121 research outputs found

    Texty frankofonního hip hopu z pohledu Digital humanities

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    This paper contains an explorative analysis of French rap lyrics. The focus of the work is to answer three questions: What is the vocabulary used in the French rap lyrics? What are the topics present in the French rap lyrics? Are media and technology a significant topic in French rap lyrics? The methods used to obtain the answers to the research questions can be listed as follows: literature research, data collection of French rap lyrics, statistical textual analysis, and algorithmic topic modelling. The findings confirm previous research on the subject by supporting claims that the level of non- standard language in French rap lyrics is not as high as myths suggested. In terms of the topics, the topic modelling confirms that there is a variety of themes present in French rap lyrics, including anti- systemic sentiments, struggle, censorship, and false information presented by the authorities.Tato práce obsahuje explorační analýzu textů rapových písní ve francouzském jazyce. Hlavním záměrem této práce je odpovědět na tři základní otázky: Jaká je slovní zásoba rapových písní ve francouzském jazyce? Jaká témata tyto písně reflektují? Jsou v těchto písních média a technologie důležitá témata? Metody použité za účelem zodpovězení těchto otázek jsou následující: přehled dostupné literatury, sběr dat (sběr francouzských rapových textů), statistická textová analýza a algoritmické modelování témat. Výsledky tohoto výzkumu potvrzují závěry nalezené v přehledu literatury. Podporují tvrzení, že výskyt nestandardních slov ve francouzských rapových textech není tak vysoký. Co se týče modelování témat, výsledky potvrzují, že francouzské rapové texty obsahují mnoho různých témat, například protisystémové postoje, existenční potíže, cenzuru a kritiku nepravdivých informací prezentovaných autoritami.Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesÚstav informačních studií - studia nových médiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The use of dance in people with specific needs

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    Author: Veronika Klimentová, DiS. Title: The use of dance in people with specific needs Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the use of dance in people with specific needs as well as determine, based on the survey, if dance is used in social facilities in the Czech republic. I have done so by creating and using a non-standardized questionnaire survey, which examined the established scientific questions. Methods: To fulfill the aim of the bachelor's thesis, the method of qualitative-quantitative research using a questionnaire survey was used. The results were processed and shown by graphical comparison. Results: The results of the questionnaire survey showed that dance is used by different organizations with different target groups. It is mainly a form of therapeutic dance or a dance lesson. All respondents confirmed the positive effect of dance on their clients. Conclusion: Dance can have a positive effect on physical and mental health of an individual. It can also support social relationships of people with specific needs. In the social institutions of the Czech Republic, it is used in the form of therapeutic dance rather as a supplement to the regular program. Greater awareness of social workers about the effects of dance therapy and therapeutic dance, as well as the involvement...Autor: Veronika Klimentová, DiS. Název: Využití tance u osob se specifickými potřebami Cíl: Cílem práce bylo provést analýzu využití tance u osob se specifickými potřebami a pomocí dotazníkového šetření zjistit, zda je tanec využíván v sociálních zařízení v České republice a jakou formou. K tomu byl vytvořen nestandardizovaný dotazník, který zjišťoval stanovené vědecké otázky. Metody: Pro naplnění cíle bakalářské práce byla využita metoda kvalitativně-kvantitativního výzkumu pomocí dotazníkového šetření. Výsledky byly zpracovány a znázorněny pomocí grafické komparace. Výsledky: Výsledky dotazníkového šetření ukázaly, že tanec využívají různé organizace s odlišnými cílovými skupinami. Převážně se jedná o formu terapeutického tance či taneční lekce. Téměř všichni respondenti potvrdili pozitivní vliv tance na své klienty. Závěr: Tanec může mít pozitivní vliv na fyzické i psychické zdraví a podporuje sociální vztahy u osob se specifickými potřebami. V sociálních zařízeních České republiky je využíván formou terapeutického tance spíše jako doplněk pravidelného programu. Větší informovanost sociálních pracovníků o účinkách taneční terapie a terapeutického tance i zapojení profesionálů do práce s klienty by mohla přispět ke zkvalitnění poskytovaných služeb v ČR. Klíčová slova: osoby se specifickými...Department of Gymnastics and Combat SportsKatedra gymnastiky a úpolových sportůFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Strategic Analysis of the Company DEZA, a. s.

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    Import 22/07/2015Tato práce se zabývá strategickou analýzou společnosti DEZA, a. s. Jsou zde aplikovány teoretické poznatky strategické analýzy. Práce se zaměřuje na externí a interní analýzu podniku. Z interní analýzy vyplynou silné a slabé stránky podniku a z externí analýzy příležitosti a hrozby z okolí. Velmi podstatné je vyhodnocení obou analýz, které se provede pomocí SWOT analýzy, která všechny faktory ohodnotí a porovná mezi sebou. V závěru je provedeno na základě SWOT analýzy vyhodnocení všech faktorů a jsou doporučeny návrhy na zlepšení situace ve společnosti.This thesis is concerned with strategic analysis of the company DEZA, a. s. Herein are applied theoretical knowledge of strategic analysis. The thesis is focused on external and internal analysis of the company. Strengths and weaknesses of the company results from internal analysis; opportunities and threats of the company results from external analysis. Interpretation of both analysis is very important, it is performed by SWOT analysis, which evaluates and compares all factors. Assessment of all factors on the basis of SWOT analysis and suggestions for improvements of standing of the company are performed in a conclusion of the thesis.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Financial Valuation of Construction Company Using Financial Analysis

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    Cílem mojí diplomové práce je finanční posouzení vybraného stavebního podniku prostřednictvím finanční analýzy. Teoretická část zahrnuje charakteristiku stavebního podniku, účetních výkazů a popis finanční analýzy a jejích metod. Praktická část hodnotí ekonomickou situaci podniku pomocí finanční analýzy. Finanční analýza je sestavena pro metody analýzy souhrnných ukazatelů, horizontální a vertikální analýzy a analýzy poměrových ukazatelů.The aim of my thesis is the financial assessment of selected construction company through financial analysis. The theoretical part includes characterization of construction company, financial statements and a description of the financial analysis and its methods. The practical part evaluates the economical situation of company through financial analysis. The financial analysis is prepared for methods of analysis of summary indicators, horizontal and vertical analysis and analysis of ratiometric indicators.

    Heat treatment processes optimalization of ADI with graded Ni content

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na řešení problematiky vlivu tepelného zpracování na segregační procesy probíhající v matrici litiny s kuličkovým grafitem s odstupňovaným obsahem křemíku a niklu. Cílem práce je posouzení rozdílů v redistribuci sledovaných prvků při různých délkách výdrže na homogenizační teplotě za pomoci porovnání efektivních rozdělovacích koeficientů. Součástí práce je porovnání některých specifických vlastností a popis vývoje struktury matrice LKG v základním stavu a ve stavu po feritizačním a homogenizačním žíhání.This work is focused on segregation processes in the matrix of spheroidal graphite cast iron with different silicon and nickel content during heat treatment. The aim of this work is to trace the redistribution of the elements of interest during homogenization annealing with different dwell time by comparison of the effective distribution coefficients. Comparison of some specific properties and description of structure development of spheroidal graphite cast iron matrix from initial state to the state after ferritization and homogenization annealing is included in this work.

    Effect of eugenol, neridol and piperine feed supplement on the thigh muscle fat profile of broiler chickens

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate of the broiler chicken thigh muscle fat profile after feeding a commercial supplement based on eugenol, nerolidol and piperine applied in feeding mixtures. Broiler chickens Ross 308 were reared in a pen equipped with a straw deep litter and placed into 2 groups. One group was designated as control and the second as experimental. Difference between control and experimental groups was in using of feed supplement in experimental feeding mixtures. Experimental supplement is a commercial powder product which was used in an amount of 10 g per 100 kg of feeding mixtures. Chickens of body weight of 1800.0 g were selected from each group, human killed and technologically processed to carcass. Samples were measured according to Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) using the Nicolet 6700 instrument. Infrared area near middle was chosen for determining fat and fatty acids. Mean fat content was found slightly higher value 1.53 g.100g-1 in experimental group opposite 1.49 g.100g-1 in control group showing no statistically significant difference (p >0.05). Ratio among saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was 4.24:5.89:1 in experimental group and 3.75:5.13:1 in control group. Omega-3 PUFAs content was reached 0.54% in experimental group and 0.58% in control group showing no statistically significant (p >0.05). Near-perfect correlation was found between total PUFAs and omega-6 PUFAs as well in the experimental group and control group showing linear, positive and statistically significant relation (p 0.05), in addition to the correlation between total PUFAs and omega-6 PUFAs, which was statistically significant in control (p <0.001) and experimental groups (p <0.01), and statistically significant (p <0.05) closer relation between omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs in experimental group

    Zmeny disperzie epigeických skupín živočíchov v rôznych typoch poľnohospodárskych plodín

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    In the country, agricultural land is an irreplaceable resource for the production of food and raw materials. Changes in the structure of epigeic groups reflect changes in the ecological status of habitats and response to the environmental pressure that affects them (e.g., intensification of cultivation, impact of herbicides and pesticides, agrotechnics, largescale and monoculture areas). The aim of this research is to assess the influence of seven different agricultural crops (Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, T. spelta, Hordeum vulgare, Zea mays, Brassica napus, grass mixture) and environmental variables (pH soil, soil moisture, light conditions, soil fertility) on the dispersion of epigeic groups. Between 2018 and 2020, 40,194 individuals belonging to 22 taxonomic groups collected by pitfall traps were recorded in the observed crops. Our results provide new information on the preference of epigeic groups for some agricultural crops such as the grass mixture (P=0.0096), Hordeum vulgare (P=0.0166), Zea mays (P=0.025), and Pisum sativum (P=0.045). The dispersion was also affected by soil fertility (P=0.032), soil humidity (P=0.012), light (P=0.042) and pH soil (P=0.046). In the beetles model group with the highest number of individuals, the trend of increasing number of individuals with increasing values of potassium (r = 0.631), phosphorus (r = 0.566), nitrogen (r = 0.641), soil moisture (r = 0.572), and light (r = 0.9962) using a regression model was recorded. The neutral pH of the soil (r = 0.6212) was optimal for beetle coenoses.Poľnohospodárska pôda predstavuje v krajine nenahraditeľný zdroj, umožňujúci produkciu potravín a surovín. Zmeny v štruktúre epigeických skupín odzrkadľuju zmeny ekologického stavu biotopov a sú odozvou environmentálneho tlaku, ktorý ich ovplyvňuje (napr. intenzifikácia obrábania, vplyv herbicídov a pesticídov, agrotechnika, veľkoplošné a monokultúrne plochy). Cieľom výskumu je posúdiť vplyv siedmich poľnohospodárskych plodín (Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Triticum spelta, Hordeum vulgare, Zea mays, Brassica napus, Grass mixture) a environmentálnych premenných (pH pôdy, pôdna vlhkosť, sveteľné podmienky, úrodnosť pôdy) na disperziu epigeických skupín. V priebehu rokov 2018 - 2020 sme získali a odchytili pomocou zemných pascí 40 194 jedincov patriacich do 22 taxonomických skupín. Naše výsledky priniesli nové informácie o preferencii epigeických skupín na určité poľnohospodárske plodiny, akými sú Grass mixture (P=0.0096), Hordeum vulgare (P=0.0166), Zea mays (P=0.025), Pisum sativum (P=0.045). Na disperziu vplývali aj úrodnosť pôdy (P=0.032), vlhkosť pôdy (P=0.012), svetelné podmienky (P=0.042) a pH pôdy (P=0.046). Modelovú skupinu Coleoptera, ktorá bola zastúpená najvyšším počtom jedincov, sme použili pri regresnom modeli. Potvrdili sme silný vzťah a trend rastu počtu jedincov so stúpajúcimi hodnotami draslíka (r = 0.631), fosforu (r = 0.556), dusíka (r = 0.641), vlhkosti (r = 0.572) a svetla (r = 0.9962). Pre cenózy chrobákov bolo optimálne neutrálne pH pôdy (r = 0.6212)

    article: Welfare State and Social Work in the Czech Republic after the fall of

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    Abstract This text shows the summary of the social state development in the Czech Republic from 1989 until 2013. It focuses on the changes done in the social security system which is the main holder of the social stability in social states of all kinds. The Czech Republic, similarly to the other post-communist countries, had to solvethe problem of transition from the deformed social policy of the totalitarian regime to modern welfare state systems based on democracy and respect towards human rights and freedom. Intended targets of the changes in newly designed social policy have been and still are unavailable, because the social, political and economic development in the Euro-American context would not wait until the work is done. This brings about special problems which -as we suppose -will be also reflected by the authors from other countries. This text tries to present intended and real changes in the social security system in the period of time named above. Let the kind reader evaluate

    The SAP domain of Ku facilitates its efficient loading onto DNA ends

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    The evolutionarily conserved DNA repair complex Ku serves as the primary sensor of free DNA ends in eukaryotic cells. Its rapid association with DNA ends is crucial for several cellular processes, including non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair and telomere protection. In this study, we conducted a transient kinetic analysis to investigate the impact of the SAP domain on individual phases of the Ku–DNA interaction. Specifically, we examined the initial binding, the subsequent docking of Ku onto DNA, and sliding of Ku along DNA. Our findings revealed that the C-terminal SAP domain of Ku70 facilitates the initial phases of the Ku–DNA interaction but does not affect the sliding process. This suggests that the SAP domain may either establish the first interactions with DNA, or stabilize these initial interactions during loading. To assess the biological role of the SAP domain, we generated Arabidopsis plants expressing Ku lacking the SAP domain. Intriguingly, despite the decreased efficiency of the ΔSAP Ku complex in loading onto DNA, the mutant plants exhibited full proficiency in classical NHEJ and telomere maintenance. This indicates that the speed with which Ku loads onto telomeres or DNA double-strand breaks is not the decisive factor in stabilizing these DNA structures.peer-reviewe

    Protein quality chicken meat after feeding with active substances of citrus fruits and diclazuril and salinomycin sodium

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    The purpose of this study was an experimental investigation of the influence of active substances obtained mainly from citrus fruits in the experimental feed mixtures, and diclazuril and salinomycin sodium in the control feed mixtures of broiler chickens on productive efficiency and protein quality of the breast and thigh muscles. In vivo experiment was carried out with hybrid chickens Cobb 500. Basic feed mixtures were equal a soy cereal type for experimental and control group. Indicators of productive efficiency were measured and calculated, and protein, lysine and methionine contents in the breast and thigh muscles were measured by the method of FT IR, Nicolet 6700. Active substances obtained mainly from citrus fruits confirmed a statistically significant (p ˂0.05) positive effect on the body weight gain; tended to slightly increase feed intake per bird, protein, energy, lysine and methionine intake per bird; slightly decrease feed intake per 1 kg of body weight gain, protein, energy, lysine and methionine intake per 1 kg of body weight gain; slightly increase protein efficiency ratio and energy efficiency ratio. Additive substances used in the feed mixtures did not have a statistically significant effect on protein, lysine and methionine contents in the breast and thigh muscles but displayed a strong positive, statistically significant relation between lysine and methionine in them