598 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PENERAPAN METODE K-NEAREST NEIGHBORS UNTUK PREDIKSI PENJUALAN BERBASIS WEB PADA BOUTIQ DEALOVE BONDOWOSO Mohammad Kafil Teknik Informatika – ITN Malang [email protected] Butik Dealove Bondowoso merupakan toko yang menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan pakaian. Sistem penjualan yang ada di butik dialove masih dilakukan secara manual dalam pencatatan barang yang kelur atau dijual. Sehingga masih memiliki berbagai kekurangan dan kendala yang dihadapi. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu sulitnya mendata banyak barang yang keluar setiap hari, perhitungan stok barang yang tidak akurat, serta proses penjumlahan harga yang sering terjadi kesalahan,peramalan penjualan yang kurang akurat karena dikerjakan secara manual karna belum adanya sistem pendukung untuk mempermudah peramalan penjualan. Permintaan konsumen yang tidak menentu seiring keperluan yang makin tinggi, mengakibatkan kekurangan stok di gudang. Prediksi adalah suatu proses memperkirakan secara sistematis tentang sesuatu yang paling mungkin terjadi di masa depan berdasarkan informasi masa lalu dan sekarang yang dimiliki, agar kesalahannya (selisih antara sesuatu yang terjadi dengan hasil perkiraan) dapat diperkecil. Prediksi tidak harus memberikan jawaban secara pasti kejadian yang akan terjadi, melainkan berusaha untuk mencari jawaban sedekat mungkin yang akan terjadi. Algoritma k-nearest neighbor (k-NN atau KNN) adalah sebuah metode untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap objek berdasarkan data pembelajaran yang jaraknya paling dekat dengan objek tersebut. Berdasarkan implmentasi dan pengujian yang dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut. Hasil pengujian fungsional halaman website yang dilakukan pada 3 browser, yaitu Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer dan Google Chrome halaman website berhasil berjalan dengan baik sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa website bisa berjalan baik di ke-3 web browser .Hasil pengujian keakuratan metode menggunkan menggunakan 12 data traning dan 12 data testing diperoleh hasil nilai akurasi 83,3% dan nilai error sebesar 16,7 % Kata kunci : K-Nearest Neighbors, Peramalan, stok gudang, penjuala

    Comparing mannose binding lectin genetic diversity in intracellular and extracellular pathogens

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    One of the important immunological factors in diseases is mannose binding lectin (MBL). The aim of present study is to determine the distribution of the alleles of mannose-binding lectin gene codon 52,54, 57 and promoter variants H/L, X/Y, P and Q in confirmed VL patients as an intracellular pathogen while compares with extracellular pathogens (in renal infection) and seek correlation between thesevariants and intracellular and extracellular infections. Fifty eight confirmed VL patients’ blood samples were compared with fifty eight blood samples of patients received renal in results of renal infections.MBL genotypes were investigated by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Frequency of defective allele B in extracellular pathogens was more than intracellular pathogens (P = 0.0001), and in contrary prevalence of wild type allele A in intracellular pathogens was more than extracellular pathogens (P = 0.0001), and in other alleles and variants there was not any significant difference. In conclusion, there was more prevalence of alleles with low mannose binding lectin serum level in extrallelular pathogens which can be consider as a risk factor for these infections. In other hand prevalence of high concentration alleles in intracellular pathogens indicate the role of mannose binding lectin level for susceptibility to intracellular pathogens


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    Papillary hidradenomas in the vulva arise from specialized anogenital mammary-like glands in and around the intralabial sulcus. These are benign lesions, which present as slow-growing, circumscribed cystic masses. Histologically, papillary hidradenomas are characterized by glandular structures and complex branching papillae with fibrovascular stalks. The glands are lined by myoepithelial cells and epithelial secretory cells with surrounding fibrous stroma. Oestrogen and progesterone receptors are potential markers to differentiate between anogenital sweat glands and conventional sweat glands. We intend to present a case of excoriating papillary hidradenoma of the vulva in a 23-year old female with a review of the literature. Keywords: Papillary hidradenoma, Vulva, Benign Tumor

    Caring Professional Attitude Of nursing In Palliative Nursing Care

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    Background: Caring is an important part of nursing care. Caring is a behavior that interacts emotion with the patient's response. Purpose: This research aims to determine the caring behavior of nurses in providing palliative nursing care Methods: The research employed qualitative method (FGD), using hermeneutic phenomenology approach (n=7, chemotherapy nurses) and interview guide instruments. The data analysis used was Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis and has obtained ethics worthy of KEP UNISA Yogyakarta: 1342/KEP-UNISA/IX/2020 and KEP Yogyakarta Regional Public Hospital: 41/KEP/RSUD/X/2020. Results: Based on the results of the study, there are 2 major themes of professional caring attitudes of nurses in providing palliative care, that are the emotional closeness of nurses to patients and their families and an attitude full of empathy with a sense of humor. Conclusion: Nurses always provide nursing care in a professional caring manner to patients and their families by prioritizing comfort, emotional closeness and humor


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    English language teaching (ELT) should be effective for all concerned at the secondary level to meet its objectives so that in higher levels the learners as well as teachers would carry out the process without constraints. Keeping view of the above, a study is conducted amongst the secondary institutions of Karbi Anglong District of Assam. In this regard, 50 institutions are surveyed to find out the status of ELT through field investigation, interviews with both learners and teachers. The survey found out some observations that reveal a very poor status of ELT at secondary level that consequently affects the teaching of English at the senior secondary and undergraduate levels. This article discusses the status of ELT at the secondary level and the reasons behind its weakness in the said region. It analyses how the teachers of undergraduate institutions face trouble to deal with the students coming out of those secondary schools. It also tries to find out the reasons, and puts forward suggestions and recommendations to develop the present status of ELT

    Thermal diffusivity of nonfractal and fractal nickel nanowires

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    The potential of using nanometallic wires inside a matrix as new generation of thermal interface material led us to study the thermal diffusivity of nickel nanowires embedded inside porous alumina template. Thermal diffusivity measurements using a laser flash method showed size dependence for nickel nanowires inside nanochannel alumina (NCA) templates having nominal pore diameters of 200, 100, and 20 nm. Nickel nanowires embedded inside these templates showed decreasing diffusivity values of 10.7x10(-6), 8.5x10(-6), and 6.5x10(-6) m(2) s(-1) at 300 K with decreasing wire diameter when deposited at 40 degrees C. Nanowires fabricated at 60 degrees C showed similar decreasing diffusivity with wire diameter, and a further 42%-48% reduction was observed when compared to 40 degrees C samples. The modified effective medium theory (MEMT) was employed to evaluate the experimental thermal diffusivity. Calculations based on MEMT resulted in mean thermal conductivities of 70.7 and 36.2 W m(-1) K(-1) for nickel nanowires fabricated at 40 and 60 degrees C respectively. These values are similar to 20% and 60% lower than the thermal conductivity value of bulk nickel. A strong grain size dependence of thermal diffusivity in the nanowires was observed. It is believed that the decrease in diffusivity in lower temperature wires is associated with defects/dislocations in large single crystals and reduction in wire diameters according to pore diameters of NCA. Whereas in higher temperature wires, the drastic reduction in diffusivity is believed to arise from self-similar fractal morphology composed of nanogranules, close to the dimension of electron mean free path

    Nanowire-Polymer Nanocomposites as Thermal Interface Material

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    The Impact of Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of p-type (Sb1-xBix)2Te3 Electrodeposited Films

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    This work reports on the synthesis of p-type (Sb1-xBix)2Te3 thin films using pulsed electrodeposition with and without the presence of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The effect of SDS on the morphology of the films was investigated, and it was found that films with SDS in the electrolyte were smooth and denser as compared to the films without SDS. Post-deposition annealing of the films resulted in preferential crystal orientation. The Seebeck coefficient showed an improvement of 49% for the films deposited with SDS, which improved the overall power factor of the films by 143%
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