215 research outputs found

    Hegel\u27s \u3cem\u3ePhenomenology\u3c/em\u3e: Reverberations in His Later System

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    Hegel indicates toward the end of his Phenomenology of Spirit that there would be a parallelism in the categories of his later system to the various configurations of consciousness in the Phenomenology. Some general correspondences have been indicated by Otto Pöggeler and suggested by Robert Grant McRae, but I argue in this paper that there are at least four important and more specific parallels, bringing out simultaneously a similarity of content and a difference of approach and methodology in the two works: 1) in the philosophical construal of “categories”; 2) in the conceptualization of a “phenomenology”; 3) in the analysis of the dialectical relationship of religion and art; and 4) in the relationship of the history of philosophy to the Absolute

    Über einige ethnolinguistische Mythen (am Beispiel des Russischen)

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    The last decade of the 20th century witnessed the resurrection of some ethnolinguistic theories in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Some of them can be traced back to the 19th century in the works of such linguists as W. von Humboldt and A. Schleicher, others seem to have their origin in the studies of A. Wierzbicka and F. Kainz. The authors of these theories tend to criticise Russian mentality reflected in the Russian language as fatalistic, irrational, etc. We will show that they are prone to ignore typological and historical factors that have preordained the structure of the modern Russian

    An electronic clock for correlated noise corrections

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    An inexpensive and portable approach to measure the time an experimental event occurs as measured by a specific electronic clock is presented. The clock resets in active synchronization with the experimental AC-power cycle. This allows an efficient and complete correction for correlated noise contributions to pulse area and time measurements of detector channels equipped with PhotoMultiplier Tubes. The electronic board that was developed will be described. The performance for the treatment of correlated noise in experimental data taken at the BNL-AGS facility, and analyses of spectral decompositions of this noise, will also be described.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nucl Inst Methods Section A (8/25/99

    Deutsche Sprachdeutung

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    Taking the Other to Be Itself: the Struggling Self-consciousness’s Motivations in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

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    Hegel develops an account of self-consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit in which a self-consciousness fights another in a life-and-death struggle. There are many readings of the motivations for self-consciousness’s risking of its own life and aiming at the life of the other in the struggle. I argue that Robert Stern’s account of these motivations is problematic because he attributes more rational self-awareness to self-consciousness than it possesses at this stage in the dialectic. John McDowell’s reading presents advantages over Stern’s, but still leaves us with the problem of how to understand that self-consciousness “in the other sees its own self,” as Hegel writes. I argue that Stern’s and McDowell’s accounts—and others like them—miss an important component behind the motivation for the struggle. This missing component is that self-consciousness takes the other to be itself. I also argue that this missing component helps us to understand other parts of the dialectic in the “Self-Consciousness” chapter, including the “dialectic of desire” and the instability of the lord-bondsman relation

    Pengaruh Peran Suami Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Menghadapi Proses Persalinan Di Puskesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru

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    Labor is the final process of pregnancy that the mother and family have gone through during three trimester periods. When the labor process begins, the mother's role is to give birth to her baby, while the role of the health worker is to monitor childbirth to detect complications early and with the family to provide assistance and support for maternity mothers. The purpose of this study was to provide an effect on the role of the husband on the level of anxiety of pregnant women in dealing with the delivery process at the Harapan raya puskesmas. The research design used in this study was a quantitative descriptive method, at the Harapan Raya Puskesmas Pekanbaru. The population in this study amounted to 40 pregnant women in Harapan Raya Puskesmas Pekanbaru with a sample size of 33 respondents using the Accidental Sampling method. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and data analysis used were univariate and bivariate. Data collection was obtained using a questionnaire, then analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed a significant influence between the role of the husband with the anxiety level of pregnant women in dealing with the delivery process with a value of p = 0.001. The conclusion is the influence of the role of the husband on the level of anxiety of pregnant women in dealing with the percentage of labor in the Harapan Raya Health Center Pekanbaru there is an influence between the role of your husband and the level of anxiety of pregnant women.hopefully the third trimester pregnant women can pay moor attention to their condition both phisically phisiologically and ask the husband to always provide suppore and particapate in taking care of the pragnancy as walk as in preparing the pragnancy

    El proyecto hermeneútico de Ser y Tiempo como contraproyecto filosófico al especulativo de la Fenomenología del Espíritu

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    El presente trabajo presenta en una visión sinóptica detallada el proyecto hermeneútico de Ser y Tiempo de Heidegger en expresa contraposición al proyecto especulativo de la Fenomenología del espíritu de Hegel. Tal oposición se muestra en la fundamentación inversa que expresamente propone Heidegger contra Hegel tanto en dicha obra como en sus lecciones y obras inmediatamente anteriores y posteriores a la misma sobre las cuestiones del ser, la finitud, la temporalidad y el acceso a las mismas, el problema del fenómeno. No obstante, estas cuatro cuestiones y su implicación problemática interna muestran también las notables convergencias de ambas obras, pues en ambas no sólo se trata de conducir el pensar hacia el ser por medio de un camino de fenómenos, sino también mostrar que dichos fenómenos son la justificación de derecho de un acceso al ser, es decir, son la justificación de derecho de la ontología. Finalmente, el trabajo busca una respuesta a tal contraposición filosófica consciente de Heidegger respecto de Hegel sobre el problema del ser y su accesibilidad concluyendo que una de las respuestas fundamentales reside en la diferencia en cómo un proyecto hermeneútico de tipo finitista y otro especulativo piensan la relación entre ser y ente.The paper shows a comparison between Heidegger’s Being and Time and Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. It focuses on the very central problems of them: being, temporality, finity and finally the accessibility to them, the question of phenomenon. The comparison of these problems in both works shows that Heidegger itself thinks these four questions in a consciousnessly inversion and contraposition to Hegel. Nevertheless, the internal connection of these four problems are a proof of the inevitable similitarities, which are between thei works. The reason why of this lies in the commonly thematical philosophical project of both works: throught experience to being. Finally, the paper asks why both works trying to take the thought through experience to Being are in a mutual contrapostion with respect the same. One of the mainly answers can be, we believe, the inverted way in which both thinkers think the relation between being (Sein) and beings (Seiende).Fil: Dalmasso, Mateo

    Assigning Protection: Can Refugee Rights and State Preferences be Reconciled?

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    The theoretically global responsibility to protect refugees is today heavily skewed, with just ten countries – predominantly very poor – hosting more than half of the world’s refugee population. Refugee protection has moreover become tantamount to warehousing for most refugees, with roughly half of the world’s refugees stuck in “protracted refugee situations” for decades with their lives on hold. Both concerns – the unprincipled allocation of responsibility based on accidents of geography and the desperate need for greater attention to resettlement as a core protection response – cry out for a global, managed system to protect refugees

    『椋烏通信』の視覚5 : 『椋鳥通信』における人名の頻出順位(トップ二十九)

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