18 research outputs found

    Analysis of an Active Deformylation Mechanism of 5‐Formyl‐deoxycytidine (fdC) in Stem Cells

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    The removal of 5‐methyl‐deoxycytidine (mdC) from promoter elements is associated with reactivation of the silenced corresponding genes. It takes place through an active demethylation process involving the oxidation of mdC to 5‐hydroxymethyl‐deoxycytidine (hmdC) and further on to 5‐formyl‐deoxycytidine (fdC) and 5‐carboxy‐deoxycytidine (cadC) with the help of α‐ketoglutarate‐dependent Tet oxygenases. The next step can occur through the action of a glycosylase (TDG), which cleaves fdC out of the genome for replacement by dC. A second pathway is proposed to involve C−C bond cleavage that converts fdC directly into dC. A 6‐aza‐5‐formyl‐deoxycytidine (a‐fdC) probe molecule was synthesized and fed to various somatic cell lines and induced mouse embryonic stem cells, together with a 2′‐fluorinated fdC analogue (F‐fdC). While deformylation of F‐fdC was clearly observed in vivo, it did not occur with a‐fdC, thus suggesting that the C−C bond‐cleaving deformylation is initiated by nucleophilic activation


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    Background: Many prognostic factors have been identified in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) but new ones are still desired. The biological characterization of CLL is now being translated into novel treatment strategies. One new prognostic factor, and therapeutic target, may be BFL1. It is both a serum and a molecular marker that contributes to the progression of CLL and its resistance to chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of BFL1 and to assess its correlation with other known prognostic markers in CLL for the cladribine and cyclophosphamide regimen (CC). Methods: qPCR TaqMan® Low Density Array was used for gene expression measurements. Assessment of CD38, ZAP70 and BFL-1 proteins expression was done by means of flow cytometry. Serum TK activity was measured by immunoassay. Results: Protein BFL1 expression was found to be significantly higher in CLL patients than healthy volunteers (p=0.001). Moreover its level was significantly higher in patients with no response (NR) to CC therapy (p=0.009). The expression of BFL1 was considerably down regulated during CC treatment and BFL1 mRNA levels were inversely correlated with apoptotic response. In addition, protein BFL1 expression was found to be similar to thymidine kinase (TK) concentration regarding treatment response. As far as other markers are concerned, a positive correlation was identified between BFL1 and TK (r=0.52, p=0.01). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that BFL1 contributes to chemoresistance and may be a co-existing prognostic factor in CLL in the future

    Ciudad-territorio sustentable. Procesos, actores y estructuras

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    En los últimos años, los estudios urbanos especializados insisten en que los procesos de urbanización por los que atraviesan los distintos países desarrollados, parecen dejar atrás las explicaciones de la urbanización industrial, han surgido otras construcciones y perspectivas unas más acabadas que otras (Indovina, 1998, la “ciudad difusa”; Dematteis 1998, ciudad sin centros; Nel-lo, 1998 ciudad sin confines, Soja, 2008, la exópolis). En suma se dice que se avanza hacia la urbanización generalizada, ello acaba con la larga trayectoria del funcionamiento y naturaleza de la ciudad moderna, el cambio urbano estructural actual, es nuevamente, consecuencia de la descentralización, difusión, redistribución del desarrollo, del crecimiento y las innovaciones ahora sobre una estructura en el territorio. Ha sido una mutación no sólo empírica sino que ha dado lugar a la confrontación teórica. El sistema urbano jerárquico ha reducido su valor interpretativo porque se han modificado los supuestos en los que se basaban las relaciones de dominio y dependencia de los centros principales, porque se han abaratado los costos de transporte y el efecto de la distancia ya no es una limitante absoluta, ahora los procesos productivos flexibles y descentralizados propician las relaciones técnicas horizontales con lo cual se consiguen economías de escala externas e internas a las empresas en un territorio ampliado y no sólo exclusivamente en la aglomeración económica (Precedo, 2003; Veltz, 1999; Boix, 2002; Camagni, 2005; De Santiago, 2008 y; Garmendia, 2010).El objetivo es examinar dentro de la descentralización del proceso urbano a la ciudad-territorio en América Latina, en particular en México. En contextos urbanos desarrollados se afirma la convergencia urbana con la apertura de las unidades funcionales de los sistemas urbanos donde operan redes e interrelaciones de desarrollo cualitativo en el territorio. América Latina registra evidencias empíricas poco claras, existe alta concentración de aquella economía que contribuye al crecimiento nacional, mientras la población se descentraliza rápidamente. México, es un caso de primacía urbana histórica aunque da paso a la formación de regiones urbanas, mismas que reproducen relaciones polarizadas y escasamente descentralizadas. De manera que, en tanto domine la concentración espacial económica, la ciudadterritorio se podrá presentar en el continente sólo con algunos rasgos en regiones urbanas con mayor desarrollo y crecimiento. Palabras claves: descentralización urbana, sistema urbano, ciudad-territorio

    „Herzfaden“ – Eine Geschichte der Störungen und Erlösungen

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    Josting P. „Herzfaden“ – Eine Geschichte der Störungen und Erlösungen. In: Gansel C, Hernik M, Kaufmann A, Kaminska E, eds. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und All-Age-Trends in der Literatur für junge Leser und Erwachsene. Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht; 2022

    Polymorphism of the Transferrin Gene in Eye Diseases: Keratoconus and Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

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    Oxidative stress may play a role in the pathogenesis of keratoconus (KC) and Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD). Iron may promote the stress by the Fenton reaction, so its homeostasis should be strictly controlled. Transferrin is essential for iron homeostasis because it transports iron from plasma into cells. The malfunction of transferrin, which may be caused by variation in its gene (TF) variation, may contribute to oxidative stress and change KC and FECD risk. To verify this hypothesis we investigated the association between three polymorphisms of the TF gene, g.3296G>A (rs8177178), g.3481A>G (rs8177179), and c.–2G>A (rs1130459), and KC and FECD occurrence. Genotyping was performed in blood lymphocytes in 216 patients with KC, 130 patients with FECD and 228 controls by PCR-RFLP. We studied also the influence of other risk factors. The A/A genotype and the A allele of the g.3296G>A polymorphism were associated with KC occurrence, while the G allele was negatively correlated with it. We observed a decrease in KC occurrence associated with the A/G genotype of the g.3481A>G polymorphism. We did not find any association between the c.–2G>A polymorphism and KC. No association was found between all three polymorphisms and FECD occurrence

    Value of short exercise and short exercise with cooling tests in diagnosis of recessive form of myotonia congenita (Becker disease) — are sex differences important?

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    Introduction: In myotonia congenita (MC), activation with exercise or cooling can induce transient changes in compound motor action potential (CMAP) parameters, thus providing a guide to genetic analysis.Material and methods: We performed the short exercise test (SET) and the short exercise test with cooling (SETC) in 30 patients with genetically confirmed Becker disease (BMC) to estimate their utility in the diagnosis of BMC.Results: Although we observed a significant decrease in CMAP amplitude immediately after maximal voluntary effort in both tests in the whole BMC group, in men this decline was significantly smaller than in women, especially in SET.Clinical implications/future directions: In men with a clinical suspicion of BMC, a small decrease in CMAP amplitude in SET together with a typical decline in SETC does not exclude the diagnosis of BMC. Our results show a sex-specific difference in chloride channel function in BMC, which needs further investigation

    Performance testing protocol for closed-system transfer devices used during pharmacy compounding and administration of hazardous drugs.

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    OBJECTIVES:The United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is developing a protocol to assess the containment performance of closed system transfer devices (CSTDs) when used for drug preparation (task 1) and administration (task 2) and published a draft protocol in September 2016. Nine possible surrogates were proposed by NIOSH for use in the testing. The objectives of this study were to: (A) select the most appropriate surrogate; (B) validate the NIOSH protocol using this surrogate; and (C) determine the containment performance of four commercial CSTDs as compared with an open system of needle and syringe using the validated NIOSH protocol. METHODS:2-Phenoxyethanol (2-POE) was selected as a surrogate based on its water solubility, Henry's volatility constant, detectability by mass spectrometry, and non-toxicity. Standard analytical validation methods including system suitability, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantitation (LOQ) as well as system cleaning validation were performed. The amount of 2-POE released when the CSTDs were manipulated according to two tasks defined by NIOSH was determined using mass spectrometry coupled to thermal desorption and gas chromatography. This approach allows sensitivity of detection below 1 part per billion (ppb). Equashield, Tevadaptor (OnGuard), PhaSeal, and ChemoClave were assessed according to manufacturers' instructions for use. RESULTS:2-POE was tested and validated for suitability of use within the NIOSH protocol. A simple and efficient cleaning protocol achieved consistently low background values, with an average value, based on 85 measurements, of 0.12 ppb with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of ±0.16 ppb. This gives an LOD for the tests of 0.35 ppb and an LOQ of 0.88 ppb. The Equashield, Tevadaptor (OnGuard), and PhaSeal devices all showed average releases, based on 10 measurements from five tests, that were less than the LOQ (i.e. < 0.88 ppb), while the ChemoClave Vial Shield with Spinning Spiros showed average releases of 2.9±2.3 ppb and 7.5±17.9 ppb for NIOSH tasks 1 and 2 respectively at the 95% confidence level. The open system of needle and syringe showed releases, based on two measurements from a single test, of 4.2±2.2 ppb and 5.1±1.7 ppb for NIOSH tasks 1 and 2 respectively at the 95% confidence level. CONCLUSIONS:2-POE proved to be an ideal surrogate for testing of CSTDs using the NIOSH protocol. We propose that a CSTD can be qualified using the NIOSH testing approach if the experimental LOQ is less than 1 ppb and the release values are below the LOQ. Equashield, Tevadaptor (OnGuard), and PhaSeal meet these acceptance criteria and can therefore all be qualified as CSTDs, but the ChemoClave system does not and so would not qualify as a CSTD