832 research outputs found

    Comparasion of iles-iles and cassava tubers as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae substrate fermentation for bioethanol production

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    Produksi bioetanol meningkat dengan cepat karena merupakan energi terbarukan untuk mengatasi krisis energi yang disebabkan oleh habisnya minyak fosil. Produksi bioetanol skala besar di industri umumnya menggunakan bahan baku seperti tebu, jagung, dan ubi kayu yang juga diperlukan sebagai sumber makanan. Oleh karena itu, banyak studi pada proses bioetanol terkait dengan penggunaan bahan baku yang tidak bersaing dengan pasokan makanan. Salah satu alternatif bahan baku dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produksi bioetanol adalah bahan berpati yang tersedia secara lokal yaitu iles-iles (Amorphophallus mueller Blum). Kandungan karbohidrat umbi iles-iles sekitar 71,12% yang sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan umbi singkong (83,47%). Pengaruh berbagai bahan awal, konsentrasi pati, pH, waktu fermentasi dipelajari. Konversi dari bahan berpati menjadi etanol memiliki tiga langkah, pencairan dan sakarifikasi dilakukan dengan α-amilase dan amyloglucosidase kemudian difermentasi dengan ragi S.cerevisiaie. Bioetanol tertinggi diperoleh pada variabel berikut rasio pati: air = 1:4; likuifaksi dengan 0,40 mL α-amilase (4h); sakarifikasi dengan amyloglucosidase 0,40 mL (40h); fermentasi dengan 10 mL S.cerevisiae (72h) memproduksi bioetanol 69,81 g/L dari singkong sementara 53,49 g/L dari umbi iles-iles. Pada kondisi optimum, gula total dihasilkan 33.431 g/L dari ubi kayu sementara 16.175 g/L dari umbi iles-iles. Pengaruh pH menunjukkan bahwa etanol yang dihasilkan terbaik diperoleh pada pH fermentasi 5,5 baik untuk ubi kayu maupun umbi iles-iles. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa umbi iles-iles menjanjikan sebagai bahan baku bioetanol karena menghasilkan bioetanol hampir sama dengan ubi kayu. Key words: singkong, iles-iles, etanol, energi alternatif

    The ideas of Thomas Jefferson in The Declaration of Independence

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    ABSTRACT 2009. This minor thesis discussed about the ideas of Thomas Jefferson as included in The Declaration of Independence. This research took the form of library research utilizing the descriptive technique. The primary data are the words, phrases, and interpreted statement which in the Declaration of Independence text. The secondary data are collected from books, magazines, journals, and internet websites about Jefferson’s background, the Declaration of Independence, and articles. The purpose of this research is to find out the ideas of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence text. To achieve the goal, the researcher employees historical approach, biographical approach and philosophical approach. Those approaches were related to me each other in order to find out the ideas of Thomas Jefferson as described in the text of Declaration of Independence. Historical approach was applied to explain the event at that time. Biographical approach was applied to understand more about how the author’s intention in the work is related to his background. While philosophical approach was used to know how the philosophy expressed in the one of Thomas Jefferson works. The analysis of this research lead that there were three ideas reflected in the Declaration of Independence values: that all men are created equal, all men have natural rights, and government is used to secure these rights with democracy and freedom

    Implementation of the self-organized learning environments learning model to enhace learning outcomes and student independence

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    This study aims to describe student learning outcomes and independence through SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environments) learning. The subjects of this study were 21 Biology Education students who took the Introductory Education course. Data on learning outcomes were collected using tests, while independence using a non-test with a Likert scale. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively into five categories. Cognitive learning outcomes in the good category were 11 (52%), and very good was 10 (48%) students. The results of the analysis of independence with categories fairly good, good, and very good were 2(10%), 8(32%), and 11(52%) students, respectively. The achievement of student independence on the indicators of not depending on others, self-confidence, discipline, responsibility, and self-control varies from fairly good to very good. In contrast, the self-initiative indicators vary in the good and very good categories. The analysis of the relationship between independence and learning outcomes shows that in all categories, independence shows learning outcomes in very good and good categories. Conclusion: (a) Student cognitive learning outcomes in completing lectures vary in very good and good categories. (b) Students' independence in completing lectures varies from fairly good to very good categories but is dominated by very good categories. (c) student independence in each indicator varies from fairly good to very good, except for the initiative indicator, which is in the good and good categories. (d) the level of student independence determines learning outcomes that vary in very good and good categories

    Analysis of independence and creative thinking skills of students through assignment

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    This study aims to describe students' independence and creative thinking skills through assignments. The subjects of this research are Biology Education students who take the Nutrition Science elective course as many as 20 people. Independence and creative thinking data were collected using an instrument with a Likert scale. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively into five categories. The results of the independence analysis showed as many as 16 students (80%) in the very good category and 4 students (20%) in the good category. The results of the creative thinking analysis showed as many as 13 students (65%) in the very good category and 7 students (35%) in the good category. It can be concluded that most of the students completing lecture assignments have independence and creative thinking skills in the very good category. The achievement of independence on the indicators of not depending on others, self-confidence, self-initiative, and self-control, each student varied from fairly good, good, and very good categories. Meanwhile, the achievement of independence for the indicators of discipline and responsibility varies in the good and very good categories. (c) The achievement of all indicators of students' creative thinking skills varies in the very good and good categories. The very good category was mostly achieved by students on the indicators of flexible and original thinking skills. In contrast, students mostly achieved the good category on the indicators of evaluation thinking skills

    Comparasion of Iles-iles and Cassava Tubers as a Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Substrate Fermentation for Bioethanol Production

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    Kusmiyati (2010) Comparasion of iles-iles and cassava tubers as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae substrate fermentation forbioethanol production. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 7-13. The production of bioethanol increase rapidly because it is renewable energy thatcan be used to solve energy crisis caused by the depleting of fossil oil. The large scale production bioethanol in industry generally usefeedstock such as sugarcane, corn, and cassava that are also required as food resouces. Therefore, many studies on the bioethanolprocess concerned with the use raw materials that were not competing with food supply. One of the alternative feedstock able to utilizefor bioethanol production is the starchy material that available locally namely iles-iles (Amorphophallus mueller Blum). The contain ofcarbohydrate in the iles-iles tubers is around 71.12 % which is slightly lower as compared to cassava tuber (83,47%). The effect ofvarious starting material, starch concentration, pH, fermentation time were studied. The conversion of starchy material to ethanol havethree steps, liquefaction and saccharification were conducted using α-amylase and amyloglucosidase then fermentation by yeastS.cerevisiaie. The highest bioethanol was obtained at following variables starch:water ratio=1:4 ;liquefaction with 0.40 mL α-amylase(4h); saccharification with 0.40 mL amyloglucosidase (40h); fermentation with 10 mL S.cerevisiae (72h) producing bioethanol 69,81g/L from cassava while 53,49 g/L from iles-iles tuber. At the optimum condition, total sugar produced was 33,431 g/L from cassavawhile 16,175 g/L from iles-iles tuber. The effect of pH revealed that the best ethanol produced was obtained at pH 5.5 duringfermentation occurred for both cassava and iles-iles tubers. From the results studied shows that iles-iles tuber is promising feedstockbecause it is producing bioethanol almost similarly compared to cassava

    Pendekatan Kontekstualdalam Pembelajaran Ipa(biologi) Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    . Contextual learning is learning concept that encourages students to construct their knowledge by themselves. The learning process is naturally in the form of student\u27s activity and experience, not by transfer the knowledge from teacher. The aim of the application of contextual learning on biology will be more effective and efficient. The task of the teacher is controlling class and to decide learning strategy and method, so that the students experience concepts what they learnt by themselves

    Nutrisi Di Awal Perkembangan

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    . Numbers and kinds of nutrition was needed for baby development and growth process. If need of the nutrition enough, the baby will growing accord with the age development and grow and increasing the quality of live. Nutrient deficiency in the early development will effect for quality of live next year. ASI is a main nutrition for baby post natal. After 6 month ASI was not enough for baby that is they must intake of add nutrition of ASI accord with the age and accordingly to digestive system with the result that the nutrient of nutrition can be absorption


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    The use of still traditional learning models is one of the causes of the underdevelopment of students in terms of both values and interest in learning. Indonesian subjects that are supposed to be fun get boring if the learning model used is not appropriate. The game based learning model with UNO Stacko for question card media is one of the innovative learning models that teachers can use when learning Indonesian. This study aims to determine the differences in learning outcomes and to describe the effects of game-based learning models with the UN Stacko for question card media on Indonesian language learning outcomes for seventh grade students at MTS Darul Ulum Lamongan. This research is an experimental type of research with a quantitative approach. The sample of this research includes 2 groups of 7th grade students for the 2020-2021 academic year. Data collection techniques in the form of observations and tests. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that there were differences in the learning outcomes of the Indonesian language in the group of students with the application of game-based learning models and in the groups of students with the application of conventional learning models and the application of this learning model influenced Learning outcomes of grade VII Indonesian students at MTS Darul Ulum Lamongan strong

    Nyeri Haid, Penyebab, Dan Penanggulangannya

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    Haid atau menstruasi merupakan pelepasan dinding endometrium disertai darah. Nyeri sering menyertai kejadian menstruasi, sebagai hasil kontraksi kuat miometrium yang terjadi menjelang dan selama menstruasiFaktor penyebab nyeri haid bermacam-macam, antara lain faktor endokrin, kejiwaan dan faktor lain yang terkait dengan alat reproduksi. Nyeri dapat terjadi karena sekresi prostaglandin yang berlebih. Umumnya perempuan yangmengalami nyeri haid tidak terlalu memperhatikan atau tidak merawat dengan khusus, karena kejadiannya sudah biasa, namun ada pula yang merasa sangat tidak nyaman. Nyeri haid dapat dikurangi dengan obat anti peradangan atauobat yang menghambat biosintesis prostaglandin, dan dengan tanpa obat seperti pijat, kompres hangat, mendengarkan musik, menonton televisi atau melatih pernafasan.Kata kunci : HaidAbstrac : Menstruation is the release of endometrium wall accompanied by blood. Menstrual cramps are the results of strong myometrial contraction that occur just before and during menstruation period. The causes of menstrual cramps could be endocrine, psychological and other factors related to reproduction organ. The cramps may be due to excessive prostaglandin secretion. Generally, women ignore the menstrual cramps because it is the monthly routine, but others feel extremely uncomfortable Menstrual cramp (painful) can be reduced by taking anti-inflamantory drugs or drugs which inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis or non medicinal practices like massase, warm compress, listening to music, watching television, or breathing relaxation

    Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Terhadap Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Matematis Tipe HOTS dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa MA Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji dan membuktikan: 1) perbedaan kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematis tipe HOTS antara kelas yang menerapkan model PBL dengan model pembelajaran konvensional/langsung; 2) perbedaan motivasi belajar matematika antara kelas yang menerapkan model PBL dengan model pembelajaran konvensional/langsung pada siswa kelas X - MIA Madrasah Aliyah Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto. Kontribusi dalam bidang pembelajaran matematika dapat dijadikan dasar acuan untuk merancang strategi pembelajaran yang lebih baik yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan memecahkan soal HOTS dan motivasi belajar siswa. Pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian menggunakan quasy-eksperimen dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Populasinya seluruh siswa kelas X MIA yang bukan kelas olimpiade melainkan kelas non olimpiade (regular). Sampel penelitian diambil dua kelas yang mempunyai kemampuan awal sama, dijadikan sebagai kelas yang menerapkan model pembelajaran langsung dan kelas model PBL. Metode pengumpulan data berupa angket motivasi dan  tes. Variabel bebas yaitu model  PBL dan model pembelajaran langsung, variabel terikat yaitu kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematis tipe HOTS  dan motivasi belajar. Metode analisis data dengan uji t (two independent sample t test). Hasil penelitian: 1) Terdapat perbedaan kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematis tipe HOTS  yang sangat signifikan antara kelas yang menerapkan model PBL dengan model pembelajaran langsung; 2) Terdapat  perbedaan motivasi belajar yang signifikan antara kelas yang menerapkan model PBL dengan model pembelajaran langsung pada siswa kelas X - MIA MA Amanatul Ummah Mojokerto
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