2,036 research outputs found

    Studying the Efficiency Dependence of CR-39 Detector on the Chamber Height

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    The response of CR-39 plastic detector was computed practically taking into account the most significant parameter of chamber height that effect on efficiency of CR-39. The aim of this project is to calculate the sensitivity of a CR-39 detector in a diffusion chamber for radon measurements using various chamber heights like, (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30) cm. The obtained results revealed that the CR-39 detector's response for the chamber height of (10) cm is about 2 or 3 times higher than that of (15, 20, 25 and 30) cm, this is due to at the small height the concentrations of thoron (220Rn) will be mixing with the concentration of 222Rn

    MRI brain classification using support vector machine

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    The field of medical imaging gains its importance with increase in the need of automated and efficient diagnosis in a short period of time. Other than that, medical image retrieval system is to provide a tool for radiologists to retrieve the images similar to query image in content. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that has played an important role in neuroscience research for studying brain images. Classification is an important part in retrieval system in order to distinguish between normal patients and those who have the possibility of having abnormalities or tumor. In this paper, we have obtained the feature related to MRI images using discrete wavelet transformation. An advanced kernel based techniques such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the classification of volume of MRI data as normal and abnormal will be deployed

    Sikap Pekerja Malaysia Terhadap Gaya Pengurusan Jepun: Satu Kajian Kes di Firma Jepun di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sikap dan tahap sikap pekerja Malaysia terhadap gaya pengurusan Jepun di firma Jepun di Malaysia dan juga tahap amalan gaya pengurusan Jepun di firma yang sama berdasarkan enam dimensi terpilih. Sebanyak 280 orang pekerja Malaysia di sebuah firma Jepun yang terkemuka di Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pekerja biasa/operator dan staf pengurusan dipilih sebagai responden melalui kaedah persampelan stratifikasi rawak mudah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kaedah soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada responden melalui kerjasama Jabatan Sumber Manusia firma berkenaan, dan komunikasi peribadi dengan staf firma yang sama. Instrumen kajian dibina sendiri oleh pengkaji berdasarkan pengalaman mengikut kursus pengurusan di Jepun, rujukan bahan bacaan berkaitan dan bertumpu kepada enam dimensi terpilih. Seterusnya data dianalisis menggunakan Program "Statistica"


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    Purpose–The aim of this study is to empirically investigate barriers towards successful strategy formulation and implementation in the public sector strategy of Kuwait. Design/methodology/approach – The article used a questionnaire survey to identify the barriers toward successful strategy formulation and implementation experienced by the public sector organizations. The questionnaires were distributed to 300 public sector employees, from which 200 were valid for analysis. Participants were requested to state the degree of agreement with the items listed in the questionnaire. Regression analysis employed to identify factors impact strategy formulation and implementation. Findings – The study showed that unsuccessful strategies formulation and implementation result from various aspects of government institutions (organization, policies and regulations, human resources and communications). The participants revealed that lack of consensus among decision makers, lack of effective role formulators and lack of choice of real strategy formulators represent major obstacle toward strategies formulation. Incompatible structure with the strategy and insufficient linkage between strategy and goals were the main variables that prevent successful strategies implementation. The regression analysis pointed to policies and regulations, communication and external factors as the most significant determinants of strategy formulation; whereas organizational and communication factors appeared to be the most significant determinant of strategy implementations. Research limitations – Specific governmental departments were targeted by the questionnaire survey employed in this study. This reflect the staff employed in these departments. To obtain a wide picture about strategy implementation, the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance should be surveyed since they are responsible of a significant part of the country\u27s strategic planning. Practical implications– This research offers valuable practical insights of decision maker. it might provide the route map for the firm and develop a good information system that help managers for obtaining the highest quality of knowledge through developing processes, systems and managerial mechanisms


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    This paper principally describes the link between the research paradigm (constructivism) and the philosophical basis (ontology, epistemology and methodology) of a qualitative study. This article begins with an overview of qualitative study which consists of its meanings and features followed by the definition of research paradigm. The constructivist paradigm is explained alongside the example of my own qualitative research project. This paper also discusses how the constructivist paradigm relates to the ontology, epistemology and methodology of a qualitative study. It is hoped that this article will facilitate novice researchers particularly to know what the meaning of each philosophical term is, how the research paradigm is interwoven within the philosophical basis of a qualitative research and how different research paradigms serve different research purposes

    Pengembangan aplikasi Kinetic's berbasis Blended Learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis

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    Keterampilan berpikir kritis merupakan keterampilan yang perlu dimiliki oleh peserta didik abad 21. hasil dari studi pendahuluan menyatakan bahwa kuranganya penggunaan media pembalajaran dan rendahnya keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran fisika suhu dan kalor. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) kelayakan aplikasi Kinetic’s sebgai media pembelajaran, 2) peningkatan keterampilan berpikir dan 3) respon peserta didik setelah menggunakan aplikasi Kinetic’s. Metode penilitian ini menggunakan metode R&D (Research and Development) dengan menggunakan tahapan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) berdasarkan hasil dari tiga validator memperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 82% dengan kategori sangat baik sehingga dapat dinyatakan aplikasi Kinetic’s layak digunakan sebgai media pembelajaran. 2) penggunaan aplikasi Kinetic’s mampu meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dengan nilai n-gain 0,55% dengan interpretasi sedang. 3) respon peserta didik dari penggunaan aplikasi Kinetic’s memperoleh rata-rata skor keseluruhan penggunaan sebesar 85% dengan interpretasi sangat baik sehingga dapat disimpulan penggunaan aplikasi Kinetic’s sebagai media pembelejaran sangat baik digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran

    Macular Thickness Variations with Axial Length in Healthy Individuals: Review Article

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    Background: In the diagnosis and evaluation of many visual illnesses, such as macular edema, macular thickness is an important metric. Gender, age, ethnicity, refraction, and axial length all have an effect on the retinal macular thickness. Preoperative calculations of intraocular lens power during cataract surgery and myopia research necessitate precise and accurate measurements of axial eye length. Objective: To assess the macular thickness in eyes with no ocular pathology, which is important because it serves as a reference for the consequent diagnosis, and to assess the effectiveness of treatment for various macula-related illnesses.Conclusion: Thickness of macula is not the same in all eyes, as it expected to vary with change of eye axial length, which can guide and help in various ocular diseases

    Detoxification of sago trunk hydrolysate using activated charcoal for xylitol production.

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    Xylitol is one of the alternative natural sweeteners; belong to a group of sugar alcohol. It can be derived from D- xylose which mainly contains in lignocellulose materials. In this study sago trunk cortex was chosen as lignocellulose source due to its availability and abundant in the sago starch processing industry. The production of xylitol includes hydrolysis which breaks the cellulose and hemicellulose polymers to fermentable sugar, mainly xylose, followed by fermentation process which converts the sugars to xylitol. However, some by-products such as furfural and phenolic are released during chemical hydrolysis and inhibit fermentation process. Detoxification procedures were carried out over sago trunk hydrolysates. Powdered activated charcoal was mixed with the hydrolysate at 1% and 2.5% (w/v) and stirred for 30 and 60 minutes at room temperature. The recovery of xylitol was performed using yeast Candida tropicalis in sago trunk cortex hydrolysate. This study describes detoxification methods of sago trunk cortex hydrolysates to improved xylitol production by Candida tropicalis. The effects of 1% and 2.5% (w/v) activated charcoal were identified to the growth and xylitol concentration. This study found that with the application of activated charcoal method, it enabled a reduction of furfural (58%) and total phenolics (78%) compounds. The best conditions was achieved with 2.5% activated charcoal at adsorption time of 60 minutes and the maximum xylitol concentration, xylitol yield and volumetric productivity obtained were 19.53 g l-1, 0.78 g g-1 and 0.37 g l-1 h-1. The value of xylitol yield using the detoxification hydrolysate medium was higher when compared to non-treated medium (0.307 g g-1). This strongly suggests that detoxification method using activated charcoal has a significant impact in xylitol production

    Construction of Prioritized T-Way Test Suite Using Bi-Objective Dragonfly Algorithm

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    Software testing is important for ensuring the reliability of software systems. In software testing, effective test case generation is essential as an alternative to exhaustive testing. For improving the software testing technology, the t-way testing technique combined with metaheuristic algorithm has been great to analyze a large number of combinations for getting optimal solutions. However, most of the existing t-way strategies consider test case weights while generating test suites. Priority of test cases hasn’t been fully considered in previous works, but in practice, it’s frequently necessary to distinguish between high-priority and low-priority test cases. Therefore, the significance of test case prioritization is quite high. For this reason, this paper has proposed a t-way strategy that implements an adaptive Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) to construct prioritized t-way test suites. Both test case weight and test case priority have equal significance during test suite generation in this strategy. We have designed and implemented a Bi-objective Dragonfly Algorithm (BDA) for prioritized t-way test suite generation, and the two objectives are test case weight and test case priority. The test results demonstrate that BDA performs competitively against existing t-way strategies in terms of test suite size, and in addition, BDA generates prioritized test suites.©2022 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed