13 research outputs found

    Alkoholitarvitamise vähendamisele suunatud veebipõhise eneseabiprogrammi mõju uuring

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    Eesmärk. Uuringu eesmärk oli alkoholitarvitamise vähendamisele suunatud rahvusvahelise veebipõhise eneseabiprogrammi „Take Care of You“ Eestile kohandatud sisuversiooni „Selge“ mõju hindamine. Esmane tulemusnäitaja oli alkoholitarvitamist hindava küsimustiku (AUDIT) skoori muutus võrreldes alus- ja järeluuringu mõõtmisega 6 kuud hiljem. Olulised teisesed tulemusnäitajad olid nädala jooksul tarvitatud alkoholiühikute arv, alkoholivabade päevade arv ja tervist mitteohustavale (AUDITi skoor < 8) tasemele jõudnute osakaal 6 kuud hiljem.Meetod. Uuringukavandiks oli sekkumis- ja kontrollrühmaga juhuslikustatud katse kolme mõõtmisega: liitumisel, 8. nädalal ja 6 kuud pärast liitumist järeluuringus. Hindamisinstrumentideks olid alkoholitarvitamise küsimustik AUDIT ja tarvitatud alkoholiühikute päevik ning võimaliku kõrvalmõju hindamiseks meeleoluküsimustik MHI-5. Uuringusse kaasati 18aastased ja vanemad eesti keelt kõnelevad inimesed AUDITi skooriga ≥ 8. Mõju hindamiseks kasutati täielike juhtumite analüüsi meetodit.Tulemused. Analüüsi kaasati kolmes mõõtmises vastanud uuritavad (n = 358, sh 159 sekkumis- ja 199 kontrollrühmas). Sekkumis- ja kontrollrühma alusuuringus mõõdetud sarnane AUDITi skoor (keskmine 18, p = 0,612) vähenes statistiliselt oluliselt enam sekkumisrühmas, olles 6 kuu järeluuringus vastavalt 10,6 ja 14,0 (p < 0,001). Ka jäi sekkumisrühmas nädala jooksul tarvitatud alkoholikogus väiksemaks (vastavalt mediaanid 8 ja 14 ühikut, p < 0,001) ning alkoholivabade päev arv suuremaks (vastavalt mediaanid 5 ja 4, p = 0,002) kui kontrollrühmas. Tervist mitteohustava tarvitamise tasemeni (AUDITi skoor < 8) jõudis 35% sekkumis- ja 19% kontrollrühmast. Sekkumisrühmas vähenes stressitase (MHI-5 skoor suurenes 9 punkti) ning depressioonisümptomitega inimeste osakaal (ligi 14 protsendipunkti).Järeldused. Veebipõhisel eneseabiprogrammil „Selge“ oli mõju alkoholi liigtarvitamise vähendamisele, sh tarvitatud alkoholiühikute vähenemisele ja alkoholivabade päevade arvu suurenemisele ning tervist mitteohustava tarvitamistaseme saavutamisele. Programm on kõigile abivajajatele kättesaadav lehel https://alkoinfo.ee/et/programm-selge-2/ programm-selge eesti ja vene keeles

    Karjääriteenuste süsteemi arendamise lähteuuring

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    Karjääriteenuste valdkonna uuringu ülesanne oli kaardistada karjääriteenuste hetkeolukord Eestis – teenuse levik, kättesaadavus ning teenuse kasutajate ja osutajate suhtumine. Uuring toob välja karjääriplaneerimist toetavate teenuste tänased nõrkused ja tugevused ning annab seeläbi lähteinfo süsteemi edasiarendamiseks. Seda esiteks nii organisatsioonilise ja kui korraldusliku külje täiustamiseks. Teiseks ka nende meetmete väljatöötamiseks, mis puudutavad teenuste sisu ning kindlustavad nende kättesaadavuse ja kasutajate rahulolu. Lisaks sellele on uuringu tulemused aluseks karjääriteenuste seiresüsteemi käivitamisele, mis peaks võimaldama muutuste jälgimise ja põhinäitajate võrreldavuse Eestile lähedaste EL maadega.http://www.innove.ee/UserFiles/Karj%C3%A4%C3%A4riteenused/Karj%C3%A4%C3%A4riteenused/Uuringud/Karj%C3%A4%C3%A4riteenuste%20s%C3%BCsteemi%20arendamise%20l%C3%A4hteuuring%202006/Karjaariteenused_uuringu_aruanne.pd

    Co-Creating Community-Based Solutions through Social Media in Estonia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In this study, we aimed to explore and describe the prosocial behaviour of the community during the COVID-19 crisis in Estonia on Facebook, using mixed-method content analysis.This article focuses on the role of social media in co-creation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the use of Facebook (FB) as a modern communication technology in times of crisis. Our goal was to learn how Facebook as a social media channel can be a tool and accelerator that allows people to find solutions to social problems in communities experiencing crises. The focus of the research is on finding solutions in co-creation for vulnerable target groups, including the elderly, people with disabilities, and other people who need support. This research expands on the role and potential of using FB as a communication platform to enhance co-creation.We used Kaun and Uldam’s (2018) model as a theoretical framework for this study. The study is characterised by a descriptive and exploratory research design. We studied the prosocial behaviour of the community on Facebook through a three-stage mixed method content analysis of existing data, including posts and comments on FB pages, using both quantitative (descriptive statistics) and qualitative (thematic analysis) data analysis methods. Our findings suggest that Facebook as a social media channel could be successfully utilised as a tool for sharing calls to action, activating citizens to co-create solutions, and disseminating results.Keywords: prosocial behaviour; co-creation; community support; Facebook; COVID-19

    Effects of a minimal‐guided on‐line intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background and aims: Estonia has one of the highest alcohol-attributable mortality rates within the European Union. The aim of this study was to estimate the efficacy of an on-line self-help intervention to reduce problem drinking at the population level. Design: On-line open randomized controlled trial with an 8-week intervention and an active control group (intervention n = 303, control n = 286). Assessments took place at baseline and at 6 months follow-up. Setting: On- and offline channels were used for population-based recruitment within a nation-wide prevention campaign in Estonia. Participants: Inclusion criteria were age ≥ 18 years, heavy drinking [Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT) test score ≥ 8], literacy in Estonian and at least weekly access to the internet; n = 589 participants were randomized (50% male, 1% other; mean age 37.86 years; 45% with higher level of education). Intervention and comparator: The intervention consisted of 10 modules based on principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. The active control group received access to a website with a self-test including personalized normative feedback and information for standard alcohol treatment. Measurements: The primary outcome was AUDIT scores at 6 months follow-up adjusted for baseline scores. Findings: Intention-to-treat analyses were applied. Missing data were addressed by using baseline observation carried forward (BOCF) and multiple imputation by chained equations (MI); 175 completed follow-up in the intervention group and 209 in the control group. AUDIT score at follow-up was significantly smaller in the intervention [BOCF mean = 13.91, standard deviation (SD) = 7.61, MI mean = 11.03, SD = 6.55] than control group (BOCF mean = 15.30, SD = 7.31; MI mean = 14.30, SD = 7.21), with a group difference of -1.38 [95% confidence interval (CI) = -2.58, -0.18], P = 0.02 for BOCF and -3.26 (95% CI = -2.01, -4.51), P < 0.001 for MI. Conclusions: A randomized controlled trial has found that an on-line self-help intervention with minimal guidance was effective at reducing problem drinking in Estonia. Keywords: AUDIT; Alcohol; Estonia; RCT; drinking; e-intervention; minimal guidance; self-hel

    Eesti elanike hoiakud reklaami suhtes 1993-2008

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    This particular paper is about peoples’ attitudes towards advertising as communicative activity in general, differentiating in the empirical sense evaluations (like-dislike), expectations (what kind of advertising is good) and attribution of meaning (here: the role of advertising and depicted benefit). The purpose of this paper is to describe different roles of advertising in the consumers’ consciousness, the criticalness of consumers’ towards advertising in 2008 and to evaluate directions and extensions of attitude changes compared to 1993. So this paper adumbrates the change of advertising attitudes in the background of market economy and consumer culture, the development of economy and media situation. The focus of this masters paper is actual from the consumer culture’s (critical analysis) point of view, adding empirical material in the general notional discussion of a relationship between consumer as passive or active practitioner and individual (consumers) and social system (advertising as an institution). This particular paper’s hypothesis is put up in the key of development of consumer culture and consumer, which theoretical assumption is that the way consumers interpret advertising reflect the values that are driven from our culture and culturally acquired fantasies and desires. The author’s hypothesis is that, the role and the meaning of advertising (as phenomenon) has changed for an individual with the general development of the consumer culture in the context of the development of the economic sphere. In order to check the reliability of the hypothesis, the formed research questions and instruments are chosen and formulated in the frame of three theoretical approaches: McQuail’s verbalised roles of media; the benefits and needs of media conception and Max Weber’s conception of illegitimacy of power. In this paper’s first chapter the review of theoretical and empirical approaches is given, including the review of different authors’ disquisition of role of advertising in the society, consumer activity and criticalness. In addition the papers of authors’ who have explored Estonian consumer culture are observed. In the second chapter of this paper the research object is observed more closely- the methodological aspects to measure the attitudes towards advertising and researches from foreign authors In the third chapter of this masters paper the focus and the main research questions are presented. The forth chapter describes the data of the empirical part, including qualitative and quantitative, the sources and the method of data collecting. Separately the early data’s and for this particular paper compiled so called original research data collecting methodologies and the base of choice are observed. This paper’s fifth chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the empirical data in the focus of the research questions. The separate subchapters are about the qualitative and quantitative analysis. In the end of the paper the conclusions and the discussion are presented, as well as summary and the list of references used in the paper and additions that include the details of the original research methodology, the table of the measurement error that is originated from the error of choice, the questionnaires, the tables of the results and the pupils’ essays’ complete systematised overview. The research questions and conclusions The first research objective of this masters paper was to find out what kind of social roles of advertising as an institution were distinguished in the consumers representations during different stages of Estonian consumer culture and whether the importance of different roles has changed for the consumer. In order to complete the research objective the standardised attitude poll data from the early 1990s in comparison with the results of April 2008 conducted original research (representative standardised poll of population) is used as a data source. To open up the consumer representations, this quantitative empirical material has been supported by discourse analysis of the early period (1993- 1997) and the current young consumers’ (the generation born in 1991- 1993). The paper’s analysis of the empirical part showed that in comparison with the year 1993, the perceive emotional efficiency (amiability) of advertising has decreased more than twice and rationally perceived efficiency (has been beneficial) 12%. The advertising’s informative role is less valued and the role of entertaining higher compared to early years. From the conceptualised roles of advertising the entertaining role (83 % agrees) and informative role (81 %) are the most represented in the today’s consumer’ s reflections. The mobilising power of advertising (45%). The connecting role in the sense of (consumer) culture continuality’s capacity is admitted by 41 % and in the sense of agenda by 14% of population. The discourse analysis of the consumer texts showed that all the conceptualised advertising roles were represented in the texts of early periods and in the texts of present day young consumer discourses the critical and noncritical (passive consumer) point of view appear in case of all the roles. The second research objective was to evaluate the illegitimacy of advertising as an institution from the modern society consumer’s point of view and whether the need for state regulations is needed. The empirical material for this research objective was gathered in 2008 during quantitative original research from the sample that is representative for the population. From the results it becomes evident that the three concepts verbalised by Max Weber are completed by advertising as an institution for 30 % of population. 38 % of population considers advertising to be a normal phenomenon and a mean to succeed in business, but have a critical preconceptions towards the reliability of what is presented in advertising. For 4 % of the population none of the illegitimacy premises in case of advertising is completed. The third research objective is to find out how critically today’s consumers are disposed towards advertising as an institution and in the range of possibility compare attitudes with the early 1990s. It was analysed how young people (born in 1991- 1994), socialised in the consumer society, interpret advertising – whether from the position of active (system) aware practitioner or from the passive receiver position in their written discussion? The consumers level of criticalness was measured using 10 standardised arguments, which were partly formed on bases of theoretical disquisitions, partly based on the representations of the benefits and damages expressed in the essays of the pupils. The formed arguments represented possible attitude from the personal and the society’s point of view. The results based on the cluster analysis show that 32 % of the population represent critical attitude towards advertising. However, the critical attitude does not mean direct denying of advertising. Most of the representatives of a critical attitude consider advertising to be beneficial for the society, because it supports the function of companies and can be a carrier of the supportive and educating messages. The critical attitude is defined most frequently by reflecting negative influences of advertising from the society’s and the personal’s point of view. The representatives of noncritical point of view form 50 %. The group is characterised by the higher reflectance of efficiency of advertising from the personal and social aspect and the attitudes that are characteristic to the naïve and passive consumer. Noncritical attitude does not mean believing in advertising blindly (44 % does not agree with the argument that the information provided in the advertising is always reliable). The critical or noncritical attitude towards advertising does not determine, what kind is the advertising roles’ perceived hierarchy of roles, however the degree of reflecting the roles is different (admitting their personal influence). This particular paper represents a little piece of Estonian consumer culture development description, since it has a certain documental value. The paper’s part on conclusions and discussions refers to the possible future research directions, to open better the advertising attitudes as describing the consumer culture development indicator’s essence.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2159032~S1*es

    Preventing alcohol use among adolescents by targeting parents: A qualitative study of the views of facilitators, parents, and teachers on a universal prevention program "Effekt"

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to better understand facilitators', parents', and teachers' experiences, attitudes, and perceived impact of the international alcohol prevention program "Effekt" and its delivery to help explain its ineffectiveness in Estonia. METHOD: One focus group with program facilitators (n = 8, 7 women) and individual interviews with seventh grade teachers (n = 12, 11 women) and parents (n = 24, all women) were carried out. The semi-structured interview schedules sought to explore participants' attitudes toward the program, delivery process, impact, participation barriers, and facilitators and long-term implementation. Interviews were transcribed, and data analysis was guided by the thematic analysis method. RESULTS: Participants identified both positive and negative elements regarding program delivery that are broken down into three main themes: perceived value of the program, perception of low participation rates, and long-term perspective. Perceived value of the program: Participants perceived the program to be effective from the parents' perspective, but they considered its effect on children questionable. Perception of low participation rates: The perception of low participation rates was considered as the main factor reducing the program's impact. This was potentially influenced by factors such as a weak engagement process, lack of perceived relevance, infrequent meetings, and parents not attending school meetings. Long-term perspective: Most participants supported the idea of implementing the program with some adjustments, such as involving children, tailoring the content, and increasing the engagement of teachers. CONCLUSIONS: Limited engagement, low perceived relevance, practical issues, and impractical format were perceived as major contributors to the ineffectiveness of the program. Taking these and other identified factors into account may help inform future prevention programs targeting parents

    Cross-cultural comparisons of bullying among university students : perspectives from Argentina, Estonia, Finland and the United States

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    The chapter compares bullying experiences among university students between four countries and aims to provide an understanding of the cultural features which might affect these experiences. We start by providing a summary of the results from a cross-cultural survey conducted among undergraduate students in Argentina, Estonia, Finland and the United States. We continue discussing the ways in which the current cultural, political, historical and economic status and challenges in each country might explain the cross-cultural differences and similarities detected in students’ bullying experiences in higher education.peerReviewe

    Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Bullying Among University Students: Perspectives from Argentina, Estonia and Finland, United Kingdom and United States

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    Chapter 10 presents findings from a large cross-cultural study of bullying at universities in Argentina, Estonia, Finland and the US. Here Maili Pörhölä, Kristen Cvancara, Esta Kaal, Kaja Tampere and Beatriz Torres examine the social and cultural aspects of bullying at university and explore possible explanations for commonalities and differences among the different countries represented. They indicate that contrasts among the four countries in terms of geography, culture, politics, history and education may be reflected in the bullying experiences of students. The authors consider ways in which learning environments might be developed in order to support pro-social behaviour among students and staff

    Testing the efficacy of a minimal-guidance online self-help intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Despite an initial steep decrease in alcohol misuse among Estonians through structural intervention means and the scaling up of alcohol counselling in the mid-2000's, most of the country's alcohol misuse indicators remain clearly higher than European averages. Consequently, an online self-help program was launched as part of an initial behavioral intervention initiative to foster progress in alcohol prevention on a population level. Methods: A two-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) has been designed to compare the efficacy of a culturally-adapted minimal-guidance online self-help program, the 8-week "Selge" online program against a control condition that consists of a self-administered test of alcohol use and advice regarding usual treatment in Estonia. A target sample of 600 individuals will be recruited and randomly assigned to either condition. The program will contain 10 modules based on principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing (MI). Participants in the control group will have access to the full treatment after they complete their final follow-up assessment. The primary outcome will be change in the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score between the 6-month follow-up and baseline assessments. Secondary outcomes will include the number of standard drinks consumed and alcohol-free days, drinking motives and motivation for change, as well as changes in mental health. Assessments will be completed at baseline, at the end of treatment, and at 6 months follow-up. Data analysis will follow the intention-to-treat principle and employ (generalised) linear mixed models. Discussion: The "Selge" program is the first and only internet program for the intervention of alcohol misuse in Estonia. If proven effective, it will foster progress in the intervention of alcohol misuse in the Estonian population and be implemented as a standard program amidst the continuum of intervention and care. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN48753339 registered 04/06/2019 retrospectively