37 research outputs found


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    Current paper performs a range of economic recovery signs during a permanent stagnation of the business cycle phase preview. However, most of those green shoots are simulated on the back of almost total macroeconomic policy disability. Meanwhile, an economic immobility escalates along with a new developing countries’ domination trend. Mentioned forces finally predetermine current macroeconomic policy architectonics

    Y-Chromosomal Insights into Breeding History and Sire Line Genealogies of Arabian Horses

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    The Y chromosome is a valuable genetic marker for studying the origin and influence of paternal lineages in populations. In this study, we conducted Y-chromosomal lineage-tracing in Arabian horses. First, we resolved a Y haplotype phylogeny based on the next generation sequencing data of 157 males from several breeds. Y-chromosomal haplotypes specific for Arabian horses were inferred by genotyping a collection of 145 males representing most Arabian sire lines that are active around the globe. These lines formed three discrete haplogroups, and the same haplogroups were detected in Arabian populations native to the Middle East. The Arabian haplotypes were clearly distinct from the ones detected in Akhal Tekes, Turkoman horses, and the progeny of two Thoroughbred foundation sires. However, a haplotype introduced into the English Thoroughbred by the stallion Byerley Turk (1680), was shared among Arabians, Turkomans, and Akhal Tekes, which opens a discussion about the historic connections between Oriental horse types. Furthermore, we genetically traced Arabian sire line breeding in the Western World over the past 200 years. This confirmed a strong selection for relatively few male lineages and uncovered incongruences to written pedigree records. Overall, we demonstrate how fine-scaled Y-analysis contributes to a better understanding of the historical development of horse breeds.Peer Reviewe

    Refining the evolutionary tree of the horse Y chromosome

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    The Y chromosome carries information about the demography of paternal lineages, and thus, can prove invaluable for retracing both the evolutionary trajectory of wild animals and the breeding history of domesticates. In horses, the Y chromosome shows a limited, but highly informative, sequence diversity, supporting the increasing breeding influence of Oriental lineages during the last 1500 years. Here, we augment the primary horse Y-phylogeny, which is currently mainly based on modern horse breeds of economic interest, with haplotypes (HT) segregating in remote horse populations around the world. We analyze target enriched sequencing data of 5 Mb of the Y chromosome from 76 domestic males, together with 89 whole genome sequenced domestic males and five Przewalski's horses from previous studies. The resulting phylogeny comprises 153 HTs defined by 2966 variants and offers unprecedented resolution into the history of horse paternal lineages. It reveals the presence of a remarkable number of previously unknown haplogroups in Mongolian horses and insular populations. Phylogenetic placement of HTs retrieved from 163 archaeological specimens further indicates that most of the present-day Y-chromosomal variation evolved after the domestication process that started around 4200 years ago in the Western Eurasian steppes. Our comprehensive phylogeny significantly reduces ascertainment bias and constitutes a robust evolutionary framework for analyzing horse population dynamics and diversity

    The new paradigm for managing the post-socialist countries in a market economy

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    The results of the applied management paradigm at all economic levels showed its inadequacy and the need of a new management paradigm. In the paper are presented the reasons that justify this need and the distinguishing features of the new management paradigm, especially in the post-socialist countries. The challenges and prospects of the new management logic are also presented in the paper. The main subject of research in the article is the need for a new paradigm of economic systems management (at all levels). From here comes the purpose of the study, which is to prove this need, as well as the specific dimensions of the so called "a new paradigm". The methodology of the study is based on historical analysis of past economic performance. And also the scientific achievements in the field of planning, created by the Bulgarian economists - Academic Evgeni Mateev, Member of the correspondence for the Academy of Science Ivan Iliev and Full professor Vassil Manov. As a result of the studies, in the article are presented aspects of the new paradigm that can be applied in the management of various economic levels

    Karaganov V. S. Leontief – is there a misunderstanding of Leontief’s model?

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    Relevance of research topic: Cross-sectoral balance is a tool with unique qualities for analyzing and designing economic development. The evolution of economic systems also affects the very balance and attitude of researchers to it. Formulation of the problem: For this reason, the opinion of one of the famous economists – Prof. Karaganov regarding the basic assumptions of Leontief's model is of interest. These are the baseline indicators examined with the model whose nature is not subject to change. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the inconsistency of criticism of Leontief's cross-sectoral balance model by Professor Sergei Karaganov. Method or methodology for conducting research. Scientific literature analysis method and the method of comparison were used. Presentation of the main material (results of work). At the very beginning of the article by Prof. Karaganov an incorrect presentation of the structure of the model of Leontief is made. The balance of inter-branch connections simultaneously reflects each of the branches in a dual role – a producer of production and a supplier of own manufactured products for other industries to meet their production needs. Prof. Karaganov demonstrates a clear lack of knowledge of the balance of cross-sectoral links (input-output model) by misrepresenting each of the branches of a national economic system. According to him, the branches of the national economy are divided into producing and consuming industries. It is beyond the view of Prof. Karaganov that in the balance of inter-sectoral links, the industries are not divided into producing and consuming products. At each point in time, each industry is represented both in its role as a producer of production and in its role as a recipient of production from other industries in connection with the production of its own production. Conclusions according to the article. At present, Leontiev's model is used solely from its analytical capabilities. And the main reason for this is the presence of many methodological and informational problems. But it is particularly important to make it clear that these problems, existing outside and independently of the model, do not make the model itself wrong or inadequate to use. The circumstances presented by Prof. Sergey Karaganov are just some of the examples of misunderstanding the capabilities of the model, leading it to impute problems that do not actually exist

    Bulgarian economy as a producer of intermediate goods for the European Union

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    Relevance of research topic. In conditions of globalization, the economic development of a country depends a lot on its relations with the rest of the world. When using economic indicators, including the "foreign trade balance" one, their correct interpretation is of particular importance. Formulation of the problem. The research interest should be focused not only on the volume of exports and imports in monetary terms, but also on its structure. It is a question of what production (goods and services) the Bulgarian economy exports (respectively imports), as well as where it exports (from where the Bulgarian economy imports). Setting the task, the purpose of the study. This report aims to present the Bulgarian economy in its role of producer and supplier of intermediate products for the countries of the European Union. Method or methodology for conducting research.  The study is based on the use of the input-output model and in particular the symmetric input-output tables provided by the World Input-Output Database. Presentation of the main material (results of work). This report presents the results of the study of volume and structure of exports of the Bulgarian economy as a producer and supplier of intermediate goods, directed to the countries of the European Union. The interactions with the following countries were analyzed: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Romania. Some of the member states of the European Union are not included. The reason for this is the lack of interactions between them and the Bulgarian economy, based on the provision of intermediate products. Conclusions according to the article. The study presents only one aspect of the foreign economic relations that take place between Bulgaria and the European Union. For the most part, the relations between Bulgaria and the other economies in the European Union are based mainly on industries related to the supply of resources. Services and products with a final degree of readiness are provided to a much lesser extent

    Monitorowanie jakości życia dorastającej młodzieży przy użyciu ankiet SQUALA

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    The article is part of a grant project KEGA no. 014UKF-4/2013, titled: “Improving the quality and level of health of adolescents by means of physical activity in primary and secondary schools”. It summarizes the opinions of the authors dealing with the issue of the quality of life of adolescents. In methodology we describe the SQUALA questionnaire as one of the possibilities of monitoring for the following indicators with respect to various aspects and areas of life.Artykuł ten jest częścią objętego grantem projektu KEGA no 014UKF-4/2013, zatytułowanego „Poprawa jakości i poziomu zdrowia dorastającej młodzieży poprzez aktywność fizyczną w szko-łach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych”. Podsumowano w nim opinie autorów zajmujących się zagadnieniem jakości życia dorastającej młodzieży. W metodologii omówiono kwestionariusz an-kiety SQUALA jako jedną z możliwości monitorowania składników związanych z tym tematem wskaźników, w odniesieniu do różnych aspektów i dziedzin życia

    Pharmacogenetics of Glucagon-like-peptide-1 receptor in diabetes management

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex metabolic disorder, primarily characterized by a decrease in insulin secretion and typically accompanied by insulin resistance. When untreated, T2DM is leading to an inevitable long-term complication. However, the novel treatment of T2DM like for example Glucagon-like Peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) give new perspectives for the patients to achieve a better glycemic control and additional metabolic improvements. Pharmacogenetics is a field in pharmacotherapy, which investigates the individual response to the medical treatment, according to polymorphic variations in the receptors of the drugs. This review aims to summarize current scientific evidence on the pharmacogenetics of the GLP-1 RA /liraglutide/ and the possible implementation in the treatment of T2D

    Targeting DNA Methylation in Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, and Lymphoma: A Potential Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Tool

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    DNA methylation represents a crucial mechanism of epigenetic regulation in hematologic malignancies. The methylation process is controlled by specific DNA methyl transferases and other regulators, which are often affected by genetic alterations. Global hypomethylation and hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes are associated with hematologic cancer development and progression. Several epi-drugs have been successfully implicated in the treatment of hematologic malignancies, including the hypomethylating agents (HMAs) decitabine and azacytidine. However, combinations with other treatment modalities and the discovery of new molecules are still the subject of research to increase sensitivity to anti-cancer therapies and improve patient outcomes. In this review, we summarized the main functions of DNA methylation regulators and genetic events leading to changes in methylation landscapes. We provide current knowledge about target genes with aberrant methylation levels in leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes, and malignant lymphomas. Moreover, we provide an overview of the clinical trials, focused mainly on the combined therapy of HMAs with other treatments and its impact on adverse events, treatment efficacy, and survival rates among hematologic cancer patients. In the era of precision medicine, a transition from genes to their regulation opens up the possibility of an epigenetic-based approach as a diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic tool