However, small, insectivorous species of canids show little male parental care, although whether social structure differs from other canids is unknown. We combined data from three independent research projects on a small canid, the swift fox, to help elucidate the social organization of this species. Based on data on movements of 35 adult mated pairs and the fate of litters, we found that adult females maintained territories and family structure, whereas adult males tended to emigrate. This is the first evidence of a female-based social organization among any canid species. This type of social organization probably resulted from the decreased importance of territorial defense and food provisioning by males, as their diet is primarily insectivorous during summer when young are weaned. Our results, along with others, indicate that variations in social structure among canid species are strongly influenced by the importance of food provisioning and territorial defense by males

    “It’s not a simple thing, co-publishing”: challenges of co-authorship between supervisors and students in South African higher educational contexts

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    Knowledge production in South Africa remains framed by the legacies of apartheid. Developing emerging authors and local knowledges through co-authorship between supervisors and post graduate students is an important strategy aimed at challenging these legacies. This paper draws on in-depth interviews with students and supervisors to explore their experiences of co-authorship. Findings indicate that while insisting that co-authoring has value, several students also note their discomfort with elements of the process. While insisting students’ work be disseminated, and expressing willingness to engage in the mentoring that this requires, supervisors also articulate discomfort with processes offering opportunities for personal career development. Given increasing emphasis on co-authorship we suggest the power inequalities expressed through the supervisor/student relationship be made more transparent. Knowledge production through co-authorship is best served by collaborations between authors who are more equally empowered and who are more critically aware of the challenges such collaborations are likely to present.Web of Scienc

    Schools, teachers and community: cultivating the conditions for engaged student learning

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    This paper reveals the nature of the actions, discussions and relationships which characterised teachers' and associated school personnel's efforts to engage poor and refugee students through a community garden located in a school in a low socio-economic urban area in south-east Queensland, Australia. These actions, discussions and relationships are described as both revealing and producing particular 'practice architectures' which help constitute conditions for practice-in this case, conditions for beneficial student learning. The paper draws upon interview data with teachers, other school staff and community members working in the school to reveal the interrelating actions, discussions and relationships involved in developing and using the garden for academic and non-academic purposes. By better understanding such interrelationships as practice architectures, the paper reveals how teachers and those in schooling settings learn to facilitate student learning practices that likely to assist some of the most marginalised students in schooling settings

    Three-dimensional numerical model of heat losses from district heating network pre-insulated pipes buried in the ground

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    The purpose of the paper is to investigate the challenges in modelling the energy losses of heating networks and to analyse the factors that influence them. The verification of the simulation was conducted on a test stand in-situ and based on the measurements of the testing station, a database for the final version of the numerical model was developed and a series of simulations were performed. Examples of the calculated results are shown in the graphs. The paper presents an innovative method of identify the energy losses of underground heating network pipelines and quantify the temperature distribution around them, in transient working conditions. The presented method makes use of numerical models and measured data of actual objects.The dimensions of the pipelines used were 6m wide, 8m high and 1m in depth, while they were simulated under conditions of zero heat flow in the ground, in the perpendicular to the sides direction of the calculated area and considering the effects of ground's thermal conductivity. The mesh was developed using advanced functions, which resulted its high quality with the average orthogonal quality of 0.99 (close to 1.00) and Skewness of 0.05 (between 0.00 and 0.25). To achieve better accuracy of the simulation model, the initial conditions were determined based on the numerical results of a three-dimensional analysis of heat losses, in steady state conditions in a single moment. The validation process confirmed the high quality of the model, as the differences between the ground temperatures were approximately 0.1°C

    Hugs and behaviour points: alternative education and the regulation of 'excluded' youth

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    In England, alternative education (AE) is offered to young people formally excluded from school, close to formal exclusion or who have been informally pushed to the educational edges of their local school. Their behaviour is seen as needing to change. In this paper, we examine the behavioural regimes at work in 11 AE programmes. Contrary to previous studies and the extensive ‘best practice’ literature, we found a return to highly behaviourist routines, with talking therapeutic approaches largely operating within this Skinnerian frame. We also saw young people offered a curriculum largely devoid of languages, humanities and social sciences. What was crucial to AE providers, we argue, was that they could demonstrate 'progress' in both learning and behaviour to inspectors and systems. Mobilising insights from Foucault, we note the congruence between the external regimes of reward and punishment used in AE and the kinds of insecure work and carceral futures that might be on offer to this group of young people
