91 research outputs found

    Factors predicting the scientific wealth of nations

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    It has been repeatedly demonstrated that economic affluence is one of the main predictors of the scientific wealth of nations. Yet, the link is not as straightforward as is often presented. First, only a limited set of relatively affluent countries is usually studied. Second, there are differences between equally rich countries in their scientific success. The main aim of the present study is to find out which factors can enhance or suppress the effect of the economic wealth of countries on their scientific success, as measured by the High Quality Science Index (HQSI). The HQSI is a composite indicator of scientific wealth, which in equal parts considers the mean citation rate per paper and the percentage of papers that have reached the top 1% of citations in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI; Clarivate Analytics) database during the 11-year period from 2008 to 2018. Our results show that a high position in the ranking of countries on the HQSI can be achieved not only by increasing the number of high-quality papers but also by reducing the number of papers that are able to pass ESI thresholds but are of lower quality. The HQSI was positively and significantly correlated with the countries’ economic indicators (as measured by gross national income and Research and Development expenditure as a percentage from GDP), but these correlations became insignificant when other societal factors were controlled for. Overall, our findings indicate that it is small and well-governed countries with a long-standing democratic past that seem to be more efficient in translating economic wealth into high-quality science

    Lapsendamise sotsiaalsed ning psühholoogilised aspektid Eesti ja Soome võrdluses

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    The scientific impact derived From the disciplinary profiles

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    The disciplinary profiles of the mean citation rates across 22 research areas were analyzed for 107 countries/territories that published at least 3,000 papers that exceeded the entrance thresholds for the Essential Science Indicators (ESI; Clarivate Analytics) during the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2019. The matrix of pairwise differences between any two profiles was analyzed with a non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) algorithm, which recovered a two-dimensional geometric space describing these differences. These two dimensions, Dim1 and Dim2, described 5,671 pairwise differences between countries' disciplinary profiles with a sufficient accuracy (stress = 0.098). A significant correlation (r = 0.81, N = 107, p < 0.0001) was found between Dim1 and the Indicator of a Nation's Scientific Impact (INSI), which was computed as a composite of the average and the top citation rates. The scientific impact ranking of countries derived from the pairwise differences between disciplinary profiles seems to be more accurate and realistic compared with more traditional citation indices

    Converter : koreograafi kutse lõputöö

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    Tantsuõpetaja lõputöö kuulmiskahjustusega õpilastega

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    The tax-inducible actin-bundling protein fascin is crucial for release and cell-to-cell transmission of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)

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    The delta-retrovirus Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) preferentially infects CD4(+) T-cells via cell-to-cell transmission. Viruses are transmitted by polarized budding and by transfer of viral biofilms at the virological synapse (VS). Formation of the VS requires the viral Tax protein and polarization of the host cytoskeleton, however, molecular mechanisms of HTLV-1 cell-to-cell transmission remain incompletely understood. Recently, we could show Tax-dependent upregulation of the actin-bundling protein Fascin (FSCN-1) in HTLV-1-infected T-cells. Here, we report that Fascin contributes to HTLV-1 transmission. Using single-cycle replication-dependent HTLV-1 reporter vectors, we found that repression of endogenous Fascin by short hairpin RNAs and by Fascin-specific nanobodies impaired gag p19 release and cell-to-cell transmission in 293T cells. In Jurkat T-cells, Tax-induced Fascin expression enhanced virus release and Fascin-dependently augmented cell-to-cell transmission to Raji/CD4(+) B-cells. Repression of Fascin in HTLV-1-infected T-cells diminished virus release and gag p19 transfer to co-cultured T-cells. Spotting the mechanism, flow cytometry and automatic image analysis showed that Tax-induced T-cell conjugate formation occurred Fascin-independently. However, adhesion of HTLV-1-infected MT-2 cells in co-culture with Jurkat T-cells was reduced upon knockdown of Fascin, suggesting that Fascin contributes to dissemination of infected T-cells. Imaging of chronically infected MS9 T-cells in co-culture with Jurkat T-cells revealed that Fascin's localization at tight cell-cell contacts is accompanied by gag polarization suggesting that Fascin directly affects the distribution of gag to budding sites, and therefore, indirectly viral transmission. In detail, we found gag clusters that are interspersed with Fascin clusters, suggesting that Fascin makes room for gag in viral biofilms. Moreover, we observed short, Fascin-containing membrane extensions surrounding gag clusters and clutching uninfected T-cells. Finally, we detected Fascin and gag in long-distance cellular protrusions. Taken together, we show for the first time that HTLV-1 usurps the host cell factor Fascin to foster virus release and cell-to-cell transmission

    Руководство по лечению болезней копыт у коров

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    Veiste lonkamine on põhjustatud valust. Lonke avastamise järgselt ei tohi alustada antibiootikumiravi, vaid veise lonkamist põhjustav sõrahaigus tuleb sõra läbivaatuse teel kindlaks määrata. Seda saab teha ainult lehma fikseerimisel sõravärkimispukis. Tallahaavandist, valgejoonehaigusest ja teistest mittenakkuslikest sõrahaigustest tingitud lonke korral ei ole näidustatud antibiootikumiravi, vaid sõrahaiguse kõrvaldamiseks tuleb kasutada ravivärkimist. Valuvaigistite kasutamine on näidustatud. Bakteriaalsed sõrahaigused on interdigitaalne flegmoon ehk sõramädanik ning digitaalne dermatiit ehk Mortellaro haigus. Sõramädaniku diagnoosmise järgselt on kohene antibiootikumiravi vajalik. Sõrahaiguste tekkepõhjused tuleb karjas kindlaks teha ja kõrvaldada. Bakteriaalsete sõrahaiguste vältimiseks tuleb tagada hea laudahügieen ning läbi viia regulaarset sõrahooldust ning sõradesovanne. Sõradesovannide kasustamine peab olema korrektselt ja õigesti korraldatud.Хромота у коров вызвана болью. После обнаружения хромоты нельзя начинать применение антибиотиков, так как сперва необходимо диагностировать болезнь, вызвавшую хромоту, путём осмотра копыт. Это можно сделать только зафиксировав корову в станке. Хромота, вызванная язвами подошвы копыт, болезней белой линии и другими незаразными болезнями копыт, не нуждается в лечении антибиотиками, для лечения этих болезней необходима лечебная расчистка копыт. Показано применение болеутоляющих препаратов. К бактериальным болезням копыт относятся такие болезни как интердигитальная флегмона и дигитальный дерматит или болезнь Мортелларо. Назначение антибиотиков необходимо сразу после диагностирования межпальцевой флегмоны. Необходимо определить и ликвидировать причины возникновения болезней копыт в стаде. Для предотвращения бактериальных болезней копыт необходимо обеспечить хорошую гигиену в коровнике, регулярно проводить уход за копытами и дезованны для копыт. Использование дезованн для копыт должно быть корректным и правильно организованным