158 research outputs found

    Persepsi dan Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti Terhadap Gizi Remaja

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    Latar Belakang. Remaja merupakan harapan bangsa, sehingga tak berlebihan jika dikatakan bahwa masa depan bangsa yang akan ditentukan pada keadaan remaja saat ini. Remaja yang sehat dan berkualitas menjadi perhatian yang besar bagi orang tua, praktisi pendidikan, dan remaja itu sendiri. Gizi remaja merupakan bagian dari sektor kesehatan yang penting dan menjadi perhatian besar dari pemerintah. Gizi yang baik merupakan pondasi bagi kesehatan masyarakat pengaruh gizi terhadap pertumbuhan, perkembangan, intelektual, dan produktivitas menunjukan besarnya peranan gizi bagi kehidupan manusia. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan pengetahuan Mahasiswa Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti Bulukumba tentang gizi remaja. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian  berupa deskriftif untuk mengetahui persepsi dan pengetahuan mahasiwa di Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti (AKTABE) terhadap gizi remaja, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tehnik observasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan jumlah sampel 50 mahasiswa AKTABE sebagai responden dengan variabel penelitian persepsi dan pengetahuan. Hasil. Berdasarkan data kuesioner diperoleh bahwa persepsi mahasiswa Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti Bulukumba tentang gizi remaja menunjukan 80% (40 responden) mempunyai persepsi baik, 20% (10 responden) berpersepsi cukup, dan tidak ada mahasiswa yang berpersepsi kurang baik dan tidak baik. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengetahuan menunjukan bahwa dari 50 responden terdapat 88% (44 responden) berpengetahuan baik, dan berpengetahuan cukup baik terdapat 12% (6 responden). Pada penelitian ini tidak ada responden yang berpengetahuan kurang baik dan tidak baik

    Factors Influencing the ICT Innovation Process in Small-Medium Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework

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    The emergence of the digital economy has the potential to spur innovation, boost productivity, and improve societal quality of life. The increase in ICT users in Malaysia can be seen during the Covid-19 crisis. Due to social restrictions on economic activities, many businesses have shifted to online platforms. However, it differs from small-medium enterprises (SMEs) owned by vulnerable populations. Their businesses were underperforming during the Covid-19 crisis as they could not deal with the operational stress generated by Covid-19 due to limited resources, resulting in poor company performance. Therefore, a conceptual model has been identified in this project on the factors that can lead SMEs to successfully innovate the processes of ICT in their businesses

    Temporal spectral approach to surface electromyography based fatigue classification of biceps brachii during dynamic contraction

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    Muscle fatigue is defined as a reduction in muscle’s ability to contract and produce force due to prolonged submaximal exercise. Since fatigue is not a physical variable, fatigue indices are commonly used to detect and monitor muscle fatigue development. One suggested approach to quantitative measurement of muscle fatigue is based on surface electromyography (sEMG) signal. Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) are commonly used techniques to obtain time-frequency representation of sEMG signals. However, S Transform (ST) technique has not been applied much to physiological signals. No found literature has used ST technique to extract muscle fatigue indices. Thus, this study intends to determine the feasibility of using ST technique to extract muscle fatigue indices from sEMG signal. Thirty college students with no illness history were randomly selected to perform bicep curl activities for 130 seconds while holding a 2 kg dumbbell. Using the three time-frequency techniques (STFT, CWT, and ST), four commonly extracted muscle fatigue indices (Instantaneous Energy Distribution (IED), Instantaneous Mean Frequency (IMNF), Instantaneous Frequency Variance (IFV) and Instantaneous Normalize Spectral Moment (INSM)) were extracted from the acquired biceps sEMG signals. Indices from fatigue signals were found to be significantly different (p-value < 0.05) from the non-fatigue signals. Based on the Normalization of Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) and Relative Error, ST technique was found to produce less error than STFT and CWT techniques in extracting muscle fatigue indices. Through the use of 3-fold cross validation procedure and with the help of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, IMNF-IED-IFV was selected as the best feature combination for classifying the two phases of muscle fatigue with consistent classification performance (accuracy, sensitivity and specificity) of 80%. Therefore, this study concludes that ST processing technique is feasible to be applied to sEMG signals for extracting screening or monitoring measures of muscle fatigue with a good degree of certainty

    An Analysis of The Effects of Total Quality Management (TQM) on Patient Satisfaction in Hospital: A Scoping Review

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    Hospitals are an integral part of the health care system. They are accountable for delivering proper health care to very sensitive patients, including all essential difficult medical procedures. Recognizing the wants and aspirations of customers, in this instance patients, is critical for patient happiness. To achieve patient satisfaction, businesses or hospitals must develop and manage a system for acquiring new patients as well as the capacity to keep existing ones. In respect to the quality management system, one instrument that is believed to be capable of assisting organizations in improving their performance and achieving their objectives is Total Quality Management (TQM). As a result, Total Quality Management (TQM) might be one of the strategies adopted. This research technique is referred to as a scoping review. According to the findings of a literature search on the impact of ten TQM components on patient happiness at home, the Focus on Patient factor has the greatest influence on patient satisfaction in hospitals

    Sustainablility of multi-generations dwelling: condition survey on old Malay traditional houses in Kuala Kangsar, Perak

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    The preservation and conservation of Malay traditional house in Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia has become major research interests in past decades. However, very little research was conducted to investigate on the houses focusing on the components and materials including physical spaces that accommodate universal needs of their occupants. Most of the old houses are originally built on stilts and uses lightweight construction with elevated steps and floors. Many of them had gone through upgrading by renovation and restoration because of safety reason and decay exposure. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the condition of the physical components and spatial elements of the houses that have gone through renovation to accommodate universal needs of their residents. The objectives of the study are: 1) to identify the condition status of the components found in the selected Malay traditional houses, 2) to examine the nature and extent of changes made to the houses for disabled requirements. Qualitative data were collected through condition survey and interviews with the house residents during site visit. A total of 12 Malay traditional houses in Kuala Kangsar, Perak were selected for condition survey and visual inspection. They are among the surviving oldest houses in this region. The method of documentation involved recording the house’s historical background and current condition, inventory of the physical components, spatial and material changes. The study found that appropriate action has been taken by the residents of the houses not only to safeguard their valuable heritage but also to ensure the needs of disable residents especially the elderly are well accommodated. The findings would assist the local community to implement further management plan for preservation of the traditional houses, whilst ensuring the continuous survival of the houses that reflect heritage value as well as the social value of the multi-generation residents. Keywords: Malay traditional house, Kuala Kangsar, renovation, restoration, disabled requirement

    Penilaian nano zink oksida keatas campuran asfalt terhadap kerosakan kelembapan

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    Malaysia mempunyai iklim khatulistiwa yang menerima intensiti hujan yang tinggi sepanjang tahun. Untuk keadaan jalan, turapan asfalt dikenakan dengan beban yang tinggi dan sistem saliran tidak mencukupi untuk musim hujan. Semua faktor yang digabungkan menghasilkan kebarangkalian kerosakan kelembapan yang tinggi [1]. Kerosakan kelembapan adalah salah satu masalah utama bagi turapan berasfalt di mana ianya mempengaruhi jangka hayat disebabkan oleh keadaan lekatan dan lekitan asfalt pengikat [2]. Kehilangan pelekatan merujuk kepada pengurangan keupayaan pelekat pada permukaan agregat dan asfalt. Ini berlaku akibat air dan tekanan dari air yang bertindak pada campuran asfalt. Sementara itu, kehilangan lekitan adalah disebabkan oleh pelembutan atau kemerosotan keupayaan lekitan didalam asfalt pengikat yang tertumpu kepada kelembapan [3]. Pelucutan dan penguraian adalah disebabkan kehilangan ikatan pelekat antara agregat dan asfalt. Sementara itu, kehilangan keupayaan lekitan boleh membawa kepada kelemahan turapan yang mudah terdedah kepada kerosakan pramatang dan kerosakan tekanan pori [4]

    Effects of waste engine oil on warm reclaimed asphalt mixture

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    Depletion of natural resources and increase in energy consumption have led the pavement industry to actively explore innovative ways in creating sustainable infrastructure. In this context, the aim of this research was to investigate the modification of recycled binder and mixtures containing waste engine oil (WEO) with two types of warm asphalt additives; wax-based and oil-based. This study was divided into four phases. In the first phase, the WEO was blended with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent by weight of asphalt binder containing aged binder obtained from extraction and recovery of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). The optimum WEO obtained from the first phase was blended with warm mix additives and tested in phase two. Two types of warm asphalt additives that had been applied were wax-based with dosages of 1%, 2%, and 3%, as well as oil-based with dosages of 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5% by weight of asphalt binder with WEO. These modified binders were subjected to storage stability, viscosity, rheology (temperature sweep, rutting resistance, and creep recovery), surface energy, as well as chemical characterization by using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine the optimum additive content. In phase three, mechanical performance tests were performed by applying the optimum additive content obtained in phase two at compaction temperatures of 135°C, 125°C, and 115°C. The tests were resilient modulus, moisture resistance and rutting evaluation. In the final phase, the correlations between the properties of asphalt binder and the performance of the mixture had been determined by correlation coefficient analysis. The results show that 15% of WEO from various sources had been able to rejuvenate the aged binder to the base binder performance level. The optimum waxbased and oil-based additive contents were found to be 2% and 0.4%, respectively. The asphalt binder with wax-based additive improved the workability, hence displaying superior rutting resistance factor, better elastic response with reduced phase angle and reduction in aging level. Besides that, the mixture with wax-based additive exhibited higher resilient modulus, good moisture resistance, and acceptable lower rut depth, in comparison to other binders. The best compaction temperature was determined to be 135°C. In conclusion, the WEO emerged as a highly promising substance for modified binder with RAP and warm asphalt additive


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran mengenai proses hipnoterapi dalam penguatan kepercayaan diri siswa yang dilakukan oleh guru BK di SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Ardhya Garini (AAG) Adisutjipto Yogyakarta. Selain itu, juga memberikan gambaran mengenai peran dari guru BK, wali kelas, dan guru mata pelajaran dalam Penguatan kepercayaan diri siswa di SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Ardhya Garini (AAG) Adisutjipto Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa, 5 guru BK, 2 wali kelas, dan 2 guru mata pelajaran di SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Ardhya Garini (AAG) Adisutjipto Yogyakarta yang diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, proses hipnoterapi yang dilakukan oleh guru BK melalui lima tahap di antaranya: Building Rapport, dalam tahap ini guru BK membangun percakapan ringan dengan siswa agar siswa merasa nyaman dan memudahkan pada tahap selanjutnya. Induction, tahap ini persiapan untuk memasuki kondisi trance. Kondisi ini pikiran siswa dibimbing menuju pikiran sadar (conscious mind) ke alam bawah sadar (subconscious). Selanjutnya deepening, yakni pendalaman dari bagian sebelumnya, pada kondisi ini pikiran siswa menjadi sangat sugestif. Dalam penerapannya pada proses ini guru BK menyesuaikan dengan masing-masing permasalahan dari siswa. Suggestion, inti dari proses hipnoterapi tahap ini guru BK memberikan arahan dan motivasi terhadap masing-masing siswa, sesuai dengan kebutuhannya dengan harapan memori sadarnya dapat merekam sehingga, membuahkan perubahan positif dan termination, merupakan akhir dari proses hipnoterapi yang mana dalam proses ini guru BK, membimbing siswa untuk kembali dalam kondisi normal seperti sedia kala. Kedua, hasil wawancara terhadap siswa juga menunjukkan data yang sama sebagaimana ungkapan dari guru BK, wali kelas, dan guru mata pelajaran. Dengan demikian dapat peneliti simpulkan bahwa guru BK, wali kelas, dan guru mata pelajaran sangat berperan dalam penguatan kepercayaan diri siswa. Dari proses hipnoterapi yang dilakukan guru BK, pra-hipnoterapi hingga pasca hipnoterapi mengalami perubahan positif dan peran guru sangat penting dalam kepercayaan diri siswa, selain itu lingkungan dan dari diri sendiri siswa yang berupaya untuk berubah akan mewarnai perubahan perilaku positif terhadap perilaku siswa dalam penguatan kepercayaan diri siswa SMK Penerbangan Angkasa Ardhya Garini (AAG) Adisutjipto Yogyakarta


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    Sindrom premenstruasi menjadi masalah pada wanita dan gejala atau keluhan yang sering muncul adalah gejala fisik dan gejala emosional. Dampak dari sindrom premenstruasiadalah gangguan aktifitas harian, seperti penurunan produktifitas kerja, sekolah, dan hubungan interpersonal penderita. Disamping itu sindrom premenstruasi yang berat juga dapat berhubungan dengan kasus bunuh diri yang tinggi, tingkat kecelakaan, dan masalah kejiwaan akut atau faktor stress. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta tahun 2017 dengan metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan Proportioned Random Sampling didapatkan sebanyak 103 responden, alat ukur dengan kuesioner dan uji statistik Kendall tau dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05 atau 5%.Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,002 berarti (p &lt; 0,05) maka terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi D3 kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Kesimpulan yang dapat diangkat adalah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (p = 0,002 ; p &lt; 0,005 ; r = 0,298).Mahasiswi disarankan agar dapat mengendalikan stres yang berlebih serta melakukan aktifitas positif yang dapat mengurangi stres

    Risk cost analysis in Malay heritage conservation project

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    Risks in conservation projects are believed to be different from risks in new building projects. There are different methods and processes that need to be adopted in order to handle a conservation heritage project. Heritage projects form a valuable inheritance with sentimental values that tell a certain history, culture or tradition which needs to be preserved. Nevertheless, many have reported that conservation projects frequently suffer failures in meeting the delivery goals of time, quality and budget, which lead to contractual disputes during the postcontract stages of a conservation project. Conservation work is riskier due to the inclusion of many activities such as preservation, restoration, and refurbishment. Thus, this research aims to identify the risk cost analysis in carrying out conservation projects through conducting semi-structured interviews and using the survey research method. The objectives are to highlight the importance of conserving Malay heritage and identify risk affecting cost of conserving heritage buildings. This research applied strategy survey through semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey. It was found that project risk consists of hidden works and uncertainties is the highest among other risk categories. The outcome of this research is considered to be significant and relevant as it contributes towards the conservation sector by minimising the risk of cost analysis taken on conservation projects by the project team involved