446 research outputs found

    Nitrogen source, an important determinant of fatty acid accumulation and profile in scenedesmus obliquus

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    The potential of algae-based fuel technologies for manufacturing renewable biofuels has been attracting interest from the scientific community. Biomass productivity and cellular lipid content are important parameters affecting the feasibility of using algae oil for biodiesel production. This study compares utilization of NaNO3, NH4Cland urea as different nitrogen sources in terms of their effects on biomass productivity, fatty acid profile and accumulation in Scenedesmus obliquus. Cellular lipid accumulation was analyzed by gravimetric, fluorometric, and flow-cytometric methods, besides collecting spectrophotometric data for biomass productivity analysis. In addition, fatty acid profiles were compared by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The alga can utilize all tested nitrogen sources successfully however growth rates demonstrate differences. Gravimetric lipid content analysisshowed approximately a 1.5-fold increase in total lipid accumulation under NH4Cl regime when compared tothat of NaNO3 and a 2-fold increase when compared to that of urea at the end of ten days cultivation course. Fatty acid profiles under different nitrogen regimes present variations especially under NH4Cl regime. Moreover,all lipid extracts mostly consist of saturated, straight- and branched-chain hydrocarbons of different chain lengths ranging from C16–C20 which grant a suitable profile for biodiesel production. Scenedesmus obliquus is a suitable species for biodiesel production. The results obtained from this study provide a better understanding of cultivation characteristics of this important species and support potential, future biodiesel production

    Trajectories of charged particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field

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    I outline the theory of relativistic charged-particle motion in the magnetosphere in a way suitable for undergraduate courses. I discuss particle and guiding center motion, derive the three adiabatic invariants associated with them, and present particle trajectories in a dipolar field. I provide twelve computational exercises that can be used as classroom assignments or for self-study. Two of the exercises, drift-shell bifurcation and Speiser orbits, are adapted from active magnetospheric research. The Python code provided in the supplement can be used to replicate the trajectories and can be easily extended for different field geometries.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to American Journal of Physic

    The Phenotype and Treatment of WIP Deficiency: Literature Synopsis and Review of a Patient With Pre-transplant Serial Donor Lymphocyte Infusions to Eliminate CMV

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    Early diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) is vital and allows directed treatment, especially in syndromes with severe or profound combined immunodeficiency. In PID patients with perinatal CMV or other opportunistic, invasive infections (e.g., Pneumocystis or Aspergillus), multi-organ morbidity may already arise within the first months of life, before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) or gene therapy can be undertaken, compromising the definitive treatment and outcome. Deficiency of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) protein-interacting protein (WIP deficiency) causes an autosomal recessive, WAS-like syndrome with early-onset combined immunodeficiency that has been described in three pedigrees to date. While WAS typically includes combined immunodeficiency, microthrombocytopenia, and eczema, the clinical and laboratory phenotypes of WIP-deficient patients–including lymphocyte subsets, platelets, lymphocyte proliferation in vitro, and IgE—varied widely and did not entirely recapitulate WAS, impeding early diagnosis in the reported patients. To elucidate the phenotype of WIP deficiency, we provide a comprehensive synopsis of clinical and laboratory features of all hitherto-described patients (n = 6) and WIP negative mice. Furthermore, we summarize the treatment modalities and outcomes of these patients and review in detail the course of one of them who was successfully treated with serial, unconditioned, maternal, HLA-identical donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) against life-threatening, invasive CMV infection, followed by a TCRαβ/CD19-depleted, treosulfan/melphalan-conditioned, peripheral blood HSCT and repetitive, secondary-prophylactic, CMV-specific DLI with 1-year post-HSCT follow-up. This strategy could be useful in other patients with substantial premorbidity, considered “too bad to transplant,” who have an HLA-identical family donor, to eliminate infections and bridge until definitive treatment

    Self-consistent local-equilibrium model for density profile and distribution of dissipative currents in a Hall bar under strong magnetic fields

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    Recent spatially resolved measurements of the electrostatic-potential variation across a Hall bar in strong magnetic fields, which revealed a clear correlation between current-carrying strips and incompressible strips expected near the edges of the Hall bar, cannot be understood on the basis of existing equilibrium theories. To explain these experiments, we generalize the Thomas-Fermi--Poisson approach for the self-consistent calculation of electrostatic potential and electron density in {\em total} thermal equilibrium to a {\em local equilibrium} theory that allows to treat finite gradients of the electrochemical potential as driving forces of currents in the presence of dissipation. A conventional conductivity model with small values of the longitudinal conductivity for integer values of the (local) Landau-level filling factor shows that, in apparent agreement with experiment, the current density is localized near incompressible strips, whose location and width in turn depend on the applied current.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Isolated Hepatic Tuberculosis Presenting as Cystic-Like and Tumour-Like Mass Lesions

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    Hepatic tuberculosis is a rare manifestation of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. Hepatic tuberculous lesions are especially mimicking tumour-like mass or cystic lesions in the liver and so can be misdiagnosed with several diseases. Histopathological examination of the specimen is essential in the diagnosis for hepatic tuberculosis. In this report, two cases with hepatic tuberculosis having cystic solid mass and abscess liver lesions are described

    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based Intelligent Management System for Home Appliances

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    This project reviews the implementation of FPGA-based system design on common home appliances in order to achieve energy efficient usage on the appliances. There are many existed method on this subject in the real world. One common method is using the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the motor speed of the home appliances. In this project, an energy saving home automation was designed using the Quartus II software. The design included a security system, curtain controller, lighting controller and a PWM generator. Security system provides protection to the house. Curtain controller and lighting controller were designed to save electricity and at the same time maintain the house in the bright condition. PWM generator was designed to optimize the air-conditioner and thermostat usage and thus save energy. Not only this system has energy saving feature but it also provide security to the users. At the end of this project, the design has successfully implemented and tested using FLEX10k chip on LP2900 board. The real implementation on hardware has not been done yet but theoretically it is proven that the designed system can save electricity

    A cost effectiveness analysis of salt reduction policies to reduce coronary heart disease in four Eastern Mediterranean countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is rising in middle income countries. Population based strategies to reduce specific CHD risk factors have an important role to play in reducing overall CHD mortality. Reducing dietary salt consumption is a potentially cost-effective way to reduce CHD events. This paper presents an economic evaluation of population based salt reduction policies in Tunisia, Syria, Palestine and Turkey. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Three policies to reduce dietary salt intake were evaluated: a health promotion campaign, labelling of food packaging and mandatory reformulation of salt content in processed food. These were evaluated separately and in combination. Estimates of the effectiveness of salt reduction on blood pressure were based on a literature review. The reduction in mortality was estimated using the IMPACT CHD model specific to that country. Cumulative population health effects were quantified as life years gained (LYG) over a 10 year time frame. The costs of each policy were estimated using evidence from comparable policies and expert opinion including public sector costs and costs to the food industry. Health care costs associated with CHDs were estimated using standardized unit costs. The total cost of implementing each policy was compared against the current baseline (no policy). All costs were calculated using 2010 PPP exchange rates. In all four countries most policies were cost saving compared with the baseline. The combination of all three policies (reducing salt consumption by 30%) resulted in estimated cost savings of 235,000,000and6455LYGinTunisia;235,000,000 and 6455 LYG in Tunisia; 39,000,000 and 31674 LYG in Syria; 6,000,000and2682LYGinPalestineand6,000,000 and 2682 LYG in Palestine and 1,3000,000,000 and 378439 LYG in Turkey. CONCLUSION: Decreasing dietary salt intake will reduce coronary heart disease deaths in the four countries. A comprehensive strategy of health education and food industry actions to label and reduce salt content would save both money and lives

    Training deep neural density estimators to identify mechanistic models of neural dynamics

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    Mechanistic modeling in neuroscience aims to explain observed phenomena in terms of underlying causes. However, determining which model parameters agree with complex and stochastic neural data presents a significant challenge. We address this challenge with a machine learning tool which uses deep neural density estimators—trained using model simulations—to carry out Bayesian inference and retrieve the full space of parameters compatible with raw data or selected data features. Our method is scalable in parameters and data features and can rapidly analyze new data after initial training. We demonstrate the power and flexibility of our approach on receptive fields, ion channels, and Hodgkin–Huxley models. We also characterize the space of circuit configurations giving rise to rhythmic activity in the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion, and use these results to derive hypotheses for underlying compensation mechanisms. Our approach will help close the gap between data-driven and theory-driven models of neural dynamics

    Clinical and Serological Characterization of Orf-Induced Immunobullous Disease

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    Importance: Ecthyma contagiosum, or orf, is a viral zoonotic infection caused by Poxviridae. Although human orf infection is considered to follow a self-limited course, various immunological reactions may be triggered, including immunobullous diseases. In the majority of the latter cases, the antigenic target remained enigmatic. Objective: To characterize the predominant autoantigen in orf-induced immunobullous disease and further describe this clinical entity. Design, Setting, and Participants: This multicenter case series sought to provide detailed clinical, histopathological and immunological characteristics of a patient with orf-induced pemphigoid. Based on this index patient, serological analyses were conducted of 4 additional patients with previously reported orf-induced immunobullous disease. Immunoblotting with extracellular matrix and a recently established indirect immunofluorescence assay for detection of serum anti-laminin 332 IgG were performed. Exposures: The disease course and clinical characteristics of orf-induced immunobullous disease were observed. Main Outcomes and Measures: Orf-induced immunobullous disease is primarily characterized by anti-laminin 332 autoantibodies, predominant skin involvement, and a self-limiting course. The study provides further details on epidemiological, clinical, immunopathological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of orf-induced immunobullous disease. Results: In all 5 patients, IgG1 and/or IgG3 autoantibodies against laminin 332 were identified. The α3, β3, and γ2 chains were recognized in 2, 4, and 1 patient(s), respectively. Conclusions and Relevance: In this case series, laminin 332, a well-known target antigen in mucous membrane pemphigoid, was a major autoantigen in orf-induced immunobullous disease, even though predominant mucosal lesions were lacking in this autoimmune blistering disease. Orf-induced anti-laminin 332 pemphigoid is proposed as distinct clinical entity