569 research outputs found

    G92-1107 Elm Leaf Beetle

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    History, identification, and indoor and outdoor control of the elm leaf beetle are discussed. The elm leaf beetle is an imported pest, first found in the United States in 1834. Common throughout Nebraska, it is almost exclusively a pest of elms, including the American, Siberian and other varieties. Japanese Zelkova is also readily attacked. Adults (beetles) vary in color from yellow to olive green, and have a black stripe near the outside of each wing cover. They can be confused with other beetles of similar appearance (western corn rootworm, striped cucumber beetle), but they are distinctive in that they occur early in the season and have three dark spots on the body segment behind the head

    III-nitride based heterostructures on silicon for optics and electronics applications

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    Stratospheric Gravity Waves as a Proxy for Hurricane Intensification:A Case Study of Weather Research and Forecast Simulation for Hurricane Joaquin

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    We conducted simulations with a 4-km resolution for Hurricane Joaquin in 2015 using the weather research and forecast (WRF) model. The model data are used to study stratospheric gravity waves (GWs) generated by the hurricane and how they correlate with hurricane intensity. The simulation results show spiral GWs propagating upward and anticlockwise away from the hurricane center. GWs with vertical wavelengths up to 14 km are generated. We find that GW activity is more frequent and intense during hurricane intensification than during weakening, particularly for the most intense GW activity. There are significant correlations between the change of stratospheric GW intensity and hurricane intensity. Therefore, the emergence of intensive stratospheric GW activity may be considered a useful proxy for identifying hurricane intensification

    Corticosteroid status influences the volume of the rat cingulate cortex: a magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Imbalances in the corticosteroid milieu result in reductions in hippocampal volume in humans and experimental rodents. The functional correlates of these changes include deficits in cognitive performance and regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Since other limbic structures which are intricately connected with the hippocampal formation, also play an important role in behavioural and neuroendocrine functions, we here used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to analyse how two of these areas, the anterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortex, respond to chronic alterations of adrenocortical status: hypocortisolism (induced by adrenalectomy, ADX), normocortisolism (ADX with low-dose corticosterone replacement), and hypercortisolism (ADX with high-dose dexamethasone supplementation). Hypercortisolism was associated with a significant reduction in the volume (absolute and normalized) of the left anterior cingulate gyrus as measured by MRI and confirmed using classical histological methods; a similar trend was observed in the right anterior cingulate region. In contrast, hypercortisolism did not influence the volume of the adjacent retrosplenial cortex. The volumes of the anterior cingulate gyrus and retrosplenial cortex were unaffected by the absence of adrenocortical hormones. These findings are the first to suggest that corticosteroid influences on the structure of the limbic system extend beyond the hippocampal formation, i.e., to fronto-limbic areas also

    Single Superfield Representation for Mixed Retarded and Advanced Correlators in Disordered Systems

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    We propose a new single superfield representation for mixed retarded and advanced correlators for noninteracting disordered systems. The method is tested in the simpler context of Random Matrix theory, by comparing with well known universal behavior for level spacing correlations. Our method is general and could be especially interesting to study localization properties encoded in the mixed correlators of Quantum Hall systems.Comment: 13 pages including two figures, RevTex4. Improved version. Figures changed. To appear in Journal of Physics

    What helps the helpers? Resilience and risk factors for general and profession-specific mental health problems in psychotherapists during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction: Although the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected wellbeing of at-risk groups, most research on resilience employed convenience samples. We investigated psychosocial resilience and risk factors (RFs) for the wellbeing of psychotherapists and other mental health practitioners, an under-researched population that provides essential support for other at-risk groups and was uniquely burdened by the pandemic. Method: We examined 18 psychosocial factors for their association with resilience, of which four were chosen due to their likely relevance specifically for therapists, in a cross-sectional multi-national sample (N=569) surveyed between June and September 2020. Resilience was operationalized dimensionally and outcome-based as lower stressor reactivity (SR), meaning fewer mental health problems than predicted given a participant’s levels of stressor exposure. General SR (SRG) scores expressed reactivity in terms of general internalizing problems, while profession-specific SR (SRS) scores expressed reactivity in terms of burnout and secondary trauma, typical problems of mental health practitioners. Results: Factors previously identified as RFs in other populations, including perceived social support, optimism and self-compassion, were almost all significant in the study population (SRG: 18/18 RFs, absolute βs=.16-.40; SRS: 15/18 RFs, absolute βs=.19-.39 all Ps <.001). Compassion satisfaction emerged as uniquely relevant for mental health practitioners in regularized regression. Discussion: Our work identifies psychosocial RFs for mental health practitioners’ wellbeing during crisis. Most identified factors are general, in that they are associated with resilience to a wider range of mental health problems, and global, in that they have also been observed in other populations and stressor constellations

    Исследование удельной электропроводности короткозамкнутой обмотки ротора асинхронных двигателей статистическим методом планирования эксперимента

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    Рассматривается влияние температуры и химсостава алюминия при заливке, длины пакетов и суммарного поперечного сечения пазов роторов на удельную электропроводность алюминия короткозамкнутой обмотки роторов асинхронных двигателей. В качестве метода исследования выбран экспериментально-статистический. Составлен центральный композиционный ротатабельный униформплан второго порядка. Для реализации плана изготовлено 116 экспериментальных роторов на базе двигателей серий АО и АО2. Удельная электропроводность измерялась прибором типа ИЭ-1 на вентиляционных крыльях, короткозамыкающих кольцах и на извлеченных из роторов стержнях обмотки. Всего произведено 4292 замера. В результате статистической обработки экспериментальных данных получены уравнения регрессии в виде полиномов второго порядка отдельно для короткозамыкающих колец и стержней обмотки. Проведена проверка уравнений на адекватность по F-критерию Фишера и коэффициентов уравнений на значимость по критерию Стъюдента. Уравнения регрессии позволяют учесть технологические и конструктивно-технологические факторы при проектировании асинхронных двигателей, аналогичных исследованным, и повысить точность расчета их характеристик