17 research outputs found

    The stolen book: communication significance beyond the criminal act

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    English: The research is an attempt to be made a reassessment of the phenomenon „theft of book“ in the foreshortening of the information-communication treatments, the theory of the feedback and the reflexive model of the communication. The theft of book is rationalized as reader’s reflexion and as a specific social resonance towards it. The research thesis is, that it is accumulated a critical mass of circomstances for liberation of the attitude towards the stolen book as a communication phenomenon and for its emancipation on the field of maketing and advertising. Based on retrospective document and discourse analysis are searched proofs about the positive connotation of the phenomenon „theft of book“ in the context of the concept of the book as a medium. In order to be revealed as objectively as possible the communication energetics of the act of the theft of book, the authors set aside from the criminal aspect of the phenomenon. The present text excludes from the subject of the research interest the crime theft, and also any action, causing material damage. The empirical examination the the thesis is accomplished through the method of the anonimous inquiry survey about the attitude towards the stolen book. The consultation was done twice - in 2013 and in 2016 among commonly 283 respondents, which represent widest range of active readers. The research supports and summarizes the changes in the mass connotation of the stolen book in the foreshortening of the communicative practice „reading“ and supports the formulation of proposals about relevant tactics and approaches in the marketing and advertising of the books.Russian: Исследование является попыткой переоценить феномен „кража книги“ в ракурсе информационно-коммуникационных характеристик, теории обратной связи и рефлексивной модели коммуникации. Кража книги рассматривается как отражение читателя и как специфический социальный резонанс фактического интереса к ней. Исследовательский тезис состоит в том, что накапливается критическая масса обстоятельств по поводу свободного отношения к украденной книги, как коммуникационное явление и ее эмансипации в области маркетинга и рекламы. На основании ретроспективного документального и дискурсивного анализа ищутся доказательства положительной коннотации феномена „кража книги“ в контексте концепции книги в качестве медиа. Для того, чтобы была выставлена как можно более объективно коммуникационная энергетика акта кражи книги, авторы абстрагируются от криминального аспекта этого явления. Этот текст исключает из объекта исследовательского интереса кражу как преступление, а также любые действия, приносящие ущерб имуществу. Эмпирическая проверка тезиса проводится методом анонимного анкетного исследования об отношении к украденной книги. Обследование проведено дважды - в 2013 и 2016 годах среди общего числа респондентов 283, которые представляют максимально широкий спектр активных читателей. Исследование поддерживает и обобщает изменения в массовой коннотации украденной книги в ракурсе коммуникативной практики „чтения“, и поддерживает разработку предложений о релевантных тактиках и подходов в области маркетинга и рекламы книг

    Genetics of Cushing's Syndrome

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    Cushing's syndrome (CS) is characterized by pathologically elevated free glucocorticoid levels. Endogenous hypercortisolism is usually due to ACTH-secreting pituitary corticotropic adenomas and less often due to ectopic ACTH-secreting neuroendocrine neoplasms or ACTH-independent adrenal cortisol hypersecretion. CS is a serious chronic disease leading to a several-fold increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Multiple genetic alterations have been described in the setting of sporadic corticotropinoma formation. Changes in the expression profiles have been demonstrated in growth factors and their receptors, cell-cycle regulators and in various genes related to hormonal gene transcription, synthesis and secretion. Sporadic adrenal adenomas and carcinomas may demonstrate dysfunction in genes such as TP53 among others. Cushing's disease can be an inherited condition also. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and familial isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA) together account for 5% of pituitary adenomas. Cushing's disease occurs infrequently in an inherited setting in both of these conditions. To date only 2 cases of Cushing's disease have been described in association with mutations in AIP. One case of Cushing's disease has been reported as part of MEN4, a rare MEN1-like syndrome due to mutation in the CDKN1B gene. Carney complex (CNC) due to PRKAR1A mutations in most cases is associated with CS, mainly as a cause of bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. The cAMP signaling pathway is affected in this setting. In recent times the involvement of genes such as PDE11A, PDE8B and others have expanded the spectrum of the genetic pathophysiology of CS

    The genetics of pituitary adenomas

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    Pituitary adenomas are one of the most frequent intracranial tumors with a prevalence of clinically-apparent tumors close to 1:1000 of the general population. They are clinically significant beause of hormone overproduction and/or tumor mass effects in addition to the need for neurosurgery medical therapies and radiotherapy. The majority of pituitary adenomas have a sporadic origin with recognized genetic mutations seldom being found; somatotropinomas are an exception, presenting frequent somatic GNAS mutations. In this and other phenotypes, tumorigenesis could possibly be explained by altered function of genes implicated in cell cycle regulation, growth factors or their receptors, cell-signaling pathways, specific hormonal factors or other molecules with still unclear mechanisms of action. Genetic changes, such as allelic loss or gene amplification, and epigenetic changes, usually by promoter methylation, have been implicated in abnormal gene expression, but alternative mechanisms may be present. Familial cases of pituitary adenomas represent 5% of all pituitary tumors. MEN1 mutations cause multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), while the Carney complex (CNC) is charcaterized by mutations in the protein kinase A regulatory subunit-1alpha (PRKAR1A) gene or changes in a locus at 2p16. Recently, a MEN1-like conditions, MEN4, was found to be related to mutations in the CDKN1B gene. The clinical entity of familialt isolated pituitary adenomas (FIPA) is characterized by genetic defects in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene in about 15% of all kindreds and 50% of homogenous somatotropinoma families. Identification of familial cases of pituitary adenomas is important as these tumors may be more aggressive than their sporadic counterparts

    The Ordovician acritarch genus Coryphidium

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    The acritarch genus Coryphidium Vavrdová, 1972 is one of the most frequently recorded acritarch taxa in the Ordovician. The original diagnoses, stratigraphical ranges and geographical distribution of all Coryphidium species are critically evaluated in a review of published literature supplemented by studies of material from the British Isles, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and China, including sections from type areas. The taxonomic concept of the genus is here rationalized: the genus Coryphidium is emended and the informal category of coryphid acritarchs is introduced to include all morphotypes with the characteristic vesicle shape of the two genera Coryphidium and Vavrdovella Loeblich and Tappan, 1976. Nine of the previously described species can be attributed to the genus, and two other species possibly belong to it. The attribution to Coryphidium of the species C. sichuanense Wang and Chen, 1987 is rejected here. Intraspecific variability is very important and the attribution of Coryphidium specimens at the specific level is sometimes difficult. The genus is found in all palaeoenvironments from nearshore to offshore settings and apparently does not occupy specific palaeoecological niches. Coryphidium is very useful biostratigraphically and palaeobiogeographically. The review indicates that the genus first appears in the uppermost Tremadocian Araneograptus murrayi graptolite Biozone and is common through the upper Lower Ordovician and the Middle Ordovician, while Upper Ordovician occurrences might be the result of reworking. Palaeogeographically, Coryphidium is an indicator of the peri-Gondwanan acritarch “palaeoprovince” during the Early/Middle Ordovician