9 research outputs found

    Hypertension and beyond — does circulating irisin matter?

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    Irisin is a myokine secreted by skeletal muscles. It has been proposed to drive the brown-fat-like conversion of the white adipose tissue. By enhancing energy expenditure, irisin may affect systemic metabolism and be associated with insulin resistance; however, the mechanism(s) of action still remain largely unexplained. The discovery of irisin can contribute to the exploration of the novel and effective therapeutic targets or therapeutic strategies of metabolic diseases or metabolism-associated health issues. In this review, based on the recent literature (from 2013 to 2015 inclusive), we will systematically discuss the associations of irisin with obesity, type 2 diabetes, lipid disorders, and hypertension. We also introduce unanswered questions for future research.Irisin is a myokine secreted by skeletal muscles. It has been proposed to drive the brown-fat-like conversion of the white adipose tissue. By enhancing energy expenditure, irisin may affect systemic metabolism and be associated with insulin resistance; however, the mechanism(s) of action still remain largely unexplained. The discovery of irisin can contribute to the exploration of the novel and effective therapeutic targets or therapeutic strategies of metabolic diseases or metabolism-associated health issues. In this review, based on the recent literature (from 2013 to 2015 inclusive), we will systematically discuss the associations of irisin with obesity, type 2 diabetes, lipid disorders, and hypertension. We also introduce unanswered questions for future research

    The civilization-related phenotypes of abnormal fatty tissue distribution: visceral obesity and sarcopoenic obesity

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    Obesity is a well-known risk factor of abnormal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, arterial hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This risk increases with abnormal fat distribution with excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and muscles. In this review we present pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges and metabolic consequences of visceral and sarcopoenic obesity — the new phenotypes of fat distribution in human evolution.Obesity is a well-known risk factor of abnormal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, arterial hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. This risk increases with abnormal fat distribution with excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and muscles. In this review we present pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges and metabolic consequences of visceral and sarcopoenic obesity — the new phenotypes of fat distribution in human evolution

    Nadciśnienie i inne choroby metaboliczne — czy krążąca iryzyna ma znaczenie?

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    Iryzyna jest miokiną wydzielaną przez mięśnie szkieletowe. Uważa się, że prowadzi do przemiany białej tkanki tłuszczowej w tkankę tłuszczową brunatnopodobną. Przez zwiększanie wydatku energetycznego może wpływać na metabolizm układowy i może być związana z opornością na insulinę. Mechanizm(y) tego działania nadal pozostają w znacznym stopniu niewyjaśnione. Odkrycie iryzyny może przyczynić się do poznania nowych i skutecznych strategii terapeutycznych w chorobach metabolicznych bądź też w zagadnieniach zdrowotnych związanych z metabolizmem. W poniższym opracowaniu opartym o aktualne publikacje (od 2013 do 2015) autorzy omawiają związek iryzyny z otyłością, cukrzycą typu 2, zaburzeniami lipidowymi i nadciśnieniem. Przedstawiają także pytania, na ktore nie znamy obecnie odpowiedzi, a ktore powinny stanowić przedmiot dalszych badań

    Evaluation of Sebostatic Activity of Juniperus communis Fruit Oil and Pelargonium graveolens Oil Compared to Niacinamide

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    As a facial skin condition, oily skin causes cosmetic problems, such as large pores, shiny appearance, and the feeling of greasiness and heaviness. Furthermore, extensive sebum production leads to common skin disorders such as acne vulgaris or seborrheic dermatitis. This study investigated the efficacy of sebum control tonics containing Juniperus communis fruit oil, Pelargonium graveolens oil, or niacinamide. The effects of Juniperus communis fruit oil, Pelargonium graveolens oil, and niacinamide on sebum excretion rates were investigated using Sebumeter®. Sebum measurements (Sebumeter® SM 815, Courage & Khazaka®, Köln, Germany) were made on the skin surface in three places by applying the sebumeter probe to the forehead after 10, 60, and 120 min from application of the tonic. The results indicated that the application of the tonic maintained a lower sebum secretion 10 min and 60 min after the application of the cosmetic, compared to those before it. However, a visible sebum-reducing efficacy after 2 h was reported only for tonic containing 0.25% Pelargonium graveolens oil and for the tonic with the addition of 3% niacinamide. After 2 h, the values of sebum measurements were 44 ± 5.13 a.u. and 58 ± 9.07 a.u., respectively. Our results show that the tonic with the addition of 0.25% Pelargonium graveolens oil is the most effective in reducing sebum production

    Height-driven linear polarization of the surface emission from quantum dashes

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    The influence of the nanostructure height on the polarization of the surface emission was systematically investigated for In(Ga) As/InP quantum dashes. Polarization-resolved photoluminescence experiment was compared to theoretical considerations based on the multiband k.p theory and an analytical formula relating the polarization anisotropy to the nano-object geometry was derived. Substantial in-plane structure shape asymmetry induces a pronounced degree of linear polarization in surface emission, which depends strongly not only on the lateral aspect ratio but also on the nanostructure height. Additionally, strongly linearly polarized surface emission (up to 90%) was demonstrated for columnar quantum dashes by combining the in-plane elongation with a significantly increased height.</p