58 research outputs found

    Breakdown Characteristics of Unused Transformer Oil and Olive Oil under AC and DC Voltages at Different Temperature Rate

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    This project aim is to investigate the breakdown characteristics of unused transformer oil and olive oil under AC and DC voltage at different temperature rate. HVAC and HVDC breakdown tests are carried out alongside with the hemisphere electrode arrangements. The high voltage test is done in order to observe the performances of the oil samples to attain the highest breakdown AC and DC voltages. In addition, this project needs to be done to see if olive oil as one of the vegetable oil can be an alternative for the conventional transformer oil. Commonly used transformer oil is made from mineral oil and it is declining day by day as its use increases. So as a precaution studies are done with vegetable oils to replace the mineral oil-based transformer insulation fluid. In this study, each oil sample is tested at different temperature rate and has recorded different value of breakdown voltage from the experiment. The gap distance between electrodes is constant and oil samples are heated at different temperature ranges. More voltage is needed to breakdown at higher temperature rate. Both the unused transformer oil and olive oil have linearly increased AC and DC breakdown voltages when subjected to higher temperatures. However, it is found that the highest AC and DC breakdown voltages are recorded at the highest temperature range and when the insulating medium used is olive oil. Moreover, the obtained AC and DC voltages are then be used to study the electric field in FEMM softwar

    Perkembangan Dalam Penentuan Model Geoid Masa Kini

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    Komponen ketinggian dari Global Positioning System tidak dapat memberi kejituan yang tinggi untuk digunakan secara langsung dalam kebanyakan kerja pengukuran. Keperluan ketinggian geoid amatlah penting bagi mendapatkan ketinggian othomatrik menggunakan GP S. Pada masa kini banyak negara telah menentukan model geoid yang sesuai bagi mereka. Artikel ini akan melihat secara menyeluruh perkembangan model geoid dibeberapa negara termasuk Malaysia dalam penentuan model genoid

    The design of an efficient class E-LCCL capacitive power transfer system through frequency tuning method

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    In this work, the optimum zero voltage switching (ZVS) of Class E-LCCL capacitive power transfer (CPT) was determined via frequency tuning method. Through this an efficient system can be guanranteed although there is a change in the capacitive plates distance. This study used a Class-E LCCL inverter, as it can operate at a high alternate current frequency, besides producing low switching losses and minimal power losses. Specifically, this study conducted simulations and experiments to analyse the performance of an LCCL CPT System at 1 MHz operating frequency and 24 V DC supply voltage. Using an air gap distance of 0.1 cm, the designed CPT system prototype successfully achieved an output power of 10W and an efficiency of 95.45%. This study also found that by tuning the resonant frequency of the Class E-LCCL system, the optimum ZVS can be obtained although capacitive plate distance was varied from 1-3 cm via experimental. The results of this study could benefit medical implant and portable device development, consumer electronics, and environments that involve electrical hazards

    L2 learners’ receptive and productive knowledge of phrasal verbs

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    Phrasal verbs (PVs) are very common in English, indicating their usefulness in everyday settings. However, it was reported that language learners generally have great difficulties in understanding and using this linguistic form. This study investigated Malaysian learners’ receptive and productive knowledge of PVs, and some possible factors which may contribute to their difficulties in understanding and using this language feature. A set of PVs test was developed and distributed to 480 secondary school learners in Malaysia to identify their receptive and productive knowledge with respect to PVs. Real data from the English of Malaysian School Students (EMAS) Corpus was used to examine the actual use of PVs by Malaysian learners. Results of the PVs test indicated that in general, Malaysian learners had an average level of knowledge of PVs. Analysis of the EMAS corpus revealed that they faced a lot of problems in the production of PVs. Some possible factors are highlighted which may contribute to such difficulties

    Green Technology Compliance in Malaysia For sustainable Business Development

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    Economic growth, industrialization and growing population in developing countries such as Malaysia, demands a huge growth for renewable energy as global environmental problem call for drastic cuts on fossil fuel consumption. It has resulted in the promotion of green technology that presents the most viable way of meeting with the new green-related activities for environmental conservation. The Malaysian government has played a strong role in ensuring environmental sustainability by way of introducing necessary policies and implementing them. This research intends to explore the opportunities that green technology might bring to entrepreneurs by complying with new business success factors (BSF) particularly in term of the green demand and supply among the Malaysian companies. The research would also enhance some of the existing relevant literatures and discuss several practices useful for business consideration of the green technology adoption

    Electromyography analysis during lifting tasks: a pilot study

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    Manual Material Handling (MMH) involves lifting, bending, and twisting motions of the torso. Poor lifting technique is often considered a major risk factor in low back injury associated with manual lifting tasks. Currently, there is little work on the effects of lifting on the Malaysian population. The MMH activities that was designed with the different lifting heights, frequency, weight of loads and the effect on of biceps and triceps muscle contraction of the subjects during the lifting tasks were studied. The parameters involved are weight of the loads lifted, height of the loads lifted and lifting frequency as the independent variables. Whereas the dependent variable is Electromyography (EMG) signal. The weight loads are varying from 10kg up to 24kg and the heights of the loads travels from the floor to 70cm and 130cm heights. The frequency of lifting is set to 1 lift and 6 lifts per minute. 14 healthy male and female subjects were recruited in this study. The questionnaires and consent form were used to identify the health condition of the subjects before performing the lifting tasks. The EMG activity was recorded and collected from biceps and triceps muscles using the Shimmer EMG system. This method is used in determining the maximum acceptable weight limit (MAWL) that can be lifted by the subjects in the lifting tasks. This research aims to design a lifting equation that suits for Malaysian people. Therefore, the effects of different manual lifting tasks on Malaysian physiological limits need to be identified

    Dynamic panel model of dividend policies: Malaysian perspective

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the key determinants of the dividend policies for Malaysian listed firms. The sample in this study incorporates the top 100 listed firms on Bursa Malaysia (Bursa) over a ten-year period from 2007 to 2016. The dynamic panel data set was constructed using the sample firms. The results indicate that dividend policies are positively significantly related to profitability and firm size in Malaysia. Thus, this suggests that Malaysian listed firms determine their future dividends based on past dividend payments. Meanwhile, dividend policies are negatively and significantly associated with leverage and business risk. Therefore, this study used the generalized method of moments (GMM) to reveal unique findings and the findings should inspire analysts, policy makers, institutional investors and investors to examine the dividend policy puzzle, especially for developing countries

    Application of Polarization and Depolarization Current in High Voltage Insulator - A Review

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    Deterioration of cable insulator can be caused by many factors such as aging, fault and breakdown. These factors are caused by the presence of moisture, impurities and heat due to high temperatures in an insulator. The maintenance and replacement for insulation system in power cables, power transformers and electric machine stator are generally expensive and time consuming. Thus, the performance and ability of an insulator can be monitored through polarization and depolarization current (PDC). Polarization and depolarization current (PDC) is a non-destructive test method that is used to analyse many factors that affects the behaviour of an insulator in time domain. This paper presents the review on application of polarization and depolarization current test method on different type of insulator. The factors that affects the performance of different type of insulator will be discussed in this paper. Moreover, the theory of polarization and depolarization current will be explained in order to understand the behaviour of polarization and depolarization current curve when fault occurs. Last but not least, this paper will provide a review on the different type of factors that affects the performance of different types of insulation

    Dividend behaviour: different market segmentations

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    This research explores the dynamics of dividend behaviour of Lintner’s model in three distinct regimes with three different market segmenta-tions, namely Singapore, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia. In particular, Singapore, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia each have some interesting features that make this study suitable for policy recommendations to other Asian countries and countries in other parts of the world, espe-cially in the same market segmentation. Therefore, it will be intriguing to see if these three countries adopt stable cash dividend policies, whether they smooth out dividends, and to determine the speed of adjustment of dividends towards a long-run target payout ratio. The study used the top 100 listed firms in each country using the Gener-alised Method of Moments (GMM) for the period of 2007 to 2016. The results clearly demonstrate that Saudi Arabian firms have the smooth-est and most stable dividend payout, followed by Malaysia which has a moderate speed of adjustment suggesting fairly stable dividends arising from a positive change in earnings, while Singapore has a sig-nificantly high speed of adjustment indicating no smoothing. Based on these findings, Saudi Arabian firms practise smoothing and have stable dividends. Although a great deal of research has been done us-ing a partial adjustment model, no evidence has been provided on the three different markets. Most of the research focused on developed markets rather than emerging ones. This could therefore contribute to the different legal and statutory systems that exist in these countries. The difference hinders the overall view of the results obtained from the three markets

    Development Of Mini Wind Turbine Generator

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    Most of the electricity generation process in Malaysia using fuel sources especially coal and natural gasses. The country needs to spend higher cost to import this source since it is not a natural resource in Malaysia. In addition, the usage of coal as resources affected the environment. The extinction of this source also needs to be considered since it is not a renewable energy sources. Therefore, a prototype of mini wind turbine generator is proposed in this research in order to study the effectiveness of this type of generator since it is one of the alternatives to generate electricity. It is developed in Archimedes design by using microcontroller. The performance is evaluated by analyzing the blade material, number of blades and the environment influence on the location of wind turbine generator.The results show that the blade made from acrylic with lowest number of blades produced higher voltage and current while the location of the designed prototype at high hill area generate higher value of voltage and current compared to the beach and field are