194 research outputs found

    Senescence Is the Main Trait Induced by Temozolomide in Glioblastoma Cells.

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    First-line drug in the treatment of glioblastoma, the most severe brain cancer, is temozolomide (TMZ), a DNA-methylating agent that induces the critical damage O <sup>6</sup> -methylguanine (O <sup>6</sup> MeG). This lesion is cytotoxic through the generation of mismatch repair-mediated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which trigger apoptotic pathways. Previously, we showed that O <sup>6</sup> MeG also induces cellular senescence (CSEN). Here, we show that TMZ-induced CSEN is a late response which has similar kinetics to apoptosis, but at a fourfold higher level. CSEN cells show a high amount of DSBs, which are located outside of telomeres, a high level of ROS and oxidized DNA damage (8-oxo-guanine), and sustained activation of the DNA damage response and histone methylation. Despite the presence of DSBs, CSEN cells are capable of repairing radiation-induced DSBs. Glioblastoma cells that acquired resistance to TMZ became simultaneously resistant to TMZ-induced CSEN. Using a Tet-On glioblastoma cell system, we show that upregulation of MGMT immediately after TMZ completely abrogated apoptosis and CSEN, while induction of MGMT long-term (>72 h) after TMZ did not reduce apoptosis and CSEN. Furthermore, upregulation of MGMT in the senescent cell population had no impact on the survival of senescent cells, indicating that O <sup>6</sup> MeG is required for induction, but not for maintenance of the senescent state. We further show that, in recurrent GBM specimens, a significantly higher level of DSBs and CSEN-associated histone H3K27me3 was observed than in the corresponding primary tumors. Overall, the data indicate that CSEN is a key node induced in GBM following chemotherapy

    Temozolomide- and fotemustine-induced apoptosis in human malignant melanoma cells: response related to MGMT, MMR, DSBs, and p53

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    Malignant melanomas are highly resistant to chemotherapy. First-line chemotherapeutics used in melanoma therapy are the methylating agents dacarbazine (DTIC) and temozolomide (TMZ) and the chloroethylating agents BCNU and fotemustine. Here, we determined the mode of cell death in 11 melanoma cell lines upon exposure to TMZ and fotemustine. We show for the first time that TMZ induces apoptosis in melanoma cells, using therapeutic doses. For both TMZ and fotemustine apoptosis is the dominant mode of cell death. The contribution of necrosis to total cell death varied between 10 and 40%. The O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) activity in the cell lines was between 0 and 1100 fmol mg−1 protein, and there was a correlation between MGMT activity and the level of resistance to TMZ and fotemustine. MGMT inactivation by O6-benzylguanine sensitized all melanoma cell lines expressing MGMT to TMZ and fotemustine-induced apoptosis, and MGMT transfection attenuated the apoptotic response. This supports that O6-alkylguanines are critical lesions involved in the initiation of programmed melanoma cell death. One of the cell lines (MZ7), derived from a patient subjected to DTIC therapy, exhibited a high level of resistance to TMZ without expressing MGMT. This was related to an impaired expression of MSH2 and MSH6. The cells were not cross-resistant to fotemustine. Although these data indicate that methylating drug resistance of melanoma cells can be acquired by down-regulation of mismatch repair, a correlation between MSH2 and MSH6 expression in the different lines and TMZ sensitivity was not found. Apoptosis in melanoma cells induced by TMZ and fotemustine was accompanied by double-strand break (DSB) formation (as determined by H2AX phosphorylation) and caspase-3 and -7 activation as well as PARP cleavage. For TMZ, DSBs correlated significantly with the apoptotic response, whereas for fotemustine a correlation was not found. Melanoma lines expressing p53 wild-type were more resistant to TMZ and fotemustine than p53 mutant melanoma lines, which is in marked contrast to previous data reported for glioma cells treated with TMZ. Overall, the findings are in line with the model that in melanoma cells TMZ-induced O6-methylguanine triggers the apoptotic (and necrotic) pathway through DSBs, whereas for chloroethylating agents apoptosis is triggered in a more complex manner

    A phase I study of extended dosing with lomeguatrib with temozolomide in patients with advanced melanoma

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    Lomeguatrib, an O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase inactivator, was evaluated in an extended dosing regimen with temozolomide, designed according to pharmacodynamic data from previous studies. Patients with unresectable stage 3 or 4 cutaneous or unknown primary melanoma metastases were treated with lomeguatrib 40 mg, b.i.d. for 10 or 14 days and temozolomide 75–100 mg m−2 on days 1–5. Drugs were administered orally with cycles repeated every 28 days, for up to six cycles. A total of 32 patients were recruited to the study. Lomeguatrib for 10 days with temozolomide 75 mg m−2 was established as the optimal extended lomeguatrib dosing schedule, with haematological toxicity being dose limiting. There were two partial responses to treatment giving an overall response rate of 6.25%. Extending lomeguatrib administration beyond that of temozolomide requires a reduced dose of the latter agent. Only limited clinical activity was seen, suggesting no advantage for this regimen over conventional temozolomide administration in the treatment of melanoma

    Human Monocytes Undergo Excessive Apoptosis following Temozolomide Activating the ATM/ATR Pathway While Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Are Resistant

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    Immunodeficiency is a severe therapy-limiting side effect of anticancer chemotherapy resulting from sensitivity of immunocompetent cells to DNA damaging agents. A central role in the immune system is played by monocytes that differentiate into macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). In this study we compared human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood and cytokine matured macrophages and DCs derived from them and assessed the mechanism of toxicity of the DNA methylating anticancer drug temozolomide (TMZ) in these cell populations. We observed that monocytes, but not DCs and macrophages, were highly sensitive to the killing effect of TMZ. Studies on DNA damage and repair revealed that the initial DNA incision was efficient in monocytes while the re-ligation step of base excision repair (BER) can not be accomplished, resulting in an accumulation of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs). Furthermore, monocytes accumulated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) following TMZ treatment, while DCs and macrophages were able to repair DSBs. Monocytes lack the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, ligase IIIα and PARP-1 whose expression is restored during differentiation into macrophages and DCs following treatment with GM-CSF and GM-CSF plus IL-4, respectively. These proteins play a key role both in BER and DSB repair by B-NHEJ, which explains the accumulation of DNA breaks in monocytes following TMZ treatment. Although TMZ provoked an upregulation of XRCC1 and ligase IIIα, BER was not enhanced likely because PARP-1 was not upregulated. Accordingly, inhibition of PARP-1 did not sensitize monocytes, but monocyte-derived DCs in which strong PARP activation was observed. TMZ induced in monocytes the DNA damage response pathways ATM-Chk2 and ATR-Chk1 resulting in p53 activation. Finally, upon activation of the Fas-receptor and the mitochondrial pathway apoptosis was executed in a caspase-dependent manner. The downregulation of DNA repair in monocytes, resulting in their selective killing by TMZ, might impact on the immune response during cancer chemotherapy

    Induction of DNA breaks and apoptosis in crosslink-hypersensitive V79 cells by the cytostatic drug β-D-glucosyl-ifosfamide mustard

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    To study molecular aspects of cytotoxicity of the anticancer drug β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard we investigated the potential of the agent to induce apoptosis and DNA breakage. Since β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard generates DNA interstrand crosslinks, we used as an in vitro model system a pair of isogenic Chinese hamster V79 cells differing in their sensitivity to crosslinking agents. CL-V5B cells are dramatically more sensitive (30-fold based on D10 values) to the cytotoxic effects of β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard as compared to parental V79B cells. After 48 h of pulse-treatment with the agent, sensitive cells but not the resistant parental line undergo apoptosis and necrosis, with apoptosis being the predominant form of cell death (70 and 20% of apoptosis and necrosis, respectively). Apoptosis increased as a function of dose and was accompanied by induction of DNA double-strand breaks in the hypersensitive cells. Furthermore, a strong decline in the level of Bcl-2 protein and activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 were observed. The resistant parental cells were refractory to all these parameters. Bcl-2 decline in the sensitive cells preceded apoptosis, and transfection-mediated overexpression of Bcl-2 protected at least in part from apoptosis. From the data we hypothesize that non-repaired crosslinks induced by β-D-glucose-ifosfamide mustard are transformed into double-strand breaks which trigger apoptosis via a Bcl-2 dependent pathway

    O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase depletion and DNA damage in patients with melanoma treated with temozolomide alone or with lomeguatrib

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    We evaluated the pharmacodynamic effects of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) inactivator lomeguatrib (LM) on patients with melanoma in two clinical trials. Patients received temozolomide (TMZ) for 5 days either alone or with LM for 5, 10 or 14 days. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated before treatment and during cycle 1. Where available, tumour biopsies were obtained after the last drug dose in cycle 1. Samples were assayed for MGMT activity, total MGMT protein, and O6-methylguanine (O6-meG) and N7-methylguanine levels in DNA. MGMT was completely inactivated in PBMC from patients receiving LM, but detectable in those on TMZ alone. Tumours biopsied on the last day of treatment showed complete inactivation of MGMT but there was recovery of activity in tumours sampled later. Significantly more O6-meG was present in the PBMC DNA of LM/TMZ patients than those on TMZ alone. LM/TMZ leads to greater MGMT inactivation, and higher levels of O6-meG than TMZ alone. Early recovery of MGMT activity in tumours suggested that more protracted dosing with LM is required. Extended dosing of LM completely inactivated PBMC MGMT, and resulted in persistent levels of O6-meG in PBMC DNA during treatment

    MGMT gene promoter methylation correlates with tolerance of temozolomide treatment in melanoma but not with clinical outcome

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    BACKGROUND: Despite limited clinical efficacy, treatment with dacarbazine or temozolomide (TMZ) remains the standard therapy for metastatic melanoma. In glioblastoma, promoter methylation of the counteracting DNA repair enzyme O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) correlates with survival of patients exposed to TMZ in combination with radiotherapy. For melanoma, data are limited and controversial. METHODS: Biopsy samples from 122 patients with metastatic melanoma being treated with TMZ in two multicenter studies of the Dermatologic Cooperative Oncology Group were investigated for MGMT promoter methylation. We used the COBRA (combined bisulphite restriction analysis) technique to determine aberrant methylation of CpG islands in small amounts of genomic DNA isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue sections. To detect aberrant methylation, bisulphite-treated DNA was amplified by PCR, enzyme restricted, and visualised by gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Correlation with clinical data from 117 evaluable patients in a best-response evaluation indicated no statistically significant association between MGMT promoter methylation status and response. A methylated MGMT promoter was observed in 34.8% of responders and 23.4% of non-responders (P=0.29). In addition, no survival advantage for patients with a methylated MGMT promoter was detectable (P=0.79). Interestingly, we found a significant correlation between MGMT methylation and tolerance of therapy. Patients with a methylated MGMT promoter had more severe adverse events, requiring more TMZ dose reductions or discontinuations (P=0.007; OR 2.7 (95% CI: 1.32-5.7)). Analysis of MGMT promoter methylation comparing primaries and different metastases over the clinical course revealed no statistical difference (P=0.49). CONCLUSIONS: In advanced melanoma MGMT promoter, methylation correlates with tolerance of therapy, but not with clinical outcome

    Balancing repair and tolerance of DNA damage caused by alkylating agents

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    Alkylating agents constitute a major class of frontline chemotherapeutic drugs that inflict cytotoxic DNA damage as their main mode of action, in addition to collateral mutagenic damage. Numerous cellular pathways, including direct DNA damage reversal, base excision repair (BER) and mismatch repair (MMR), respond to alkylation damage to defend against alkylation-induced cell death or mutation. However, maintaining a proper balance of activity both within and between these pathways is crucial for a favourable response of an organism to alkylating agents. Furthermore, the response of an individual to alkylating agents can vary considerably from tissue to tissue and from person to person, pointing to genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that modulate alkylating agent toxicity

    A model of quiescent tumour microregions for evaluating multicellular resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs

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    The quiescent cell population of tumours poses a barrier to the success of many cancer therapies. Most chemotherapeutic drugs target proliferating cells, but the growth fraction of many tumours is low. Based on the multicellular tumour spheroid model, a system was developed using human colon adenocarcinoma (DLD-1) cells to mimic the microenvironment of quiescent microregions of solid tumours. The quiescent tumour spheroids (TSQ) showed decreased expression of the proliferation marker Ki-67 and increased expression of the quiescence marker p27kip1 compared to proliferating spheroids (TSP). The quiescent status of the TSQ was confirmed by long-term growth assessment. The quiescence was completely reversible demonstrating that the TSQ retained the ability to proliferate and morphological assessment by light microscopy confirmed the absence of significant apoptosis. When the efficacy of widely used chemotherapeutic drugs was determined, vinblastine, doxorubicin, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) all produced significant cell death in the TSP. However, while still effective, the potencies of doxorubicin and cisplatin were significantly reduced in TSQ. In contrast, 5-FU and vinblastine did not produce cell death in the TSQ. In summary, TSQ show considerable resistance to a panel of established chemotherapeutic agents and represent a useful model for evaluating the efficacy of drugs and other cancer therapies in quiescent tumours