123 research outputs found

    Empresariamento da educação em tempos de capitalismo flexível: análise de parcerias escola/empresa no RS

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    This paper discusses the phenomenon of education entrepreneurship from the end of the 20th century on and presents an initial mapping of the Programs developed in public schools by a non-profit Educational Association maintained by the private sector whose goal is to educate entrepreneur subjects in Elementary and High School. The discussions and the documental analysis were based on the theories of Ball, Dardot and Laval, Sennett and López- Ruiz. The study has enabled us to understand the way in which some of the discussions held in the Management and Business area about re-engineering, human capital and entrepreneurship have entered educational institutions and required the education of a flexible subject.Keywords: education, entrepreneurship, human capital.O artigo discute o fenômeno do empresariamento da educação a partir do final do século XX e apresenta um mapeamento inicial das parcerias escola/empresa no Rio Grande do Sul. A partir de uma análise documental, foram estudados programas desenvolvidos em escolas públicas por uma Associação Educativa sem fins lucrativos mantida pela iniciativa privada, cuja finalidade é formar sujeitos empreendedores no Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio. As discussões e a análise dos documentos foram realizadas com base nas teorias de Ball, Dardot e Laval, Sennett e López-Ruiz. O estudo permitiu-nos compreender como algumas das discussões realizadas pela área de Gestão e Negócios sobre a reengenharia, o capital humano e o empreendedorismo adentram as instituições de ensino e demandam a formação de um sujeito flexível.Palavras-chave: educação, empreendedorismo, capital humano

    Do sonho à realização: pedagogia empreendedora, empresariamento da educação e racionalidade neoliberal

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    Nas últimas décadas, as reformas educacionais têm se baseado cada vez mais na lógica do mercado e na norma neoliberal de um sujeito autorregulado, flexível e empreendedor. No Brasil, a partir de diversas parcerias público-privadas, difundiu-se a chamada “pedagogia empreendedora”, que procura utilizar o dispositivo escolar para disseminar a cultura do empreendedorismo entre crianças e jovens. Informada pela racionalidade econômica neoliberal, essa forma pedagógica sustenta que a adoção de uma atitude empreendedora em todas as esferas da vida é a chave para realizar objetivos como autorrealização, bem-estar material e satisfação pessoal. De acordo com essa lógica, para se adaptar a uma economia em contínua mudança e cada vez mais competitiva, é necessário que o indivíduo aprenda a ser autor e protagonista de sua própria vida, responsabilizando-se pelo aprendizado permanente das competências e habilidades demandadas pelo mercado. Para realizar este ensaio, consideramos estudos sobre a pedagogia empreendedora no Brasil, além de programas específicos e parcerias público-privadas, tendo como sustentação a teoria social contemporânea. Os resultados encontrados não têm como intenção representar a totalidade de ações na área da educação empreendedora no Brasil, mas apontar a disseminação do empreendedorismo como um modelo normativo que incita o sujeito a se conceber como uma empresa e a aceitar riscos, segundo uma racionalidade atuarial, que responsabiliza o estudante por sua própria formação, seu sucesso ou fracasso. Assim, a pedagogia empreendedora não só vende uma ilusão, mas reduz o espaço para formas alternativas de conceber a educação como direito do cidadão e bem comum.Over the last decades, educational reforms have increasingly been based on the Market logic and the neoliberal rule of self-regulated, flexible and entrepreneurial individual. In Brazil, stemming from several public-private partnerships the idea of the so-called “entrepreneurial pedagogy” spread seeking to utilize the school device to disseminate the culture of entrepreneurship among children and young people. Informed by the neoliberal economic rationality, such pedagogical form argues that by adopting an entrepreneurial attitude in all spheres of life is the key to achieve objectives such as self-fulfillment, material welfare and personal satisfaction. According to this logic, in order to adapt to an ever-changing and increasingly competitive economy, the individual must learn to be the author and leading actor/actress of their own life, taking responsibility for permanently learning the competences and skill demanded by the market. To carry out this essay, contemplated the studies on entrepreneurial pedagogy in Brazil, as well as specific programs and public-private partnerships, supported by contemporary social theory. Findings are not intended to represent the totality of actions in the field of education in Brazil, but rather point to the spread of entrepreneurship as a normative model that encourages the individual to conceive him/herself as a company and to take risks, according to an actuarial rationality, which the student responsible for their training, their success or failure. Thus, the entrepreneurial pedagogy not only sells an illusion but also reduces the space for alternative ways of conceiving education as a citizen´s right and as common good

    A importância da pedagogia nos processos inclusivos

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    This paper initially attempts to problematize the inclusion processes established in education settings. The aim is to understand the meanings that the school inclusion has taken in the contemporary educational and academic scenario. By analyzing a number of researches that have focused on the production of the abnormal from clinical and psychological diagnoses and treatments, it is possible to notice the silence of Pedagogy, which is subject to the clinical or psy knowledge and ends up not playing its role in the production of pedagogical practices that meet the subjects’ specific needs. Thus, the clinical diagnosis is regarded as absolute truth about the subject, and the interventions are often limited to medicalization. Therefore, it is fundamental to reflect on the relationships established between these different knowledges and their effects on the education settings. This paper invites us to reflect on the Pedagogy challenges in the construction of more inclusive processes in the education area.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1984686X7641 O presente artigo busca, inicialmente, problematizar os processos inclusivos que se estabelecem nos ambientes educativos, com o objetivo de compreender os sentidos que a inclusão escolar assume no cenário educacional e acadêmico contemporâneo. Ao analisar-se uma série de pesquisas que têm como foco a produção do anormal a partir dos diagnósticos e tratamentos clínicos e psicológicos, percebe-se um silenciamento da Pedagogia, que se submete ao saber clínico ou da área psi e acaba por não cumprir sua função na produção de práticas pedagógicas que atendam às necessidades específicas dos sujeitos. Assim, o diagnóstico clínico passa a ser visto como uma verdade absoluta sobre o sujeito, de modo que as intervenções, muitas vezes, são restritas à medicalização. Desse modo, é fundamental refletirmos sobre as relações que se estabelecem entre esses diferentes saberes e seus efeitos nos espaços educativos. Este artigo é um convite à reflexão sobre os desafios da Pedagogia na construção de processos mais inclusivos na área educacional. Palavras-chave: Pedagogia. Saber pedagógico. Processos inclusivos

    O imperativo da inclusão e o sujeito empresário de si na contemporaneidade

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    AbstractThis article points that inclusion of all at the school or society is a contemporary imperative and a fundamental strategy for working of neoliberal governmental. Inside this neoliberal playing, where the individuals of interest need to look for, in an isolated way, a sense to their lives, conditions of possibility for their management are created, make them businesspeople of themselves. Contemporary behaviors are understood as her / himself undertaking, an undertaking of themselves with investment and profit.ResumenEste artículo señala que la inclusión de todos en la escuela o en la sociedad es un imperativo contemporáneo y una estrategia fundamental para el funcionamiento de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal. En el interior de ese juego neoliberal, donde los sujetos de interés necesitan buscar de manera aislada un sentido a sus vidas, se crean condiciones de posibilidad para su gestión, haciéndolos empresarios de sí mismos. Los comportamientos contemporáneos pasan a ser comprendidos en términos de un emprendimiento individual, un emprendimiento de sí mismo con inversión y renta.ResumoEste artigo assinala que a inclusão de todos na escola ou na sociedade é um imperativo da Contemporaneidade e uma estratégia fundamental para o funcionamento da governamentalidade neoliberal. No interior desse jogo neoliberal, no qual os sujeitos de interesse precisam buscar de maneira isolada um sentido às suas vidas, criam-se condições de possibilidade para o gerenciamento dos sujeitos, tornando-os empresários de si mesmos. Os comportamentos contemporâneos passam a ser compreendidos em termos de um empreendimento individual, um empreendimento de si mesmo com investimento e renda

    Semantic Segmentation for Posidonia Oceanica Coverage Estimation

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    One method of assessing the ecological status of seagrass is the analysis of videographic images for variables such as total aerial cover. Georeferenced images can be collected and matched by location over time, and any changes in coverage can be compared statistically to the expected null hypothesis. Since the manual analysis of large datasets approaching over a million images is not feasible, automated methods are necessary. Because of the wide variation in underwater conditions affecting light transmission and reflection, including biological conditions, deep learning methods are necessary to distinguish seagrass from non-seagrass portions of images. Using deep semantic segmentation, we evaluated several deep neural network architectures, and found that the best performer is the DeepLabv3Plus network, at close to 88% (intersection over union). We conclude that the deep learning method is more accurate and many times faster than human annotation. This method can now be used for scoring of large image datasets for seagrass discrimination and cover estimates. Our code is available on GitHub: https://enviewfulda.github.io/LookingForSeagrassSematicSegmentatio

    Semantic Segmentation for Posidonia Oceanica Coverage Estimation

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    One method of assessing the ecological status of seagrass is the analysis of videographic images for variables such as total aerial cover. Georeferenced images can be collected and matched by location over time, and any changes in coverage can be compared statistically to the expected null hypothesis. Since the manual analysis of large datasets approaching over a million images is not feasible, automated methods are necessary. Because of the wide variation in underwater conditions affecting light transmission and reflection, including biological conditions, deep learning methods are necessary to distinguish seagrass from non-seagrass portions of images. Using deep semantic segmentation, we evaluated several deep neural network architectures, and found that the best performer is the DeepLabv3Plus network, at close to 88% (intersection over union). We conclude that the deep learning method is more accurate and many times faster than human annotation. This method can now be used for scoring of large image datasets for seagrass discrimination and cover estimates. Our code is available on GitHub: https://enviewfulda.github.io/LookingForSeagrassSematicSegmentatio

    Vulnerabilidade social e performatividade: motivações da escolha das escolas militarizadas no Maranhão

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    This article analyzed the reasons why the Public Nets of Education of Maranhão establish partnerships with the Fire Department and the Military Police, enabling them to assume the administrative management of some of its schools. The methodological procedures adopted were the documentary analysis and the conduction of semi-structured interviews. In the investigated context, the militarization occurred from the interface between education, social vulnerability and performativity, without properly discussing the social inequalities and the public character of the school, which is deeply modified.El artículo analizó las razones que llevan las Redes Públicas de Educación de Maranhão a firmar alianzas con el Cuerpo de Bomberos y de la Policía Militar, haciendo posible que asuman la gerencia administrativa de algunas de sus escuelas. Los procedimientos metodológicos adoptados fueron el análisis documental y la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas. En el contexto investigado, la militarización se dio a partir del interfaz entre educación, vulnerabilidad social y performatividad, sin una discusión acerca de las desigualdades sociales y del carácter público de la escuela, que es profundamente modificado.O presente artigo analisou os motivos que levam as Redes Públicas de Ensino do Maranhão a firmarem parcerias com o Corpo de Bombeiros e com a Polícia Militar, possibilitando que eles assumam a gestão administrativa de algumas de suas escolas. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas. No contexto investigado, a militarização se deu a partir da interface entre educação, vulnerabilidade social e performatividade, sem uma discussão e problematização das desigualdades sociais e do caráter público da escola, que é profundamente alterado

    Barriers to using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and sexual behaviour after stopping PrEP: a cross-sectional study in Germany

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    Background Persistence of individuals at risk of HIV with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is critical for its impact on the HIV epidemic. We analysed factors associated with stopping PrEP, barriers that may deter people from continuing PrEP and investigated sexual behaviour after stopping PrEP. Methods Current and former PrEP users in Germany were recruited to complete an anonymous online survey on PrEP use and sexual behaviour. Participants were recruited through dating apps, a PrEP community website, anonymous testing sites and peers. The results were analysed using descriptive methods and logistic regression. Results We recruited 4848 current and 609 former PrEP users in two study waves (July–October 2018, April–June 2019). Former PrEP users were more likely 18–29 years old than current users (adjusted OR = 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1–2.3). Moreover, they were more often unhappy with their sex life, which was more pronounced in former daily PrEP users (aOR = 4.5, 95% CI 2.9–7.1) compared to former on-demand users (aOR = 1.8, 95% CI 1.1–2.9, pinteraction = 0.005). The most common reason for stopping PrEP was a reduced need for PrEP (49.1%). However, 31.4% of former users identified logistic reasons and 17.5% stopped due to side effects. Former PrEP users using PrEP < 3 months were more likely to stop PrEP due to concerns over long-term side effects (32.0% vs. 22.5%, p = 0.015) and not wanting to take a chemical substance (33.2% vs. 24.0%, p = 0.020) compared to former PrEP users who used PrEP for longer. After stopping PrEP, 18.7% of former PrEP users indicated inconsistent condom use while having ≥4 sex partners within the previous 6 months. Former PrEP users with many partners and inconsistent condom use more often indicated logistic reasons for stopping (46.5% vs. 27.9%, p < 0.001) than did other former PrEP users. Conclusions To maximise persistence with PrEP we need to develop strategies for younger PrEP users, reduce logistic barriers to access PrEP, and to develop effective communication on side-effect management. Moreover, prevention strategies for people stopping PrEP are required, since some remain at high risk for HIV.Peer Reviewe

    HIV, STI and renal function testing frequency and STI history among current users of self-funded HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, a cross-sectional study, Germany, 2018 and 2019

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    Introduction: Users of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) require periodic testing for HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and renal function. Before PrEP was made free of charge through statutory health insurance in late 2019, PrEP users in Germany had to pay for testing themselves. Aim: We investigated self-reported HIV, STI and renal function testing frequencies among self-funded PrEP users in Germany, factors associated with infrequent testing, and STI diagnoses. Methods: A cross-sectional anonymous online survey in 2018 and 2019 recruited current PrEP users via dating apps for men who have sex with men (MSM), a PrEP community website, anonymous testing sites and friends. We used descriptive methods and logistic regression for analysis. Results: We recruited 4,848 current PrEP users. Median age was 37 years (interquartile range (IQR): 30–45), 88.7% identified as male, and respectively 26.3%, 20.9% and 29.2% were tested less frequently for HIV, STI and renal function than recommended. Participants with lower STI testing frequency were significantly less likely to report STI diagnoses during PrEP use, especially among those with many partners and inconsistent condom use. Factors most strongly associated with infrequent testing included not getting tested before starting PrEP, using PrEP from informal sources and on-demand/intermittent PrEP use. Discussion: In a setting of self-funded PrEP, many users obtained medical tests less frequently than recommended, which can lead to missed diagnoses. Barriers to testing should be addressed to enable proper medical supervision. The suitability of testing frequencies to PrEP users with less frequent risk exposures needs to be evaluated.Peer Reviewe