278 research outputs found

    Image quality assessment for iris biometric

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    Iris recognition, the ability to recognize and distinguish individuals by their iris pattern, is the most reliable biometric in terms of recognition and identification performance. However, performance of these systems is affected by poor quality imaging. In this work, we extend previous research efforts on iris quality assessment by analyzing the effect of seven quality factors: defocus blur, motion blur, off-angle, occlusion, specular reflection, lighting, and pixel-counts on the performance of traditional iris recognition system. We have concluded that defocus blur, motion blur, and off-angle are the factors that affect recognition performance the most. We further designed a fully automated iris image quality evaluation block that operates in two steps. First each factor is estimated individually, then the second step involves fusing the estimated factors by using Dempster-Shafer theory approach to evidential reasoning. The designed block is tested on two datasets, CASIA 1.0 and a dataset collected at WVU. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Improving Iris Recognition through Quality and Interoperability Metrics

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    The ability to identify individuals based on their iris is known as iris recognition. Over the past decade iris recognition has garnered much attention because of its strong performance in comparison with other mainstream biometrics such as fingerprint and face recognition. Performance of iris recognition systems is driven by application scenario requirements. Standoff distance, subject cooperation, underlying optics, and illumination are a few examples of these requirements which dictate the nature of images an iris recognition system has to process. Traditional iris recognition systems, dubbed stop and stare , operate under highly constrained conditions. This ensures that the captured image is of sufficient quality so that the success of subsequent processing stages, segmentation, encoding, and matching are not compromised. When acquisition constraints are relaxed, such as for surveillance or iris on the move, the fidelity of subsequent processing steps lessens.;In this dissertation we propose a multi-faceted framework for mitigating the difficulties associated with non-ideal iris. We develop and investigate a comprehensive iris image quality metric that is predictive of iris matching performance. The metric is composed of photometric measures such as defocus, motion blur, and illumination, but also contains domain specific measures such as occlusion, and gaze angle. These measures are then combined through a fusion rule based on Dempster-Shafer theory. Related to iris segmentation, which is arguably one of the most important tasks in iris recognition, we develop metrics which are used to evaluate the precision of the pupil and iris boundaries. Furthermore, we illustrate three methods which take advantage of the proposed segmentation metrics for rectifying incorrect segmentation boundaries. Finally, we look at the issue of iris image interoperability and demonstrate that techniques from the field of hardware fingerprinting can be utilized to improve iris matching performance when images captured from distinct sensors are involved

    Quantum Dot Potentials: Symanzik Scaling, Resurgent Expansions and Quantum Dynamics

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    This article is concerned with a special class of the ``double-well-like'' potentials that occur naturally in the analysis of finite quantum systems. Special attention is paid, in particular, to the so-called Fokker-Planck potential, which has a particular property: the perturbation series for the ground-state energy vanishes to all orders in the coupling parameter, but the actual ground-state energy is positive and dominated by instanton configurations of the form exp(-a/g), where a is the instanton action. The instanton effects are most naturally taken into account within the modified Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions whose expansion leads to the generalized perturbative expansions (so-called resurgent expansions) for the energy values of the Fokker-Planck potential. Until now, these resurgent expansions have been mainly applied for small values of coupling parameter g, while much less attention has been paid to the strong-coupling regime. In this contribution, we compare the energy values, obtained by directly resumming generalized Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions, to the strong-coupling expansion, for which we determine the first few expansion coefficients in powers of g^(-2/3). Detailed calculations are performed for a wide range of coupling parameters g and indicate a considerable overlap between the regions of validity of the weak-coupling resurgent series and of the strong-coupling expansion. Apart from the analysis of the energy spectrum of the Fokker-Planck Hamiltonian, we also briefly discuss the computation of its eigenfunctions. These eigenfunctions may be utilized for the numerical integration of the (single-particle) time-dependent Schroedinger equation and, hence, for studying the dynamical evolution of the wavepackets in the double-well-like potentials.Comment: 13 pages; RevTe

    Venous Leak Embolization in Patients with Venogenic Erectile Dysfunction via Deep Dorsal Penile Vein Access: Safety and Early Efficacy.

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    PURPOSE This all-comers registry aimed to assess safety and early efficacy of venous embolization in patients with venogenic erectile dysfunction due to venous leak in an unselected cohort. METHODS Between October 2019 and September 2022, patients with venogenic erectile dysfunction resistant to phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitors were treated with venous embolization using ultrasound-guided anterograde access via a deep dorsal penile vein in a single center. A mix of ethiodized oil and modified cyanoacrylate-based glue n-butyl 2 cyanoacrylate (NBCA) monomer plus methacryloxy-sulpholane monomer (Glubran-2, GEM, Italy) was used as liquid embolic agent. Prior to embolization, venous leak had been verified based on penile duplex sonography and computed tomography cavernosography. Procedural success was defined as technically successful and complete target vein embolization. The primary safety outcome measure was any major adverse event 6 weeks after the procedure. The primary feasibility outcome measure was IIEF-15 (International Index of Erectile Function-15) score improvement ≥ 4 points in ≥ 50% of subjects on 6 weeks follow-up post intervention. RESULTS Fifty consecutive patients (mean age 61.8 ± 10.0 years) with severe erectile dysfunction due to venous leak underwent venous embolization. Procedural success was achieved in 49/50 (98%) of patients with no major adverse events on follow-up. The primary feasibility outcome measure at 6 weeks was reached by 34/50 (68%) of patients. CONCLUSION Venous leak embolization via deep dorsal penile vein access using a liquid embolic agent was safe for all and efficacious in the majority of patients with severe venogenic erectile dysfunction on 6 weeks follow-up

    Formal comparison of SUSY in the nuclear U(6/2) model and in quantum field theory

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    A nuclear physics example of the U(6/2) supersymmetry group is considered. It is shown that this group contains a supersymmetric subgroup with a structure similar to the SUSY model of the quantum field theory (QFT). A comparison of two models help to clarify the relation between the supersymmetry schemes of QFT and of nuclear physics. Using this similarity a relation between the numbers of the bosonic and fermionic states similar to the fundamental relation in QFT is obtained. For those supermultiplets with at least two fermions the number of the bosonic and fermionic states are equal as in QFT.Comment: 11 pages and one eps-figure. Phys.Rev.C (1999) in pres

    Solvable three-state model of a driven double-well potential and coherent destruction of tunneling

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    A simple model for a particle in a double well is derived from discretizing its configuration space. The model contains as many free parameters as the original system and it respects all the existing symmetries. In the presence of an external periodic force both the continuous system and the discrete model are shown to possess a generalized time-reversal symmetry in addition to the known generalized parity. The impact of the driving force on the spectrum of the Floquet operator is studied. In particular, the occurrence of degenerate quasienergies causing coherent destruction of tunneling is discussed—to a large extent analytically—for arbitrary driving frequencies and barrier heights

    A Prediction Model to Prioritize Individuals for a SARS-CoV-2 Test Built from National Symptom Surveys

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    Background: The gold standard for COVID-19 diagnosis is detection of viral RNA through PCR. Due to global limitations in testing capacity, effective prioritization of individuals for testing is essential. Methods: We devised a model estimating the probability of an individual to test positive for COVID-19 based on answers to 9 simple questions that have been associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Our model was devised from a subsample of a national symptom survey that was answered over 2 million times in Israel in its first 2 months and a targeted survey distributed to all residents of several cities in Israel. Overall, 43,752 adults were included, from which 498 self-reported as being COVID-19 positive. Findings: Our model was validated on a held-out set of individuals from Israel where it achieved an auROC of 0.737 (CI: 0.712–0.759) and auPR of 0.144 (CI: 0.119–0.177) and demonstrated its applicability outside of Israel in an independently collected symptom survey dataset from the US, UK, and Sweden. Our analyses revealed interactions between several symptoms and age, suggesting variation in the clinical manifestation of the disease in different age groups. Conclusions: Our tool can be used online and without exposure to suspected patients, thus suggesting worldwide utility in combating COVID-19 by better directing the limited testing resources through prioritization of individuals for testing, thereby increasing the rate at which positive individuals can be identified. Moreover, individuals at high risk for a positive test result can be isolated prior to testing. Funding: E.S. is supported by the Crown Human Genome Center, Larson Charitable Foundation New Scientist Fund, Else Kroener Fresenius Foundation, White Rose International Foundation, Ben B. and Joyce E. Eisenberg Foundation, Nissenbaum Family, Marcos Pinheiro de Andrade and Vanessa Buchheim, Lady Michelle Michels, and Aliza Moussaieff and grants funded by the Minerva foundation with funding from the Federal German Ministry for Education and Research and by the European Research Council and the Israel Science Foundation. H.R. is supported by the Israeli Council for Higher Education (CHE) via the Weizmann Data Science Research Center and by a research grant from Madame Olga Klein – Astrachan

    Identification of the initial molecular changes in response to circulating angiogenic cells-mediated therapy in critical limb ischemia

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    BackgroundCritical limb ischemia (CLI) constitutes the most aggressive form of peripheral arterial occlusive disease, characterized by the blockade of arteries supplying blood to the lower extremities, significantly diminishing oxygen and nutrient supply. CLI patients usually undergo amputation of fingers, feet, or extremities, with a high risk of mortality due to associated comorbidities.Circulating angiogenic cells (CACs), also known as early endothelial progenitor cells, constitute promising candidates for cell therapy in CLI due to their assigned vascular regenerative properties. Preclinical and clinical assays with CACs have shown promising results. A better understanding of how these cells participate in vascular regeneration would significantly help to potentiate their role in revascularization.Herein, we analyzed the initial molecular mechanisms triggered by human CACs after being administered to a murine model of CLI, in order to understand how these cells promote angiogenesis within the ischemic tissues.MethodsBalb-c nude mice (n:24) were distributed in four different groups: healthy controls (C, n:4), shams (SH, n:4), and ischemic mice (after femoral ligation) that received either 50 mu l physiological serum (SC, n:8) or 5x10(5) human CACs (SE, n:8). Ischemic mice were sacrificed on days 2 and 4 (n:4/group/day), and immunohistochemistry assays and qPCR amplification of Alu-human-specific sequences were carried out for cell detection and vascular density measurements. Additionally, a label-free MS-based quantitative approach was performed to identify protein changes related.ResultsAdministration of CACs induced in the ischemic tissues an increase in the number of blood vessels as well as the diameter size compared to ischemic, non-treated mice, although the number of CACs decreased within time. The initial protein changes taking place in response to ischemia and more importantly, right after administration of CACs to CLI mice, are shown.ConclusionsOur results indicate that CACs migrate to the injured area; moreover, they trigger protein changes correlated with cell migration, cell death, angiogenesis, and arteriogenesis in the host. These changes indicate that CACs promote from the beginning an increase in the number of vessels as well as the development of an appropriate vascular network.Institute of Health Carlos III, ISCIII; Junta de Andaluci

    Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotype 1 Capsular Polysaccharide Induces CD8+CD28− Regulatory T Lymphocytes by TCR Crosslinking

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    Zwitterionic capsular polysaccharides (ZPS) of commensal bacteria are characterized by having both positive and negative charged substituents on each repeating unit of a highly repetitive structure that has an α-helix configuration. In this paper we look at the immune response of CD8+ T cells to ZPSs. Intraperitoneal application of the ZPS Sp1 from Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 induces CD8+CD28− T cells in the spleen and peritoneal cavity of WT mice. However, chemically modified Sp1 (mSp1) without the positive charge and resembling common negatively charged polysaccharides fails to induce CD8+CD28− T lymphocytes. The Sp1-induced CD8+CD28− T lymphocytes are CD122lowCTLA-4+CD39+. They synthesize IL-10 and TGF-β. The Sp1-induced CD8+CD28− T cells exhibit immunosuppressive properties on CD4+ T cells in vivo and in vitro. Experimental approaches to elucidate the mechanism of CD8+ T cell activation by Sp1 demonstrate in a dimeric MHC class I-Ig model that Sp1 induces CD8+ T cell activation by enhancing crosslinking of TCR. The expansion of CD8+CD28− T cells is independent, of direct antigen-presenting cell/T cell contact and, to the specificity of the T cell receptor (TCR). In CD8+CD28− T cells, Sp1 enhances Zap-70 phosphorylation and increasingly involves NF-κB which ultimately results in protection versus apoptosis and cell death and promotes survival and accumulation of the CD8+CD28− population. This is the first description of a naturally occurring bacterial antigen that is able to induce suppressive CD8+CD28− T lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. The underlying mechanism of CD8+ T cell activation appears to rely on enhanced TCR crosslinking. The data provides evidence that ZPS of commensal bacteria play an important role in peripheral tolerance mechanisms and the maintenance of the homeostasis of the immune system

    The role of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1/ very late activation antigen 4 in endothelial progenitor cell recruitment to rheumatoid arthritis synovium

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    Objective Marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are important in the neovascularization that occurs in diverse conditions such as cardiovascular disorders, inflammatory diseases, and neoplasms. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), synovial neovascularization propels disease by nourishing the inflamed and hyperproliferative synovium. This study was undertaken to investigate the hypothesis that EPCs selectively home to inflamed joint tissue and may perpetuate synovial neovascularization. Methods In a collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model, neovascularization and EPC accumulation in mouse ankle synovium was measured. In an antibody-induced arthritis model, EPC recruitment to inflamed synovium was evaluated. In a chimeric SCID mouse/human synovial tissue (ST) model, mice were engrafted subcutaneously with human ST, and EPC homing to grafts was assessed 2 days later. EPC adhesion to RA fibroblasts and RA ST was evaluated in vitro. Results In mice with CIA, cells bearing EPC markers were significantly increased in peripheral blood and accumulated in inflamed synovial pannus. EPCs were 4-fold more numerous in inflamed synovium from mice with anti–type II collagen antibody–induced arthritis versus controls. In SCID mice, EPC homing to RA ST was 3-fold greater than to normal synovium. Antibody neutralization of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and its ligand component Α4 integrin potently inhibited EPC adhesion to RA fibroblasts and RA ST cryosections. Conclusion These data demonstrate the selective recruitment of EPCs to inflamed joint tissue. The VCAM-1/very late activation antigen 4 adhesive system critically mediates EPC adhesion to cultured RA fibroblasts and to RA ST cryosections. These findings provide evidence of a possible role of EPCs in the synovial neovascularization that is critical to RA pathogenesis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/56042/1/22706_ftp.pd