2,145 research outputs found

    High‑temperature structural phase transitions in neighborite: a high‑resolution neutron powder diffraction investigation

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    The nature of the apparently continuous structural phase transition at 1,049 K in the perovskite-structured, MgSiO3 isomorph, neighborite (NaMgF3), from the orthorhombic (Pbnm) hettotype phase to the cubic ( Pm3¯m ) aristotype structure, has been re-investigated using high-resolution, time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. Using data collected at 1 K intervals close to the nominal phase transition temperature, the temperature dependence of the intensities of superlattice reflections at the M point (2πa[12,12,0]) and the R point (2πa[12,12,12]) of the pseudocubic Brillouin zone indicate the existence of a new intermediate tetragonal phase in space group P4/mbm, with a narrow phase field extending from ~1,046.5 to ~1,048.5 K, at ambient pressure. Group theoretical analysis shows that the structural transitions identified in this study, Pbnm–P4/mbm, and P4/mbm– Pm3¯m , are permitted to be second order. The observation of the tetragonal phase resolves the longstanding issue of why the high-temperature phase transition, previously identified as Pbnm– Pm3¯m , and which would be expected to be first order under Landau theory, is in fact found to be continuous. Analysis of the pseudocubic shear strain shows it to vary with a critical exponent of 0.5 implying that the phase transition from Pbnm to P4/mbm is tricritical in character. The large librational modes that exist in the MgF6 octahedron at high temperature, and the use of Gaussian probability density functions to describe atomic displacements, result in apparent bond shortening in the Mg–F distances, making mode amplitude determination an unreliable method for determination of the critical exponent from internal coordinates. Crystal structures are reported for the three phases of NaMgF3 at 1,033 K (Pbnm), 1,047 K (P4/mbm) and 1,049 K ( Pm3¯m )

    A systematic review of economic evaluations of whole genome sequencing for the surveillance of bacterial pathogens

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    Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has unparalleled ability to distinguish between bacteria, with many public health applications. The generation and analysis of WGS data require significant financial investment. We describe a systematic review summarizing economic analyses of genomic surveillance of bacterial pathogens, reviewing the evidence for economic viability. The protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42021289030). Six databases were searched on 8 November 2021 using terms related to ‘WGS’, ‘population surveillance’ and ‘economic analysis’. Quality was assessed with the Drummond–Jefferson checklist. Following data extraction, a narrative synthesis approach was taken. Six hundred and eighty-one articles were identified, of which 49 proceeded to full-text screening, with 9 selected for inclusion. All had been published since 2019. Heterogeneity was high. Five studies assessed WGS for hospital surveillance and four analysed foodborne pathogens. Four were cost–benefit analyses, one was a cost–utility analysis, one was a cost-effectiveness analysis, one was a combined cost-effectiveness and cost–utility analysis, one combined cost-effectiveness and cost–benefit analyses and one was a partial analysis. All studies supported the use of WGS as a surveillance tool on economic grounds. The available evidence supports the use of WGS for pathogen surveillance but is limited by marked heterogeneity. Further work should include analysis relevant to low- and middle-income countries and should use real-world effectiveness data

    Studies of the Precipitation Pattern of Paclitaxel in Intravenous Infusions and Rat Plasma Using Laser Nephelometry

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    Cremophor EL (CrEL) is commonly used to solubilize paclitaxel (Ptx); a widely established anticancer agent used against many types of cancer. Using laser-based microplate nephelometry, in this work we assessed the precipitation kinetics of Ptx in CrEL-containing formulations upon dilutions with different infusion media or upon introduction into rat plasma. The precipitation profile of Ptx was assessed for a Taxol-like formulation and compared with a preparation with reduced CrEL content. These two formulations were diluted at various ratios in compatible infusion media and with or without rat plasma. The percentages of Ptx precipitated in dilution media and protein-binding in plasma were quantified using HPLC. The findings of turbidity measurements were in good agreement with HPLC. Despite the presence of albumin, it was possible to assess turbidity within infusion solutions and predict Ptx precipitation. Upon addition to plasma, no precipitation in Taxol-like formulation occurred after 2 h. In contrast, precipitation occurred immediately in CrEL-reduced formulation. It is possible that the high percentage of protein-bound Ptx in plasma (98.5–99.2%) has inhibited drug precipitation. Turbidity measurements using laser nephelometry can provide a rapid screening tool when developing intravenous formulations for poorly soluble drugs, such as Ptx and assess its stability upon dilution in animal plasma

    Late summer transition from a free-tropospheric to boundary layer source of Aitken mode aerosol in the high Arctic

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    In the Arctic, the aerosol budget plays a particular role in determining the behaviour of clouds, which are important for the surface energy balance and thus for the region’s climate. A key question is the extent to which cloud condensation nuclei in the high Arctic summertime boundary layer are controlled by local emission and formation processes as opposed to transport from outside. Each of these sources is likely to respond differently to future changes in ice cover. Here we use a global model and observations from ship and aircraft field campaigns to understand the source of high Arctic aerosol in late summer. We find that particles formed remotely, i.e. at lower latitudes, outside the Arctic, are the dominant source of boundary layer Aitken mode particles during the sea ice melt period up to the end of August. Particles from such remote sources, entrained into the boundary layer from the free troposphere, account for nucleation and Aitken mode particle concentrations that are otherwise underestimated by the model. This source from outside the high Arctic declines as photochemical rates decrease towards the end of summer, and is largely replaced by local new particle formation driven by iodic acid emitted from the surface and associated with freeze-up. Such a local source is consistent with strong fluctuations in nucleation mode concentrations that occur in September. Our results suggest a high-Arctic aerosol regime shift in late summer, and only after this shift do cloud condensation nuclei become sensitive to local aerosol processes

    Quasi-Normal Modes of Stars and Black Holes

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    Perturbations of stars and black holes have been one of the main topics of relativistic astrophysics for the last few decades. They are of particular importance today, because of their relevance to gravitational wave astronomy. In this review we present the theory of quasi-normal modes of compact objects from both the mathematical and astrophysical points of view. The discussion includes perturbations of black holes (Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\"om, Kerr and Kerr-Newman) and relativistic stars (non-rotating and slowly-rotating). The properties of the various families of quasi-normal modes are described, and numerical techniques for calculating quasi-normal modes reviewed. The successes, as well as the limits, of perturbation theory are presented, and its role in the emerging era of numerical relativity and supercomputers is discussed.Comment: 74 pages, 7 figures, Review article for "Living Reviews in Relativity

    Extraction of bodily features for gait recognition and gait attractiveness evaluation

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1319-2. Copyright @ 2012 Springer.Although there has been much previous research on which bodily features are most important in gait analysis, the questions of which features should be extracted from gait, and why these features in particular should be extracted, have not been convincingly answered. The primary goal of the study reported here was to take an analytical approach to answering these questions, in the context of identifying the features that are most important for gait recognition and gait attractiveness evaluation. Using precise 3D gait motion data obtained from motion capture, we analyzed the relative motions from different body segments to a root marker (located on the lower back) of 30 males by the fixed root method, and compared them with the original motions without fixing root. Some particular features were obtained by principal component analysis (PCA). The left lower arm, lower legs and hips were identified as important features for gait recognition. For gait attractiveness evaluation, the lower legs were recognized as important features.Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award and HEFCE

    The Life-Cycle of Operons

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    Operons are a major feature of all prokaryotic genomes, but how and why operon structures vary is not well understood. To elucidate the life-cycle of operons, we compared gene order between Escherichia coli K12 and its relatives and identified the recently formed and destroyed operons in E. coli. This allowed us to determine how operons form, how they become closely spaced, and how they die. Our findings suggest that operon evolution may be driven by selection on gene expression patterns. First, both operon creation and operon destruction lead to large changes in gene expression patterns. For example, the removal of lysA and ruvA from ancestral operons that contained essential genes allowed their expression to respond to lysine levels and DNA damage, respectively. Second, some operons have undergone accelerated evolution, with multiple new genes being added during a brief period. Third, although genes within operons are usually closely spaced because of a neutral bias toward deletion and because of selection against large overlaps, genes in highly expressed operons tend to be widely spaced because of regulatory fine-tuning by intervening sequences. Although operon evolution may be adaptive, it need not be optimal: new operons often comprise functionally unrelated genes that were already in proximity before the operon formed

    Moisture transport by Atlantic tropical cyclones onto the North American continent

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    Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are an important source of freshwater for the North American continent. Many studies have tried to estimate this contribution by identifying TC-induced precipitation events, but few have explicitly diagnosed the moisture fluxes across continental boundaries. We design a set of attribution schemes to isolate the column-integrated moisture fluxes that are directly associated with TCs and to quantify the flux onto the North American Continent due to TCs. Averaged over the 2004–2012 hurricane seasons and integrated over the western, southern and eastern coasts of North America, the seven schemes attribute 7 to 18 % (mean 14 %) of total net onshore flux to Atlantic TCs. A reduced contribution of 10 % (range 9 to 11 %) was found for the 1980–2003 period, though only two schemes could be applied to this earlier period. Over the whole 1980–2012 period, a further 8 % (range 6 to 9 % from two schemes) was attributed to East Pacific TCs, resulting in a total TC contribution of 19 % (range 17 to 22 %) to the ocean-to-land moisture transport onto the North American continent between May and November. Analysis of the attribution uncertainties suggests that incorporating details of individual TC size and shape adds limited value to a fixed radius approach and TC positional errors in the ERA-Interim reanalysis do not affect the results significantly, but biases in peak wind speeds and TC sizes may lead to underestimates of moisture transport. The interannual variability does not appear to be strongly related to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation phenomenon

    Neural Network Parameterizations of Electromagnetic Nucleon Form Factors

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    The electromagnetic nucleon form-factors data are studied with artificial feed forward neural networks. As a result the unbiased model-independent form-factor parametrizations are evaluated together with uncertainties. The Bayesian approach for the neural networks is adapted for chi2 error-like function and applied to the data analysis. The sequence of the feed forward neural networks with one hidden layer of units is considered. The given neural network represents a particular form-factor parametrization. The so-called evidence (the measure of how much the data favor given statistical model) is computed with the Bayesian framework and it is used to determine the best form factor parametrization.Comment: The revised version is divided into 4 sections. The discussion of the prior assumptions is added. The manuscript contains 4 new figures and 2 new tables (32 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables

    Wilsonian Approach to Fluid/Gravity Duality

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    The problem of gravitational fluctuations confined inside a finite cutoff at radius r=rcr=r_c outside the horizon in a general class of black hole geometries is considered. Consistent boundary conditions at both the cutoff surface and the horizon are found and the resulting modes analyzed. For general cutoff rcr_c the dispersion relation is shown at long wavelengths to be that of a linearized Navier-Stokes fluid living on the cutoff surface. A cutoff-dependent line-integral formula for the diffusion constant D(rc)D(r_c) is derived. The dependence on rcr_c is interpreted as renormalization group (RG) flow in the fluid. Taking the cutoff to infinity in an asymptotically AdS context, the formula for D()D(\infty) reproduces as a special case well-known results derived using AdS/CFT. Taking the cutoff to the horizon, the effective speed of sound goes to infinity, the fluid becomes incompressible and the Navier-Stokes dispersion relation becomes exact. The resulting universal formula for the diffusion constant D(horizon)D(horizon) reproduces old results from the membrane paradigm. Hence the old membrane paradigm results and new AdS/CFT results are related by RG flow. RG flow-invariance of the viscosity to entropy ratio η/s\eta /s is shown to follow from the first law of thermodynamics together with isentropy of radial evolution in classical gravity. The ratio is expected to run when quantum gravitational corrections are included.Comment: 34 pages, harvmac, clarified boundary conditio