6 research outputs found

    Surveillance and observation:The all-seeing eyes of big brother

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    As the marauding attacks of Mumbai and Paris or the various recent vehicle attacks in Nice, Berlin, London and Barcelona demonstrate, many terrorists select ‘soft targets’ in the shape of unprotected locations where a crowd usually can be expected. But even if they are bound for hard targets, terrorists are likely to move through public space. In order to heighten the security of such public spaces as well, and in order to prevent an impending attack from taking place, surveillance and observation devices could serve as an early-warning system enabling us to initiate counter-measures. Currently, CCTV systems as well as ‘Smart’ CCTV systems offer us this opportunity – which is why in this chapter, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such systems, to then take a critical look at Augmented Reality (Mixed Reality) as an up-and-coming tool in the fight against terrorism (and criminality in general). Some Chinese police forces for example already make use of ‘smart glasses’ in order to identify suspects just by looking at them. I conclude this chapter with some critical remarks on this ‘Minority Report’-style policing of the (near) future.</p

    Identification:Biometrics, or a real-time ‘who is who’

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    In this first chapter of the book’s second part, I argue that the best way to deal with terrorism is to nip a planned terrorist attack in the bud. One way to do so is by discerning innocent citizens who have a right to be at certain locations from those who have not, and whose intentions are dubious, via a swift and reliable but non-intrusive identification and verification process. I introduce the main biometrics that are used in this regard, first discussing physical biometrics such as facial recognition, iris scans, voice scans or fingerprints, to then move on to behavioural ones such as one’s gait. Since most of them are not (yet) fool proof, especially not as stand-alone technologies, I make the case for multimodal-based biometric systems which currently are under development.</p