934 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity in Apricot

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    Beeinflussen die Antikoagulantien Heparin und Hirudin die Aktivierung des plasmatischen Gerinnungssystems unter kontinuierlicher Nierenersatztherapie

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    Die plasmatische Gerinnungshemmung ist entscheidend bei akutem Nierenversagen mit Notwendigkeit zur kontinuierlicher Nierenersatztherapie. Die Antikoagulation mit Heparin stellt eine Alternative zur Citrat- Antikoagulation dar. Bei der Unverträglichkeit beider Substanzen ist die Kenntnis über eine dritte Alternativsubstanz essentiell. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde kontinuierlich verabreichtes Heparin (UFH) mit diskon-tinuierlich verabreichtem Hirudin im Vergleich bei CVVH hinsichtlich der plasmatischen Gerinnungsaktivierung untersucht. Die intermittierende Hirudin Gabe kann zur Antikoagulation bei kontinuierlicher extrakorporaler Nierenersatztherapie sicher einge-setzt werden. Die diskontinuierliche Hirudin Anwendung war gegenüber der kontinu-ierlichen Heparin Applikation in Bezug auf Blutungskomplikationen nicht unterlegen. Die vorliegende Studie zeigte, dass unfraktioniertes Heparin bei der Hemmung der Gerinnungsaktivierung Vorteile besitzt. Unter kontinuierlicher Heparin Applikation ist eine engmaschige Anpassung der Heparin Dosis möglich. Dies ermöglicht im Vergleich der hier dargelegten Applikationsform des Hirudin weniger Gerinnungsaktivierung und damit längere Filterlaufzeiten. Die vorgelegte Studie wies nach, dass Hirudin hinsichtlich der dargelegten Applikationsform zu mehr plasmatischer Gerinnungsaktivität bezogen auf den Thrombin-Antithrombin-Komplex (TAT) führt.The plasmatic anticoagulation is crucial for the efficacy of renal replacement therapy due to acute renal failure. Heparin- Anticoagulation is an alternative to Citrate- Antico-agulation. An intolerance of both substances results in an important need to know a third alternative substance. The present study is a comparison between continuous application of unfractionated heparin versus discontinuous application of recombinant Hirudin due to continuous renal replacement therapy and the activation of plasmatic coagulation. The study showed Benefits in using continuous application of Heparin due to the adjustment. Results were a lower activation of plasmatic coagulation and therefore a longer filter runtime. Discontinuous applicated Hirudin is a safe treatment and noninferior to Heparin treatment related to bleeding complications. Hirudin showed a significant activation of plasmatic coagulation referred to Thrombin-Antithrombin-Complex (TAT)

    The issue of the writing ş in orkhon inscriptions

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    It has been stated by many researchers since Thomsen and Radloff that the writing system used in the Orkhon Inscriptions is of a highly developed structure. Although there have been studies for a long time on the Inscriptions and the Gokturk writing system, situation that /ş/ consonant corresponds to three different signs (Ş-ş, S 1 -S, S 2 -s) is still an unanswered question. The explanations that these different uses are arbitrary or spelling mistakes to denote the /ş/ consonant in the Orkhon Turkic are not very satisfactory. In the Old Uighur texts, /-mIş/ past tense adjective-verb suffix is also seen as /-mIs/. The /ş/ consonant in the Old Turkic systematically changed into /s/ consonant in some Turkic dialects of the Kipchak group. Examles of the systematic /ş/>/s/ change are seen in the Anatolian Turkish dialects. These shows that the use of S 1 (S) and S 2 (s) signs togather with the sign of Ş (ş) to denote the /ş/ consonant in Orkhon Turkic is a dialect feature. With this study, it is understood that the dialect of ş is dominant in Kul Tigin and Bilge Kagan, and the dialect of s is donimant in Tonyukuk; by considering the three inscriptions, it is understood that the s dialect is generally dominant. The presented data will be a guide for new readings and studies on the Inscriptions

    Investigating the factors affecting software development productivity by using exploratory factor analysis [in Turkish - Yazılım Geliştirme Üretkenliğini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi Yöntemi Kullanılarak İncelenmesi]

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı yazılım mühendisliği üretkenlik ölçümleri için kullanılabilecek üretkenlik, sosyal üretkenlik ve sosyal sermaye kav- ramlarına dayalı (üç boyutlu) bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu amaç doğrultu- sunda yazılım geliştirme süreçlerini etkileyen etmenlerin sosyal ve teknik boyutları ve birbirleri ile olan ilişkileri hem teorik hem de pratik boyutta sorgulanmıştır. Araştırmanın teorik boyutunda, yazılım üretkenliği için yapılan bir literatür taraması sonucunda elde edilen etmenlerin yazılım süreçlerini etkileyen kavramlarla ilişkisi incelenmiş, ampirik boyutunda ise 213 yazılım mühendisi üzerinde yapılan bir anket yardımı ile bulunan etmenlerin öngörülen kavramlar yardımı ile ifade edilip edilemeyeceği araştırılmıştır. Bir başka deyişle, ölçeği oluşturan her bir etmenin bir- birleriyle nasıl gruplaştıkları ve üretkenlik, sosyal üretkenlik ve sosyal sermaye kavramlarını ne ölçüde anlamlandırdıkları incelenmiştir. Yapı- lan öncül analiz sonuçlarına dayanarak, oluşturduğumuz ölçeğin, yazılım geliştirme üretkenliği, sosyal üretkenlik ve sosyal sermaye kavramlarını öngörülen etmenler cinsinden ifade edebilen, geçerli ve güvenilir bir öl- çüm aracı olduğu söylenebilir

    MASK4D: Mask Transformer for 4D Panoptic Segmentation

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    Accurately perceiving and tracking instances over time is essential for the decision-making processes of autonomous agents interacting safely in dynamic environments. With this intention, we propose Mask4D for the challenging task of 4D panoptic segmentation of LiDAR point clouds. Mask4D is the first transformer-based approach unifying semantic instance segmentation and tracking of sparse and irregular sequences of 3D point clouds into a single joint model. Our model directly predicts semantic instances and their temporal associations without relying on any hand-crafted non-learned association strategies such as probabilistic clustering or voting-based center prediction. Instead, Mask4D introduces spatio-temporal instance queries which encode the semantic and geometric properties of each semantic tracklet in the sequence. In an in-depth study, we find that it is critical to promote spatially compact instance predictions as spatio-temporal instance queries tend to merge multiple semantically similar instances, even if they are spatially distant. To this end, we regress 6-DOF bounding box parameters from spatio-temporal instance queries, which is used as an auxiliary task to foster spatially compact predictions. Mask4D achieves a new state-of-the-art on the SemanticKITTI test set with a score of 68.4 LSTQ, improving upon published top-performing methods by at least +4.5%.Comment: Project page: https://vision.rwth-aachen.de/mask4

    Evaluation of Intraperitoneal and Incisional Bupivacaine or Levobupivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia in Ovariohysterectomized Dogs

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    Background: Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) is the most commonly performed elective surgical procedure in companion animals. OHE offers benefits of control of population and decreased risk of potentially life-threatening diseases such as mammarian tumours and pyometra.  Traditional OHE intervention causes inflammation and pain due to trauma during organ manipulation. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of intraperitoneal and incisional administration of bupivacaine (BP) or levobupivacaine (LP) on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing the OHE procedure.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 24 mix-breed bitches aged between 1 - 3 years and weighed 19 - 20 kg were used in this study. The animals were divided into three groups as control (n = 8), BP (n = 8) and LP group (n = 8). The animals were kept under surveillance at the hospitalisation unit of the animal hospital for one day before the elective OHE. The dogs were fasted for 12 h before the surgery, with adlib water consumption. Atropine sulphate 0.045 mg/kg was administered subcutaneously approximately 30 min before general anaesthesia. Midazolam (0.3 mg/kg) was intravenously injected into all dogs for pre-anaesthetic medication. After sedation, anaesthesia was induced with propofol (4 mg/kg, IV) and then the dogs were orotracheally intubated using cuffed endotracheal tubes. General anaesthesia was maintained by administration of 2% isoflurane. The ventral abdomen was prepared aseptically for OHE following the general anaesthesia. All animals were operated on by the same surgeon. During surgery, sprayed bupivacaine 0.5% (4.4 mg/kg) with an equal volume of saline in BP group, levobupivacaine 0.5% (4.4 mg/kg) with an equal volume of saline in LP were then applied over the ovaries, uterine broad ligaments and cervix uteri. After removal of the uterine body, either LP or BP was sprayed to left and right, or cranial and caudal parts of the abdominal cavity. Finally, the incision line was sprayed before closing the skin. The control group received only sprayed saline.  The pain evaluation was carried out with modified Melbourne pain scoring scale. To determine cortisol concentrations, blood samples were taken before anaesthesia induction (baseline) and postoperative 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 24 h. Postoperative pain scores were higher in the control group than BP and LP groups following surgery at 30 min, 1st, 4th, and 6th h. In all groups, cortisol levels increased postoperatively, whereas they decreased more rapidly in BP and LP groups. There was a steady increase at postoperative 0 min, 30 min, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th h in the control group and at postoperative 0 min, 30 min and 1 h in BP and LP groups (P < 0.05).Discussion: Intraperitoneal and incisional bupivacaine shows significantly superior postoperative pain management benefits after the closure of skin, compared to untreated dogs and it is also superior to lidocaine treatment at 0.5 h following the visual analogy pain assessment system. In the present study, the observation of lower pain scores in BP group at 0.5, 1, 4 and 6 h as compared to the control group was similar to findings of other studies. LP group also showed decreased pain scores at above-mentioned h without any significant difference. However, only in LP group, pain scores at 24 h were lower than postoperative pain scores. In conclusion, it is suggested that sprayed intraperitoneal and incisional BP and LP are very effective for preventing postoperative pain ovariohysterectomized dogs

    Malatya Yöresinde Organik Kayısı Yetiştiriciliği

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    Bu çalışma, Malatya yöresinde organik tarım tekniğinde yer alan bitki besleme uygulamalarını konvansiyonel uygulamasıyla karşılaştırarak, kayısı yetiştiriciliği için en uygun organik tarım programını oluşturmak amacıyla planlanmıştır. Çalışma 2002-2006 yıllarında Malatya ili Akçadağ ilçesi Karapınar Köyü’nde, 5 yıldır sertifikalı olarak organik tarım yetiştiriciliği yapılan, 15 yaşında, 10x10 m aralık ve mesafede dikilmiş Hacıhaliloğlu kayısı çeşidinden kurulu kayısı bahçesinde yürütülmüştür. Bu bahçenin yakınında, konvansiyonel tarım sisteminin uygulandığı, 15 yaşında ve 10x10 m aralık ve mesafe ile dikilmiş Hacıhaliloğlu kayısı çeşidinden kurulmuş bir üretici bahçesi de kontrol bahçesi olarak kullanılmıştır. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü ve her tekerrürde 3 ağaç olacak şekilde kurulmuştur. Çalışmada, organik tarım sistemine uygun 5 farklı bitki besleme uygulaması A (Toprağa Ticari Organik Gübre + Toprağa Çiftlik Gübresi + Yeşil Gübre Uygulaması), B (Toprağa Ticari Organik Gübre + Toprağa Humik Asit Uygulaması), C (Toprağa Ticari Organik Gübre + Toprağa Çiftlik Gübresi Uygulaması), D (Toprağa Organik Gübre + Yeşil Gübre Uygulaması) ve E (Toprağa Ticari Organik Gübre + Yaprağa Ticari Organik Gübre Uygulaması) yapılmıştır. Uygulamaların meyve verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri ile ekonomik analizleri yapılmıştır. Uygulamaların ortalama ağaç başına ve gövde kesit alanına verim değerleri üzerine etkisi %1 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek ağaç başına ve gövde kesit alanına verim değerleri sırası ile 111.30 kg/ağaç ve 0.18 kg/cm2 ile kontrol uygulamasından, organik uygulamalardan ise en yüksek verim 83.09 kg/ağaç ve 0.16 kg/cm2 ile A uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. En düşük verim ise 55.25 kg/ağaç ve 0.10 kg/cm2 ile D uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, Malatya koşullarında verim, kalite ve net karlılık kriterleri göz önüne alınarak, organik kayısı yetiştiriciliği için A kombinasyonunun (Toprağa Ticari Organik Gübre Uygulaması + Toprağa Çiftlik Gübresi Uygulama + Yeşil Gübre Uygulaması), tavsiye edilebilir ve uygulanabilir en uygun organik kombinasyon olduğu saptanmıştır


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    Limanlar ulaşım sistemlerinde düğüm noktalarını oluşturmaktadır. Hizmet ettikleri hinterlandların kapılarıdırlar. Dünya ticaretinin %80'i denizlerden yapıldığı ve ticaretin küreselleştiği düşünülürse, limanların doğru planlanmaları, yapılarının öngörülen kullanım amacına, sahip olduğu öneme ve deprem performansına cevap verecek biçimde tasarlanmaları gerekir. Liman yapıları çevresel yükler olan rüzgar, dalga, akıntı ve deprem yüklerine göre tasarlanırlar. Yapılar bu yükler altında güvenle hizmet vermelidirler. Bu yükler altında yapıların tanımlanan limitlerin üzerinde hasar görmeleri durumunda liman hizmeti duracaktır. Bu durumda limanın büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak bölgesel, ulusal ve küresel ölçekte ticari faaliyetler aksayacaktır. Son yıllarda büyük limanların bulunduğu bölgelerde meydana gelen depremler, konunun önemini artırmıştır. Ancak yüksek yatırım maliyetlerini gerektiren limanlar da ekonomik tasarımları gerektirmektedir. Bu tip tasarımlar da ileri düzeyde analizlere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu çalışmada özellikle keson tipi rıhtıma sahip bir limanda sismik risk ve kayan blok yöntemiyle analize dayalı araştırma sunulacaktır. The ports are nodal points in transportation systems. They are the gates for their hinterlands. That fact that trade has been globalized and 80% of this global trade is seaborne trade makes it imperative that the ports must have layouts and their infrastructure must be designed so as to carry out the functions projected and expected seismic response. While the port structures are designed, winds, currents, waves and seismic loads are taken into consideration. The infrastructures should be safe under these environmental loads. Port operations may stop when acceptable damage limits are exceeded. In such case depending upon the size of the port failing to provide services, local, national and global trade is likely to be obstructed. The recent occurence of large earthquakes around major ports has increased the significance of port designs. Huge port investments should require economic planning and design. Port structures need advanced design methods. In this study, a simplified dynamic analysis method is proposed to evaluate the magnitude and the phase variation of the dynamic thrust acting on the caisson type quay walls and to predict the seismic sliding displacement of caisson type quay walls by considering the variation of wall thrus

    Kafa travmasında kafa içi basınç ve hipotalamo-hipofizer- gonadal aks arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: Head traumas have an important place among all traumatic injuries and it is an important public health problem worldwide. Novel methods predicting prognosis may contribute to a decrease in the mortality and morbidity rates.Materials and Methods: Continuous intracranial pressure '(ICP) measurements, initial cerebral computed tomography '(CT) and measurement of the hypothalamicpituitary- gonadal '(HPG) axis hormones between the 0th and 4th days were performed in 15 adult male patients with severe head trauma. The relationship of these parameters with the short-term results of the patients on the 15th day was evaluated. Additionally, provocation tests were carried out to evaluate the HPG axis function.Results: High ICP and compression of basal cisterna increased mortality and they were found to affect prognosis `(p=0.009 and p=0.033, respectively) No statistically significant association was found between midline shift and prognosis. No relationship was found between mortality and mean basal hormone values on the 0th day and between the 1st and 4th days.Conclusion: ICP measurement values and the presence of compression of basal cistern on the initial brain CT can be used to predict the prognosis in severe head injury but there is no significant relationship between hypophyseal hormone values and prognosis