129,002 research outputs found

    Agrárpiaci Jelentések, Baromfi

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    A vágócsirke 2010. 1-38. heti felvásárolt mennyisége 11%-kal nőtt, ugyanakkor élő¬súlyos termelői ára 3,5%-kal volt alacsonyabb az előző évihez képest. A csirkehúsok belföldi értékesítése 18%-kal bővült szeptember végéig. Az egész csirke feldolgozói értékesítési ára 6%-kal, a csirkecombé 9%-kal, a csirkemellé 8,5%-kal csökkent a vizsgált időszakban. A vágópulyka 1-38. heti felvásárlása 4,5%-kal, élősúlyos termelői ára 1,5%-kal volt alacsonyabb az egy évvel korábbinál. A pulykahúsok belföldi értékesítése 8%-kal csökkent szeptember végéig. A pulykaalsócomb feldolgozói értékesítési ára 1%-kal, a pulykafelsőcombé 3%-kal, a pulykamellfilé ára 1,5%-kal volt alacsonyabb az egy évvel korábbinál

    Agrárpiaci Jelentések, Baromfi

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    Magyarországon a vágócsirke felvásárlása 13%-kal, élősúlyos termelői ára 16%-kal 240 Ft/kg-ra nőtt 2011. 1-16. hetében az előző év azonos időszakához képest. A csirkehúsok belföldi értékesítése 4,5%-kal bővült ugyanebben az összehasonlításban. A csirkecomb feldolgozói értékesítési ára 2%-kal mérséklődött, ugyanakkor a csirkemellé 7%-kal emelkedett. A vágópulyka 2011. 1-16. heti felvásárlása 1%-kal, élősúlyos termelői ára 10%-kal volt magasabb (337 Ft/kg) az egy évvel korábbinál. A pulykahúsok belföldi értékesítése 1%-kal esett vissza a vizsgált időszakban. A pulykafelsőcomb feldolgozói értékesítési ára 4%-kal, a pulykamellfilé ára 17%-kal haladta meg az egy évvel korábbit. Az étkezési tojás belföldi értékesítése 12%-kal, csomagolóhelyi értékesítési ára 17%-kal 15,84 Ft/db-ra csökkent 2010 azonos periódusához viszonyítva

    Preventive Potential of a City Territorial Community Concerning Social Orphanhood Prevention

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    In the article the author reveals such concepts as “territorial community of a city”, “preventive potential”, “social capital”, “resourceful environment of a territorial community” in the context of social orphanhood prevention. Also in the research is presented author\u27s interpretation of the concept of "territorial community of a city" as a complex self-manageable social system of self-organizing local communities (city quarters, areas of a big city etc.), members of which are individuals, governmental and non-governmental social organizations, non-commercial social organizations, neighborhoodhood groups and other microstructures united by common interests, goals and activity for treating own needs (everyday life, habitat, leisure time, education, communication) and localizations of possible of social risks, also solving of a problems of a territory. Characteristic features and features of effective functioning of territorial community are defined, among which are the following: presence of individual (separated members of a community) and collective subjects (network of public and governmental organizations, social groups, neighborhoodhood unions etc.), their activity and degree of involvement in solving problems, character of interaction and permanence of connections between subjects (network of social interaction), availability of necessary resources of territorial community (as institutional, human, spiritual, time, material, administrative ones), territorial-cultural specificity of a community. In the article the author defines subjects of a community, which have preventive potential (resource) concerning social orphanhod prevention in a territorial community of a city. The author also justifies the importance of creation of a resourceful environment of a territorial community of a city for prevention of family discomfort and neglection as well as homelessness of children, defines techniques of active involvement of community residents into solving of social problems including social orphanhood. Author also reveals forms and methods of activation of a community for social orphanhood prevention

    Az élelmiszergazdaság külkereskedelme 2011. I-VIII. hónap

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    A mezőgazdasági és élelmiszer-ipari termékek kivitelének értéke a 2011. január augusztus közötti időszakban 4390 millió euró, míg behozatalának értéke 2780 millió euró volt, melyek eredményeként 1610 eurós aktívum keletkezett. 2010 azonos időszakához képest a kivitel 22%-kal, a behozatal 21%-kal emelkedett, az egyenleg pedig 25%-kal javult

    Kallistatin limits abdominal aortic aneurysm by attenuating generation of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis

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    Aims: Inflammation, vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis and oxidative stress are believed to play important roles in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis. Human kallistatin (KAL; gene SERPINA4) is a serine proteinase inhibitor previously shown to inhibit inflammation, apoptosis and oxidative stress.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of KAL in AAA through studies in experimental mouse models and patients. Methods and results: Serum KAL concentration was negatively associated with the diagnosis and growth of human AAA. Transgenic overexpression of the human KAL gene (KS-Tg) or administration of recombinant human KAL (rhKAL) inhibited AAA in the calcium phosphate (CaPO4) and subcutaneous angiotensin II (AngII) infusion mouse models, respectively. Upregulation of KAL in both models resulted in reduction in the severity of aortic elastin degradation, reduced markers of oxidative stress and less vascular smooth muscle apoptosis within the aorta. Administration of rhKAL to vascular smooth muscle cells incubated in the presence of AngII or in human AAA thrombus-conditioned media reduced apoptosis and downregulated markers of oxidative stress. These effects of KAL were associated with upregulation of Sirtuin 1 activity within the aortas of both KS-Tg mice and rodents receiving rhKAL. Conclusions: These results suggest KAL-Sirtuin 1 signalling limits aortic wall remodelling and aneurysm development through reductions in oxidative stress and vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis. Upregulating KAL may be a novel therapeutic strategy for AAA

    A Kleene theorem for Petri automata

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    While studying the equational theory of Kleene Allegories (KAl), we recently proposed two ways of defining sets of graphs [BP15]: from KAl expressions, that is, regular expressions with intersection and converse; and from a new automata model, Petri automata, based on safe Petri nets. To be able to compare the sets of graphs generated by KAl expressions, we explained how to construct Petri automata out of arbitrary KAl expressions. In the present paper, we describe a reverse transformation: recovering an expression from an automaton. This has several consequences. First, it generalises Kleene theorem: the graph languages specified by Petri automata are precisely the languages denoted by KAl expressions. Second, this entails that decidability of the equa-tional theory of Kleene Allegories is equivalent to that of language equivalence for Petri automata. Third, this transformation may be used to reason syntactically about the occurrence nets of a safe Petri net, provided they are parallel series

    Descriptional Complexity of the Languages KaL: Automata, Monoids and Varieties

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    The first step when forming the polynomial hierarchies of languages is to consider languages of the form KaL where K and L are over a finite alphabet A and from a given variety V of languages, a being a letter from A. All such KaL's generate the variety of languages BPol1(V). We estimate the numerical parameters of the language KaL in terms of their values for K and L. These parameters include the state complexity of the minimal complete DFA and the size of the syntactic monoids. We also estimate the cardinality of the image of A* in the Schuetzenberger product of the syntactic monoids of K and L. In these three cases we obtain the optimal bounds. Finally, we also consider estimates for the cardinalities of free monoids in the variety of monoids corresponding to BPol1(V) in terms of sizes of the free monoids in the variety of monoids corresponding to V.Comment: In Proceedings DCFS 2010, arXiv:1008.127


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    Briket merupakan energi alternatif yang terbuat dari arang serta ditambahkan perekat sehingga menyatu dengan bentuk dan ukuran tertentu. Bahan baku pembuatan briket yaitu buah pinus dan serbuk gergaji kayu jati dengan variasi komposisi yaitu briket A 10% arang buah pinus dan 90% arang serbuk gergaji kayu jati, briket B 30% dan 70%, briket C 50% dan 50%, briket D 70% dan 30%, briket E 90% dan 10%. Sedangkan komposisi perekat yaitu tepung tapioca dan air dengan perbandingan 1:10 untuk masing-masing variasi komposisi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian rata-rata nilai kalor briket diperoleh briket A= 5515 kal/g, briket B= 5571 kal/g, briket C= 5604 kal/g, briket D= 5651 kal/g, briket E= 5642 kal/g. Rata-rata nilai kalor yang terendah dan tertinggi adalah briket A memiliki rata-rata nilai kalor terendah sebesar 5515 kal/g dan Briket D memiliki rata-rata nilai kalor tertinggi sebesar 5651 kal/g. Rata-rata nilai kalor briket secara keseluruhan dikategorikan memenuhi syarat mutu briket mengacu SNI Briket Arang Kayu 01-6235-2000. Perbandingan nilai kalor briket dengan batubara mengacu SNI Klarifikasi Sumber Daya dan Cadangan Batubara 13-6011-1999 bahwa briket dari perpaduan buah pinus dengan serbuk gergaji kayu jati dapat dikatergorikan kelas batubara energi rendah


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    Penelitian Pahat potong Carbide ini mengambil kesimpulan bahwa setiap adanya waktu perubahan pelaksanaan pengerjaan ,secara tidak langsung terjadinya perubahan pada kecepatan potong,Energi panas pada pemotongan logam,panas dikarenakan gesekan pahat chip, panas yang timbul akibat gaya gunting .SelanjutnAya berpengaruh terjadinya perubahan pada Temperatur Maximum walaupun dilakukan dengan gaya yang tetap dari hasil ini didapatkan data untuk waktu pengerjaan 2 ,4 dan 8 jam kecepatan potong ( Vc) = 2,66 m/s , 3,16 m/s ,3,83 m/s dengan Daya potong(Pc) = 14,77 Hp dan Daya Elektro motor (Pg) = 18,7 Hp.Untuk gaya-gaya yang terjadi pada proses pembubutan didapat Fc = 350 kg ,Ft = 180,3 kg ,Fs = 280,9 kg, Fns = 350 kg , Fv= 397 kg, Ff = 218 kg , Fn = 332 kg . Hasil yang didapat untuk  Pm adalah 102 kal/s,116kal/s,169kal/s untuk Pf adalah 2172 kal/s,2580 kal/s,3127 kal/s untuk Ps adalah 128 kal/s , 152 kal/s 184 kal/s.Temperatur Zone 1 dan Temperatur Zone 2 adalah untuk Өm adalah 76,940C , 76,93 0C , 73,28 0C dan Өf adalah 4,82 0 C dengan waktu2,4 dan 8 jam. Selanjutnya untuk ∆tm = 584 0C , 583 0 C , 582 0C .Untuk ∆ts adalah: 8,6 0C,8,5 0C ,8,4 0C .Untuk ∆to = Temperatur kamar diambil 28 0C.Untuk Temperatur Maximun ∆.max = 620,6 0C,619,50C,618,4 0