187 research outputs found

    Systematic review: epidemiology of Oesophageal Cancer in SubSaharan Africa

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    Background: Currently, oesophageal cancer is not a public health priority disease in Sub-Saharan Africa.Aim:Analysis of published scientific studies regarding oesophageal cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa was done to ascertain the incidence, prevalence and geographical distribution of the disease in the region.Methods:A pub med literature search was conducted for articles ranging from 1950 to 2009 database involving the following key words: oesophageal carcinoma, incidence, prevalence and sub-Saharan Africa.Results:Conclusion: Oesophageal cancer is on the increase in the Sub-Saharan African Region with uneven geographical distribution. Therefore, countries in the region are encouraged together with global health organizations to include oesophageal cancer amongst diseases of public health importance for effective prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment. 54 articles were retrieved, of which 16 were analyzed. Differences in the study methodologies used made the comparison amongst studies difficult. Overall, however, studies show that oesophageal cancer is on the increase in the region with its epicenter in the eastern and southern Africa. Incidence of the disease is higher in males than females and is prominent among 45-64 years age group in both sexes. Squamous cell carcinoma is a cell type more common than adenocarcinoma

    Study on grain yield stability, molecular diversity and multi-trait relationships among elite soybean lines.

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    Master of Science in Plant Breeding. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.The demand for soybean production has increased in recent years, due to its multipurpose use for human food, livestock feed and industrial purposes. The soybean crop is one of the important source of oil and protein of the world, and is used as a source of high quality edible oil and protein. For a quantitative trait, yield is known to be influenced by changes in the environment in which the crop is grown, suggesting the need to evaluate soybean lines in different growing regions to assess their adaptability and stability. In plant breeding, selection is one of the most important stages in the breeding cycle. Multi-location testing of soybean genotypes precedes selection while genetic characterisation of germplasm enhances selection due to the variation realised and it is the basis for genetic improvement. The objectives of the study were: 1) to determine yield stability and adaptability of elite soybean lines across six locations, 2) to study genotype by trait associations and multiple trait relationships among soybean elite lines across six locations and 3) to assess the level of genetic diversity among the soybean elite lines using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers. The stability and adaptation study was carried out to investigate genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for grain yield of 26 elite soybean lines along with four checks grown in 6 environments spreading across three countries (Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique) in a 6 x 5 alpha lattice design. The additive main effect and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) indicated that environments, genotypes and GEI significantly affected grain yield (P<0.001) and contributed 3.8%, 17% and 78%, respectively, to the total variation. Three AMMI interaction principal components (IPCA1, IPCA2 and IPCA3) were significant (P<0.01). Genotype plus GEI (GGE) biplots were created based on the first two principal components, PC1 and PC2, which accounted for 39.23% and 26.86% of genotype plus GEI variation, respectively. The GGE biplot analysis ranked the genotypes for yield and stability, and environments for representativeness and discriminativeness. The relationships between genotypes and environments were also demonstrated. Genotype TGX 2001-3FM was identified as the ideal genotype with high yield mean performance and high stability. Therefore, it could be recommended for cultivar release if the study can be repeated to verify these findings. Chitedze in Malawi was the most informative test environment hence it is ideal for selecting generally adapted genotypes. Genotypes TGX 2002-4FM and TGX 2001-15DM were low yielding but with high stability hence can be recommended for further improvements. For the second objective, a study was conducted using 30 genotypes to determine the correlation and path coefficient of secondary traits on yield. The genotype by trait biplot is a tool that graphically compares genotypes on the basis of multiple traits and graphically visualises trait relationships, and genotype-trait associations. Trait profiling of genotypes through genotype-trait association analysis helps in making decisions on which genotypes to use as parents for a breeding programme. Significant differences among genotypes were observed for all studied traits. Correlation coefficient analysis presented that grain yield had a significant and negative correlation with days to 50% flowering. However, grain yield had a significant and positive correlation with plant height. Path coefficient analysis indicated that plant height and early vigour had a positive direct effect on yield while days to 50% flowering and days to 50% podding had negative indirect effects on yield via days to maturity. The genotype by trait biplot graphically showed consistent trait relationships and identified TGX 2001-3FM, TGX 2001-26DM and TGX 2002-3DM as genotypes that can be used as parents in breeding programmes for yield improvement. Estimation of genetic diversity among 48 soybean lines from the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) was conducted using 348 SNP markers. The average gene diversity and genetic distance ranged from 0.42 to 0.55 with an average of 0.47 and 0.61 to 0.87, respectively. The polymorphic information content ranged from 0.44 to 0.50 with a mean of 0.48. Genotypes TGX 2002-3DM and TGX 2002-3FM had the highest genetic distance between them indicating that they were highly diverse. The AMOVA indicated highly significant differences at F=0.001 with among individuals, among populations and within individuals contributing 45%, 28% and 26%, respectively. The 48 soybean lines were clustered in three main groups. The study indicated that genetic diversity exists among the IITA tested lines. The information obtained from the study, can be fully utilised in future soybean breeding programmes through crossing of diverse parents in order to incorporate new alleles to develop improved cultivars. In general, the study showed the existence of genotype by environment of soybean grain yield across the selected locations in southern Africa. Based on the SNP markers, the study confirmed the existence of wide genetic diversity among the soybean lines. The lines with superior performances can be used for future breeding programmes or recommended for cultivar release


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    The first finds of mummified carcasses of the hairy rhino, mammoth, horse, roe deer and other animals were carried out at a depth of 12&nbsp;m when passing the mines for the production of ozokerite near the village. The expedition of the Academy of Skill from Krakow, when passing a mine at a depth of 17&nbsp;m, found the remains of 3&nbsp;more hairy rhinos. There were also numerous bones of small vertebrates (rodents), artichokes, numerous insects, beetles, parasitic worms, slag, butterflies, spiders, snails, vascular plants, seeds and branches of dwarf birch, alder, and other representatives of tundra flora. After the earthquake in the Vrancha Mountains (Romania), the first and still unique mud volcano in the Carpathians, which gave the Starunia paleontological location a new "sound", arose on the ozokerite deposit. An important result was the discovery of the most desirable area, where the remains of giant mammals and even the Cro-Magnon Pleistocene could still be found at the depths. All the numerous interdisciplinary traces of Polish and Ukrainian scientists confirm the uniqueness of Starunia on a global scale, requiring the preservation and further study of paleontological finds and the only mud volcano in the Carpathians. Such findings can only be made by organizing the Starunia geodynamic ground International Ecological and Tourist Center «Geopark Ice Age»

    Data Security Measures in the IT Service Industry: A Balance between Knowledge & Action

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    That “knowledge is power” is fast becoming a cliché within the intelligentsia. Such power however, depends largely on how knowledge itself is exchanged and used, which says a lot about the tools of its transmission, exchange, and storage. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a significant role in this respect. As a networked tool, it enables efficient exchanges of video, audio and text data beyond geographical and time constraints. Since this data is exchanged over the worldwide web (www), it can be accessible by anyone in the world using the internet. The risk of unauthorised access, interception, modification, or even theft of confidential information, leading to financial losses in information dependant “competitive” institutions is therefore high. Improving efficiencies through ICT therefore, comes with security responsibilities. The problem however is that most organizations tend to focus on task-enhancing efficiencies and neglect security. Possibly due to limited awareness about security, underestimating the problem, concerns about security costs, or through plain negligence. The activity theory of Engeström and the activity analysis development framework of Mursu et al are used as analytical lenses to the cybercrime challenge in this paper. A practical case study of Company X, an IT service provider in Malawi is then used to understand the extent to which organisations that offer electronic data solutions prioritise security in their operations. It is found that even better informed organisations fall short in taking adequate data security measures. A recommendation for all organisations is that they should not only have a clear policy, but also ensure that it is routinely and consistently implemented throughout the operations if information capital is to be secured. A framework towards a holistic approach to thinking about, and in addressing cybercrime is suggested, and recommended in the paper


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    Summary of publications allowed the researchers to determine that the crisis in the banking sector at the micro level there (at the level of individual elements of the banking system) and macro level (at the level of the banking system). This stipulates that the causal relationship between them is difficult to establish clear. It was established that this necessitates the formation of specific mechanisms and choice of instruments of crisis regulation. Diagnosis in the public crisis management – is a set of actions aimed at identifying the sources and symptoms of the crisis, as well as the identification of the factors activating the banking crisis. The main purpose of this process is to neutralize the negative impact of factors and prevent the crisis unfolding banking crisis. To achieve diagnostic purposes must be the formation of analytical tools, taking into account the features of the objects of crisis management.В статье определена сущность диагностики как составляющей механизма государственного антикризисного регулирования банковской системы. Установлено, что объектами диагностики является микроуровень (уровень отдельных элементов банковской системы) и макроуровень (уровень банковской системы). Целью применения диагностического инструментария является выявление источников, факторов и симптомов кризисных явлений для формирования комплекса превентивных антикризисных мер. Автором охарактеризованы инструментарий, который целесообразно использовать для диагностики банковского кризиса на микро- и макроуровне. В статті визначено сутність діагностики як складової механізму державного антикризового регулювання банківської системи. Визначено, що об’єктами діагностики є мікрорівень (рівень окремих елементів банківської системи) та макрорівень (рівень банківської системи). Метою діагностичних заходів є виявлення джерел, факторів та симптомів кризових явищ задля формування комплексу превентивних антикризових заходів. Автором надано характеристику інструментарію, що можу бути використаний для діагностики банківської кризи на мікро- та макрорівнях

    Елементи просторічної лексики у мові прози Юрія Андруховича (на базі твору «Лексикон інтимних міст») (Vernacular elements of the prose of Yuriy Andrukhovych (based on his «Lexicon of the intimate cities»)

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    У статті «Елементи просторічної лексики у мові прози Ю. Андруховича (на базі твору «Лексикон інтимних міст») розглянуто теоретичне підґрунтя просторічних одиниць української мови, представлено погляди різних учених-мовознавців на це явище. Зроблено акцент на динамічні процеси у лексиці української мови, що найінтенсивніше відбувалися у мові засобів масової інформації та в художній літературі у час розпаду тоталітарної системи. Проілюстровано роль просторічних елементів у художньому творі, на основі мовлення персонажів як одного із засобів їх індивідуальної і соціальної характеристики, а також мови автора – для характеристики середовища, у якому відбуваються зображені події. Подано специфіку дослідження та рецепції художнього тексту. З’ясовано, що художній текст є не лише творінням письменника, а й відображенням його особистості, думок, почуттів. За допомогою художнього твору розкрито мовну особистість автора. Запропоновано лексико-семантичні групи та кількісні характеристика вживання просторічних слів у творі на основі складеної картотеки. А також здійснено тематичну класифікацію частиномовної приналежності усіх плас- тів просторічної лексики твору письменника. (The article «Vernacular Elements of the Prose of Yuriy Andrukhovych (Based on His «Lexicon of the Intimate Cities»)» examines the theoretical basis of vernacular units of Ukrainian language, represents the views of various linguists on this phenomenon. There is an emphasis on the dynamic processes in the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language, which were intensively taking place in the language of mass media and fiction during the collapse of the totalitarian system. The role of vernacular elements in a work of fiction is illustrated, based on the speech of the characters as a means of their personal and social characteristics, as well as the language of the author – to characterize the background in which the depicted events occur. The specificity of the study and reception of a literary text are given. It was found out that the literary text is not only the creation of the writer, but also a reflection of his personality, thoughts and feelings. The linguistic identity of the author is revealed with the help of the literary text. A lexical-semantic groups and quantitative characteristics of use of vernacular words in the text based on compiled card index is presented. Also a thematic classification of all layers of vernacular lexicon and their belonging to a part of speech in the work of the writer is made.

    Improved method for assessing iron stores in the bone marrow

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    Background: Bone marrow iron microscopy has been the "gold standard'' method of assessing iron deficiency. However, the commonly used method of grading marrow iron remains highly subjective. Aim: To improve the bone marrow grading method by developing a detailed protocol that assesses iron in fragments, in macrophages around fragments and in erythroblasts. Methods: A descriptive study of marrow aspirates of 303 children (aged 6-60 months) with severe anaemia and 22 controls (children undergoing elective surgery) was conducted at hospitals in southern Malawi (2002-04). Results: Using an intensive marrow iron grading method, 22% and 39% of cases and controls had deficient iron stores, and 40% and 46% had functional iron deficiency, respectively. Further evaluation of the iron status classification by the intensive method showed that functional iron deficiency was associated with significantly increased C-reactive protein concentrations (126.7 (85.6) mg/l), and iron stores deficiency with significantly increased soluble transferrin receptor concentrations (21.7 (12.5) mg/ml). Conclusions: Iron assessment can be greatly improved by a more intense marrow examination. This provides a useful iron status classification which is of particular importance in areas where there is a high rate of inflammatory conditions

    Hepatitis B vaccination impact and the unmet need for antiviral treatment in Blantyre, Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B is the leading cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. To reduce hepatitis-associated mortality, antiviral treatment programmes are needed. We estimated prevalence, vaccine impact and need for antiviral treatment in Blantyre, Malawi to inform an effective public health response. METHODS: We conducted a household study in Blantyre in 2016-2018. We selected individuals from a census using random sampling and estimated age-sex-standardised HBsAg seroprevalence. Impact of infant hepatitis B vaccination, which began in 2002, was estimated by binomial log-linear regression comparing individuals born before and after vaccine implementation. In HBsAg-positive adults, eligibility for antiviral therapy was assessed. RESULTS: Of 97,386 censused individuals, 6,073 (median age 18 years; 56.7% female) were sampled. HBsAg seroprevalence was 5.1% (95% CI 4.3-6.1) among adults and 0.3% (0.1-0.6) among children born after vaccine introduction. Estimated vaccine impact was 95.8% (70.3-99.4). Of HBsAg-positive adults, 26% were HIV-positive. Among HIV-negative individuals, 3%, 6% and 9% were eligible for hepatitis B treatment by WHO, European and American hepatology association criteria, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Infant HBV vaccination has been highly effective in reducing HBsAg prevalence in urban Malawi. Up to 9% of HBsAg-positive HIV-negative adults are eligible, but have an unmet need, for antiviral therapy

    A pragmatic health centre-based evaluation comparing the effectiveness of a PCV13 schedule change from 3+0 to 2+1 in a high pneumococcal carriage and disease burden setting in Malawi: a study protocol

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    INTRODUCTION: Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is commonly carried as a commensal bacterium in the nasopharynx but can cause life-threatening disease. Transmission occurs by human respiratory droplets and interruption of this process provides herd immunity. A 2017 WHO Consultation on Optimisation of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) Impact highlighted a substantial research gap in investigating why the impact of PCV vaccines in low-income countries has been lower than expected. Malawi introduced the 13-valent PCV (PCV13) into the national Expanded Programme of Immunisations in 2011, using a 3+0 (3 primary +0 booster doses) schedule. With evidence of greater impact of a 2+1 (2 primary +1 booster dose) schedule in other settings, including South Africa, Malawi's National Immunisations Technical Advisory Group is seeking evidence of adequate superiority of a 2+1 schedule to inform vaccine policy. METHODS: A pragmatic health centre-based evaluation comparing impact of a PCV13 schedule change from 3+0 to 2+1 in Blantyre district, Malawi. Twenty government health centres will be randomly selected, with ten implementing a 2+1 and 10 to continue with the 3+0 schedule. Health centres implementing 3+0 will serve as the direct comparator in evaluating 2+1 providing superior direct and indirect protection against pneumococcal carriage. Pneumococcal carriage surveys will evaluate carriage prevalence among children 15-24 months, randomised at household level, and schoolgoers 5-10 years of age, randomly selected from school registers. Carriage surveys will be conducted 18 and 33 months following 2+1 implementation. ANALYSIS: The primary endpoint is powered to detect an effect size of 50% reduction in vaccine serotype (VT) carriage among vaccinated children 15-24 months old, expecting a 14% and 7% VT carriage prevalence in the 3+0 and 2+1 arms, respectively. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has been approved by the Malawi College of Medicine Research Ethics Committee (COMREC; Ref: P05.19.2680), the University College London Research Ethics Committee (Ref: 8603.002) and the University of Liverpool Research Ethics Committee (Ref: 5439). The results from this study will be actively disseminated through manuscript publications and conference presentations. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04078997