56 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Respiration Rate During Storage of Fruit Vegetables Under the Influence of Abiotic Factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient.The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits.It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Investigation of the respiration rate during storage of fruit vegetables under the influence of abiotic factors

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    The aim of the work was to establish the influence of most important abiotic planting factors (temperature, precipitation quantity) on the respiratory rate of fruit vegetables at storage and also a possibility of correction of respiratory metabolism by post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions. Fruits of cucumbers of the hybrids Masha and Afina, bush pumpkins Kavili and Tamino, sweet pepper of the hybrids Nikita and Hercules, tomato of the varieties Novachok and Rio Grande Original were used for the studies. It was established, that the respiratory rate of pumpkin fruit vegetables is importantly influenced by the variety specificity. The respiratory level of pumpkin vegetables directly correlates with the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and reversibly – with precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient. The influence of the variety specificity for nightshade vegetables is leveled, and among meteorological planting conditions the important intense influence on the respiratory rate is realized by the sum of active temperatures of the period of fruits formation and ripening. Precipitation and hydrothermal coefficient have the important influence only on pepper fruits. It was established, that the use of post-harvest thermal processing by antioxidant compositions results in inhibition of respiratory processes in fruit vegetables at storage

    Оцінка здатності до прямої регенерації у ліній кукурудзи селекційної групи Ланкастер

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    In connection with the necessity of bringing elite maize inbreds of the Lancaster germplasm group, which have potential for cultivation in Ukraine, into the system of genetic tranformation, the aim of this investigation is to identify the ability of maize inbreds of this group to regenerate by direct organogenesis and to determine the optimal mineral basis for their nutritional environment using segments of the node area of shoots. As explantats we used sterile 4-day old seedlings of 4 maize inbreds of Lancaster germplasm and model inbred Chi31 exotic germplasm. The seedlings were obtained by germination of sterile seeds in Petri dishes between two layers of moist sterile filter paper at a temperature of 27 ºC in dark conditions. A single 1 cmlong segment was cut from each from each seedling, running from 0.5 cmbefore the node to 0.5 cmafter the node. A cut was made in each segment of the node in order to create a wounded surface. Explantats were planted in a nutrient environment with mineral bases of MS or N6, modified by the addition of 10 mg/l silver nitrate, 100 mg/l casein hydrolyzate, 690 mg/l L-proline, 30 g/l sucrose, 1.0 mg/l 2,4-dychlorphenoksiacetic acid and 0,1 mg/l abscisic acid. Cultivation was carried out at 25–27 ºC in the light. Direct hemogenesis in this environment on the 14th day of cultivation in vitro reached 100% for each line. This meant that all researched lines of Lancaster germplasm and the model line showed a high capacity for direct regeneration through direct hemogenesis, which does not depend on the composition of the mineral content of their nutritional environment. Callus formation was observed in all genotypes on the 14th day of cultivation in vitro and the extent of its formation increased during the following month of cultivation. The callus formation was observed only at the site of the wounded surface. The calluses were transparent. Although green areas appeared in these calluses, they were nonembryogenic and did not lead to regeneration. All explantats were transplanted into fresh nutrient media with simultaneous removal of germinated shoots on the 14th day of cultivation. Regeneration on the 45th day of cultivation took place by direct hemogenesis (formation of shoot or leafy structures) or direct hemoryzhogenesis (formation seedlings which had both shoot and root). Formation of ryzhogenic calli was observed in most inbreds. The frequency of regeneration of shoots and leaf structures was characterized by a tendency to increase indicators in the culture environment with mineral basis N6, and the frequency of regeneration of shoots was significantly marked using a medium with mineral basis MS. However, regeneration on the 45th day took place at a much lower rate than on the 14th day of cultivation, which must be taken into account when a system of genetic transformation systems using nodal segments of seedling shoots is being developed. Thus, using nodal sections of 4-day old seedling shoots of maize inbreds of Lancaster germplasm and model inbred Chi31, we can obtain viable seedlings for use in biological systems of agrobacterial transformation. We can recommend two variants of provoking regeneration by direct organogenesis in vitro for application in genetic transformation. The first variant suggests for all studied genotypes 100% induction on the 14th day of in vitro cultivation of direct organogenesis by hemogenesis and this requires further rooting of obtained shoots before planting into soil. Both variants of the nutrient environments of cultivation proposed us can be used. The second variant involves low frequency of regeneration by direct hemoryzhogenesis in a limited number of genotypes, but excludes the rooting stage. The cultivation environment with the mineral basis MS is recommended for this variant. The choice of either variant for obtaining direct regeneration depends on the particularity and aim of the research.Оцінено здатність до прямого органогенезу сегментів вузлової області пагонів 4-добових проростків ліній кукурудзи селекційної групи Ланкастер. Відзначено особливості прямої регенерації даних експлантатів. Регенерація на 14-у добу культивування сегментів вузлової області пагонів 4-добових проростків відбувається лише шляхом прямого гемогенезу, а на 45-у добу – шляхом прямого гемогенезу та прямого геморизогенезу. Відзначено вплив мінеральної основи живильного середовища на регенераційну здатність у культурі in vitro на 45-у добу культивування. Охарактеризовано сегменти вузлової області пагонів 5-добових проростків як експлантати для отримання ембріогенної калусної тканини та рослин-регенерантів. Відзначено зростання частоти утворення калусної тканини на поверхні вузлової області пагонів проростків при збільшенні тривалості культивування in vitro. Надано рекомендації щодо використання прямого гемогенезу та прямого геморизогенезу у біологічних системах агробактеріальної трансформації. Оцінено здатність до прямого органогенезу сегментів вузлової області пагонів 4-добових проростків ліній кукурудзи селекційної групи Ланкастер. Відзначено особливості прямої регенерації даних експлантатів. Регенерація на 14-у добу культивування сегментів вузлової області пагонів 4-добових проростків відбувається лише шляхом прямого гемогенезу, а на 45-у добу – шляхом прямого гемогенезу та прямого геморизогенезу. Відзначено вплив мінеральної основи живильного середовища на регенераційну здатність у культурі in vitro на 45-у добу культивування. Охарактеризовано сегменти вузлової області пагонів 5-добових проростків як експлантати для отримання ембріогенної калусної тканини та рослин-регенерантів. Відзначено зростання частоти утворення калусної тканини на поверхні вузлової області пагонів проростків при збільшенні тривалості культивування in vitro. Надано рекомендації щодо використання прямого гемогенезу та прямого геморизогенезу у біологічних системах агробактеріальної трансформації.

    Влияние степени пигментации элементов угла передней камеры на гипотензивную эффективность Трилактана у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the influence of the anterior chamber angle pigmentation on the hypotensive effect of 0.005% of Russian latanoprost (Trilactan, “Solopharm”) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).METHODS: The study was based on clinical and functional data of 120 patients (150 eyes) aged 42 to 87 years with primary open-angle glaucoma. The early stage of glaucoma was diagnosed in 102 (68%) eyes, moderate — in 36 (24%) eyes, advanced stage — in 12 (8%). Patients were divided into three groups: patients with treatment-naïve glaucoma; patients with a previously diagnosed POAG who received hypotensive therapy (β-blockers, or inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase); patients who received monotherapy with prostaglandin analogues for less than 2 months. Trilactan was administered once a day (at 8 pm). The hypotensive effect was evaluated after 1, 4 and 8 weeks. The observation period lasted 8 weeks.RESULTS: The intraocular pressure reduced by 30% from the baseline level of tonometric intraocular pressure (IOP). On the 4th week of observation the hypotensive effect reached 32%, as an additional drug up to 20%. There was no statistically significant dependence between hypotensive effect and the anterior chamber angle pigmentation grade.CONCLUSION: Trilactan showed hypotensive effect both in monotherapy and in combination with other antihypertensive drugs, comparable to the original drug. The effect of prostaglandin analogues on the condition of the trabecular meshwork, and an improvement of trabecular outflow seem promising for further studies.ЦЕЛЬ. Анализ влияния степени пигментации структур угла передней камеры (УПК) (трабекулярной сети в частности) на гипотензивную эффективность 0,005% российского латанопроста (Трилактан, «Solopharm») у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ).МЕТОДЫ. Клиническое исследование базировалось на оценке клинико-функционального состояния 120 пациентов (150 глаз) в возрасте от 42 до 87 лет с ПОУГ. Начальная стадия глаукомы была диагностирована на 102 (68%) глазах, развитая — на 36 (24%) глазах, далеко зашедшая — на 12 (8%). Пациенты были разделены на три группы: пациенты с впервые выявленной глаукомой, ранее терапию не получавшие; пациенты с ранее уcтановленным диагнозом ПОУГ, получавшие гипотензивную терапию ß-блокаторами либо ингибиторами карбоангидразы (ИКА), но при недостаточном гипотензивном эффекте; пациенты с ранее установленным диагнозом ПОУГ, получавшие монотерапию препаратами АПГ не более 2-х месяцев. Препарат Трилактан назначался 1 раз в сутки на ночь (в 20 часов). Гипотензивный эффект оценивали через 1, 4 и 8 недель. Срок наблюдения составил 8 недель.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. На фоне 8-недельной монотерапии Трилактаном было отмечено снижение офтальмотонуса с 1-й недели инстилляции до 30% от исходного уровня тонометрического внутриглазного давления (ВГД), в качестве дополнительного препарата — до 20%. Статистически значимой зависимости степени снижения офтальмотонуса от выраженности пигментации структур УПК 0-3 степеней выявлено не было. Однако при выраженной пигментации (4 балла) УПК гипотензивный эффект, выражавшийся в снижении среднего уровня ВГД, был больше, однако разница не оказалась статистически достоверной (p>0,05). Исходный уровень ВГД в данной группе был также более низким.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Исследуемый препарат Трилактан показал хороший гипотензивный эффект, сопоставимый с оригинальным препаратом, как в монотерапии, так и в комбинации с другими гипотензивными препаратами. Статистически значимой зависимости степени снижения офтальмотонуса от выраженности пигментации структур УПК выявлено не было. Влияние аналогов простагландинов на состояние трабекулярной сети и улучшение трабекулярного оттока представляется перспективным для дальнейших исследований

    International multicenter survey on screening and confirmatory testing in primary aldosteronism

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    Objective: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is one of the most frequent causes of secondary hypertension. Although clinical practice guidelines recommend a diagnostic process, details of the steps remain incompletely standardized. Design: In the present SCOT-PA survey, we have investigated the diversity of approaches utilized for each diagnostic step in different expert centers through a survey using Google questionnaires. A total of 33 centers from 3 continents participated. Results: We demonstrated a prominent diversity in the conditions of blood sampling, assay methods for aldosterone and renin, and the methods and diagnostic cutoff for screening and confirmatory tests. The most standard measures were modification of antihypertensive medication and sitting posture for blood sampling, measurement of plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) and active renin concentration by chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay, a combination of aldosterone-to-renin ratio with PAC as an index for screening, and saline infusion test in a seated position for confirmatory testing. The cutoff values for screening and confirmatory testing showed significant variation among centers. Conclusions: Diversity of the diagnostic steps may lead to an inconsistent diagnosis of PA among centers and limit comparison of evidence for PA between different centers. We expect the impact of this diversity to be most prominent in patients with mild PA. The survey raises 2 issues: the need for standardization of the diagnostic process and revisiting the concept of mild PA. Further standardization of the diagnostic process/criteria will improve the quality of evidence and management of patients with PA.Metabolic health: pathophysiological trajectories and therap

    Changes to the Fossil Record of Insects through Fifteen Years of Discovery

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    The first and last occurrences of hexapod families in the fossil record are compiled from publications up to end-2009. The major features of these data are compared with those of previous datasets (1993 and 1994). About a third of families (>400) are new to the fossil record since 1994, over half of the earlier, existing families have experienced changes in their known stratigraphic range and only about ten percent have unchanged ranges. Despite these significant additions to knowledge, the broad pattern of described richness through time remains similar, with described richness increasing steadily through geological history and a shift in dominant taxa, from Palaeoptera and Polyneoptera to Paraneoptera and Holometabola, after the Palaeozoic. However, after detrending, described richness is not well correlated with the earlier datasets, indicating significant changes in shorter-term patterns. There is reduced Palaeozoic richness, peaking at a different time, and a less pronounced Permian decline. A pronounced Triassic peak and decline is shown, and the plateau from the mid Early Cretaceous to the end of the period remains, albeit at substantially higher richness compared to earlier datasets. Origination and extinction rates are broadly similar to before, with a broad decline in both through time but episodic peaks, including end-Permian turnover. Origination more consistently exceeds extinction compared to previous datasets and exceptions are mainly in the Palaeozoic. These changes suggest that some inferences about causal mechanisms in insect macroevolution are likely to differ as well


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    In the context of fierce competition, oversupply and constantly declining demand the industrial policy automotive engineering enterprises require better coordination with the trade policy. Consequently, there is an urgent need for the formation of the system of harmonization of industrial and trade policies, that it gets the requirements of consumers, on the one hand, and the development of an effective strategy for promoting goods on the market, on the other. The article discusses a point of view on the subject of coordination of the industrial and trade policies in the context of harmonization, describes the essence and the content of harmonization based on tiered organization of the national economy and positioning the industry of automobile engineering, summarizes the main conditions that accompany the process of harmonization of the industrial and trade policies, defined the main areas of harmonization of the sectoral policies, which have been the basis for the formation mechanism balanced trade and industrial policies of enterprises

    The dynamics of pine forests in Prebaikalia under anthropogenic impact

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    Analyzed and generalized were the results of prolonged (10–25 years) monitoring of condition pine Pinus sylvestris L. forests affected by technogenic pollution and high recreation load in the South Prebaikalia. The results show that both factors have similarity in the stress effect on pine tree-stands, as confirmed by alteration in morphometric parameters of tree assimilating phytomass, decrease in photosynthetic pigments level, as well as by disturbance the nutrient elements proportions in the needles. As tree crown defoliation level reaches 65–70 %, the morphometric parameters for shoots and needles are found to decrease the background level by in 1.3–4.5 times. Under technogenic pollution, the needles’ chlorophylls sum was reduced 2.8–3.5 times, level of carotenoides – to 3.9 times maximum in comparison with the background needles while under high recreation load the green pigments content was reduced 1.9–5.7 times, carotenoids content – to 5.5 times. There is a imbalance in quantitative proportions between nutritional elements under any type of stress, N : P : K proportion changes due to increase of nitrogen level and reduction of phosphorus and potassium level. Index of tree-stand vital condition was calculated on the basis of the representative parameters to analyze the long forest dynamics. Significant reduction was shown in the index in the present time and correspondingly the obvious tendency to pine forest decline in the territories polluted by Irkutsk, Shelekhov, and Angarsk-Usolie industrial centers. At the same time near Cheremkhovo and Sayansk-Zima centers there are not heavy changes in the forest’s condition; during long time a middle level of weakening is registered but in the distance 20 km – a low level of weakening. In the territories characterized by a high recreation load, a sharp trend to declining pine tree-stands vital condition was found, and most clearly it is expressed in the towns of Khuzhir (Olkhon island) and Listvyanka, where there is a particularly high soil disturbance. Based on these results a schematic map has been developed to show the identified problem areas with revealed significant tendency to decline of the vital condition the pine tree-stands in the contemporary period

    Change of biogeochemical indexes in pine forests under technogenic pollution

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    Studies of Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the impact (5–10 km) and buffer (11–40 km) technogenic pollution zones in the vicinity of a large industrial centre Usol’e-Sibirskoe of Irkutsk Oblast have been conducted in 2013–2016. Changes of biogeochemical indexes (acid-base balance, accumulation and migration of pollutants and biogene elements) in the components of a forest ecosystem, such as pine trees, organic litter, and soil horizons were determined. It has been shown that the displacement of acid-base balance to the alkaline range and the active migration of pollutant elements in soil horizons and organic litter are the key processes that cause the violation of the exchange reactions of the Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ cations in a soil absorbing complex as well as decreasing the migration of nutrient elements to the root systems of pine trees. The pronounced changes in the acid-base balance, the high accumulation of pollutant elements, binding of biogenic elements by pollutants in the horizons of soil profiles and plant tissues lead to the disruption of nutrition and inhibition of growth processes in pine trees. The biogeochemical indicators under study are characterized by interconnected changes in the components of the forest ecosystem and can serve as adequate criteria for assessing its state under technogenic pollution. Therefore, the obtained results provide information on the nutrient cycling in pine forests, role of industrial emission elements, their migration and accumulation in individual components of the ecosystem

    “From the visible to the transcendental”

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    Submitted: 14.02.2020. Accepted: 17.04.2020.Поступила в редакцию: 14.02.2020. Принята к печати: 17.04.2020.Рецензия на книгу: Бусева-Давыдова И. Л. Русская иконопись от Оружейной палаты до модерна: поиски сакрального образа. — Москва : БуксМАрт, 2019. — 476 с.: ил. В рецензии анализируется фундаментальная научная монография И. Л. Бусевой-Давыдовой «Русская иконопись от Оружейной палаты до модерна: поиски сакрального образа» (2019), опубликованная издательством «БуксМАрт» (Москва) при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (проект № 19-112-00032). В книге всесторонне рассматривается процесс эволюции русской иконописи эпохи Нового времени — от второй половины XVII в. до современности. Работа охватывает широкий круг проблем, ранее не становившихся предметом искусствоведческого анализа. К наиболее важным вопросам, поднимаемым в монографии, можно отнести проблему становления и эволюции святоотеческого учения об иконе, роль законодательных актов Российской империи и практику русского иконописания XVII–XVIII вв., а также эволюцию представлений о сакральном образе XVIII — начала XIX в. и полемику об иконописании середины — второй половины XIX в. Особо ценным является анализ вопросов, связанных с особенностями эволюции церковной живописи России Новейшего времени.Review of: Buseva-Davydova, I. L. (2019). Russkaia ikonopis’ ot Oruzheinoi palaty do moderna: poiski sakral’nogo obraza [Russian Icon Painting: From the Armoury Chamber to Art Nouveau. The Search of the Sacred Image]. Moscow: BooksMArt Publ. 476 p. This review analyses Russian Icon Painting: From the Armoury Chamber to Art Nouveau: The Search of the Sacred Image (2019), a fundamental research monograph by I. L. Buseva-Davydova published by BooksMArt (Moscow) with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 19-112-00032). The author carries out a comprehensive examination of the evolution of Russian icon painting of the modern period, from the second half of the seventeenth century to the present. The work covers a wide range of issues that have not been discussed previously. The most important of them are the establishment and evolution of the patristic teaching on the icon, the role of legal acts of the Russian Empire and Russian icon painting in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as the evolution of the sacred image in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and the icon painting controversy of the second half of the nineteenth century. Of particular value is the development of Russian icon painting in contemporary history