7 research outputs found

    Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan modernisasi pendidikan Islam di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Ada tiga masalah yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini: Pertama, bagaimana sejarah perkembangan Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Kedua, bagaimana sistem pendidikan Islam Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Ketiga, bagaimana modernisasi lembaga pendidikan Islam Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Penelitian dalam disertasi ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan pendekatan sejarah sosial. Penelitian disertasi ini juga penelitian fenomenologi yang mendiskripsikan fenomenafenomena tentang modernisasi di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dimulai dengan pemilihan topik, pengumpulan data, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik studi dokumentasi, observasi, penelusuran literatur dan wawancara. Sumber data diproleh ditinjau berdasarkan bahanya yaitu dokumen dan artefak, berdasarkan penyampaiannya. Analisis data dilakukan mulai dari awal penelitian sampai kesimpulan. Temuan yang diproleh dalam penelitian ini bahwa terjadinya modernisasi pendidikan Islam di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah Samalanga mulai pada kepemimpinan Abon Abdul Aziz mulai pada tahun 1958 dan puncaknya pada kepemimpinan Abu Hasanoel Bashry mulai pada tahun 1989. Faktor yang mempengaruhi modernisasi diantaranya faktor sosial yang meliputi lahirnya perguruan tinggi negeri islam dan umum di aceh, berdirinya industry besar di Lhokseumawe, information and communication technology (ICT), ijazah sebagai syarat bekerja di pemerintahan dan swasta, pesantren modern dan penguasaan bahasa dan peran alumni. Selanjutnya faktor intelektual bahwa Abon Abdul Aziz modernisasi pendidikan dipengaruhi ketika belajar di Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji Aceh Selatan, sedangkan Abu Hasanoel Bashry dengan latar belakang pendidikan formal SRI dan PGAP. Sedangkan faktor politik lebih pada kebijakan terhadap perkembangan lembaga pendidikan di bawah naungan pemerintah. Temuan kedua adalah modernisasi sistem pendidikan Islam di Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al Aziziyah, pada masa Abon Abdul Aziz modernisasi terjadi pada pembelajaran dengan sistem klasikal, kurikulum yang menekankan pada ilmu alat dan sarana dan prasarana. Pada masa Abu Hasanoel Bashry terjadi modernisasi pendidikan yang pesat, dimulai dari tujuan pendidikan yang jelas dan tegas, telah ada seleksi teungku dan thalabah, kurikulum yang jelas dan modern, sarana dan prasarana yang modern, serta telah menggunakan manajemen kompleks. v Temuan ketiga bahwa modernisasi lembaga pendidikan di YAPIA Samalanga pada tingkat dayah meliputi SPM Wustha, SPM Ulya dan Ma‟had Aly. Pendidikan formal yang meliputi TPQ Muhadzdzabul Akhlaq, TK Al Aziziyah, SD Islam Al Aziziyah, SMP dan SMK Jamiah Al Aziziyah, penyetaraan paket A, B, C dan Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al Aziziyah Samalanga. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler meliputi Lajnah Pengembangan Bahasa Asing (LPBA), Lajnah Bahtsul Masail, Lajnah Pengembangan Dakwah, Rabithah Alumni, Lajnah Tahfijul Quran. Untuk merealisasikan modernisasi ini maka strategi yang dilakukan adalah penekanan terhadap ilmu alat dalam kurikulum, membentuk yayasan, membangun sarana dan prasarana, merekomendasikan santri melanjutkan pendidikan lebih tinggi dan mengikuti berbagai even, mendatangkan para pakar dan menjalin kerja sama, berbasis IT dan mendayahkan masyarakat. Berdasakan hasil temuan tersebut maka novelty dalam disertasi ini adalah suatu model sistem pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan sosio-religio-budaya dan sosio-intelektual dari tampilan dan langgam peran ulama dayah dengan adaptasi terhadap sistem modernisasi


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    The emergence of modernization of Islamic education is inseparable from the awareness of internal renewal as a result of the impact of Ibn Taymiyyah's thoughts. Furthermore, the birth of a new civilization from the West called the Renaissance that gave rise to the central idea of modernization and rational-scientific thought. The condition of Arab countries, such as Egypt and Turkey, is very alarming under the imperialism of European countries, especially France, where Islamic countries are almost entirely controlled by western countries. Finally, at the end of the nineteenth century there was hardly a single Muslim country that had not been touched by Western colonial penetration. Because through Islamic education the formation of Islamic civilization itself. The main purpose of modernization is to build a rational society so that it can face life based on the knowledge and teachings of Islamic values. Based on the perspective of Islamic education, it cannot be denied that the modernization of Islamic education emerged when the Western nations experienced a period of progress. But even so, Islam also experienced a golden age and technological progress. Thus, when the lives of Muslims have experienced the modern period by adopting Western advances, the pattern of modernization experiences differences in building a renewal, both with the concepts of modernization, transformation, reformation, revival, revitalization, actualization, contextualization and westernization. The view of modernization carried out is the knowledge of teachings and science in Islam that can provide solutions to the problems of human life. With a long period of time, modernization in Islamic education does not fully belong to western culture.Keywords:  Review History, Modernization, Islamic Education

    Inclusive Islamic Education In The Darul Amin Border of Tenggara Aceh

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    The problem that is analyzed in this article is about the concept and implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah in Southeast Aceh. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach by examining how the functions of the implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Dayah Border Darul Amin Aceh Tenggara. Inclusive Islamic education in Dayah Border Darul Amin is integrated into the implementation of the dayah curriculum, both the dayah curriculum, the formal curriculum, the informal curriculum and the non-formal curriculum. Inclusive values instilled in dayah daily life are the values of tolerance, togetherness, mutual assistance, respect for differences and leadership based on Islamic values. The essence of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah is the leader of the ummah and the generation of Muslim believers who are highly virtuous, knowledgeable, free-thinking and devoted to society

    Tinjauan Historis Kurikulum Pesantren Sirajul Huda Kabupaten Karo

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    AbstractIslamic education is an education based on the value of Islamic teachings contained in the Qur'an and the hadith as well as the thinking of scholars in the history practice of Muslims. The process of Islamic education continues to grow thanks to traders and preachers all over Indonesia including North Sumatra. The history of Islamic education in the Karo Land begins with the Islam of the family of Sulaiman Tarigan. Sulaiman Tarigan's awareness of Islamic education motivated him to prepare a successor cadre for the Islamic development struggle. The work of preparing the cadres was established by establishing the Three Beringin School in 1925. The study expanded rapidly until the school moved to Kuala Baru and started the establishment of Sirajul Huda boarding school in 1994. In addition they learn to read and write the Koran and Malay. Keywords: History, Islamic Education, Karo Lan

    Pathways To Islamic Education Renewal In Aceh (A Case Study of Dayah Ma'had Al Ulum Diniyyah Mesjid Raya Samalanga)

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    This research examines the renewal initiative at Dayah Ma'had al Ulum Diniyyah Mesjid Raya Samalanga Islamic School. This study focuses on the renewal initiative during the leadership of Abon Abdul Aziz and Abu Hasanoel Bashri. This research is qualitative research with a historical approach. This research indicates that the Al Aziziyah Samalanga Islamic Education Foundation's modernization began during the leadership of Abon Abdul Aziz in 1958 and culminated in Abu Hasanoel Bashry in 1989. Social factors had been the most dominant factors of modernization of Islamic education in the foundation, including the birth of Islamic and public universities in Aceh, the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT), the requirement of diplomas for teachers and education personnel, and the involvement of alumni in the foundation

    Peran Pesantren dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School in the Pangkalan Susu District of Langkat in the Form of Santri Character The approach used is case study. The object of this research is religious Islamic education institutions. Data sources are people who are directly and indirectly involved with pesantren. To collect these data, the author uses several techniques in data collection, namely documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis in research uses interpretive patterns that aim to achieve a correct understanding of facts, data and symptoms. In this study researchers focused on two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. used in the Darusa'dah Islamic Boarding School which is related to character formation. The Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School curriculum accommodates students who focus on learning two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. The pesantren curriculum material taught is sourced from the yellow book which includes; religious laws, monotheism, morals and Arabic. The education curriculum of the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School is focused on the teaching of the Koran, hadith and the books written by the previous ulama. Educational material is presented based on class. The pesantren curriculum and general education curriculum are taught in the Darusaa'dah Islamic Boarding School, as well as forming the character of the santri

    Kurikulum Malim Sekampung Terhadap Pemahaman Ajaran Islam (Studi Terhadap Dayah Darul Iman Aceh Tenggara)

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    Tuntutan modernisasi dalam kehidupan masyarakat membawa orientasi hidup masyarakat untuk memperbaiki ekonomi dengan mengikut alur pola hidup modern yang meletakkan agama tidak lagi lebih utama. Tentu dalam bidang pendidikan agama, memberikan dampak sehingga keinginan masyarakat untuk memasukkan anaknya ke pesantren/dayah semakin berkurang. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar utama dilakukannya penelitian ini khusus di Dayah Darul Iman Aceh Tenggara. Untuk memproleh data agar informasi didapat dengan baik, maka metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendektan fonomenologi dan sosial historis. Temuan penelitian diproleh bahwa dayah Darul Iman telah berperan dalam arus modernisasi dan mampu berkontribusi dalam berbagai instansi pemerintahan dan swasta. Dayah Darul Iman berupaya dalam menyikapi fonomena tersebut dengan mengkonstruk kurikulum yang kompleks agar santri dapat mandiri dan berkontribusi di masayarakat. Di sisi lain, kurikulum khas Dayah Darul Iman yaitu Kurikulum Malim Sekampun merupakan kurikulum wajib bagi santri agar santri paham dan dapat memahamkan agama Islam yang berkaitan dengan fardu a'in dan fardu kifayah. Dayah Darul Iman mewarnai pendidikan Islam di Aceh Tenggara dengan memperlihatkan kekhasan Dayah sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Islam secara kultural tanpa mengurangi unsur substansi nilai-nilai agama. Jadi, pengembangan dayah Darul Iman yang dikembangkan tidak terlepas dari konsep tradisional dan moder