97 research outputs found

    New Teacher Mentees\u27 Perceptions of Mentorship as an Assimilation Strategy

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    Attrition among new teachers with fewer than 5 years of experience was high in an urban high school in Texas. The high attrition rate is a problem for students, because high teacher turnover can result in teachers with low expertise. In this study, the conceptual framework used was Hord\u27s professional learning community (PLC) model, which emphasizes trust and a utilization of a cycle of inquiry among colleagues to prepare lessons and assessments that affect student achievement. The purpose of this study was to determine new high school teachers\u27 perceptions of assimilation techniques used by their mentors in the new teacher mentor program\u27s PLCs. Also examined were new teachers\u27 reports of what influenced them to remain at or leave the local setting. In this qualitative, single-bound explanatory case study, purposeful sampling was used to interview 10 new teachers in Grades 10 through 12 who had been through the mentorship program. Of the 10 interviewees, 5 were still employed in the local setting and 5 had resigned. Data were analyzed inductively using open coding of emerging themes that were color coded descriptively then organized into explanatory categories. Key findings were that new teacher mentees suggested ways to improve the mentorship program such as being able to choose their mentors and rotating through various mentors throughout the school year so that new teachers can have as many information sources as possible. This study contributes to positive social change by working to increase the retention rate among new teachers, improve classroom instruction, and make PLC more influential

    New Microscopic Connections of Thermodynamics

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    This is a work that discusses the foundations of statistical mechanics (SM) by revisiting its postulates in the case of the two main extant versions of the theory. A third one will here we added, motivated by the desire for an axiomatics that possesses some thermodynamic “flavor”, which does not happen with neither of the two main SM current formulations, namely, those of Gibbs’ (1; 2), based on the ensemble notion, and of Jaynes’, centered on MaxEnt (3; 4; 5). One has to mention at the outset that we “rationally understand” some physical problem when we are able to place it within the scope and context of a specific “Theory”. In turn, we have a theory when we can both derive all the known interesting results and successfully predict new ones starting from a small set of axioms. Paradigmatic examples are von Neumann’s axioms for Quantum Mechanics, Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism, Euclid’s axioms for classical geometry, etc. (1; 3). Boltzmann’s main goal in inventing statistical mechanics during the second half of the XIX century was to explain thermodynamics. However, he did not reach the axiomatic stage described above. The first successful SM theory was that of Gibbs (1902) (2), formulated on the basis of four ensemble-related postulates (1). The other great SM theory is that of Jaynes’ (4), based upon the MaxEnt axiom (derived from Information Theory): ignorance is to be extremized (with suitable constraints). Thermodynamics (TMD) itself has also been axiomatized, of course, using four macroscopic postulates (6). Now, the axioms of SM and of thermodynamics belong to different worlds altogether. The former speak of either “ensembles” (Gibbs), which are mental constructs, or of “observers’ ignorance” (Jaynes), concepts germane to thermodynamics’ language, that refers to laboratory-parlance. In point of fact, TMD enjoys a very particular status in the whole of science, as the one and only theory whose axioms are empirical statements (1). Of course, there is nothing to object to the two standard SM-axiomatics referred to above. However, a natural question emerges: would it be possible to have a statistical mechanics derived from axioms that speak, as far as possible, the same language as that of thermodynamics? To what an extent is this feasible? It is our intention here that of attempting a serious discussion of such an issue and try to provide answers to the query, following ideas developed in (7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13).This work is founded by the Spain Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project FIS2008-00781) and by FEDER funds (EU).Peer reviewe

    Hemorrhagic pericarditis with cardiac tamponade after percutaneous coronary intervention associated with the use of abciximab

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    Glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa inhibitors, such as abciximab, are used as adjunctive therapy for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in high-risk non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), although their effects when used for STEMI are less clear. As the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors becomes more widespread, determining the risks associated with them becomes more important. The major risks associated with the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors are the potential for major bleeding and thrombocytopenia. This is the first reported case in Korea of hemorrhagic pericarditis resulting in cardiac tamponade associated with the use of abciximab, a commonly used GP Ilb/IIa inhibitor, following PCI

    Third-Country Immigrant Integration Policy- Problems and Challenges for Latvia and European Union Member States

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    Maģistra darbā „Trešo valstu imigrantu integrācijas politika – problēmas un izaicinājumi Latvijai un Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm” ir aplūkotas Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu imigrantu integrācijas politikas problēmas. Galvenais uzsvars likts uz Latvijas imigrantu integrācijas politiku, jo saskaņā ar pētījumu „Imigrantu integrācijas politikas indekss III” Latvija ir visnelabvēlīgākā valsts imigrantiem. Darba mērķis-izpētīt imigrantu integrācijas politiku Latvijā un atsevišķās Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīs un noskaidrot nepieciešamos uzlabojumus Latvijas integrācijas politikai, kā arī sniegt priekšlikumus tās pilnveidē. Lai sasniegtu mērķi, ir izvirzīti šādi uzdevumi: salīdzināt Latvijas imigrantu integrācijas politiku ar citu Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu imigrantu integrācijas politiku, intervēt integrācijas politikas ekspertu Latvijā, aptaujāt trešo valstu studentus par viņu pieredzi Latvijā, apmeklēt patvēruma meklētāju centru „Mucenieki”. Atslēgas vārdi: problēmas,imigrantiThe Master Thesis „Third-Country Immigrant Integration Policy–problems and challenges for Latvia and European Union Member States” covers the problems related to the immigrant integration policy in the European Union Member States. The main emphasis is put on the Latvia`s immigrant integration policy,because in accordance with the study “Immigrant Integration Policy Index III” Latvia is the most unfavorable state for immigrants. The aim-to study the immigrant integration policy in Latvia and also in separate European Member States and to find out about the necessary improvements in Latvia`s integration policy. In order to reach the aim, such tasks have been put forward:compare the third-country immigrant integration policy of Latvia with the other European Union Member State third-country immigrant integration policy, carry out an interview with the Latvia`s expert in the field of integration policy,survey the third-country students about their experience in Latvia,visit "Mucenieki"

    Settlement of Disputes between Constitutional Organs of State Power at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia

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    Latvijas normatīvajā regulējumā ir paredzēta iespēja vērsties Satversmes tiesā konstitucionālo valsts varas orgānu (to daļu) savstarpējo strīdu gadījumā, tomēr gan tiesību doktrīnā, gan judikatūrā ir paustas atziņas par tā nepilnībām. Darba mērķis ir izvērtēt nepieciešamību regulējumā viest izmaiņas attiecībā uz Satversmes tiesas procesā paredzēto iespēju tiesā vērsties konstitucionālajiem valsts varas orgāniem (to daļām), kā arī izvirzīt risinājumus iespējamajai problēmai. Darba uzdevumos ietilpst Satversmes tiesas izveidošanas vēsturisko aspektu un kompetences izvērtēšana, kā arī priekšlikumu izvirzīšana normatīvā regulējuma pilnveidei. Atslēgvārdi: konstitucionālās tiesības; konstitucionālie valsts varas orgāni; Satversmes tiesa; efektīvi tiesību aizsardzības līdzekļi.The Latvian legal and regulatory framework provides for the possibility to apply to the Constitutional Court in case of disputes between constitutional organs of state power (parts thereof), however, both legal doctrine and judicature have expressed opinions on its shortcomings. The aim of the paper is to assess the necessity to introduce changes in the regulation with regard to the possibility provided in the Constitutional Court proceedings for the constitutional organs of state power (parts thereof) to apply to the court, as well as to propose solutions to the possible problem. The tasks of the work include not only the assessment of the main historical aspects of the establishment of the Constitutional Court and its competence, but also the putting forward of proposals for the improvement of the legal framework. Keywords: constitutional law; constitutional organs of state power; Constitutional Court; effective judicial remedies

    Approaching Venue Analysis

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    Sikkerhetsregulering i norsk petroleumsrett! Ivaretakelse av HMS-forpliktelser i rettighetshavergruppen på norsk sokkel

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    Drøftelse av om HMS-forpliktelser i rettighetshavergruppen på norsk sokkel blir ivaretatt. Har samfunnsendringer gitt regelverket utfordringer og har aktørene klart å følge med i utviklingen er sentrale elementer i avhandlingen

    Sepsis Training in Virtual Reality - A Study on Enhanced Learning

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    Sepsis is a health condition where the bloodstream is bacterial infected, it affects annually 18 million people around the world. Especially does the illness affect individuals with weaker immune systems. Treating sepsis presents some challenges as it requires rapidly detection and correct treatment. Virtual Reality (VR), which is defined as three-dimensional computer science, presents potential solutions as it can provide efficiency and proficiency. Still, this avenue has not yet attracted much attention and this master’s thesis is among pioneering efforts in the field presenting VR solution to sepsis. More precisely, will VR be used to increase competency in detecting and handling patient with sepsis so that health personnel can be better prepared. The technology will add to existing training opportunities for health care students and professionals with a solution that is cheaper, more fun, and easy to integrate into ongoing activities. Thereby, the targeted market for VR include both educational and health institutions that address patients who can get a blood infection. The key to succeed with implementation of this new form of educational tool is include health personnel early in the production process of the application. Sudarsana et al. (2019) remarked that the target group “has a vital role in the development of educational technology” (p. 3) as it in the end was the one going to use it. The health personnel’s perception is not only important knowing for the development of this VR solution, but also for future usage of this technology. By taking the perception of these users into consideration, developers will be able to make customized product adequate to the reality, affecting positively the learning outcomes and motivation of its users. Therefore, this study was conducted to address end-user’s thoughts about VR as an educational learning tool on sepsis. We collected perspectives of 44 volunteers from health care services through a quantitative design survey. To address the target groups thoughts on sepsis training and learning in VR, two questions can be asked: whether they accept it to the certain degree that they will use it, and whether they think it can enhance todays learning with being more efficient and proficient. This master’s thesis is based on the Technology Acceptance Model, containing several elements that together contribute to address attitude towards educational tool. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are the two main elements affecting participants relation to sepsis learning and training in VR. High results were found on intention to use as 65.90 % of the participants wished for VR to get adopted to supply and maintenance health personnel’s knowledge on sepsis. A corresponding percentage reveled that the health personnel would predict to use VR to refresh knowledge on sepsis given access. Meaning that the target group overall accept the tool as an add to the conventional classroom. The survey participants experienced the solution for sepsis training suitable as they thought it could give a reflection of being present in a situation with sepsis. Also, they thought they would be more concentrated in a fun and deep learning case in VR than by the conventional classroom learning. The participants predicted to be able to transfer accumulated knowledge from a virtual case to a real-world case. The technological tools given characteristics are expected to enhance todays learning