19 research outputs found

    "What We Do Every Day Is Impossible" : Managing Change by Developing a Knotworking Culture in an Academic Library

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    Change, transformation, the reassessment of services and professional capabilities are key concepts in the language of academic libraries today. We suggest that two intertwined rationales - technical development and the marketisation of the public sector along with a customer approach - are driving the change that is challenging academic libraries to rethink their work and services. In this article, we first discuss embedded librarianship and knotworking in libraries as participatory approaches to the arrangement of academic library work and services. Second, we presented the findings of the Knotworking project and its follow-up interviews and suggest knotworking as a method with which librarians can collaboratively analyse their own work and develop services with researchers and thus respond to changing working environments. Third, we discuss changes in the work identity of librarians. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Asiakkaan käsitteellistäminen julkisella sektorilla : toiminnan teoreettinen analyysi

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    In the public sector, an emphasis on a customer approach has spread to a number of fields of work in Finland. This thesis investigates the conveyance and development of the concept of customer in four Finnish public organisations. The point of departure for the study is the marketisation of the public sector and the New Public Management (NPM) ideology, which emphasise the benefits of business models in public sector practices. The introduction of the concept of customer is an example of such benefits, and the development of the concept is examined in this particular cultural and historical context. Previous international studies have raised challenges related to customer thinking in the public sector and concerns over official discourses that seem to simplify the fundamental societal implications produced by the customer approach. The theoretical framework of my study is cultural-historical activity theory. The data comprises interviews (53) and documents (42) from each organisation. The studied organisations represent fields of elderly care, children s day care, road management, and academic library work. The findings in the document analysis suggest that in all the studied organisations, the use of the concept of customer has increased along with the introduction of the NPM doctrine. One interesting finding is the variety of conflicting situations which the interviewees experienced regularly in their service encounters. These conflicting situations are related to dominating old organisational structures and practices, which have not developed sufficiently with regard to customer thinking. In addition to these conflicting situations, another interesting finding was shared discourses which were related to the customer approach. My interpretation in this study is that at the core of the concept of the public sector customer are the opposing forces of the private sector s understanding of human beings as responsible individuals with free choice and the public sector s emphasis on collective citizenship and the public good. The opposing forces produce not only a variety of conflicting situations, but also possibilities for the development of the concept. This thesis theoretically opens up the background ideology behind the concept of customer in the public sector and thus increases the understanding of larger ongoing societal changes. The study provides new openings in regard to empirical studies on customer thinking from the perspective of employees. Such research objectives have been limited in number in the Finnish context. One important contribution of this study in regard to studies of working life is its explanation of the origin of conflicting situations from systemic tensions instead of trying to trace their origins to the behaviour of individuals.Asiakkuusajattelun korostaminen ja palvelujen käyttäjien ymmärtäminen asiakkaina on viime vuosikymmenien aikana yleistynyt julkisella sektorilla sekä Suomessa että muualla maailmassa. Väitöskirjatyössäni tarkastelen asiakas -käsitteen ilmenemistä ja kehittymistä neljässä julkisen sektorin organisaatiossa Suomessa. Tutkimukseni lähtökohta on uuden julkisjohtamisen (New Public Management) ideologia ja julkisen sektorin markkinamuotoistuminen, jotka ovat myötävaikuttaneet asiakas -käsitteen kehittymiseen julkiselle sektorille. Uusi julkisjohtamisen ideologia painottaa liiketoimintamallien tuomia etu julkisen sektorin toiminnassa. Aiemmat kansainväliset tutkimukset ovat nostaneet esiin käsitteeseen liittyviä haasteita sekä huolta siitä, että asiakasajattelulla on syvällisempiä yhteiskunnallisia vaikutuksia kuin mitä virallisessa puheessa esitetään. Tutkimukseni teoreettinen viitekehys on kulttuurihistoriallinen toiminnan teoria. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu vuosina 2004 2010 tehdyistä haastatteluista (53) ja kolmelta vuosikymmeneltä kerätyistä dokumenteista (42) neljässä organisaatiosta. Tutkittavien organisaatioiden toimialat ovat vanhusten kotihoito, lasten päivähoito, tienpito sekä yliopiston kirjastotoimi. Tulokset osoittavat, että kaikissa tutkittavissa organisaatioissa asiakas-käsitteen käyttö on lisääntynyt samanaikaisesti uuden julkisjohtamisen oppien käyttöönoton myötä. Kiinnostaviksi löydöksiksi nousevat erilaiset ristiriitatilanteet, joita työntekijät kuvailevat tapahtuvan päivittäisissä työtoiminnoissa. Ristiriitatilanteet viittaavat dominoiviin vanhoihin organisaatiorakenteisiin ja käytäntöihin, jotka eivät ole kehittyneet asiakkuusajattelun myötä. Ristiriitatilanteiden lisäksi kiinnostava löydös on asiakkuuteen liittyvä puhe, joka ilmenee samantyyppisenä kaikissa organisaatioissa niiden erilaisista toimialoista huolimatta. Tämä ovat tulkintani mukaan merkki siitä, että sekä asiakas -käsite että uuden julkisjohtamisen opit ovat yleistyneet julkisella sektorilla kyseenalaistamatta. Tulkintani mukaan julkisen sektorin asiakas -käsitteen ydin on yksityisen sektorin yksilöllisyyttä ja valinnanvapautta korostavasta ihmiskäsitys sekä julkisen sektorin kollektiivista hyvää tuottava kansalaisuusajattelu. Näiden erilaisten näkökulmien kohdatessa asiakas -käsitteessä syntyy erilaisia työhön liittyviä ristiriitatilanteita, mutta myös mahdollisuuksia käsitteen kehittymiselle. Väitöskirjatyöni valottaa käynnissä olevia yhteiskunnallisia muutoksia ja tuottaa uusia avauksia julkisen sektorin asiakkuusajatteluun liittyvään empiiriseen tutkimukseen, jota lähestytään työntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Vastaavanlainen tutkimus on Suomessa ollut vähäistä

    Learning challenges in higher education : an analysis of contradictions within Open Educational Practice

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    Open education, including the use of open educational resources (OER) and the adoption of open education practice, has the potential to challenge educators to change their practice in fundamental ways. This paper forms part of a larger study focusing on higher education educators' learning from and through their engagement with OER. The first part of the study was a quantitative survey investigating educators' learning behaviour when they learned to use OER in their practice. The second part of the study explored qualitatively how educators engaged with OER and how they conceptualised their learning. Data were gathered through interviews with 30 higher education educators. This paper reports the analysis of these interviews. The analysis draws on the theory of self-regulated learning and cultural-historical activity theory to explore the challenges adult education practitioners encounter when changing their practice. The study tests the application of a framework that traces the discursive manifestations of contradictions, exploring how this framework can be used to examine different aspects of self-regulated learning as educators learn how to use OER. We have identified three distinct tensions in higher education educators' practice: tensions between the emerging needs of the individual (as he or she adopts new forms of practice) and organisational policies; between the transfer of responsibilities from educators to students as new practice is embedded and institutional accountability; and between cost efficiency and learning objectives. The framework for the discursive manifestations of contradictions was a useful tool used to surface these apparent tensions.Peer reviewe

    Personal Stories of Young Women in Residential Care: Health-Promoting Strategies and Wellbeing

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    Interdisciplinary social work practice produces and circulates narratives of young women in residential care. The dominant narratives often present negative descriptions of this group, and less attention has been paid to their resistance to these “big stories”. This study’s aim is to illuminate this resistance of young women in residential care and to explore how they narrate their experiences of being children at risk who have become women managing everyday life. This study utilises a narrative approach and includes three selected personal stories: two from the participants and one from the first author’s reflections on resistance. Through contextual analysis at the macro, meso and micro levels, we focus on how personal stories can influence interdisciplinary social work services. We found resistance to dominant narratives on the different levels in the chosen stories. Resistance can create space to reconstruct and renarrate reality together and help understand the meaning and power of storytelling and silence. Participants’ resistance can be a tool to rebalance the power between social work practitioners and service users. Based on this analysis, we suggest that interdisciplinary collaborative social work should emphasise service users’ personal stories to a higher degree and, in this way, increase user participation in residential care