221 research outputs found

    Effect of chiral interactions on the structure of Langmuir monolayers

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    Structural changes in monolayers of the enantiomer and the racemic mixture of 1-hexadecyl-glycerol with temperature and surface pressure variations are compared. On compression, both monolayers exhibit a variation of the tilt azimuth from the direction to the nearest neighbor to the next nearest neighbor. In the monolayer of the racemate, this variation occurs as a first order transition. In the monolayer of the enantiomer, the unit cell is oblique, and continuously passes from a state close to the low-pressure state of the racemate to a state close to its high-pressure state. The azimuths of the unit-cell distortion and that of the tilt remain almost equal to each other. The effect of chirality decreases when the temperature is increased. Structural changes are explained in detail within the framework of the Landau theory of phase transitions

    Crystal truncation rods in kinematical and dynamical x-ray diffraction theories

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    Crystal truncation rods calculated in the kinematical approximation are shown to quantitatively agree with the sum of the diffracted waves obtained in the two-beam dynamical calculations for different reflections along the rod. The choice and the number of these reflections are specified. The agreement extends down to at least 107\sim 10^{-7} of the peak intensity. For lower intensities, the accuracy of dynamical calculations is limited by truncation of the electron density at a mathematically planar surface, arising from the Fourier series expansion of the crystal polarizability

    Chiral and herringbone symmetry breaking in water-surface monolayers

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    We report the observation from monolayers of eicosanoic acid in the L′2 phase of three distinct out-of-plane first-order diffraction peaks, indicating molecular tilt in a nonsymmetry direction and hence the absence of mirror symmetry. At lower pressures the molecules tilt in the direction of their nearest neighbors. In this region we find a structural transition, which we tentatively identify as the rotator-herringbone transition L2d−L2h

    X-ray diffraction peak profiles from threading dislocations in GaN epitaxial films

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    We analyze the lineshape of x-ray diffraction profiles of GaN epitaxial layers with large densities of randomly distributed threading dislocations. The peaks are Gaussian only in the central, most intense part of the peak, while the tails obey a power law. The q3q^{-3} decay typical for random dislocations is observed in double-crystal rocking curves. The entire profile is well fitted by a restricted random dislocation distribution. The densities of both edge and screw threading dislocations and the ranges of dislocation correlations are obtained

    Thermal roughening of an SOS-model with elastic interaction

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    We analyze the effects of a long-ranged step-step interaction on thermal roughening within the framework of a solid-on-solid model of a crystal surface by means of Monte Carlo simulation. A repulsive step-step interaction is modeled by elastic dipoles located on sites adjacent to the steps. In order to reduce the computational effort involved in calculating interaction energy based on long-ranged potentials, we employ a multi-grid scheme. As a result of the long-range character of the step interaction, the roughening temperature increases drastically compared to a system with short-range cutoff as a consequence of anti-correlations between surface defects


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    The paper presents a technical and economic comparison of various options for the layout of power plants using photovoltaic panels. It is shown that the cost of electricity generated by using photovoltaic stations in conjunction with a diesel generator or with a power system is cheaper than the cost of electricity in Moscow from centralized power supply.В работе представлено технико-экономическое сравнение различных вариантов компоновки электростанций с использование фотоэлектрических панелей. Показано, что стоимость электроэнергии, полученной путем использования фотоэлектрических станций совместно с дизельным генератором или с энергосистемой, дешевле, чем стоимость электроэнергии в Москве от централизованного энергоснабжения

    A Phase-Field Model of Spiral Dendritic Growth

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    Domains of condensed-phase monolayers of chiral molecules exhibit a variety of interesting nonequilibrium structures when formed via pressurization. To model these domain patterns, we add a complex field describing the tilt degree of freedom to an (anisotropic) complex-phase-field solidification model. The resulting formalism allows for the inclusion of (in general, non-reflection symmetric) interactions between the tilt, the solid-liquid interface, and the bond orientation. Simulations demonstrate the ability of the model to exhibit spiral dendritic growth.Comment: text plus Four postscript figure file

    Herringbone ordering and lattice distortions in a planar-molecule model for Langmuir monolayers

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    A model of planar molecules, made up of "atoms" interacting by Lennard-Jones potentials and arranged to mimic the cross section of alkyl chains, is used to study the problem of backbone plane ordering in Langmuir monolayers. It is shown that two minima of the interaction energy are reached if molecules lie on the sites of a centered rectangular lattice in a herringbone configuration with two different dihedral angles. These orientationally ordered phases can be related to the so-called herringbone and pseudoherringbone structures, whose lattice distortions qualitatively agree with those determined by means of grazing incidence x-ray diffraction experiments on Langmuir monolayers. A third energy minimum is obtained for a configuration of parallel molecules on an oblique lattice, which has also been observed in some experiments. The competition between the three phases is investigated, upon varying geometric parameters of the model molecules and surface pressure. The effect of temperature is analyzed in a mean field approximation, by taking into account the orientational entropy contribution on a lattice system with variable unit cell parameters. In this framework the transition to an orientationally disordered phase is also pointed out

    Non-destructive detection of cross-sectional strain and defect structure in an individual Ag five-fold twinned nanowire by 3D electron diffraction mapping

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    Coherent x-ray diffraction investigations on Ag five-fold twinned nanowires (FTNWs) have drawn controversial conclusions concerning whether the intrinsic 7.35° angular gap could be compensated homogeneously through phase transformation or inhomogeneously by forming disclination strain field. In those studies, the x-ray techniques only provided an ensemble average of the structural information from all the Ag nanowires. Here, using three-dimensional (3D) electron diffraction mapping approach, we non-destructively explore the cross-sectional strain and the related strain-relief defect structures of an individual Ag FTNW with diameter about 30 nm. The quantitative analysis of the fine structure of intensity distribution combining with kinematic electron diffraction simulation confirms that for such a Ag FTNW, the intrinsic 7.35° angular deficiency results in an inhomogeneous strain field within each single crystalline segment consistent with the disclination model of stress-relief. Moreover, the five crystalline segments are found to be strained differently. Modeling analysis in combination with system energy calculation further indicates that the elastic strain energy within some crystalline segments, could be partially relieved by the creation of stacking fault layers near the twin boundaries. Our study demonstrates that 3D electron diffraction mapping is a powerful tool for the cross-sectional strain analysis of complex 1D nanostructures