22 research outputs found
Did diet compliance and remission reduce oxidative stress in celiac patients?
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine the effect of remission status on thiol–disulfide homeostasis in celiac patients and thus to indirectly determine the effect of oxidative stress and inflammation caused by non-compliance with the diet. METHODS: Between February 2019 and December 2021, 117 patients diagnosed with celiac disease were included in this prospective randomized and controlled study. In addition to routine tests of celiac patients, thiol and disulfide measurements were made from the blood both at the beginning of the study and at the end of the first year. RESULTS: While 52 of the patients (44.4%) were in remission, 65 patients (55.6%) were not. There was an evident increase in native thiol levels of the patients who were initially not in remission but went into at the end of the first year (347.4±46.7 μmol/L vs. 365.3±44.0 μmol/L; p=0.001). Mean plasma disulfide levels of patients with celiac going into remission became reduced in the first year from the level of 14.5±5.1 μmol/L down to 8.9±4.2 μmol/L (p<0.001). In celiac patients who entered remission, disulfide and anti-tissue transglutaminase immunoglobulin A levels decreased in a correlation (r=0.526; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Not being in remission in celiac disease leads to increased oxidative stress, and thiol–disulfide homeostasis is an indirect indicator of this. Additionally, providing remission in celiac patients reduces oxidative stress
Ali Sizer'in deyişlerinde Alevilik inancının izleri
Kürt toplumu içerisinde birçok farklı inanç grubu mevcut olup bu inançlardan bir tanesi de Aleviliktir. Alevi Kürtler; inanç, kültür ve gelenekleri bakımından Kürt toplumu içersinde ayrı bir yere sahiptir fakat bu topluluk her ne kadar kendine has bir konuma sahip olsa da günümüzde bu topluluğun inancı yavaş yavaş büyük bir değişime uğramakta, Alevilik inancı adım adım kendi doğasından uzaklaşmakta ve bu topluluğa dair doğrulara birçok çalışmada değinilmemektedir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız Ali Sizer'in deyişleri örneğiyle Alevi Kürtlerin deyişlerinde, Alevi Kürtlerin inançlarının izlerini tespit etmektir. Aleviler, inançlarını daha çok deyişleri yoluyla ifade ettiklerinden, onların deyişlerinde inançlarının birçok izi görülebilir ve böylelikle bu inancın doğası daha çok anlaşılabilir. Elbette bu çalışmayı yaparken sadece Alevilerin deyişlerine yer vermedik; farklı kaynaklara göre Alevilik inancı, Alevilerin tarihi, Alevi-Kızılbaş isimlerinin anlamı, halife Ali ve Alevilik ilişkisi, Osmanlı, Safevi ve Türkiye devletleri zamanında Alevi-Kızılbaşların durumu konularına değindik ve aynı zamanda saha çalışmalarından derlediğimiz bilgilere de yer verdik. Alevilik inancı hakkında bilgiler verildikten ve Ali Sizer'in deyişleri bu inanca göre yorumlandıktan sonra Sizer'in, deyişlerinde bu inancın birçok unsurundan söz ettiği ve deyişlerinde bu inanca ait birçok unsuru koruduğu açıkça ortaya çıkmıştır.There are many different beliefs in Kurdish society. One of these beliefs is Alevism. Kurdish Alevis have a different place in the Kurdish society with their faith, culture and traditions. However, although this community has a different position, the belief of this community is gradually changing, the Alevi faith is gradually moving away from its nature and the truths about this community are not mentioned in many studies. Our aim in this study is to determine the traces of the beliefs of the Alevi Kurds in the kilams of the Alevi Kurds with the example of the kilams of Ali Sizer. Since Alevis express their beliefs more through their kilams, many traces of their beliefs can be seen in their kilams so that the nature of this belief can be more understood. Of course, we did not only mention the kilams of the Alevis in this study; we explained the Alevi faith, the history of the Alevis, the meaning of the Alevi-Kizilbash names, relationship between caliph Ali and Alevism, at the time of Ottoman, Safavid and Turkey states status of Alevi-Kizilbash, according to different sources and we also included the information we gathered from field studies. After giving information about Alevi faith and Ali Sizer's songs were evaluated according to this faith it became clear that he mentioned many elements of this faith in his kilams and he preserved many important elements of Alevi faith in these kilams
Determination of 11th class students' understanding level about basic concepts of chemistry in the curriculum and attitudes towards environment and chemistry
Bu çalışmanın amacı; 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin öğretim programında belirtilen temel kimya konularındaki (kimyasal reaksiyonlarda hız, kimyasal reaksiyonlarda denge, çözünürlük dengesi, asitler bazlar dengesi, elektrokimya) kavramsal anlamalarını, kimyaya karşı tutumlarını ve çevre okuryazarlıklarını tespit etmek ve öğrencilerin kavramsal anlamalarıyla tutumları ve çevre-okuryazarlıkları arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma 2010-2011 öğretim yılında Kırıkkale ilinde bulunan 5 Anadolu Lisesi ve 1 Fen Lisesinde öğrenim gören 360 öğrencinin katılımıyla geçekleştirildi. Öğrencilerin kavramsal anlamalarını ölçmek için 50 sorudan oluşan iki basamaklı çoktan seçmeli test, kimyaya ve çevreye karşı olan tutumlarını belirlemek için ise likert tipi anketler kullanıldı. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda öğrencilerin en çok yanlış kavramalara sahip olduğu konuların elektrokimya ve çözünürlük dengesi olduğu, en başarılı oldukları konu ise reaksiyon hızı olarak belirlendi. Başarılı öğrencilerin kimyaya ve çevreye karşı tutumları arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu tespit edildi. Ayrıca, cinsiyetin, anne ve babanın eğitim düzeyinin ve yaşanılan bölgenin kimya ve çevreye karşı tutumda bir etkisi olmadığı ve öğrencilerin çevre faaliyetlerine pek fazla katılmadığı tespit edildi.The purpose of this study, 11 grade students the basic chemistry curriculum issues (rate of chemical reactions, chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium, solubility equilibrium, the balance of acids-bases, electrochemistry), conceptual understanding, attitudes towards chemistry and the environment and students' conceptual understanding knowledge to determine the effectiveness of the attitudes and the environment- knowledge. Working in the academic year 2010-2011 in the province of Kırıkkale 360 students studying in 5 Anatolian High School and 1 High School of Science participation are done Composed of 50 questions to measure students' conceptual understanding of the two-tier multiple-choice test, to determine the attitudes towards chemistry and the environment used in the Likert-type questionnaires. As a result of the study, most of the data analysis of misconceptions in electrochemistry and the solubility equilibrium, they are most successful if the subject was found to be a good reaction rate. Students who are successful and positive relationship between chemistry and the attitude toward the environment were detected. In addition, gender, parents' educational level and area of residence were no effect on the chemistry and attitude to the environment
Nurses' knowledge and practice in preventing pressure injuries in intensive care units.
Objective: Globally, pressure injuries (PIs) are an important problem affecting healthcare institutions and patients. Nurses in multidisciplinary teams, play a crucial role in preventing PIs. Nurses working in intensive care units (ICUs) provide care to patients who are at risk of developing PIs. The aim of this study was to ascertain the knowledge and practices of intensive care nurses in preventing PIs, and to highlight the relationship between this knowledge and the prevalence of PIs. Method: This study used a descriptive and correlational design. It was carried out in the level 3 ICU of a university hospital in Kayseri, Turkey. A total of four instruments were used at the data collection stage: a nurse information form; the PI prevention knowledge assessment instrument; PI prevention practices; and a PI Prevalence Form. Results: The population of the study consisted of 111 nurses, 91 (82%) of whom fully participated. The mean score of the nurses' knowledge in preventing PIs was found to be 43.2 +/- 11.4%. The most common answer regarding the clinical use of PI prevention practices was: 'always applied'. There was no relationship between PI prevalence and PI prevention knowledge scores of the ICU nurses. Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that although nurses reported incorporating PI prevention practices in ICUs, their related knowledge level was insufficient
Individual Differences in Plate Wasting Behavior: The Roles of Dispositional Greed, Impulsivity, Food Satisfaction, and Ecolabeling
This study examines the effects of dispositional greed, impulsivity, food satisfaction, and ecolabeling on consumers’ plate waste in all-inclusive hotels. Using a moderated mediation research model, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1253 tourists of different nationalities, all staying in five-star hotels in Alanya, Türkiye. The results show that both dispositional greed and impulsivity positively predict and significantly contribute to plate waste. Conversely, food satisfaction was found to be an influential variable that moderates the effects of greed and impulsivity on plate waste, highlighting its critical role in waste reduction strategies. Ecolabels, despite their intended purpose, were not found to have a significant impact on consumer attitudes toward plate waste. Future research is encouraged to explore strategies to counteract dispositional greed and impulsivity, given their significant impact on plate waste behavior. At the same time, refining methods to promote food satisfaction and the effective use of ecolabels may contribute significantly to reducing plate waste in all-inclusive resorts. This research contributes to our understanding of the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior in buffet settings and provides guidance to hospitality industry practitioners seeking to reduce waste
Cephalographic and polysomnographic evaluation of excellent efficiacy of the mandibular advancement splint in a patient with moderate obstructıve sleep apnea syndrome
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a chronic disorder of sleep and breathing characterized by recurrent obstruction of the upper airway. Oral appliances are used to treat mild-to-severe OSAS when nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) treatment is not tolerated or refused by the patient. A 52-year-old male referred to the Department of Chest Diseases with snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. He was diagnosed as moderate OSAS and refused to be treated with nCPAP. He was given mandibular advancement splint (MAS) therapy and his compliance to the device was expressive. After 6 months treatment, all his symptoms related to OSAS were improved. Polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation showed decrease in his apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) from 27 events per hour to 0.5 events per hour. Besides, the cephalometric evaluation revealed increase in nasooro-hypopharynx spaces and posterior airway space. The distance between mandibular plane and hyoid decreased, since hyoid bone had been elevated to the front and up with the appliance. In conclusion, nCPAP is the first choice of treatment in moderate and severe OSAS. However, if the patients refuse or show no adherence to CPAP therapy, oral appliances can be used successfully.Obstrüktif Uyku Apne Sendromu (OUAS) üst hava yolunun tekrarlanan tıkanmalarınca karakterize uyku ve solunumun kronik bir düzensizliğidir. Oral Apareyler (OA) hafif ve hastalar tarafından nasal Devamlı Pozitif Havayolu Basıncı(nDPHB)nı tolere edilemeyen veya ret edilen ağır OUAS’nu tedavi etmek için kullanılmaktadırlar. 52 yaşında erkek bir hasta horlama, aşırı gün içi uykululuk semptomları ile Göğüs Hastalıkları A. D.’na başvurdu. Orta OUAS teşhis edildi, ve NDPHB ile tedavi edilmeyi ret etti. Hastaya Mandibuler ilerletici Splint (MİS) terapisi verildi, ve ağız içi aygıta uyumu yüksekti. Tedaviden 6 ay sonra, OUAS ile ilişkili tüm semptomlar düzeldi. Polisomnografik (PSG) değerlendirme hastanın Apne-Hipopne İndeksi (AH,)’nin saatte 27’den 0.5’e düştüğünü gösterdi. Ayrıca, sefalometrik inceleme oro-farinks alanı ve Posterior Havayolu Alanı (PHA)’da artışı gösterdi. Hyoid kemigi aparey ile öne ve yukarı kaldırılmış olduğu için, Mandibuler Düzlem ve Hyoid arasındaki mesafe (MD-H) azaldı. MİS terapisi OUAS’lı uygun endikasyonlu hastalarda başarılı olarak kullanılabilmektedir
Menu Planning with Goal Programming for Specific Patients in Hospitals
Menü planlama, yiyecek ve içeceklerin bir arada uyumlu bir şekilde sunulması olaraktanımlanabilir. Toplu beslenme alanlarında bu planın önemi daha da artmaktadır. Menü planlaması;maliyet, enerji gereksinimi, çeşitlilik, tat, mevsim durumu, depolama gibi etkenlerin dikkate alındığıkarmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu sebeple toplu beslenme sistemlerinde gerekli enerji ve besin ögelerinikarşılayacak şekilde bir menü planlaması yapılması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak toplu hizmetveren kuruluşların yemek menüleri ve hastaların sağlık sorunları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra hastanepersoneli ve özel bir sağlık sorunu olmayan yatan hastalar için bir aylık menü planlaması yapılmıştır.Bu menüden özel sağlık sorunu olan hastalar faydalanamayacağı için bu hastalara özel olarak uygunmenüler planlanmıştır. Diyabet hastaları, karaciğer hastaları ve mide hastalığı olan kişiler dikkatealınmıştır. Menüler planlanırken kalori, karbonhidrat, protein, yağ, lif, kolesterol, sodyum, potasyum,kalsiyum, A vitamini, C vitamini ve demir kısıtları dikkate alınmıştır. 0-1 Hedef Programlama ilematematiksel model oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan matematiksel model ILOG 12.6.2 sürümüçözülmüştür. Çözüm sonucunda sabah kahvaltısı ve öğle, akşam öğünü için 15 yemek grubu içinden 4kaplı menüler planlanmıştır. Hastanelerde menü planlaması el ile yapılmaktadır. Bu planlama, büyükbir zaman kaybına neden olmaktadır. Kurulan matematiksel model sayesinde zaman kaybı azalmaktave sistematik bir yapı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca dengeli bir yemek planı da oluşmaktadır.Combined food and beverages can be brought together in harmony. In the area of bulk nutrition,this plan is much more important. Menu planning; cost, energy need, diversity, taste, season, storage,such as factors such as the beginning is a complex structure. Therefore, to meet the necessary energyand nutrition knowledge in nutrition systems. It should create a menu plan. In this study, firstly thecatering menu of the institutions serving the community and the health problems of the patients wereexamined. Later on, one month's menu was planned for hospital staff and patients who were not aspecial health problem. From this menu, patients with special health problems will not be able to benefitfrom this disease, specially adapted men were planned. People with diabetes, liver disease and peoplewith the disease. Calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium,vitamins and vitamin C and iron restrictions were considered when meninges were planned. 0-1Mathematical model with goal programming. The generated mathematical model has been solved withILOG 12.6.2. As a result of the solution, 4 coated menus were planned out of 15 food groups. Menu planning is done manually in hospitals. This is causing a great loss of time. Established modeling resultsin a systematic structure by reducing time loss
The relationship between duration of hemodialysis, helicobacter pylori and CagA seropositivity in patients with chronic Kidney Disease
*Erdal, Hüseyin ( Aksaray, Yazar )Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Helicobacter pylori occurrence and, Cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) seropositivity with hemodialysis (HD) duration, Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and hemogram parameters in hemodialysis patients.
Materials and Methods: This study included 165 prevalent HD patients. Blood samples were collected before dialysis treatment of the patients. The samples were then centrifuged at 1500 x g for 10 min. immediately after collection. The presence of serum IgG antibody for H. pylori was determined using commercial ELISA kits. Serum anti-CagA IgG antibody of H. pylori positive patients was determined by ELISA method using commercial ELISA kits. CRP levels were measured by nephelometric method, and hemogram parameters were analyzed using fully automated hematology analyzer.
Results: We found that the CRP levels of the patients having H. pylori were significantly high. However, there was no significant difference between CRP levels of long-term hemodialysis (LTHD) and short -term hemodialysis (STHD) patients. The possibility of being seropositive of CagA for STHD patients having H. pylori was found to be 2.3 times higher than that of LTHD patients. In addition to that, the periodicity of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding was significantly high in STHD patients.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we found no relationship between dialysis duration and H. pylori prevalence. However, we observed significantly higher odds ratio for CagA seropositivity in patients receiving STHD. These findings suggest that longer dialysis treatment can cause improving effects on H. pylori virulence. Further studies are needed to verify these findings