322 research outputs found

    The gene-reduction effect of chromosomal losses detected in gastric cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The level of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) that reduces a gene dose and exerts a cell-adverse effect is known to be a parameter for the genetic staging of gastric cancers. This study investigated if the cell-adverse effect induced with the gene reduction was a rate-limiting factor for the LOH events in two distinct histologic types of gastric cancers, the diffuse- and intestinal-types.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The pathologic specimens obtained from 145 gastric cancer patients were examined for the level of LOH using 40 microsatellite markers on eight cancer-associated chromosomes (3p, 4p, 5q, 8p, 9p, 13q, 17p and 18q).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most of the cancer-associated chromosomes were found to belong to the gene-poor chromosomes and to contain a few stomach-specific genes that were highly expressed. A baseline-level LOH involving one or no chromosome was frequent in diffuse-type gastric cancers. The chromosome 17 containing a relatively high density of genes was commonly lost in intestinal-type cancers but not in diffuse-type cancers. A high-level LOH involving four or more chromosomes tended to be frequent in the gastric cancers with intestinal and mixed differentiation. Disease relapse was common for gastric cancers with high-level LOH through both the hematogenous (38%) and non-hematogenous (36%) routes, and for the baseline-level LOH cases through the non-hematogenous route (67%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The cell-adverse effect of gene reduction is more tolerated in intestinal-type gastric cancers than in diffuse-type cancers, and the loss of high-dose genes is associated with hematogenous metastasis.</p

    Biomarkers for Clinical and Incipient Tuberculosis: Performance in a TB-Endemic Country

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    Simple biomarkers are required to identify TB in both HIV(-)TB(+) and HIV(+)TB(+) patients. Earlier studies have identified the M. tuberculosis Malate Synthase (MS) and MPT51 as immunodominant antigens in TB patients. One goal of these investigations was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of anti-MS and -MPT51 antibodies as biomarkers for TB in HIV(-)TB(+) and HIV(+)TB(+) patients from a TB-endemic setting. Earlier studies also demonstrated the presence of these biomarkers during incipient subclinical TB. If these biomarkers correlate with incipient TB, their prevalence should be higher in asymptomatic HIV(+) subjects who are at a high-risk for TB. The second goal was to compare the prevalence of these biomarkers in asymptomatic, CD4(+) T cell-matched HIV(+)TB(-) subjects from India who are at high-risk for TB with similar subjects from US who are at low-risk for TB.Anti-MS and -MPT51 antibodies were assessed in sera from 480 subjects including PPD(+) or PPD(-) healthy subjects, healthy community members, and HIV(-)TB(+) and HIV(+)TB(+) patients from India. Results demonstrate high sensitivity (approximately 80%) of detection of smear-positive HIV(-)TB(+) and HIV(+)TB(+) patients, and high specificity (>97%) with PPD(+) subjects and endemic controls. While approximately 45% of the asymptomatic HIV(+)TB(-) patients at high-risk for TB tested biomarker-positive, >97% of the HIV(+)TB(-) subjects at low risk for TB tested negative. Although the current studies are hampered by lack of knowledge of the outcome, these results provide strong support for the potential of these biomarkers to detect incipient, subclinical TB in HIV(+) subjects.These biomarkers provide high sensitivity and specificity for TB diagnosis in a TB endemic setting. Their performance is not compromised by concurrent HIV infection, site of TB and absence of pulmonary manifestations in HIV(+)TB(+) patients. Results also demonstrate the potential of these biomarkers for identifying incipient subclinical TB in HIV(+)TB(-) subjects at high-risk for TB

    How well do blood folate concentrations predict dietary folate intakes in a sample of Canadian lactating women exposed to high levels of folate? An observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 1998, mandatory folic acid fortification of white flour and select cereal grain products was implemented in Canada with the intention to increase dietary folate intakes of reproducing women. Folic acid fortification has produced a dramatic increase in blood folate concentrations among reproductive age women, and a reduction in neural tube defect (NTD)-affected pregnancies. In response to improved blood folate concentrations, many health care professionals are asking whether a folic acid supplement is necessary for NTD prevention among women with high blood folate values, and how reliably high RBC folate concentrations predict folate intakes shown in randomized controlled trials to be protective against NTDs. The objective of this study was to determine how predictive blood folate concentrations and folate intakes are of each other in a sample of well-educated lactating Canadian women exposed to high levels of synthetic folate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The relationship between blood folate concentrations and dietary folate intakes, determined by weighed food records, were assessed in a sample of predominantly university-educated lactating women (32 Ā± 4 yr) at 4-(n = 53) and 16-wk postpartum (n = 55).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median blood folate concentrations of all participants were well above plasma and RBC folate cut-off levels indicative of deficiency (6.7 and 317 nmol/L, respectively) and all, except for 2 subjects, were above the cut-off for NTD-risk reduction (>906 nmol/L). Only modest associations existed between total folate intakes and plasma (r = 0.46, <it>P </it>< 0.001) and RBC (r = 0.36, <it>P </it>< 0.01) folate concentrations at 16-wk postpartum. Plasma and RBC folate values at 16-wk postpartum correctly identified the quartile of folate intake of only 26 of 55 (47%) and 18 of 55 (33%) of subjects, respectively. The mean RBC folate concentration of women consuming 151ā€“410 Ī¼g/d of synthetic folate (2<sup>nd </sup>quartile of intake) did not differ from that of women consuming >410 Ī¼g/d (3<sup>rd </sup>and 4<sup>th </sup>quartile).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Folate intakes, estimated by food composition tables, and blood folate concentrations are not predictive of each other in Canadian lactating women exposed to high levels of folate. Synthetic intakes > 151ā€“410 Ī¼g/d in these women produced little additional benefit in terms of maximizing RBC content. More studies are needed to examine the relationship between blood folate concentration and NTD risk. Until data from such studies are available, women planning a pregnancy should continue to consume a daily folic acid supplement of 400 Ī¼g.</p

    Enhanced biological carbon consumption in a high CO2 ocean

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    The oceans have absorbed nearly half of the fossil-fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into the atmosphere since pre-industrial times1, causing a measurable reduction in seawater pH and carbonate saturation2. If CO2 emissions continue to rise at current rates, upper-ocean pH will decrease to levels lower than have existed for tens of millions of years and, critically, at a rate of change 100 times greater than at any time over this period3. Recent studies have shown effects of ocean acidification on a variety of marine life forms, in particular calcifying organisms4, 5, 6. Consequences at the community to ecosystem level, in contrast, are largely unknown. Here we show that dissolved inorganic carbon consumption of a natural plankton community maintained in mesocosm enclosures at initial CO2 partial pressures of 350, 700 and 1,050ā€‰Ī¼atm increases with rising CO2. The community consumed up to 39% more dissolved inorganic carbon at increased CO2 partial pressures compared to present levels, whereas nutrient uptake remained the same. The stoichiometry of carbon to nitrogen drawdown increased from 6.0 at low CO2 to 8.0 at high CO2, thus exceeding the Redfield carbon:nitrogen ratio of 6.6 in todayā€™s ocean7. This excess carbon consumption was associated with higher loss of organic carbon from the upper layer of the stratified mesocosms. If applicable to the natural environment, the observed responses have implications for a variety of marine biological and biogeochemical processes, and underscore the importance of biologically driven feedbacks in the ocean to global change

    Effect of Cellular Quiescence on the Success of Targeted CML Therapy

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    Similar to tissue stem cells, primitive tumor cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia have been observed to undergo quiescence; that is, the cells can temporarily stop dividing. Using mathematical models, we investigate the effect of cellular quiescence on the outcome of therapy with targeted small molecule inhibitors.According to the models, the initiation of treatment can result in different patterns of tumor cell decline: a biphasic decline, a one-phase decline, and a reverse biphasic decline. A biphasic decline involves a fast initial phase (which roughly corresponds to the eradication of cycling cells by the drug), followed by a second and slower phase of exponential decline (corresponding to awakening and death of quiescent cells), which helps explain clinical data. We define the time when the switch to the second phase occurs, and identify parameters that determine whether therapy can drive the tumor extinct in a reasonable period of time or not. We further ask how cellular quiescence affects the evolution of drug resistance. We find that it has no effect on the probability that resistant mutants exist before therapy if treatment occurs with a single drug, but that quiescence increases the probability of having resistant mutants if patients are treated with a combination of two or more drugs with different targets. Interestingly, while quiescence prolongs the time until therapy reduces the number of cells to low levels or extinction, the therapy phase is irrelevant for the evolution of drug resistant mutants. If treatment fails as a result of resistance, the mutants will have evolved during the tumor growth phase, before the start of therapy. Thus, prevention of resistance is not promoted by reducing the quiescent cell population during therapy (e.g., by a combination of cell activation and drug-mediated killing).The mathematical models provide insights into the effect of quiescence on the basic kinetics of the response to targeted treatment of CML. They identify determinants of success in the absence of drug resistant mutants, and elucidate how quiescence influences the emergence of drug resistant mutants

    The overmethylated genes in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa are demethylated in gastric cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transitional-CpG sites between weakly methylated genes and densely methylated retroelements are overmethylated in the gastric mucosa infected with <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>(<it>H. pylori</it>) and they are undermethylated in the gastric cancers depending on the level of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) events. This study delineated the transitional-CpG methylation patterns of CpG-island-containing and -lacking genes in view of the retroelements.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The transitional-CpG sites of eight CpG-island-containing genes and six CpG-island-lacking genes were semi-quantitatively examined by performing radioisotope-labelling methylation-specific PCR under stringent conditions. The level of LOH in the gastric cancers was estimated using the 40 microsatellite markers on eight cancer-associated chromosomes. Each gene was scored as overmethylated or undermethylated based on an intermediate level of transitional-CpG methylation common in the <it>H. pylori</it>-negative gastric mucosa.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The eight CpG-island genes examined were overmethylated depending on the proximity to the nearest retroelement in the <it>H. pylori</it>-positive gastric mucosa. The six CpG-island-lacking genes were similarly methylated in the <it>H. pylori</it>-positive and -negative gastric mucosa. In the gastric cancers, long transitional-CpG segments of the CpG-island genes distant from the retroelements remained overmethylated, whereas the overmethylation of short transitional-CpG segments close to the retroelements was not significant. Both the CpG-island-containing and -lacking genes tended to be decreasingly methylated in a LOH-level-dependent manner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The overmethylated genes under the influence of retroelement methylation in the <it>H. pylori</it>-infected stomach are demethylated in the gastric cancers influenced by LOH.</p

    The Management of Disclosure in Childrenā€™s Accounts of Domestic Violence: Practices of Telling and Not Telling

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    Children and young people who experience domestic violence are often represented as passive witnesses, too vulnerable to tell the stories of their own lives. This article reports on findings from a 2 year European research project (Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies, UNARS) with children and young people in Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK, who had experienced domestic violence. It explores children and young peopleā€™s understandings of their own capacity to reflect on and disclose their experiences Extracts from individual interviews with 107 children and young people (age 8ā€“18) were analysed. Three themes are presented, that illustrate children and young peopleā€™s strategies for managing disclosure: (1) ā€œBeing silenced or choosing silence?ā€, explores children and young peopleā€™s practices of self-silencing; (2) ā€œManaging disclosures: Finding ways to tellā€ outlines how children and young people value self-expression, and the strategies they use to disclose safely; and in (3) ā€œSpeaking with many voicesā€ considers how children and young peopleā€™s accounts of their experiences are constituted relationally, and are often polyvocal. The article concludes that children and young people can be articulate, strategic and reflexive communicators, and that good support for families struggling with domestic violence must enable space for children and young peopleā€™s voice to be heard. This is possible only in an integrated framework able to encompass multiple layers and perspectives, rather than privileging the adult point of view. Practitioners who work with families affected by domestic violence need to recognize that children and young people are able to reflect on and speak about their experiences. This requires that attention is paid to the complexity of children and young peopleā€™s communication practices, and the relational context of those communications
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