4,068 research outputs found

    Mindful Parenting: Perspectives on the Heart of the Matter

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    Introduction: When we were writing our book, Everyday blessings: The inner work of mindful parenting (Kabat-Zinn & Kabat-Zinn 1997/2014), an alternative title we very much had in mind was Mindful parenting: Nurturing our children, growing ourselves. The “growing ourselves” element, although it was surrendered in favor of the first title and subtitle, was, is, and always will be an essential element of the entire endeavor. This theme and evidence in support of it can be found throughout this Special Issue. Mindful parenting is not a project to create “better” or “optimal” children (whatever that might mean), or to be “better” or “optimal” parents, but to embrace in moment-to-moment awareness as best we might the entire enterprise of parenting our children in a mutuality of love and discovery and not-knowing. We were saying as clearly and as invitingly as we could that such an intentional approach to family and relationality has the potential to catalyze a natural flowering of everybody’s capacity to grow into our full range of possibilities in the sheltering embrace of family—however it is defined and constrained in the actuality of our specific and singular situations

    How do cultural factors influence the teaching and practice of mindfulness and compassion in Latin countries?

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    Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in primary Care (RD12/0005/0006) grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), co-financed with European Union ERDF funds (FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”)

    How does grazing relate to body mass index, self-compassion, mindfulness and mindful eating in a student population?

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    Contemporary research investigating obesity has focused on grazing (i.e. an uncontrolled and repetitive consumption of small amounts of food). Meanwhile, constructs such as mindfulness, mindful eating and self-compassion have received much attention in assisting individuals with eating behaviours and weight regulation. The association between those constructs and grazing, however, has not been explored. In a cross-sectional study, university students ( n  = 261) were recruited to explore the relationship of mindfulness, mindful eating and self-compassion with current weight and grazing. Results indicated that all constructs were negatively related to grazing, but only mindful eating related negatively to current weight. In addition, mindful eating mediated the relationship between grazing and current weight. Possible explanations and future directions are discussed further with an emphasis on the need for more empirical work

    Meditation practice in a Hospital Setting

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    Abstract not availabl

    Mindfulness interventions reduce blood pressure in patients with non-communicable diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose Mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) are an emerging area of empirical study, not only in positive psychology, but also in clinical health care. This research aims to synthesize the evidence about whether MBIs reduce blood pressure (BP) in patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Methods Relevant studies were identified via PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Embase and the CINAHL database between 2009 and 2019. The papers selected focused on mindfulness and the effect of these on the BP of patients with NCDs. The change in SBP and DBP were meta-analyzed, stratified by type of intervention (Breathing awareness meditation (BAM), Mindfulness Meditation (MM), and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Results Fourteen articles met eligibility criteria and were included in the final review. Among the studies using the type and duration of intervention, systolic BP was reduced after the mindfulness-based stress reduction for 8 weeks (-6.90 mmHg [95% CI: -10.82, -2.97], p < .050), followed by the breathing awareness meditation for 12 weeks (-4.10 mmHg [95% CI: -7.54, -0.66], p < .050) and the mindfulness-based intervention for 8 weeks (-2.69 mmHg [95% CI: -3.90, -1.49], p < .050) whereas diastolic BP was reduced after the mindfulness-based stress reduction for 8 weeks (-2.45 mmHg [95% CI: -3.74, -1.17], p < .050) and the mindfulness-based intervention for 8 weeks (-2.24 mmHg [95% CI: -3.22, -1.26], p < .050). Conclusion MBIs can provide effective alternative therapies to assist in blood pressure reduction for patients with NCDs

    Efecto de una guía de intervención clínica basada en la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso, sobre la flexibilidad psicológica en excombatientes colombianos

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de la guía de intervención clínica basada en la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso ACT) en el aumento de los procesos de aceptación experiencial, defusión cognitiva, atención plena y acción comprometida asociados a la flexibilidad psicológica en tres participantes excombatientes del conflicto armado en Colombia.RESUMEN JUSTIFICACIÓN Y PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 1. ANTECEDENTES TEÓRICOS Y EMPÍRICOS 2. OBJETIVOS 3. MÉTODO 4. RESULTADOS 5. DISCUSIÓN REFERENCIAS APÉNDICESMaestríaMagister en Psicologí