113 research outputs found

    Influence de l’Image et de la Valence de l’Experience sur la Fidelite a la Marque

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    Dans un environnement commercial en perpĂ©tuelle mutation, les consommateurs se trouvent confrontĂ©s Ă  un large Ă©ventail d'options et d'offres. Face Ă  l'augmentation du nombre de marques concurrentes proposant des produits similaires, leur tendance Ă  changer de prĂ©fĂ©rences s'est intensifiĂ©e. Dans un tel contexte, Ă©tablir et prĂ©server des relations durables avec les clients par le biais de la fidĂ©litĂ© reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi crucial pour les gestionnaires de marques et les professionnels du marketing. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est d'approfondir la comprĂ©hension du mĂ©canisme de fidĂ©lisation et des Ă©lĂ©ments qui le stimulent. Pour ce faire, une mĂ©thode expĂ©rimentale a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e sur un Ă©chantillon de 240 Ă©tudiants de l'UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny, rĂ©partis en huit groupes expĂ©rimentaux. Ces groupes ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s Ă  des scĂ©narios oĂč deux marques de tĂ©lĂ©phones, choisies suite Ă  une prĂ©-enquĂȘte pour leur image de marque, ont Ă©tĂ© mises en concurrence. Les principaux rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que, quelle que soit l’image de marque, les groupes soumis Ă  la valence positive de l’expĂ©rience ont l’intention de rĂ©itĂ©rer leur achat de la marque, contrairement aux groupes soumis Ă  la valence nĂ©gative de l’expĂ©rience. Par ailleurs, aprĂšs analyse des niveaux de fidĂ©litĂ©, il apparaĂźt que les marques perçues positivement attirent davantage de fidĂ©litĂ© que celles perçues nĂ©gativement, sans Ă©gard Ă  la valence de l’expĂ©rience mise en jeu. Cette recherche met en Ă©vidence l'influence de l'image de marque et de la valence de l'expĂ©rience sur la fidĂ©litĂ© des consommateurs, tout en soulignant que le lien entre la valence de l'expĂ©rience et la fidĂ©litĂ© n'est pas systĂ©matique. Ces dĂ©couvertes offrent des perspectives importantes aux professionnels du marketing dĂ©sireux de comprendre les dynamiques de fidĂ©litĂ© selon diffĂ©rents types de marques.   In a constantly evolving commercial environment, consumers find themselves faced with a broad spectrum of options and offers. Given the increase in the number of competing brands offering similar products, their tendency to change preferences has intensified. In such a context, establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with customers through loyalty presents a crucial challenge for brand managers and marketing professionals. The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of the loyalty mechanism and the elements that stimulate it. To achieve this, an experimental method was applied to a sample of 240 students from FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny University, divided into eight experimental groups. These groups were exposed to scenarios where two phone brands, selected based on a pre-survey for their brand image, were put in competition. The main findings show that regardless of the brand image, groups subjected to a positive valence of the experience intend to repeat their purchase of the brand, unlike groups subjected to a negative valence of the experience. Furthermore, upon analyzing levels of loyalty, it appears that brands perceived positively attract more loyalty than those perceived negatively, regardless of the valence of the experience involved. This research highlights the influence of brand image and experience valence on consumer loyalty, while emphasizing that the link between experience valence and loyalty is not systematic. These findings offer significant insights for marketing professionals seeking to understand loyalty dynamics across different types of brands

    Influence de l’Image de Marque et de la Valence de l“ExpĂ©rience sur la FidĂ©litĂ© Ă  la Marque

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    Les Ă©tudes actuelles mettent de plus en plus en avant l’importance de la fidĂ©litĂ© des clients dans la rĂ©ussite d’une entreprise. Afin d’approfondir notre comprĂ©hension du processus de fidĂ©lisation et des facteurs qui l’alimentent, cette Ă©tude, principalement expĂ©rimentale, a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs 240 participants rĂ©guliĂšrement inscrits Ă  l’UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny. Les donnĂ©es recueillies Ă  l’aide du questionnaire et analysĂ©es via le logiciel SPSS rĂ©vĂšlent un lien Ă©troit entre la fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  la marque et les variables telles que l’image de marque et la valence de l’expĂ©rience du consommateur. Cependant, cette relation n’est pas systĂ©matique. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, malgrĂ© une expĂ©rience positive, il arrive que certains participants changent de marque au dĂ©triment de la marque perçue positivement. La fidĂ©litĂ© s’avĂšre plus marquĂ©e envers les marques ayant une image favorable. Ces rĂ©sultats ont des implications directes pour des professionnels du marketing qui cherchent Ă  comprendre les manifestations de la fidĂ©litĂ© pour diffĂ©rents types de marques.   Current studies are increasingly highlighting the importance of customer loyalty to a company's success. In order to deepen our understanding of the loyalty process and the factors that drive it, this mainly experimental study was conducted with 240 participants regularly enrolled at the UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HouphouĂ«t Boigny. The data collected using the questionnaire and analysed using SPSS software revealed a close link between brand loyalty and variables such as brand image and the valence of the consumer experience. However, this relationship is not systematic. More specifically, despite a positive experience, some participants may switch to a brand that is perceived as positive. Loyalty is more marked towards brands with a favourable image. These results have direct implications for marketing professionals seeking to understand the manifestations of loyalty for different types of brands

    Strengthening the Effectiveness of Aid Delivery in Teacher Education: A Fiji Case Study

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    As a result of increasing development challenges and higher aid allocations to the Pacific, questions of aid effectiveness have become increasingly important. Efforts to professionalise aid delivery tools have been accompanied by debates over whether delivery tools are effective and compatible with more democratic and empowering relationships with beneficiaries. My research examines the effectiveness of international aid to teacher development, using the AusAID funded projects at Lautoka Teachers' College as a case study and the Fiji College of Advanced Education as background study. The conditions governing aid delivery mechanisms are explored, including logical frameworks, participatory processes, and financial probity. These conditions have been drawn from the 'Paris Declaration of Aid Effectiveness' and each is considered to be critical if aid effectiveness is to be enhanced and the investment sustained. Based on participatory research methodology, carried out through 'talanoa sessions', semià à ± structured interviews, and analysis of programme documents, the study explored the extent to which aid programmes and management practices are constrained by donor conditions, succeed in meeting their stated aims, and what sort of unintended consequences are generated. Further, the research identified how aid can best improve future aid to the Fiji education system through its delivery, impact and sustainability for national development, as laid out in the Pacific Principles of Aid Effectiveness The study also highlights the growing convergence between the 'aid donors' interests' and 'aid recipients' needs'. The debate on this relationship is necessary to reinvigorate thinking on the effectiveness of aid delivery for Fiji. The study draws up a practical framework, an aid bure designed as a heuristic device to assess the effectiveness of aid delivery for Fiji. The model may also be relevant to the wider Pacific context, and contribute to the global quest for a concrete guide to best practice which above all will continue to foster more sensitive, effective and enduring links between recipient countries and international aid donors

    Design of a University Course for the Training of Biology Teachers in a Virtual Environment (Analysis of Results Taking into Account Students' Attitudes to the E-learning)

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    Over the last decade, the concept of "designing e-learning" in the field of higher education has been in the focus of various research communities. Given the increasing number of e-learning publications, the issue of a university course model is becoming a widely discussed topic. The aim of the article is to present a specific solution related to the design of a traditionally organized course in electronic, for the preparation of future teachers of biology. The research process of designing a theoretically based model of pedagogical activity within the framework of a university e-learning course, including stepwise steps in its creation, following the phases of the ADDIE model, is briefly described. Using statistical tests to verify hypotheses (relative percentages), a comparison of the results obtained, taking into account the attitudes of the students before and after the e-learning, was made

    Test Generation and Evaluation from High-Level Properties for Common Criteria Evaluations - The TASCCC Testing Tool

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a model-based testing tool resulting from a research project, named TASCCC. This tool is a complete tool chain dedicated to property-based testing in UML/OCL, that integrates various technologies inside a dedicated Eclipse plug-in. The test properties are expressed in a dedicated language based on property patterns. These properties are then used for two purposes. First, they can be employed to evaluate the relevance of a test suite according to specific coverage criteria. Second, it is possible to generate test scenarios that will illustrate or exercise the property. These test scenarios are then unfolded and animated on the Smartesting's CertifyIt model animator, that is used to filter out infeasible sequences. This tool has been used in industrial partnership, aiming at providing an assistance for Common Criteria evaluations, especially by providing test generation reports used to show the link between the test cases and the Common Criteria artefacts

    Serological and Molecular Detection of Coxiella Burnetii in Clinical Samples from Veterinarians and Cattle Farm Workers from Gabrovo Region, Bulgaria

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    Coxiella burnetii, which causes Q fever, is a highly infectious agent that is widespread around the world.  During the last decades, the number of cases reported in Bulgaria varied from year to year. The present study aimed to determine the frequency of C. burnetii infection using ELISA and conventional PCR among freelance veterinarians and cattle farm workers in Gabrovo province, Bulgaria. In the period April 2020 to June, 2021 a total of 154 blood samples of target group was tested in the National Reference Laboratory of Cell cultures, rickettsia and oncogenic viruses (NRL CCROV) at NCIPD - Sofia. Diagnosis of C. burnetii was performed by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA (anti-Coxiella burnetii ph. II IgG/IgM) and by end-point PCR technique (to detect the sodB gene region of C. burnetii). By indirect ELISA assay of the tested 154 clinical samples, anti-C. burnetii positive ph. II IgM antibodies were registered in 37% of samples. A relatively high percentage are affected in the active age between 50-60 years old. Anti-C. burnetii positive ph. II IgG antibodies were proven at 50% of tested samples. A positive PCR signal for C. burnetii DNA was obtained at 37/154 (20% of samples) and follows the above reported trend of acute infection of active age patients. Around 10% of tested samples were positive for three C. burnetii laboratory markers. We conclude that Q fever is endemic in Bulgaria. More research is necessary in different Bulgarian regions to set the human risk groups, to diagnose acute and chronic Q fever and to determine the economic impact of Q fever in the cattle industry. In the NRL CCROV was developed diagnostic scheme including complex methods to improve early laboratory diagnosis of C. burnetii, allowing taking proper treatment of suspected with Q fever patients

    Synthesis and Inhibiting Activity of Some 4-Hydroxycoumarin Derivatives on HIV-1 Protease

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    Six novel 4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives were rationally synthesized, verified, and characterized by molecular docking using crystal HIV-1 protease. Molecular docking studies predicted antiprotease activity of (7) and (10). The most significant functional groups, responsible for the interaction with HIV-1 protease by hydrogen bonds formation are pyran oxygen, atom, lactone carbonyl oxygen and one of the hydroxyl groups. The newly synthesized compounds were biologically tested in MT-4 cells for inhibiting HIV-1 replication, exploring the protection of cells from the cytopathic effect of HIV measured by cell survival in MTT test. One derivative −7 showed 76–78% inhibition of virus infectivity with IC50 = 0.01 nM, much less than the maximal nontoxic concentration (1 mM). Antiprotease activity of 7 in two different concentrations was detected to be 25%. Nevertheless, the results of study of (7) encourage using it as a pharmacophore for further synthesis and evaluation of anti-HIV activity

    Mini Review: Q Fever (Coxiellosis): Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Current Laboratory Diagnosis

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    Q fever is zooantroponozis with global distribution caused by the strictly intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Causative agent of Q fever is an obligate intracellular parasite, classified in the genus Coxiella, family Coxiellaceae, class Gammaproteobacteria. The importance of the disease was assessed both in terms of human health and the serious economic damage they cause on livestock. Clinical manifestation of Q fever in humans is characterized by a wide variety - from asymptomatic infection to a chronic disease that can be fatal. Several basic methods have been developed to detection of C. burnetii. PCR and C. burnetii genomic sequences in whole blood are a sensitive and safe method of detection, with >90% sensitivity. A four-fold or greater rise of (CF) antibody (phase 2) between the paired sera is also diagnostic approach. Sensitivity of a four-fold rise in titre has been estimated as 73% Ă·78% and specificity has been estimated as 90%, respectively. EIA is method with highly sensitive and specific. EIA detect IgM and then IgG antibodies which develop to phase II antigens in 10 to 14 days from symptom onset. IFA tests are of particular value for confirmation of acute infection and for diagnosis of chronic infection with high sensitivity. The technique detected IgG, IgM and IgA immunoglobulin classes. Suitable specimens for C. burnetii detection are blood samples. Although scientific interest in Q fever has always existed, a number of facts concerning the unforeseen nature of the epidemic, various clinical manifestations both in humans and in animals, the opportunities for chronic and other features of infection remain unclear. For this reason, timely and highly sensitive laboratory diagnosis is crucial for the outcome of the disease and subsequent treatment and monitoring
