9 research outputs found


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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade econômica da implantação de uma unidade de extração de óleo essencial de Corymbia citriodora, no município de Gilbués-PI. Adotou-se como critérios de avaliação o VPL (Valor Presente Líquido), a Relação Benefício/Custo (B/C), a TIR (Taxa Interna de Retorno) e o BPE (Benefício Periódico Equivalente). Simularam-se dois cenários: no primeiro foram considerados todos os critérios de avaliação econômica e no segundo avaliou-se a taxa de venda e do preço de venda do óleo, cujos critérios utilizados foram o VPL e o B(C) PE. Verificou-se que a implantação de uma unidade de extração de óleo essencial de Corymbia citriodora, no município de Gilbués-PI é viável economicamente, com VPL de R9.677,5/ha,TIRde41 9.677,5/ha, TIR de 41% a. a., B/C de 1,38 e BPE de R 1.469,61/ha e o mesmo torna-se inviável se a taxa de juros for igual ou superior a 34,20% e se o preço de venda do litro de óleo for igual ou inferior a R25,40.Palavraschaves:Empreendimentoflorestal,rentabilidade,produtoflorestalna~omadeireiro. ECONOMICFEASIBILITYONESSENCIALOILEXTRACTIONOFCorymbiacitriodoraINGILBUEˊSPIABSTRACTTheobjectiveofthisstudywastosimulatetheeconomicfeasibilityonaunitessentialoilextractionofCorymbiacitriodora,inGilbueˊscityPI.ThecriteriaadoptedforeconomicevaluatingwasNPV(NetPresentValue),Benefit/Costtheratio(B/C),IRR(InternalRateofReturn)andBPE(EquivalentPeriodicBenefit).Itwassimulatingtwoscenarios:thefirstwereallconsideredcriteriaforeconomicevaluationandthesecond thevariationintherateofsaleandtheoilsalepriceandusedcriteriaweretheNPVandB(C)PE.ItwasfoundthatunitofessentialoilextractionofCorymbiacitriodora,inGilbueˊscityPIiseconomicallyviable,withanNPVofR 25,40. Palavras-chaves: Empreendimento florestal, rentabilidade, produto florestal não-madeireiro.   ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ON ESSENCIAL OIL EXTRACTION OF Corymbia citriodora IN GILBUÉS - PI ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to simulate the economic feasibility on a unit essential oil extraction of Corymbia citriodora, in Gilbués city-PI. The criteria adopted for economic evaluating was NPV (Net Present Value), Benefit/Cost the ratio (B/C), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and BPE (Equivalent Periodic Benefit). It was simulating two scenarios: the first were all considered criteria for economic evaluation and the second  the variation in the rate of sale and the oil sale price and used criteria were the NPV and B (C) PE. It was found that unit of essential oil extraction of Corymbia citriodora, in Gilbués city-PI is economically viable, with an NPV of R 9,677. 50/ha, 41% IRR, Benefit/Cost Ratio of 1.38 and BPE R1,469.61/haandevenbecomesimpossibleiftheinterestrateisequaltoorgreaterthan34.20 1,469.61/ha and even becomes impossible if the interest rate is equal to or greater than 34.20% and the selling price of an  oil liter is equal to or less than R 25.40. Keywords: Forestry venture, profitability, non-timber forest product.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14583/2318-7670.v02n03a0


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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade econômica da implantação de uma unidade de extração de óleo essencial de Corymbia citriodora, no município de Gilbués-PI. Adotou-se como critérios de avaliação o VPL (Valor Presente Líquido), a Relação Benefício/Custo (B/C), a TIR (Taxa Interna de Retorno) e o BPE (Benefício Periódico Equivalente). Simularam-se dois cenários: no primeiro foram considerados todos os critérios de avaliação econômica e no segundo avaliou-se a taxa de venda e do preço de venda do óleo, cujos critérios utilizados foram o VPL e o B(C) PE. Verificou-se que a implantação de uma unidade de extração de óleo essencial de Corymbia citriodora, no município de Gilbués-PI é viável economicamente, com VPL de R9.677,5/ha,TIRde41 9.677,5/ha, TIR de 41% a. a., B/C de 1,38 e BPE de R 1.469,61/ha e o mesmo torna-se inviável se a taxa de juros for igual ou superior a 34,20% e se o preço de venda do litro de óleo for igual ou inferior a R25,40.Palavraschaves:Empreendimentoflorestal,rentabilidade,produtoflorestalna~omadeireiro. ECONOMICFEASIBILITYONESSENCIALOILEXTRACTIONOFCorymbiacitriodoraINGILBUEˊSPIABSTRACTTheobjectiveofthisstudywastosimulatetheeconomicfeasibilityonaunitessentialoilextractionofCorymbiacitriodora,inGilbueˊscityPI.ThecriteriaadoptedforeconomicevaluatingwasNPV(NetPresentValue),Benefit/Costtheratio(B/C),IRR(InternalRateofReturn)andBPE(EquivalentPeriodicBenefit).Itwassimulatingtwoscenarios:thefirstwereallconsideredcriteriaforeconomicevaluationandthesecond thevariationintherateofsaleandtheoilsalepriceandusedcriteriaweretheNPVandB(C)PE.ItwasfoundthatunitofessentialoilextractionofCorymbiacitriodora,inGilbueˊscityPIiseconomicallyviable,withanNPVofR 25,40. Palavras-chaves: Empreendimento florestal, rentabilidade, produto florestal não-madeireiro.   ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ON ESSENCIAL OIL EXTRACTION OF Corymbia citriodora IN GILBUÉS - PI ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to simulate the economic feasibility on a unit essential oil extraction of Corymbia citriodora, in Gilbués city-PI. The criteria adopted for economic evaluating was NPV (Net Present Value), Benefit/Cost the ratio (B/C), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and BPE (Equivalent Periodic Benefit). It was simulating two scenarios: the first were all considered criteria for economic evaluation and the second  the variation in the rate of sale and the oil sale price and used criteria were the NPV and B (C) PE. It was found that unit of essential oil extraction of Corymbia citriodora, in Gilbués city-PI is economically viable, with an NPV of R 9,677. 50/ha, 41% IRR, Benefit/Cost Ratio of 1.38 and BPE R1,469.61/haandevenbecomesimpossibleiftheinterestrateisequaltoorgreaterthan34.20 1,469.61/ha and even becomes impossible if the interest rate is equal to or greater than 34.20% and the selling price of an  oil liter is equal to or less than R 25.40. Keywords: Forestry venture, profitability, non-timber forest product.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14583/2318-7670.v02n03a0


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    A avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras estabelece o uso dos recursos naturais de modo a evitar situações de subutilização ou sobreutilização, pois consiste na interpretação das qualidades do ecossistema, baseando-se nas suas limitações para o uso agrícola e nas alternativas e possibilidades de correção ou redução dessas limitações através de diferentes níveis de manejo. Esse trabalho objetivou realizar o mapeamento da aptidão agrícola das terras do estado do Piauí. O método utilizado para a avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras foi o Sistema de Avaliação da Aptidão Agrícola das Terras. Foram analisados: dados de 120 perfis descritos no Boletim Técnico N° 63 do Estudo Expedito de Solos no Estado do Piauí elaborado pelo Serviço Nacional de Levantamento e Conservação de Solos da EMBRAPA; a atualização da nomenclatura de perfis de solos descritos no Levantamento Exploratório –Reconhecimento dos solos do Piauí; e o mapa de solos, na escala de 1:500.000, representando a área de estudo e a ocorrência e distribuição das classes de solos predominantes no Estado. A maioria das terras do Piauí possui aptidão agrícola para pastagem plantada (54,57%), possuindo assim áreas menores para utilização agrícola em usos mais intensivos como lavouras (26,74%).Palavras-chave: avaliação de terras, mapa de aptidão agrícola, planejamento do uso da terra. AGRICULTURAL LAND SUSTAINABILITY SOIL OF PIAUÍ STATE, BRAZIL ABSTRACT: The evaluation of the agricultural potential of the land establishes the use of natural resources to avoid situations of underuse or overuse, it consists in the interpretation of ecosystem qualities based on their limitations for agricultural use and alternative and correction or reduction possibilities these limitations through different management levels. The aims of this work were mapping of the agricultural potential of the Piauí state land soils. The method used to find the agricultural potential of the land was called the System Assessment of Agricultural Lands Fitness. It analyzed: 120 profiles data described in Technical Bulletin No. 63 of Estudo Expedito de Solos no Estado do Piauí prepared by the Serviço Nacional de Levantamento e Conservação de Solos of EMBRAPA; updating the naming soil profiles described in Exploratory survey-recognition of Piauí soil; and the soil map in the scale of 1:500,000, representing the study area and the occurrence and distribution of soil classes prevailing in the state. Most of Piauí land has agricultural potential for planted pastures (54,57%), thus having smaller areas for agricultural use in more intensive uses such as crops (26,74%).Keywords: land evaluation, agricultural suitability map, planning of land use

    Application of Path Analysis and Remote Sensing to Assess the Interrelationships between Meteorological Variables and Vegetation Indices in the State of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil

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    Utilizing path analysis, we examined the interconnectedness among six meteorological variables. Among these, three pertain to energy conditions—air temperature, net solar radiation, and reference evapotranspiration (ET0)—while the others are associated with hydrological conditions: precipitation, relative humidity, and water deficiency. These variables were assessed across five distinct temporal delay levels to understand their influences on the normalized difference vegetation Index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI) within grassland areas situated in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. The images underwent processing using analytical algorithms and a geographic information system (GIS). The direct and indirect impacts of these variables on the NDVI and EVI exhibited remarkable similarity across varying temporal delays and geographic regions. Meteorological variables explained over 50% of the observed variation in both indices, occasionally even reaching levels of 70%. Temperature and relative humidity primarily exerted direct effects on the indices. Conversely, precipitation exhibited indirect effects on the indices, often in conjunction with other hydrological variables. ET0 demonstrated a direct effect on the vegetation indices, particularly after a delay of 32 days. Solar radiation and water deficiency displayed direct effects up to the 32-day mark, implying that vegetation responds more promptly to these variables. The proposed methodology enabled a consistent and stable assessment of the direct and indirect effects of meteorological variables on vegetation indices

    GIS-Based Approach Applied to Study of Seasonal Rainfall Influence over Flood Vulnerability

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    Flooding occurrence is one of the most common phenomena that impact urban areas, and this intensifies during heavy rainfall periods. Knowing the areas with the greatest vulnerability is of paramount importance as it allows mitigating actions to be implemented in order to minimize the generated impacts. In this context, this study aimed to use Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to identify the areas with greater flooding vulnerability in Espírito Santo state, Brazil. The study was based on the following methodological steps: (1) a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquisition and watersheds delimitation; (2) maximum and accumulated rainfall intensity calculations for the three studied periods using meteorological data; (3) a land use and occupation map reclassification regarding flood vulnerability and fuzzy logic application; (4) an application of Euclidean distance and fuzzy logic in hydrography and water mass vector variables; (5) a flood vulnerability model generation. Based on the found results, it was observed that the metropolitan and coastal regions presented as greater flood vulnerability areas during the dry season, as in these regions, almost all of the 9.18% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable, while during rainy season, the most vulnerable areas were concentrated in Caparaó and in the coastal and immigration and metropolitan regions, as in these regions, almost all of the 12.72% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable. In general, by annually distributing the rainfall rates, a greater flood vulnerability was observed in the metropolitan and coastal and immigration regions, as in these areas, almost all of the 7.72% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable. According to the study, Espírito Santo state was mostly classified as a low (29.15%) and medium (28.06%) flood vulnerability area considering the annual period, while its metropolitan region has a very high flood vulnerability risk. Finally, GIS modeling is important to assist in decision making regarding public management and the employed methodology presents worldwide application potential

    GIS-Based Approach Applied to Study of Seasonal Rainfall Influence over Flood Vulnerability

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    Flooding occurrence is one of the most common phenomena that impact urban areas, and this intensifies during heavy rainfall periods. Knowing the areas with the greatest vulnerability is of paramount importance as it allows mitigating actions to be implemented in order to minimize the generated impacts. In this context, this study aimed to use Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to identify the areas with greater flooding vulnerability in Espírito Santo state, Brazil. The study was based on the following methodological steps: (1) a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquisition and watersheds delimitation; (2) maximum and accumulated rainfall intensity calculations for the three studied periods using meteorological data; (3) a land use and occupation map reclassification regarding flood vulnerability and fuzzy logic application; (4) an application of Euclidean distance and fuzzy logic in hydrography and water mass vector variables; (5) a flood vulnerability model generation. Based on the found results, it was observed that the metropolitan and coastal regions presented as greater flood vulnerability areas during the dry season, as in these regions, almost all of the 9.18% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable, while during rainy season, the most vulnerable areas were concentrated in Caparaó and in the coastal and immigration and metropolitan regions, as in these regions, almost all of the 12.72% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable. In general, by annually distributing the rainfall rates, a greater flood vulnerability was observed in the metropolitan and coastal and immigration regions, as in these areas, almost all of the 7.72% of the state’s area was classified as highly vulnerable. According to the study, Espírito Santo state was mostly classified as a low (29.15%) and medium (28.06%) flood vulnerability area considering the annual period, while its metropolitan region has a very high flood vulnerability risk. Finally, GIS modeling is important to assist in decision making regarding public management and the employed methodology presents worldwide application potential