82 research outputs found

    Physical and water properties of arable soils located in the area of a predicted depression cone of “Tomisławice” lignite open-cast mine (central Poland)

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    In this paper we presents the characteristics of selected physical and water properties of four arable soils situated within the range of the predicted depression cone of “Tomisławice” lignite open-cast mine. In the sampled soil material of undisturbed and disturbed structure following properties were determined: texture, particle density, bulk density, total porosity, hygroscopic moistures, maximal hygroscopic capacity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, potentials of water bonding in soil, total and readily available waters, total retention in the soil layers of 0-50 and 0-100 cm, drainage porosity and content of organic matter. Study soils were developed from sands, sandy loams and sapric peat material. All of the analyzed soil properties were determined by clay fraction or organic matter content in particular. In the most of the investigated soils high field water capacity and wide scopes of total and readily available water were recorded. Measured saturated hydraulic conductivity was typical for arable soils with similar origin. Study soils showed a precipitation water regime and probably won’t be exposed to drainage degradation caused by open-cast mine

    Geo-questionnaire in urban planning – preliminary results of the experimental application in Poland

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    Changes in the attitude of local authorities towards the public participation in the decision making processes have prompted development of new methods of such involvement. As far as the urban planning is concerned, of particular potential is the so-called Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS). One of the tools used for the purpose is a geo-questionnaire, combining the benefits of a standard questionnaire and a map, which permits collecting information on particular sites and on the respondents’ ideas on localisation of new objects and functionalities.Within the project “Geoportal supporting public participation in urban planning”, in the years 2015–2016, a study was undertaken to explore the effectiveness and usefulness of the geo-questionnaire. Five pilot studies were performed in the Poznań and Łódź agglomerations. The geo-questionnaires concerned the local spatial management plan in Rokietnica (Poznań agglomeration), landscape protection in Łódź, conception of the transportation system development in Łódź, conception of urban design of the Łazarski Market in Poznań, and the Map of Local Needs in the city center of Poznań. The aim of the study was to present the preliminary results of the initial implementations of geo-questionnaire developed within the project Geoportal supporting public participation in urban planning. The applications of geo-questionnaire have been analysed taking into account the characteristics of implementation areas, characteristics of users, the effectiveness of recruitment methods and opinions about the tool from two points of view: the respondents and the recipients of results

    Sand Removal from Sandstone Cliffs as the Main Factor Influencing Properties of Organic Soils – a Case Study of Transitional Bog in the Stołowe Mountains

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    With this paper we investigate the effect of sand contribution to organic soils and direct influence of this process on the physical and physicochemical properties on the example of transitional bog in the Stołowe Mountains (the Central Sudetes), which was periodically covered by sand material from sandstone cliffs weathering. Field survey and soil sampling were conducted in August 2015 in the area of Białe Skały. Soil material for laboratory analysis was collected from three peat cores, while soil samples were collected from each soil horizon distinguished in each core. Obtained results indicate the great impact of mineral material admixture on soil properties, both physicochemical and chemical. Recorded values of each soil parameter in the organic horizons adjacent to the mineral interlayers differ considerably from those obtained in the soil profile free of sand admixtures. Preliminary study of soil cover of transitional bog will allow correct planning of palaeoecological research about genesis and evolution of this peatland.

    Dynamic planning of mobile service teams’ mission subject to orders uncertainty constraints

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    This paper considers the dynamic vehicle routing problem where a fleet of vehicles deals with periodic deliveries of goods or services to spatially dispersed customers over a given time horizon. Individual customers may only be served by predefined (dedicated) suppliers. Each vehicle follows a pre-planned separate route linking points defined by the customer location and service periods when ordered deliveries are carried out. Customer order specifications and their services time windows as well as vehicle travel times are dynamically recognized over time. The objective is to maximize a number of newly introduced or modified requests, being submitted dynamically throughout the assumed time horizon, but not compromising already considered orders. Therefore, the main question is whether a newly reported delivery request or currently modified/corrected one can be accepted or not. The considered problem arises, for example, in systems in which garbage collection or DHL parcel deliveries as well as preventive maintenance requests are scheduled and implemented according to a cyclically repeating sequence. It is formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem implementing the ordered fuzzy number formalism enabling to handle the fuzzy nature of variables through an algebraic approach. Computational results show that the proposed solution outperforms commonly used computer simulation methods

    Public Participation GIS for sustainable urban mobility planning: methods, applications and challenges

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    Sustainable mobility planning is a new approach to planning, and as such it requires new methods of public participation, data collection and data aggregation. In the article we present an overview of Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) methods with potential use in sustainable urban mobility planning. We present the methods using examples from two recent case studies conducted in Polish cities of Poznań and Łodź. Sustainable urban mobility planning is a cyclical process, and each stage has different data and participatory requirements. Consequently, we situate the PPGIS methods in appropriate stages of planning, based on potential benefits they may bring into the planning process. We discuss key issues related to participant recruitment and provide guidelines for planners interested in implementing methods presented in the paper. The article outlines future research directions stressing the need for systematic case study evaluation

    Application of Shumann and Joosten classification in fen peatland degradation stage assessment – A case study from southern Poland

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    The aim of this paper was to assess the degradation stage of fen peatland located in the north-western part of the Opolskie voivodeship in accordance with “peatland degradation stages” classification. Understanding of the current state of peatland will be helpful in the future management and possible restoration. Field survey including vegetation and soil research were carried out in May 2013, soil material for laboratory analysis were collected by using “Instorf” peat sampler from four sampling points. Obtained results allowed to classify the study area (located within a larger peatland complex along the Prosna river valley) to minor stage of degrada- tion, with spontaneous changes in vegetation community and soil cover. Only few species of plants typical for fen peatlands were recorded. Moreover, soil cover research did not confirm mursh forming process, typical for strongly degraded peatland areas. Obtained results may indicate that possible future restoration will bring the expected effect. It is very likely, that fen peatland vegetation will regenerate spontaneously, provided that diaspores of the key peat-forming plant species are available in the soil

    Physicochemical and biological activity analysis of low-density polyethylene substrate modified by multi-layer coatings based on DLC structures, obtained using RF CVD method

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    In this paper, the surface properties and selected mechanical and biological properties of various multi-layer systems based on diamond-like carbon structure deposited on low-density polyethylene (LDPE) substrate were studied. Plasma etching and layers deposition (incl. DLC, N-DLC, Si-DLC) were carried out using the RF CVD (radio frequency chemical vapor deposition) method. In particular, polyethylene with deposited N-DLC and DLC layers in one process was characterized by a surface hardness ca. seven times (up to ca. 2.3 GPa) higher than the unmodified substrate. Additionally, its surface roughness was determined to be almost two times higher than the respective plasma-untreated polymer. It is noteworthy that plasma-modified LDPE showed no significant cytotoxicity in vitro. Thus, based on the current research results, it is concluded that a multilayer system (based on DLC coatings) obtained using plasma treatment of the LDPE surface can be proposed as a prospective solution for improving mechanical properties while maintaining biocompatibility

    Influence of surgical drills wear on thermal process generated in bones

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    The influence of the wear rate of drills used in bone surgery on the temperature distribution in the femur models (Sawbones) is presented in the paper. Surgical drills of diameter d = 4.5 mm and diverse edge geometry (90° and 120°) were selected for the study. In order to carry out thermal analysis with the use of finite element, experimental studies of wear process were necessary. These studies, among others, consisted in determination of average values of axial forces and cutting torques as a function of the number of drilled holes. The study showed an impact of the drill geometry on values that describe cutting process. It was found that the greatest values of torques and axial cutting forces occur in drills of point angle of 120°. Next, in order to determine the effect of wear rate on the generation of temperature in the cutting zone, thermal analysis of the drilling process using the finite element method was carried out. It was found that higher temperatures in the bone are observed for drilling with the use of the drill of point angle equal to 120°, as in the experimental study. For the tools of such edge geometry the wear of cutting edge is more intensive and the generated temperature in femur for the wear land VBB = 0.32 mm has reached the critical value associated with the process of thermal necrosis

    Ćwiczenia zespolenia tętniczo-żylnego do hemodializ

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    Przewlekła choroba nerek (PChN) jest schorzeniem, które rozwija się w wyniku utraty nefronów i ma zazwyczaj charakter postępujący, prowadzący do niewydolności nerek. Obecnie stopień wydolności nerek określa się na podstawie filtracji kłębuszkowej (GFR), wyrażanej w ml/min/1,73 m2. W zależności od wielkości GFR, PChN dzieli się na 5 stadiów. Przy GFR mniejszym niż 15 ml/min/1,73 m2 pacjenci wymagają leczenia nerkozstępczego. Jedną z metod leczenia nerkozastępczego są powtarzane zabiegi hemodializy. Skorzystanie z tej formy leczenia wymaga wytworzenia dostępu naczyniowego w postaci zespolenia tętnicy z żyłą, aby zapewnić dostateczny napływ krwi do dializatora. Czas pomiędzy wytworzonym zespoleniem a rozpoczęciem zabiegów hemodializy często określa się okresem dojrzewania zespolenia i powinien być wykorzystany do ćwiczeń, aby jak najlepiej przygotować zespolenie do nakłuwania przed zabiegami hemodializy. Obecnie nie spotyka się zbyt dużo publikacji dotyczących ćwiczeń zespolenia tętniczo-żylnego (AV), a jeżeli się pojawiają, to są one ogólnikowe, dlatego podjęto próbę oceny wpływu ćwiczeń zespolenia AV na niektóre parametry na podstawie opracowanego schematu. Analizie poddano 16 pacjentów z wytworzonym zespoleniem AV. Wykonano ultrasonograficzne badanie zespolenia metodą Dopplera przed 3-tygodniowym cyklem i po nim, w którym oceniano szerokość części żylnej zespolenia oraz szybkość przepływu krwi. Poddano także ocenie związek pomiędzy liczbą wykonanych ćwiczeń a szerokością naczynia, szybkością przepływu krwi w naczyniu, objętością krwi dopływającej do dializatora oraz eliminacją mocznika podczas zabiegu hemodializy. W analizie wyników stwierdzono, że odsetek wykonania zaleconych ćwiczeń ma wpływ na szybkość przepływu krwi w naczyniu, objętość krwi napływającej do dializatora oraz na wskaźnik redukcji mocznika (URR). Ponadto wykazano, że mimo zaleceń medycznych oraz oczywistej potrzeby wykonywania ćwiczeń zespolenia zaangażowanie ze strony pacjentów nie osiągnęło zadowalającego odsetka, w związku z tym istnieje ciągła potrzeba edukacji pacjentów z PChN kwalifikowanych do leczenia hemodializami

    Nanomateriały wytwarzane z fazy gazowej i polimeryczne nanokompozyty; Seminarium/Laboratorium

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    Techniki osadzania z fazy gazowej należą do jednego z najstarszych i najważniejszych sposobów wytwarzania nanomateriałów, szczególnie nanowarstw, nanokryształów, nanodrutów, czy też nanorurek. W odizolowanej komorze odparowywany jest materiał lub związek chemiczny, z którego zamierza się otrzymać nanomateriał. Zachodzące w następnej kolejności procesy fizyczne lub chemiczne prowadzą do zarodkowania i wzrostu nanocząstek, które dzięki dalszym procesom powierzchniowym i samoorganizacji prowadzą do utworzenia określonego obiektu. Metody osadzania z fazy gazowej można podzielić na: (a) techniki osadzania, w których najważniejsza rolę odgrywają procesy fizyczne, (b) techniki chemicznego osadzania z fazy gazowej (CVD) i (c) techniki oparte na procesach pirolizy. Kompozyty polimerowe, zwane również kompozycjami polimerowymi lub tworzywami wzmocnionymi, są układami dwu- lub wieloskładnikowymi, w których bazę stanowi związek wielkocząsteczkowy, a dodany modyfikator jest składnikiem decydującym o zmianie jego właściwości fizykochemicznych w stosunku do wyjściowego polimeru. Najczęściej dodawanymi substancjami modyfikującymi są napełniacze, które powodują pożądaną zmianę wytrzymałości mechanicznej, udarności, twardości, odporności termicznej, czy fotostabilności. Do innych powszechnie stosowanych modyfikatorów można zaliczyć plastyfikatory, stabilizatory lub środki ułatwiające przetwórstwo. Najczęściej są to substancje w postaci stałej, chociaż niektóre mogą być też cieczami. Modyfikacja powoduje też zmianę innych właściwości fizykochemicznych polimeru (m. in. gęstości, właściwości optycznych, elektrycznych, spektroskopowych, powierzchniowych)